
A family of Dianthus
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Molluginaceae, Dicotyledon , about 14 genera, 95 species, mainly tropical and Subtropical There are 2 genera and 6 species in China, which are from southwest to east. herbaceous; Leaves opposite, alternate or nearly whorled, sometimes fleshy; Flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, solitary or arranged in cymes, usually small and inconspicuous; sepal Separated or connate only at the base, persistent; Petals small or absent; stamen A few or very many; ovary Epistasis, several chambers, or carpels free (Gisekia); Fruit dry, loculicidal or transversely dehiscent, rarely dehiscent. The genus included in the undergraduate course is also placed in the Aizoaceae (Aizoaceae)。
Chinese name
Dianthus superorder
Distribution area
Tropical and subtropical
sù mǐ cǎo kē

Ecological characteristics

herbaceous. Simple leaf, opposite, alternate or nearly whorled, sometimes fleshy; Stipules absent or small and falling early. The flowers are bisexual, small, radially symmetrical, solitary, clustered or in cymes or umbels. Single perianth, perianth segments 5, separate, sparse base united, imbricate arrangement, persistent; Stamens inferior or slightly peripheral, (2) 3-5-10 (- 20), filaments free or basal commissure, anthers 2-locular, longitudinally divided; Disk absent or annular; Ovary superior, carpels 3-5 united or free, style, stigma and ovary the same number, placentation axile, ovules many, curved or inverted. Capsule, loculicidal or annular, rarely undivided, perianth persistent. The seeds are numerous, the embryo is annular, and the endosperm is covered.
About 14 genera and 100 species, mainly tropical and subtropical. Most of them are dry land weeds. There are 3 genera and 8 species in China.
1. Carpel dissociation; Leaves rich in needle crystals Gisekia
1. Carpel commissure; Leaf needle free crystal.
2. Seeds with annular caruncle and aril; Floral degeneration stamen   Astragalus Glinus
2. The seed has no caruncle and aril; No flower degeneration stamen   Mollugo nudicaulis Mollugo [1]

Major Distribution of Undergraduate

About 14 genera and 100 species, mainly tropical and subtropical. Most of them are dry land weeds. There are 3 genera and 8 species in China. About 14 genera and 100 species, mainly tropical and subtropical. Most of them are dry land weeds. There are 3 genera and 8 species in China. [2]

Undergraduate representative

Conifera (Gisekia)
Astragalus (Glinus)
Mollugo oppositifolia L
Millet grass (Mollugo pentaphylla L.)
Also known as April Fly, Melon Seed Grass, Melon Sorrow Grass. It is the whole grass of Mollugo stricta L.
Annual small herb, up to 30 cm high. The whole grass is hairless. The stem has many forked branches, the branches are slender and angular, glabrous, and usually brownish green. Leaves are usually 3-5 pseudoverticillate, or opposite, root leaves are obovate to long elliptic, stem leaves are lanceolate or linear lanceolate, with different sizes, 1~3cm long and 3~7mm wide, and the base gradually narrows into a short stalk, the apex is pointed, the whole margin, and stipules fall early. Dichotomous Cyme Terminal or opposite to leaves, pedicel 2-6mm long. The flower has a simple perianth, 5 sepals, 3 stamens, 1 pistil, superior ovary, 3-celled, ovoid. The capsule is round.
The cotyledons of the seedlings are 2, and the leaves are oblong, about 3 mm long, with short stalks. Hypocotyl undeveloped, slightly purple. Primary leaf 1, obovate, base cuneate, entire. After the third postnatal leaf, it is wide lanceolate. The whole plant is smooth, hairless, and the leaves have waxy luster.
The adult plant has scattered stems and many branches, with a height of 10-30cm. Basal leaves oblong lanceolate to spatulate, entire; The stem leaves are usually 3-5 pseudowhorls or opposite, lanceolate or strip lanceolate, 1.5~3cm long, 0.3~0.7cm wide, and the petiole is short or nearly sessile. Dichasium Terminal or axillary, the total pedicel is slender, the flowers are small, light green; Sepals 5, margin membranous, elliptic, persistent; Petals missing, 3 stamens.
Castanea tenuifolia
The fruit is a broad oval or nearly spherical capsule, 3-valved. The seeds are mostly kidney shaped, orange red or millet yellow, with small granular processes. [3]
Most of them grow on hillside grassland, and also on the roadside, near villages and towns. It is produced in southern China to Jiangnan. Harvest in summer and autumn, remove impurities, use fresh or dry in the sun. It has medicinal value. [4]
Cornus tenuifolia (Mollugo cerviana (L.) Ser.)
It is a species with a relatively northern distribution in the genus Milium, and the northernmost can be distributed to the East Gobi, Middle Gobi and Junggar Gobi in Mongolia. In China, it is only recorded in Xinjiang and Hebei. Milium lineatum is an annual short lived herb with a height of only 8 cm. As a companion species in the community, it is not easy to be found by investigators. [2]
Milium multiflorum (Mollugo verticellata L). [5]
Hippocampus (Sesuvium)
Pseudomarine (Trianthema)