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Manage Resources

Transforming potential productivity into intangible resources of real productivity
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Management resources are intangible resources that can transform potential productivity into real productivity. In human production activities, there are actually four kinds of resources: material, human, financial and management. Management resources have intangible and potential characteristics. The reason why it has become a resource is that economic organizations can achieve reasonable allocation and full utilization of existing people, property and materials by strengthening management without increasing the first three tangible resources, so as to increase output, output value and profit and achieve better economic benefits. It is a dynamic resource. It will take effect when it is combined with labor resources and material resources to form production and operation activities. This is because, after the combination of material resources and human resources, how much wealth can be provided to the society depends not only on the combination of workers and means of production in material form, but also on whether the productivity can be reasonably organized, the level of productivity can be improved, and whether the relationship between people in production can be correctly handled. [1]
Chinese name
Manage Resources
"Command" function "Supervision function
Manage human resources Manage organizational resources
Potential economy

brief introduction

Resources are the sources of materials. Generally speaking, resources are provided by workers Labor resources The amount of financial resources in possession of funds and the amount of material resources that society can provide for means of production, that is, people, money and things are general resources, which are tangible, static and direct resources, and management is also a kind of resource. From the perspective of production and circulation process, without increasing tangible resources of people, money and things, through strengthening management, Reasonable, full and effective use of people, finance and materials can increase output value, output and profits, and achieve greater economic performance Management is an invisible, dynamic and indirect resource. Science and technology are productive forces. People can do science and technology from their own practice to develop production and transportation and make people's lives richer. But only when science and technology modernization is combined with management modernization can science and technology be transformed into real productive forces.
The content of management has duality. One is the function of "commanding", that is, the function of organizing productive forces. Its basis is natural law, without class and sociality; The second is "supervision function, which is based on economic system and Production relations , with class and sociality. To give full play to the management function, we must reasonably organize the productive forces, constantly improve the level of productive forces, correctly handle the relationship between people in production and circulation, and make production relations adapt to the development of productive forces. Therefore, only when the management resources are used properly can the general resources be used economically and reasonably. The development of management resources can achieve greater economic benefits under the condition that the general resources remain unchanged, so that management can be transformed into social wealth.

Classification of management resources

1. Manage human resources.
Things are done by people. The improvement of management organization, the implementation of management functions, the adoption of management methods, and the use of management means all depend on people. The quality of managers determines the level of management, the development and utilization of management resources, and the development of social productivity. Japan regards the training and use of managers as "a major issue related to Japan's future destiny". The key to developing management resources is to improve the management ability of managers. Managers should be able to use scientific methods to guide management practice, be accurate, detailed, thorough, farsighted, innovative, knowledgeable, and able to solve practical problems; Be resourceful and decisive, have decision-making ability, cultivate and use talents, and organize and implement correct decisions to achieve management objectives.
2. Manage organizational resources.
Management has an organizational function. With an organization, managers will have a "place to play", and the development of management resources will have an organizational guarantee. Moreover, the organization itself is a kind of resource, and the development and management of resources must pay attention to the role of the organization. To manage the development of organizational resources, it is necessary to rationalize the organizational structure, establish a vibrant and dynamic socialist economic system, and adapt the size of the organization to the efficient, standardized and institutionalized operation of the organization.
3. Manage technical resources.
Management technology generally refers to decision-making technology. Decision making is an analysis and judgment process in which people determine the goal of future action and select an optimal plan from more than two feasible plans to achieve the same goal, in order to achieve the adaptability of the system and the environment and achieve dynamic balance. The decision-making method must be scientific. Decision makers must, according to the objective and practical needs, replace empirical decisions with scientific decisions. If necessary, they must have backup plans, which can be attacked and defended when encountered. In order to achieve the expected goals, they must have room for thinking in many ways and turning back.
4. Manage information resources.
Information generally exists in nature and human society. In modern production, information participates in production as one of the production factors. In order to seek its own survival and development, the enterprise cannot leave information for a while. The enterprise constantly obtains various information from the surrounding environment and the system, carries out transmission, communication, processing, storage, processing and analysis, extracts useful information from the different information obtained, so as to study market changes and material supply and demand, control and manage the enterprise's materials (or production) Business activities, promote the coordination of various circulation (or production) links, and achieve the material (or production) business objectives of the enterprise.

