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System structure

All sets of system connections
System structure is the way and order in which the elements of a system interact with each other, or the whole set of system connections. Connection is the relationship of interaction and interdependence between system elements, which is the medium for elements to form a system. The links between elements can be reflected in three aspects: the form of links, the number of links, and the strength of links.
System structure and System elements Compared with the connection, the level is higher and more complex. The change of each element and connection in the system will cause the change of the system structure. The form of system structure is diverse and multidimensional. Generally, there are the following types: (1) Time structure, the combination form in which various elements form links with time. (2) Spatial structure, the arrangement and combination form formed by the spatial connection of various elements. (3) Space time structure, the unity of time structure and space structure. [1]
Chinese name
System structure
system inside
Interconnection between components

Basic characteristics

Computer system structure
Basic features of the system structure: stability Hierarchy , openness Relativity
The system structure is also used to describe the division and definition of interfaces between machines at all levels in the computer system, as well as the allocation of functions above and below interfaces at all levels. Each level has its own system structure.




A collection of interrelated system elements organized according to certain rules from the purpose of the system.


In the most basic sense, a system is composed of interrelated elements. Elements refer to the basic elements that do not need to be further decomposed and investigated from the purpose of the research system. For example, an airline has aircraft, staff and various equipment, which are elements of the airline system.

Large systems and subsystems

Some systems, especially large systems, can be decomposed into several subsystems for the convenience of research. The subsystem plays an element role in the activities of the large system, but when it is necessary to investigate the structure of the subsystem, it can be decomposed into smaller subsystems. For example, a country is a large system, which consists of political subsystem, economic subsystem, cultural education subsystem, national security subsystem, etc. These subsystems are composed of several smaller subsystems. For example, the economic subsystem consists of Industry Agriculture business , transportation and other subsystems. Element subsystem system is a relative way to express the hierarchical structure of the system, and this decomposition is not unique.

Element and subsystem associativity

The interrelation (action, influence, relationship, etc.) between elements or subsystems is another content of the system structure. Two different systems can be composed of identical sets of elements, but there are different associations between elements. For example, an inductance coil and a capacitor can be formed by different connection modes (such as series connection and parallel connection) Series resonant system Or parallel resonance system. Therefore, two systems with different structures may have different elements in the two systems, or they may have the same elements but different associations between them.

System architecture diagram

System structure diagram
The system structure can be represented by the system structure diagram (see figure). Large circle in the figure s Represent the system, small circle in s s 1, s 2,…, sn Represents the connection between elements or subsystems and small circles rij express si And sj Association between.