Jasmine flower

Oleaceae Jasminum
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synonym Jasmine (Oleaceae Jasminum) generally refers to jasmine flowers (Oleaceae Jasminum)
Jasmine flower( Jasminum grandiflorum L.), Perennial climbing of Jasminum in Oleaceae suffruticosa plant Climbing shrub, branchlets terete, angulate or furrowed; Leaves opposite, leaf axis often with narrow wings, leaflets ovate or long ovate; Cymes terminal or axillary, peduncle long, Bract Linear, calyx glabrous, lobes conical linear, corolla white, high foot saucer shaped; Flowering from August to October; No fruit is found. [12] Because the flower is white and light, fragrant and fragrant, it is named Jasmine Flower. [13]
The origin of jasmine is eastern India [21 ] It is now distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong and other places in China, as well as in Africa and Australia. [14] Jasminum is light loving, half shade tolerant, slightly cold resistant, drought resistant, and suitable for fertile and moist soil with good drainage. The propagation of jasmine flowers generally adopts cutting and layering. [15]
Jasminum flower buds can be used as medicine, with the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, promoting qi and dispersing knots, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and itching skin; It is also recorded in the Record of Collecting Medicines in the South of the Five Ridges that jasmine flowers should be kept in greenhouses to relieve the depression and pain of the heart and stop the abdominal pain. [16] Fragrant flowers coiled with vines, green, white and fragrant, can be called a unique beauty. "Flower Mirror" said that it was the most beautiful autumn flower, "the flowers look like luxuriant plums and are fragrant. [17] The jasmine flower can be eaten with a meal, and should not be eaten too much each time. [18] Suxin peanuts grow in the south and are evergreen all the year round. They are in full bloom in spring. They are white or yellow in color and shaped like winter plums, also known as "jade hibiscus". [19]
Chinese name
Jasmine flower
Latin name
Jasminum grandiflorum L. [11]
Jasmine flower
National flower of Pakistan

History of botany

Because the flower is white and light, fragrant and fragrant, it is named Jasmine Flower. [13] Suxin peanuts grow in the south and are evergreen all the year round. They are in full bloom in spring. They are white or yellow in color and shaped like winter plums, also known as "jade hibiscus". [19]

morphological character

Climbing shrub, 1-4m high. Branchlets cylindrical, ribbed or furrowed. Leaves opposite, pinnately parted or 5-9 leaflets, 3-8 cm long, 3-6 cm wide; The leaf axis often has narrow wings, petiole 0.5-4 cm long; The leaflets are ovate or long ovate, and the terminal leaflets are often narrow rhombic, 0.7-3.8 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm wide. The apex is acute, acuminate, blunt or round, sometimes with a short pointed head, wedge shaped base, blunt or round.
 Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Jasmine flower Ink line drawing of jasmine flower Jasmine flower
Jasmine flower
Cyme Terminal or axillary, 2-9 flowers; Peduncle 0-3 cm long; Bracts linear, 2-3 mm long; The pedicel is 0.5-2.5 cm long, and the pedicel of the flower in the middle of the inflorescence is obviously shorter than the pedicel of the surrounding flower; Flower fragrance; Calyx glabrous, lobes conical linear, (3 -) 5-10 mm long; The corolla is white and saucer shaped with high legs. The corolla tube is 1.3-2.5 cm long, and most of the lobes are 5, oblong, 1.3-2.2 cm long and 0.8-1.4 cm wide. No fruit is found. Flowering from August to October. [1] [20]


The origin of jasmine is eastern India [21 ] It is now distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Guangdong and other places in China, as well as in Africa and Australia. [14] Jasminum is light loving, half shade tolerant, slightly cold resistant, drought resistant, and suitable for fertile and moist soil with good drainage. [15]

Reproductive methods

The propagation of jasmine flowers generally adopts cutting and layering. [15]