Characteristics of management resources

One is potential. Management resources exist in the production and economic activities of enterprises and are invisible resources. Only when workers and means of production are combined to form production and operation activities can they appear and take effect. Because of the potential of resource management, it is often ignored by people. However, the invalid facts prove that under the condition that the human, material and financial resources of the enterprise remain unchanged, the production of the enterprise can be doubled and the economic benefits can be significantly improved through the development and utilization of management resources
The second is economy. The development and utilization of management resources can achieve economic benefits without investment or with little investment. As long as enterprises strengthen management and improve production and operation activities, they can also achieve the intended goals. Therefore, resource management is also a cheap resource.
The third is universality. Management resources exist widely in the production and operation activities of enterprises. From the production process to the circulation process, from the factory capital to the workshop team, as well as all links of production, technology and economic activities, there are management resources, which can be said to be everywhere.
The fourth is infinity. Management resources are inexhaustible. Like the water of the Yangtze River, it can never be used up. No matter what level of management any enterprise has reached, it cannot be said that it has reached the top and can no longer be improved. There is still potential to be tapped. As long as the enterprise does not stop production and operation activities, management resources will always exist.
The fifth is sociality. Management resources cannot exist independently. They are always attached to the unified movement of productivity and production relations. Without production and operation activities, it will lose its existing conditions. As a subsystem of the entire national economic system, the enterprise is affected and restricted by the environment of the large system. The sociality of management resources brings complexity and difficulty to the development of management resources for enterprises.
To understand and understand the characteristics of management resources is to better develop and utilize management resources and improve the economic benefits of enterprises. From the situation of Chinese enterprises, the management resources that can bring a lot of material wealth to the society are far from being fully developed and utilized. For enterprises, the development and utilization of management resources is the foundation of their survival and competition. It is also the way for enterprises to succeed. In the current economic environment, there are still some difficulties. Making full use of management resources may be the best choice for enterprises to overcome difficulties. All the great achievements of modern society are permeated with the magic charm of management. All the twists and hardships of economic development do not painlessly reflect the restrictive effect of backward management. Enhance enterprise vitality and improve Economic benefits of enterprises It has always been the focus of common concern. Years of practice shows that,
Enterprises must be vigorous to management and benefit from it. Developing and utilizing management resources is a top priority. Only strict scientific management, strict scientific training, improving people's quality and making things reasonable can lead enterprises and even the country to the road of success. The success or failure of a career depends on people, who constantly improve their level and efficiency through education and management. For enterprises, only by attaching importance to management, educating people in management and strengthening management awareness can we improve the cultural quality of enterprises and even the whole nation, and improve the ability to develop and use management resources, which should become China's trans century development strategy.

Meaning of managing resources

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have entered the middle and late stage of industrialization at a speed unmatched by any country. However, the low level of technical quality and management has made the overall level of economy and technology 30 to 40 years behind that of advanced countries. The gap between production technology and equipment technology can be narrowed in a relatively short time by means of investment, introduction, transformation and absorption; However, the problems of low management level and poor personnel quality need difficult reforms involving ideology and superstructure, such as economic concept, consciousness, theory, method, system, skills, organization, legislation, education, etc. Practice has proved that management progress and technological progress can complement each other in the history of human civilization, although they cannot replace each other. They are a whole of common progress and development.
In a practical sense, developing management resources, accelerating management modernization, comprehensively improving the management technology quality of our bearing industry enterprises, and applying advanced management technologies, methods and means to the production, operation and management practice can control consumption, reduce costs, improve quality, and improve efficiency in field management, so as to increase economic efficiency The purpose of improving the management technology reserves and transforming the operating mechanism is to lay a solid foundation for the rapid development of the bearing industry in the next century.
From a strategic point of view, developing management resources and accelerating management modernization is a leap forward to comprehensively improve the management technical quality of bearing industry enterprises, make the experience management of traditional small production mode, quickly transfer to scientific management to meet the needs of socialized mass production and market economy, and complete the quality of production and operation management mechanism. Because the modernization of enterprise management lies in the continuous reform of management mode, which is a dynamic concept and has different connotations in different times. With the continuous development of science and technology, the dynamic process of management modernization is endless. If we do not seize the opportunity to complete the transition from experience management to "modern management", the existing gap is bound to widen, and the docking with the big market and the international economic cycle is bound to be elusive.
Therefore, in the process of strengthening enterprise management and promoting the modernization of management, it is not necessary to "do nothing without success". We should aim at the world's advanced level in terms of methods and means, overcome short-term behavior of seeking quick success and instant benefits, start from basic work, surpass the exploration process of predecessors, and enter the advanced ranks of modern management as soon as possible.

