management science

Disciplines that study management issues
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Management science is a new discipline developed on the edge of mathematics, social science, economics and other disciplines. Therefore, it has the attributes of both science and engineering disciplines and social disciplines. For example, mathematical methods are used in quantitative analysis, but logical reasoning and dialectical analysis are used in qualitative analysis, sometimes a combination of the two. [1]
Chinese name
management science
Foreign name
Journal of Management Science
School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology
Place of publication
Harbin, Heilongjiang Province

theoretical explanation

Modern management theory is represented by "system theory", "decision theory", "management science theory" and other schools. Its characteristics are that it uses system theory, information theory, and cybernetics as its theoretical basis, and uses mathematical models and computer tools to study and solve various management problems. The initial stage of management science began from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. First, American engineers Frederick Taylor He created a "standard labor method" and a labor quota, known as the "Taylor system", and published his representative work "Principles of Scientific Management" in 1911, Taylor It is known as the "father of scientific management". Along with "scientific management theory", Fayol's "management process theory" and weber Of“ Administrative Organization Theory 。” These three theories are collectively called "classical management theory". The second milestone of management science is "behavioral science theory". It came into being in the 1920s, and its founders were George Alton Mayo, professors of Harvard University and Fritz Rotellisburg. Later, behavioral science In the process of its development, it has formed some new theoretical branches. In 1946, the electronic computer was invented, and in 1948 cybernetics By the 1950s, the basic method of management science had been formed. In 1953, the Management Science Society was founded in the United States, and the journal Management Science was published.
After the 1960s, management science expanded to the organization and decision-making of personnel by applying the principles of behavioral science. In the process of extensive application, management science intersected and infiltrated with many social science disciplines and natural science disciplines, resulting in various branches of management science. For example: management sociology, administrative management, military management, education management, health management, technical management, urban management, national economic management, etc. In the 1980s, management science has involved strategic planning and strategic decision-making to further optimize organization and management and improve efficiency. The school of management science studies management problems with the help of mathematical models and computer technology, focusing on the management problems of operation methods and operations. The current management science also has the trend of developing to a higher level of the organization, but it is still facing many practical difficulties to solve the organizational problems in a complex environment by completely adopting the quantitative method of management science. The school of management science generally only studies the material process of production, pays attention to the advanced tools and scientific methods applied in management, and does not pay enough attention to the role of people in management, which is its shortcoming.
Management system simulation
Management science has expanded to various fields, forming an independent discipline system with extensive contents and complete categories. Management science has become the same as social sciences And natural science. Management modernization is the process of applying the theory, requirements and methods of modern science to improve the ability of planning, organization and control, so as to meet the needs of the development of productivity and make the management level reach the advanced level in the contemporary world. It is also the process of transforming the experience based traditional management into scientific modern management.


In a broad sense, the so-called management science refers to all kinds of management based on the application of scientific methods Decision Theory And methods. The main contents include: operational research, statistics, information science system science cybernetics behavioral science Etc.

Reasons for development

Since the 1950s, the main developed countries in the West have realized management modernization while highly industrialized. The management modernization contains a wide range of contents, mainly including the modernization of management ideas, management organizations, management methods and means. Management modernization is an important symbol of a country's modernization degree. The modernization of industry, agriculture, science and technology, international modernization, and even the modernization of the entire national economy can not be separated from modern management. Modern management can effectively organize productive factors, make full and reasonable use of various resources, improve the efficiency of various economic and social activities, and thus become a powerful driving force to promote modernization. Management has natural attributes and social attributes. The natural attributes of management reflect the requirements of the social labor process itself. Social labor under the conditions of division of labor and cooperation requires a series of management activities to effectively organize various elements such as human capital and material resources in a certain way, so that it can be carried out smoothly. The social attributes of management reflect the interests and requirements of the ruling class, Under a certain production mode, it is necessary to maintain certain production relations through management activities to achieve certain economic and social goals.
In economic management, the natural attribute of management is to scientifically and reasonably organize the elements of productivity, deal with and solve the technical links between things and between people and things in economic activities, such as the batching problem, productivity layout and planning in production, and the requirements of the technical performance of machinery and equipment on the technical level and proficiency of operators, Both reflect the requirements of natural laws and technological laws, and are not affected by the economic foundation and superstructure of society. The social attribute of economic management is to reconcile and improve the production relationship, and adjust the economic interest relationship between people, such as distribution system and management system, which are dominated by social and economic laws. In the development of modern economy, scientific management plays an increasingly important role. Scientific management directly brings economic benefits. In the case of limited material resources, the role of management resources is particularly important.