Seed reproduction

Jasmine has few fruits, which are about the size of a pea seed fruit There is only one seed in it. The seeds shall be collected when the fruits are fully dark and mature in the winter December. After collection, the outer pulp shall be placed in a ventilated and dry place to dry, and then the seeds shall be sown before and after the Spring Festival; The fertile loose sandy soil is used as the border for the seeding bed, and the soil is covered with 1cm after shallow furrow drilling with 15cm row spacing or spot sowing in 15cm × 15cm shallow pond; After sowing seeds, cover them with a layer of pine needles or straw to prevent the seeds from exposing soil when watering. Then sterilize and water them thoroughly. The small arch shed is used for moisturizing and warming. After careful management and protection for half a year, the seedlings can be grown out of the nursery. [5-6]

cuttage propagation

Jasminum paniculatum cuttings can breed a large number of flower seedlings in a short period of time. The cutting time should be in the middle of January (about 20 days before the Spring Festival) in the protected area of Yunnan with clear dry and wet climate; It is better to breed seedlings by cutting in the open field during the rainy season from June and July to the summer festival.
cuttage When selecting 1-2 years old and strong branches around the mother plant, cut horizontally between the two leaf nodes to cut into cuttings with 2-3 leaf nodes as a section (if cutting in summer is not suitable to select too tender branches). The cuttings are generally 8-12cm long. Remove flower buds and leaves from the lower 1~2 leaf nodes. If wax seal or plastic film is used to seal the top cutting, the effect will be better; The lower part of the cuttings is soaked in 5/10000 naphthylacetic acid or 1/10000 ABT1 rooting powder solution for 1h, and then inserted into the seedling bed of sandy loam soil with less humus sterilized by carbendazim and other fungicides. The cutting depth is about 1cm from the soil. After cutting, proper shading, temperature control and humidity management are mainly carried out. If the seedlings are covered with plastic film in small arch shed, ventilation should be timely in high temperature to prevent burning. Generally, after 30 days of cutting, adventitious roots grow from the lower leaf nodes and new buds grow from the upper leaf nodes. After 90 days of cutting, the seedlings can be planted in bags or dug out of the nursery half a year later. [4] [6]

division propagation

Jasmine flower division propagation It is more simple and easy to operate, and suitable for small amount planting in general families. In the process of individual plant propagation, select the sprouting seedlings with clustered roots around the mother plant to pry out along the root, cut off the vines above 10-50cm, and then use plastic film to tie the top to form a new seedling, which can be directly used for field planting. If planted in spring, buds can appear in the winter of that year, and flowers can bloom in the spring of the next year. [5-6]

cultivation techniques

Jasminum flower cultivation can be divided into yard planting, fence planting and balcony potted planting. For courtyard planting, it is only necessary to dig a pond at the foot of the wall, and then bolt 3-5 iron wires of 2m long for climbing; It can also be planted on a trellis to form a shade under the vine. The balcony potted plants shall be planted in large flowerpots with mature fertile soil. After planting, two 2m long small white bamboos and purple bamboos shall be inserted in the flowerpots for climbing. However, due to the small amount of soil for flower pot planting, the pot soil should be completely or partially replaced after 2 or 3 years of planting. When replacing the pot soil, take the loam in a hand-held plastic bag, add 1/3 of chicken manure, sheep manure and other farm manure, mix them evenly, water them until no water drips from the hand, tie the plastic bag mouth tightly and place it in the sunny place to ferment and mature for 20-30 days, pry out most of the old soil from the flower pot and replace it with fermented fat soil. [5-6]
 Jasmine flower Jasmine flower
Jasmine flower

Disease and insect control

The jasmine peanut grows fast without any diseases and pests. During cultivation, attention should be paid to the fact that if the nutrient is excessive, the growth will be excessive, the leaves will be dark green, and the flowers will blossom less. If the water is too much, the flowering period will be shortened, and the flower fragrance will be weakened. In frost damaged areas above 1900m, only some leaves will be frozen and withered, but no more hazards will be seen. [5-6]

Key values



The jasmine flower can be eaten with a meal, and should not be eaten too much each time. [18]


The jasmine flower is white all over the body. When it is in full bloom, the flowers are densely covered with branches, and there is a light fragrance, which makes people feel refreshed and energetic. [7]
This flower is fragrant and beautiful, and is often cultivated for viewing. [1] Fragrant flowers coiled with vines, green, white and fragrant, can be called a unique beauty. "Flower Mirror" said that it was the most beautiful autumn flower, "the flowers look like luxuriant plums and are fragrant. [17]