Development conditions

The reform of backward management is the subjective need of the industry's own development and the objective necessity of the progress of the whole society. It is not a matter for an enterprise or a factory director (manager), but a matter of great importance for the whole industry and even the country. If there is any difference, it is only the division of labor and responsibility. In terms of the current situation of China's economic management system and the management level of the bearing industry, the following preconditions should be actively created to accelerate the realization of management modernization:
First, leaders at all levels should raise their awareness of the importance of developing and managing resources, place the work of accelerating management modernization at the core of economic construction, and invest major energy in careful organization and practice. In the economic operation, the guiding role of leadership decision-making authority is still the key to success or failure.
Second, create modernity management science The conditions for knowledge popularization and improvement, and the development of all-round management modernization re education. Strictly speaking, management belongs to soft science and technology. It is a pity that those who believe in "contracting, changing and transferring" do not respect science in practice. Therefore, economic managers at all levels should learn the lesson of "foolishness for self use", speed up the updating of management scientific knowledge, and change the spontaneous learning of advanced management experience to self-conscious mastering of management technology. Only in this way can the gap between the industry and the world's advanced management level or domestic advanced management level be narrowed in a relatively short time, and the resultant force of management modernization be formed, Only in this way can we fight a "people's war" to develop and manage resources.
The third is to build a team of activists with socialist awareness, market economy awareness, modern management ideas and high quality to implement modern management science and technology. According to the characteristics of the economic structure and management system of the industry, this team, Wu Yi, led by the competent department of the industry, or gathered professional talents through soft science research institutions and associations, formed a specialized network and work system from the competent department to the production site in the form of decentralized and extensive cooperation, and promoted the commercialization of knowledge and the development of the knowledge market based on the principle of paid services, Promote the transformation of enterprise operation mechanism and management progress.
The fourth is to formulate a plan for the development of management resources, formulate incentive policies for the implementation of modern management science, as an important guarantee for the management level to reach a new level. Modernization of enterprise management is a huge systematic project, which cannot be achieved overnight. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the highly operational development and management resource planning and implement it by stages, batches and steps. In the process of planning implementation, there should be supporting methods and incentive policies to protect and develop management resources with legal effect.
Fifth, we should properly handle the relationship between developing management resources, promoting management modernization and reform, and even establishing a modern enterprise system. They are not separated or opposed to each other. The modernization of management is the process of the evolution of management from low level to high level; The transformation of enterprise management mechanism and the establishment of modern enterprise system are the contents and needs of developing management resources and promoting management progress. As far as the modernization of management methods and means is concerned, reform is the driving force for the development of management resources, the establishment of modern enterprise systems is a new management resource, and management modernization is the guarantee for the success of reform and "transformation of organizational system".
Because the reform is focused on solving the problem of adjustment of production relations. The establishment of modern enterprise system is to transform the leadership system, organizational system, distribution system, management system, etc. within the enterprise to mobilize the enthusiasm of people by reforming and rationalizing the management system and creating a good environment for development. Management modernization focuses on solving the problem of rational organization of productive forces in order to strengthen the business mechanism of the enterprise. By changing the backward management mode, enhance the quality of the enterprise, improve the internal proliferation ability and the adaptability of the external environment, effectively use human resources, property and various intelligent resources, and enhance the economic benefits of the two major aspects (transformation of organizational system and management modernization), not a single one can be omitted. So. In deepening reform and establishing a modern enterprise system, we must take the development of management resources and the promotion of management modernization as the core content of transforming the enterprise's operating mechanism, and place it in a strategic position.