Discipline characteristics

Features of management science:
1. Strive to reduce the personal art of decision-making. It depends on the establishment of a set of decision-making procedures and mathematical models to increase the scientificity of decision-making. They quantified various variables or factors in many schemes, established quantitative models using mathematical tools to study the relationship between variables and factors, and sought an optimal answer expressed in quantity. The process of decision-making is the process of establishing and applying mathematical models.
Principles of Management Science
2. All feasible schemes are based on economic effects As the basis for evaluation. Such as cost, total revenue and Investment profit rate Etc.
3. Computers are widely used. In modern enterprise management, the factors that affect a certain transaction are complex. After establishing the model, the calculation task is extremely heavy. It often takes several years to obtain the results by relying on traditional calculation methods, which makes the calculation results unable to be used in enterprise management. The emergence of electronic computers has greatly improved the speed of calculation, making it possible to apply mathematical models to enterprises and organizations.

common method

Common methods of management science:
② Production planning and management.
③ Quality management.
⑤ Computer simulation.
⑥ Economic cybernetics.
⑧ Management information system, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

First, it is possible to decompose complex and large-scale problems into smaller parts, which is more convenient for diagnosis and processing;
Second, the production and analysis model must pay attention to details and follow logical procedures, so as to place decision-making on the basis of systematic research and improve the Scientific
Third, it is helpful for managers to evaluate different possible options. If the risks and opportunities contained in various options are clear, it is more likely to make the right choice.
The application of management scientific methods also has limitations: first, management science theory Its application scope is limited, and not all management problems can be quantified, which affects its application scope. For example, some management problems often involve many complex social factors, most of which are subtle and difficult to quantify. Of course, it is difficult to use scientific management methods to solve them. Secondly, there are many difficulties in solving problems in practice. It is easy to create barriers between managers and management science experts. Actual managers may have little understanding of complex and precise mathematical methods and cannot make correct evaluations. On the other hand, management science experts generally do not understand the actual work of enterprise operation, so the scheme provided cannot hit the nail on the head to solve the problem. In this way, it is difficult for both sides to cooperate. In addition, the adoption of this method requires a considerable amount of cost and time. Because people consider the cost problem, it is often only used for those large-scale complex projects. This also limits its application scope. So. Management science is not omnipotent. We should fully realize that it is an important management technology and method, and it is people who play a decisive role. Therefore, managers are required to master management science as soon as possible to make it consistent with various management technologies and methods so as to play a greater role.

representative figure

Lanchester and A.V. Hill
1. Lanchester. the First World War period; Lanchester, England (F.W Lanchester )Mathematics in 1915 Quantitative analysis method Applied to military affairs, he has published articles on the theoretical relationship between the superiority of manpower and firepower and military victory.
2. Hill. At that time, the British Quartermaster Department also set up an air defense test group, led by physiologist Captain A.V. Hill (later became a professor), which applied mathematical analysis methods to air defense weapons. Hill is known as one of the founders of operational research research.
Elwood Spencer Bofa
Elwood Spencer Bofa is the Western management science theory One of the representatives of; He once taught at the Management Research Institute of the University of California and the School of Business Administration of Harvard University. His representative work is Modern Production Management (1975). The Basis of Production Management was rewritten by Bofa according to Modern Production Management; It is concise and easy to understand, and has been recommended as a required reading for managers by Harvard Business Review. A large number of charts and mathematical formulas can be seen in this book. It is these scientific measurement methods that make the research of management problems from qualitative to quantitative.
Horace Cavensen
In the 1930s, Horace Cavensen applied complex mathematical models to a large number of data processing work that was difficult to do with traditional methods. Since the 1950s, a number of textbooks on management science (operations research) have emerged.

