
Flat sacs surrounded by monolayers
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Thylakoids are distributed in Chloroplast matrix and blue-green algae In the cells, there are flat sacs surrounded by monolayers, also known as saccular structural membranes. along chloroplast The long axis of is arranged in parallel. Thylakoid membrane contains Photosynthetic pigment and Electron transfer chain Components, "light energy is directed to active chemical energy Transformation of( Photoreaction )”So the thylakoid membrane is also called Photosynthetic membrane
Chinese name
Foreign name
Chloroplast matrix and blue-green algae In cells
enlarge chloroplast Increased membrane area photosynthesis rate
Parallel arrangement along the long axis of chloroplasts

chemical composition

lipid The main fatty acids in Unsaturated fatty acid (about 87%), with high liquidity.
The proteins mainly include cytochrome b6/f complex Plastoquinone (PQ)、 Plastocyanin (PC)、 Ferredoxin Flavoprotein Optical system I Optical system II Compound, etc.
According to another classification standard, thylakoid membrane consists of protein And lipid And its weight ratio is about 1:1. About half of the lipids are glycolipids( Galactose Lipids and thiolipids), other Biomembrane Contains more phospholipid And the content of thylakoid membrane is not much.
Thylakoid is directly related to photosynthesis: Carotenoids Plastoquinone chlorophyll , plastocyanin, iron redox protein, etc.
In addition, the membrane structure of thylakoid is different from other biomembranes, and its main components are Glycolipids

Thylakoid species

Chloroplasts, thylakoids, grana [1]
Many thylakoids are stacked together like disks, called chloroplast Grana The thylakoids that make up the grana are called Grana thylakoid , consisting of Endometrial system Of Grana lamella (grana lamella)。 The grana is about 0.25~0.8 μ m in diameter and consists of 10~100 thylakoids. There are about 40-60 grana in each chloroplast.
Penetrate two or more Grana The thylakoids between which no stacking occurs are called Stroma thylakoid , they formed Endometrial system Of Matrix lamella (stroma lamella)。 Because adjacent grana are connected by reticular tubular or flat matrix thylakoids, all thylakoids are actually interconnected Closed system Thylakoid as a single closure Membranous capsule Of Primitive concept It has lost its original meaning. What it means is chloroplast The plane shape of the section.

Plant structure

thylakoid chloroplast Endometrial system It is a flat pocket structure. It is composed of 5-7 thick Nanometre The thylakoid membrane is composed of a large number of lumens (about 10 nanometers wide) separated by the thylakoid membrane. It means "bag shaped object". In the past Lamella , flat sack, discoid body( disk )Etc. The shapes and sizes (0.5 to several microns) vary.

major function

The first step of photosynthesis is light driven water decomposition Photosynthetic electron transport chain Required electron and proton gradients. from Optical system Water driven by captured light decomposition reaction It occurs inside the thylakoid membrane. Oxygen generated incidentally in this reaction is released into the atmosphere.
Photosynthetic electron transport chain
Ring type electron transfer chain is only carried out by optical system I, but both optical systems can carry out non ring type Electron transfer chain

Thylakoid of cyanobacteria

blue-green algae Is highly differentiated Membrane system Capable of photosynthesis Of prokaryote They have the ability to carry out fully functional photosynthesis and Respiratory electron transport chain Thylakoid membrane. The existence of different membrane systems gives these cells a unique complexity in bacteria. This makes blue-green algae must be able to recombine membranes and synthesize new membrane lipid Transport the appropriate target protein to the correct membrane system. In cyanobacteria cells adventitia plasma membrane , and thylakoid membrane have different roles. Understand the organization, function and membrane system protein The composition and dynamics of Cell Biology A big challenge of. [2]
Like plants, the thylakoid membrane of cyanobacteria is not divided into matrix and Grana Part of. The grana they formed are close to Bulk density Of cell membrane [3] The relatively large thylakoid distance provides space for the outer light harvesting antenna of cyanobacteria, the phycobilisomes.

Development history

In December 2022, the team of Dr. Lin Xianfeng and Professor Fan Shunwu from the Department of Orthopaedics of Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine and the team of Professor Tang Ruikang from the Department of Chemistry of Zhejiang University successfully extracted the "biological battery" with photosynthesis - thylakoid from spinach, and passed the precise preparation technology, It is the first time in the world to realize the cross species delivery of plant thylakoids to the cells of animal aging lesions, so that animal cells also have the energy of plant photosynthesis, thus opening the "door of time" to reverse cell degeneration and aging. [4]