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Redness and swelling

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Redness and swelling of skin
Redness and swelling due to local vasodilation and blood The redness and swelling of part of the skin caused by excess.
TCM disease name
Redness and swelling
Foreign name
red and swollen; inflamed
Common causes
Due to local vasodilation and blood too much
common symptom
Redness and swelling of the skin

Dictionary explanation

red and swollen; inflamed
The skin is swollen and red.

Foot moss redness and swelling



Tinea pedis is a skin disease caused by filamentous fungi invading the foot skin. It often occurs in the skin under the toes (especially the fourth and fifth toes) and the skin between the toes. You may also be infected if you come to contact the skin of the patient's feet for shoe changing or other reasons.


It is red, swollen, peeling, itchy, and emits a special odor. Sweat or water makes the upper layer of the skin white and wet, so that other parts of the foot will also be affected. Tinea pedis is mildly infectious. Although the itching is uncomfortable, it generally does not cause serious harm.

Should be avoided

1. Keep feet clean and dry, wash feet and change shoes and socks frequently. After taking a shower or swimming and washing feet, carefully wipe the toes. Wear absorbent natural cotton socks, perforated sandals or shoes with perforated uppers to keep your skin dry.
2. Those who have sweaty feet and often wear long boots and rubber shoes can sprinkle them in their shoes and socks Tinea pedis Powder.
3. Do not use hands to catch feet to avoid staining Tinea manus
4. The external medicine for washing should be used alternately, and the same medicine should not be used for a long time. After recovery, apply medicine once a week, especially in hot weather.
5. Treatment Tinea pedis It is not suitable to contact with alkaline substances such as soap, so as not to reduce the efficacy.
6. When feet itch, the habit of scalding feet with hot water is not advisable, because it is easy to spread tinea, and even cause lymphangitis.
7. Do not share towels or floor mats with others to avoid infecting others.

A recipe from a famous expert

1. 30g apricot and plum root, 30g pomegranate peel, 12g Dafeiyang, 20g bone penetrating herb. After frying, fumigate your feet.
2. 60g wormwood leaves, 20g garlic, 20g Liujinugen, 12g rice bran. Soak feet for 15 minutes each time after frying.
3. 30g Sausage, 30g Saxifraga, 30g Purslane and 250g Rice Washing Water. Heat the decoction and soak the feet.
4. Several alcoholic medicine flowers and leaves. At the end of feeling, add a little alum to rub the affected area, or take fresh leaves to rub the affected area.
5. 15g Corydalis equisetifolia, 30g Phellodendron chinense, 1 fresh pig gall, 1g borneol. First, fry the horse tail coptis and phellodendron chinense into paste, remove the residue, then add pig bile, fry it on low heat for 1-2 minutes, leave the fire, mix it with warm borneol, and rub the affected part every night.
6. 15g camphor and 30g yellow wax. Heat the yellow wax and spread it on the sterilized gauze. Sprinkle camphor powder on the yellow wax surface and stick it on the affected part. Change it every day or every other day.
7. 120g of rhubarb and 30g of dried alum are fine powder, which can be directly sprinkled or mixed with vegetable oil.
8. Dry apply clam powder.
9. Pan fry, smoke and wash the whole herb of leek.
10. One bottle of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water. First, soak the affected foot in warm water, wash it, wipe it dry, and then apply the Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to the affected part between the toes, once in the morning, once in the middle, and once in the evening. Five days is a course of treatment.
11. 90g of earthy wattle bark and 250ml of liquor. Rub on the affected part after soaking in wine for a week.
12. Appropriate amount of rust and rice vinegar. Grind the rust, and use rice vinegar to prepare 60% solution (brownish red). Wash hands and feet before use, dip a cotton ball into the vinegar rust solution and coat the affected part once a day.
13. 30g of Chuanhuanglian (crushed) and Cimicifuga, 45g of Chinese nutgall (crushed), and 500ml of 75% alcohol. Soak the medicine in alcohol for 4-6 days, and filter out the dregs; The dregs can be soaked in 75% alcohol (subject to immersion), and the dregs can be filtered out after 1 week. Wipe the affected area dry with disinfectant cotton, apply gauze soaked with liquid medicine, and change the dressing every 2-4 hours.
14. 30g papaya and 30g licorice respectively. Decoct with medicated water to remove the residue, dry and warm the feet for 5-10 minutes, 1 dose per day.
15. 25 grams of agastache, 2 grams of raw rhubarb, 10 grams of polygonatum and alum respectively. Soak 500g white vinegar for 24 hours, boil and cool. Immerse the affected part with this solution for 3 to 4 hours, and do not contact alkaline substances such as soap, lime, etc. within 5 days during the medication period.
16. Kudzu root, alum, Senecio, etc. Dry the medicine and grind the powder in sealed packaging, 40 grams per bag. Every night, take a bag of powder and pour it into a basin. Add 3000 ml of warm water and mix well. Soak the foot in the solution for 20 minutes. 7 days is a course of treatment. Other drugs were stopped during treatment.
17. 60g of raw land and 15g of Angelica sinensis. You can also use liquid medicine to soak the affected part.
18. Soak 90g fresh flying grass in 500ml of 75% alcohol for 3~5 days, then take the extract and wipe it out.

Western medicine treatment

1. When there is secondary infection, first apply antibiotics to the whole body.
2. The blistered type can be soaked in 3% boric acid solution or 1/1000 lead acetate once a day for 20 minutes each time. The rubbed type can be externally applied with ointment drugs, such as compound benzoic acid ointment, sulfur salicylic acid ointment, and can also be externally applied with Mieke, Fuqi or 1% Benafin ointment.
3. For stubborn and intractable Dermatophyte infection Oral medicine can be given, such as itraconazole, terbinafine, etc.

diet tyerapy

1. Boil 100ml of mature vinegar with 200ml of water, pour it into the foot wash basin, mix it at 40~50 ℃, and soak the affected feet, once a day for 30 minutes each time.
2. Smash some garlic into a paste and apply it to the affected area. Wipe it off for about 10 minutes, and then apply some aureomycin eye ointment, once every two days, and use it three times continuously to heal.
3. 14 onions and 120g white honey. Smash together to make mud and rub the affected part.