formation and development

History of management thought
Management is a way of existence in human society. With people, management problems arise. The management thought comes from the management practice and is the summary and summary of management experience. We divide the history of management thought before the emergence of systematic management theory into two main stages, and the 18th century is the boundary between these two stages. The management thought before the emergence of classical management theory is very simple and intuitive. Although the management thought in military management, national administration, church management and other aspects has been extremely rich, these thoughts mainly stay in the experience description or analogical thinking There is no systematic theoretical form. From the 18th century to the end of the 19th century, it was the embryonic stage of modern management theory.
Discussion on specific management techniques and methods
(1) Karl von Klauswitz, a Prussian military theorist, believes that "enterprises are simply a form of human competition similar to war", so his concept of military management can also be applied to the management of any large organization. His main views are as follows:
1. The necessary conditions for managing a large organization are careful planning and defining the organization's objectives.
2. Managers should acknowledge uncertainty, so as to comprehensively analyze and plan according to the requirements aimed at minimizing uncertainty.
3. Decisions should be based on science rather than hunches, and management should be based on analysis rather than intuition.
(2) Charles Babbage, a British mathematician and mechanist, further studied specialization on the basis of Adam Smith's theory of division of labor. In 1832, he published On the Economy of Machines and Manufacturing, which discussed professional division of labor, working methods, use of machines and tools, cost records, etc., and emphasized the role of people, analyzed the impact of color on efficiency, and encouraged workers to put forward reasonable suggestions. This book is an important document in the history of management.
(III) industrial revolution Later management practice: Suho Manufacturing Plant (people know that Watt has improved steam engine , making the steam engine the production power, thus promoting the industrial revolution in the second half of the 18th century, but few people know his achievements in management). In 1800, Suho Manufacturing Factory of Bolton Watt United Company in the United States was one of the first factories to apply scientific management to the manufacturing industry. It has a scientific work design, and the division of labor and specialization are carried out according to the requirements of making full use of machines; Implement a more practical wage payment method; There are relatively complete records and cost accounting system. However, management at that time had not been systematized into a science.
(IV) Utopian socialism One of the representatives of the British robert owen Although the experiments of "Newranark" and "New Xiehe Village" to realize his political ideas were unsuccessful, his practice and thought contributed to the formation of management science. For example, he cares about the working and welfare conditions of workers and pays attention to the Behavior education Therefore, Europe is called "Modern personnel management Father ".
The main and representative management practices and management theories introduced above are all the reflection of a single management practice and management idea of an individual or a group for a certain activity, and have not yet formed a complete system. Therefore, we call this period the embryonic period of management theory.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, scientific management school represented by Taylor and fayol weber As a representative of the management organization school, it marks the emergence of management as a science. For the management of this period, we call it classic management theory.
Taylor is called the "father of scientific management". His Scientific management theory The core of is to improve efficiency. Fayol's pioneering research on management process and management theory, especially on management functions And Management principles The description of, has a very far-reaching impact on the subsequent management theory research. The most important point is that Fayol is different from Taylor. He believes that although his management theory focuses on large enterprises, it is not only applicable to the management of industrial and commercial enterprises, but also applicable to the management of governments, churches, social groups, military organizations and other undertakings. Therefore, Fayol is regarded as the first generalization and elaboration General Management Theory Management experts. A famous German sociologist max weber Is management organization theory Another representative of. weber The main research objects of Formal organization In a sense, his organizational theory is also about Administrative organization system The theory of. Barnard He has also made great contributions to the research of organization theory. Barnard focused his research on individuals in the organization. Barnard's main contribution is to discover Informal organizations
Modern management theory
Modern management is the most active science. Since the 1930s, new management theories have emerged one after another, like a dense jungle. In this sense, people use“ Management Theory Jungle ”To describe the situation where modern management theories stand together. Interpersonal theory Behavioral Science School management science theory Decision Theory School Contingency theory school
The birth of modern management is based on Taylor (F.W. Taylor) Principles of Scientific Management (1911) and fayol (H. Fayol) Industrial Management and General Management (1916). The modern sense of management is less than 80 years old. For more than 80 years, management science has made great progress and development. Management researchers, management learners, and management literature have all increased exponentially, showing the vitality and prosperity of a young discipline. However, management still needs development, because human beings will enter the 21st century, and human civilization needs management


