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Particle size distribution

Percentage of dust particles with different particle sizes in the total dust
Particle size distribution, also known as dispersion, refers to the percentage of dust particles with different particle sizes in the total dust. According to different measurement methods, it can be divided into counting distribution and weight distribution.
Chinese name
Particle size distribution
Foreign name
particle size distribution
Number or mass of particles in different particle size ranges
Representation method
Tabular method, graphical method and Functional method three
Introduction to terms
The number or mass of particles in the range of different particle sizes is called particle size distribution. The so-called particle size distribution refers to the proportion of particles with different particle sizes in a particle group, also called particle size distribution Dispersity When expressed in proportion to the number of particles, it is called the number distribution; With particles Surface area When expressed, it is called surface area distribution; When expressed in terms of particle mass, it is called the mass distribution. Since China's emission standards for particulate pollutants and measurement methods for smoke and dust concentration mostly adopt the weight method, and Dust collector performance The analysis and calculation also involve the mass and stress of dust, and the measurement is also convenient, so the mass distribution is often used in the dust removal technology. The particle size distribution can be expressed in tabular, graphical and Functional method 3 kinds. The simplest and most commonly used method is the list method. [1]