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System implementation

Terms of system engineering
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System implementation refers to the system implementation and delivery process after the system outline design and detailed design. It has two stages. The first stage is the system technology realization process and the management of this process, including the establishment of programming standards, program design, testing, construction and release, which are all pre delivery work. The deliverables in the implementation phase include software, data and documentation. The final released software is the core of the deliverables, and other deliverables such as user manuals are also essential. The second stage is the user transformation stage, that is, the process of delivering the system to users after release, including user training, business process reengineering implementation, system transformation, operation and maintenance. This is mainly the customization process of system implementation. The deliverables at this stage are mainly user implementation plans, including training plans, reorganization implementation plans, conversion plans, operation and maintenance plans, maintenance records and modification reports. The first stage is completed in the development team, which focuses on technical realization. The completed system completely covers the requirements and specifications, and reaches the system goals and indicators, that is, it realizes the system from a technical perspective to meet user needs; The second phase focuses on management and is completed at the user end. Although the focus is different, the goal is to successfully implement the system, give users a good system, and let users use the system well. [1]
Chinese name
System implementation
Established objectives and structure
Largest cost, longest cycle and widest coverage
systems engineering



according to system design The process of establishing the objective and structure to optimally use the given resources and establish an entity system that can deliver normal operation. System implementation is a stage with the largest cost, longest cycle and most extensive coverage in the whole process of system development.


According to its work content, the system implementation can be divided into two stages: implementation design and manufacturing process.
1. Implementation design phase
System implementation
In this stage, according to the final results of the system design stage, that is, the system specification, the system manufacturing basic plan, the system implementation plan, etc., the manufacturing specification and the manufacturing implementation plan are prepared, and the possible random interference factors in the implementation process are predicted, analyzed and eliminated. The contents and steps of implementing the design are: ① Familiarize and master the contents of system design; ② Develop a detailed plan for implementing the design; ③ Discuss, evaluate and decide the basic design of system implementation; ④ Detailed analysis of system design from the perspective of technology and economy; ⑤ Detailed design, evaluation and decision on system implementation; ⑥ Analyze and evaluate the system manufacturing scheme in detail; ⑦ Carry out tests on some manufacturing technologies, and modify the design and manufacturing scheme according to the evaluation of the test results; ⑧ Sort out and determine the manufacturing instructions; ⑨ Prepare and determine the manufacturing plan.
2. Manufacturing process stage:
In this stage, the system shall be manufactured reasonably and effectively according to the final results of the implementation design stage, that is, the manufacturing instructions, manufacturing plans, etc. At the same time, relevant operation and maintenance documents required in the system operation phase shall be formulated. The specific contents and steps of the manufacturing process are: ① Be familiar with and master the contents of the manufacturing instructions; ② Develop detailed manufacturing plan; ③ Analyze, predict and evaluate the production capacity and technical level of the manufacturing department, and further revise the manufacturing plan accordingly; ④ Implement the manufacturing plan, and manage and control the manufacturing process; ⑤ Test and identify the established system; ⑥ Summary and evaluation of manufacturing process; ⑦ Modify and determine the system instructions and manufacturing instructions; ⑧ Prepare system operation instructions, maintenance instructions and operation and maintenance management instructions; ⑨ Train system operators and maintenance personnel; ⑩ Develop system operation plan; (11) Make system maintenance plan.
The attached table describes the purpose of the two stages, main activities, final results and the basis for ensuring each activity. [2]