1. The organization's resources have shifted from labor, land and capital to knowledge and information. Traditional resources such as labor, land, capital and natural resources support the development of the 20th century. However, some people say that knowledge and information will become the largest resources for development in the 21st century. Assuming that this statement is true, whether the current resource allocation model should be abandoned, and how the future resource allocation model should be. The theory and practice of organizational transformation, popular in Europe and the United States in the 1990s, seems to be the forerunner's behavior, but it does have its historical background and future call.
2. The members of the organization change from economic man to social man and self actualizing man. In the 20th century, when the material is not very rich but gradually enriched, the public was forced to live more like an economic man chasing interests, and economists constructed their theoretical system and realistic economic system. However, after the material is very rich and human life has been greatly improved, people may begin to get rid of the title of economic man, At this time, not only the economic system needs to be restructured, but also the driving force for people's efforts. There are also many managers who claim to be "people-oriented" management and seem to be looking for a future paradigm.
3. Changes in the internal and external environment of the organization are accelerating. The speed of environmental change is getting faster and faster, and some huge rigid organizations can no longer adapt themselves to the environment nimbly, leading to decline and even extinction. With the advent of the new century, some people who shoulder the heavy trust of the organization have to worry about the survival and development of the organization, so there is a theory of "the fifth discipline" to target the current organization. However, it is not easy to make an organization become an organism with learning ability and transcendental thinking. In the 21st century, which organizations can truly become such organizations, so as to maintain an invincible position.
4. In the 21st century, people's ethics will undergo new changes. The mental mode and thinking mode of people in the 20th century are the product of the comprehensive effect of many constraints in the 20th century. After the changes of these constraints in the 21st century, as the starting point of management, their values and ways of thinking will change unpredictably. However, in the 20th century, profit was more important than justice Ethics And behavior should be transformed into a new ethics and behavior, so as to construct the future social and economic system. The management science in the 21st century will cover new management ethics, management values and behavior. Starting to discuss the future management ethics may be of great help to the future managers.
5、 information explosion It will lead to difficulties in self information search. The 21st century is a century of information and information explosion. The more abundant the information is, the more difficult it is for people to search for the information they need in time, unless there are more effective information search methods and technologies than today. People in the information society are like a lonely ship searching in the sea alone. From the perspective of required information, producers and consumers are all owners of insufficient information. How to build a bridge between them may be the expansion direction of the new concept and system of marketing in the 21st century, integration or division of labor, channels or media.
6. The organization will seek the interests of the whole rather than the part in a larger scope. Human beings only have one earth. People in the 21st century will more appreciate the smallness of the world and the loveliness of the earth. People will more think and solve problems beyond their own borders; In this sense, human beings are a whole, they will have no national boundaries, and human economic behavior will be examined from a global long-term perspective. If those transnational corporations in the 20th century only started from the perspective of comparative interests, breaking through market barriers and seeking greater interests when conducting transnational operations, then perhaps the transnational corporations in the 21st century should envisage the development of the global economy and the growth of human welfare. Is this a fantasy
7. The sustainable development of organizations and human beings is the absolute principle, and development is also needed in the 21st century. However, people in the 20th century spent all their efforts in the development, making resources exhausted and ecological environmental deterioration , species reduction, abnormal climate and so on, all of which bring difficulties to the development of the 21st century. People can't help asking loudly: can human society continue to develop. The 21st century should answer this question, and the enterprises that support this socio-economic pillar should also have their own answers. The first thing for an enterprise is to survive, just like human beings, before it can develop. In the 21st century, how should enterprises develop in order to be consistent with the proposition of sustainable development, which should be the primary issue of future management research.
8. The internal organization is from division of labor to integration. The coming 20th century is a century of great development of specialization and division of labor. Human beings have gained great benefits from specialization. The civilization of the 20th century can be said to be the civilization of specialization. However, the deeper and more detailed the division of labor, the more likely it is to deviate from the essence, making it difficult to deal with and solve comprehensive problems, such as the thinning of the ozone layer over the Antarctic, or even the problem of an enterprise expanding new markets. The 21st century may be the century of returning to integration. Humans may gain more from integration. Enterprises may gain new life from integration. Management may create comprehensive theories and methods.

Related works

Influential works in management science:
1. The School of Operations Research, co authored by Ste Chuchman, Russell Akoff and Leonard Arnoff.
2. Production Management Analysis by Edward Bowman and Robert Fett.
3. Samuel Richmond's "Operational Research for Management Decision making", and many linear programming decision-making model , Peixin Decision Making Method, Game Theory and other books.