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Management Science Theory

Management terms
The theory of management science is a school in the field of management, also known as the mathematical school. It is the continuation and development of the "scientific management" theory of the American engineer Taylor. It is a kind of modern organization management science, which develops from the research of operation method and operation level to the research of scientific organization by means of operation research, system engineering, electronic technology and other scientific and technological means, and absorbs the new achievements of modern natural science and technological science. It is characterized by using relevant scientific tools to find an effective quantitative solution for management decision-making, focusing on quantitative research. [1]
Chinese name
Management Science Theory
Mathematical school
With scientific and technological means such as operational research, system engineering and electronic technology, it has developed from the research of operation methods and operation levels to the research of scientific organizations. At the same time, it has absorbed the new achievements of modern natural science and technological science, forming a modern organization management science
The general procedure to solve a management problem is: 1. Ask questions. 2. Establish a mathematical model of the research system. A function containing a set of variables is used to express the benefits of the system. Its general form is: Z=f (xi, yj), where Z represents the benefits of the system (profit, cost, etc.), f represents the functional relationship, and xi, yj represents the variables in the system. 3. Get solutions from the model. Solve the mathematical model to obtain the quantity value that can make the system achieve the best benefit. 4. Check the practical significance of this model and its solution. 5. Control the obtained solution and work out the measures to adjust and control the scheme when the variable function and function have some changes. 6. Implement the plan.
The representatives of management science are Bofa Blackett and Berman of the United States, Kantorovich of the Soviet Union and others. The main idea is to use mathematics, natural science and social science knowledge to list management problems into mathematical models, find its solutions and conduct systematic research. The early representative works are Blackett's Some Aspects of Operational Research Methodology, Kantorovich's Mathematical Methods in Production Organization and Planning, etc. After the Second World War, this method was widely used in civil enterprises, and universities and advanced technical schools also offered courses in this field. In 1950, the first publication in this field, the Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, was published in London, England. In 1953, the Management Science Society was founded in the United States. The journal is Management Science. Paris, France, has also published a journal in this field since 1956. In 1957, under the sponsorship of the American Society for Management Sciences, the United Kingdom Institute of Operations Research and other organizations, an international conference was held in Oxford, England. 21 countries sent representatives to participate in the conference. Later, it was held every three years. From 1950 to 1970, management science was introduced into Europe and Japan.
In 1956, the Chinese Academy of Sciences set up an operational research group to promote quantitative management nationwide. It has achieved certain economic results in many fields. There are many people engaged in this work, including Professor Hua Luogeng of our country as the representative, who has successfully implemented the overall planning method in Daqing Oilfield, Heilongjiang Forestry Front, Shanxi Province Datong Kouquan Station, Taiyuan Railway Bureau, Taiyuan Iron and Steel Plant, etc. In some universities, management science disciplines have been set up, relevant societies have been established, and special journals have been published. In the early 1960s, a number of textbooks and other books on management science appeared. With the development of enterprise modernization, it will be more widely used and developed. [1]