Jasminum flower buds can be used as medicine, with the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, promoting qi and dispersing knots, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, and itching skin; It is also recorded in the Record of Collecting Medicines in the South of the Five Ridges that jasmine flowers should be kept in greenhouses to relieve the depression and pain of the heart and stop the abdominal pain. [16]
Channel tropism of nature and taste
Bitter, flat, non-toxic
Usage and dosage
Internal use: decoct soup or make tea and drink 25-50g.
Soothing the liver and relieving depression; Qi movement and pain relief. It is mainly used to treat abdominal pain caused by liver depression and qi stagnation; Stop diarrhea and abdominal pain. For stomach pain, hepatitis, Irregular menstruation , dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, stomatitis, skin itching, orchitis, mastitis , Tuberculosis of lymph nodes. [8]
Jasminum flower also has the function of skin care and beauty. It is also used in clinic to treat pain caused by liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and anemia caused by many reasons. [9]
Common prescriptions
Jasminum flower can also be used as medicine. Its nature is flat, non-toxic It can "relieve the depression and pain of heart qi, and stop the diarrhea and abdominal pain." It can treat the liver pain caused by hepatitis and cirrhosis, chest and flank discomfort, heart and stomach qi pain, diarrhea and abdominal pain: 6-9 grams of jasmine flower, decocted in water or Make tea Drink.
Treatment of skin pain and itching: appropriate amount of jasmine flowers, water fried wash the affected part.
Treatment of stomatitis: jasmine flower, fried thick juice and gargle.
chemical composition
Jasmine flowers contain Linalool (linalool), benzylacetate, benzoic acid (Z) - 3-vinyl ester (Z) 3-hexenylbenzoate, cis jasmone, indole (indol), jasminelac tone and Methyl jasmonate (methyljasmonate)。 [4]

Plant culture


Flower language

Bai Suxin - affable
Huang Suxin -- Beautiful and elegant

Historical traceability

The jasmine flower, formerly known as Yaximing, is said to have been brought from the Western Regions by Lu Jia in the Han Dynasty. Zhao Tuo, the king of Nanyue, was originally a northerner, so he brought it to Guangzhou because he missed his hometown. Therefore, in the early Han Dynasty, during the period of Nanyue State, places like Zhuangtou in Henan Province began to plant jasmine flowers and jasmine flowers. There is also a beautiful story about the origin of the name of jasmine flowers. It is said that during the Five Dynasties, there was a flower growing girl named Suxin in Zhuangtou Village, Haizhu District, Guangzhou. She was very beautiful. Since childhood, she preferred Yeximing and planted a lot of flowers. She also used green silk thread to string flowers and wore them on her neck. At that time, when the Emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty ascended the throne, 3000 beautiful women were recruited from all over the world. Miss Suxin was elected to the palace and was loved by the emperor. The emperor was so fond of Tou Suxin that he ordered the royal gardens to be planted with Yeziming, and the palace maids to wear this flower. Every morning when the palace ladies get up to wash, the flowers fall into the water and fill the downstream lake, which is the earliest Liuhua Lake in Guangzhou. [10]
Later, Suxin died of old age in the palace. The emperor missed her very much and planted Yeziming flowers in the garden where she was buried. After the end of the Southern Han Dynasty, the villagers of Zhuangtou Village welcomed Suxin's bones back for burial. Three days later, people were surprised to find that Suxin's grave was covered with clusters of white Yeximing. In memory of Suxin's girl, people renamed Yeximing as Suxin Flower. There was a poem in the Qing Dynasty that said, "There are many people in 33 villages, and most of them are flower farmers". Therefore, Zhuangtou also has the reputation of "flower field". At that time, Zhuangtou villagers "lived on jasmine flowers", and Dongguan people even called jasmine flowers "Henan flowers". [10]

Cultural color

Pakistan The national flower is jasmine, which can be seen everywhere in Pakistan. It grows not only in the wild, but also in every family's garden.
Pakistan is one Islam In the Republic, according to the teachings of Islam, people must emit pleasant fragrance in public places or in front of others. Because the Islam doctrine is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the jasmine flower with pleasant fragrance is regarded as a symbol of faith by the Pakistanis, and it is integrated into daily life. Later, it was simply designated as the national flower. People also call jasmine flowers "the weakest of flowers". When women in Pakistan reach the age of 13, they must wear veils when they go to the street. They need to rely on men's strong arms to live; But in power Men They have not forgotten their mother, wife and daughter. They regard the national flower of their country as the jasmine flower with rich fragrance and soft appearance. This is the tenderness of respect for women that comes from the deepest heart of those men who seem to value men more than women. [2]

Related poems

"Holding Jasmine Flowers for the First Time"—— Tagore