management philosophy

The concept of rationality in management
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"Concept" seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function Is the concept of rationality. "Management concept" means that management is based on reason Aspect concept The improvement of "management concept" is the further understanding of management, in short, the management again definition.
Chinese name
management philosophy
moral standards
Must be clear about what is morality
Decision making
Based on facts and objective thinking
Adjust various factors

Element Introduction


moral standards

Reading the so-called moral standards We must first understand what morality is. Morality itself is a kind of Rules of conduct It is full of actors Behavioral environment Anthropomorphic emotion It is the keynote of balanced behavior. The moral standard is a measure of behavior or results based on morality.
Always maintain a high level of moral standards This is the key to achieving maximum success;
Enterprises with high moral standards and those with low moral standards competitor There are three main advantages:
Enterprises with high moral standards can stimulate employees' enthusiasm more; Enterprises with high ethical standards are more likely to attract high-level talents, so they have basic competitive edge And profit guarantee; Enterprises with high ethical standards can communicate with customers competitor Establish a better relationship with the public, which is more conducive to the pursuit of profits by enterprises.

policy decision

Decision making should be based on facts and objective thinking - that is, a comprehensive decision based on facts;
Fact based Working methods Once fully developed and running through the organization, it will become a powerful management weapon. Its significance will be reflected in the following aspects:
Higher decision-making quality; Higher flexibility; Morale is higher.

Environmental Science

Business operation shall be adjusted continuously according to various factors of the environment in which the enterprise is located.

Performance assessment

Employees should be judged based on their performance rather than their personality, education, personal characteristics and skills;
Successful enterprises judge people by their behavior and achievements, not by their personal qualities and skills. Performance evaluation is an influential element in the company's philosophy. It has evidence to rely on, and has no quality and Skills Assessment So subjective, therefore, it is inseparable from the way of work based on facts.

A sense of urgency

The sense of urgency of competition should be maintained in operation.
(1) Enterprise leaders with a sense of competitive urgency will seize the opportunity and take advantage of it, and will be more willing to build advantages rather than invest and support in the insufficient places.
(2) Business leaders with a sense of competitive urgency will look for problems and face them directly.
(3) Business leaders with a sense of competitive urgency will not retreat on difficult staffing issues.
(4) Business leaders with a sense of competitive urgency will be committed to expanding while maintaining profitability market share All the actions he has taken are from a long-term perspective, in order to build a stronger competitive position But their action started from now on.

Development trend


Production oriented

industrial economy In the era, land, labor and capital are the most basic production factors Enterprise management thought It is object centered. Mayo The interpersonal relationship school, especially behavioral science The emergence and development of Research perspective , the people-oriented management concept gradually replaced the material oriented Management thought

Knowledge based

In the new environment, knowledge and its main carrier personnel are playing an increasingly important role in the production of products and services, business management It is required to carry out management around the personnel and knowledge of the enterprise. Knowledge-based Management thought Shows that Enterprise knowledge resources It is the source of innovation, in order to Fully developed And effective use of the enterprise's Knowledge resources , for the purpose of innovation Knowledge production , needs to be established by the enterprise Organizational learning And carry out various activities in a planned and organized way Organize training Activities and connection with external knowledge resources. In this way, the knowledge resources of the enterprise can be integrated into the products or services and Production process And management process.

Implementation steps


Balancing interests

In the enterprise Operation management Complex Interests For example, between enterprises and countries, between enterprises and consumers, between enterprises and other partners, between labor and capital, between shareholders and managers, between controllers and ordinary shareholders, and so on. The survival and development of an enterprise will depend on its operating activities What is the interest relationship or pattern maintained and established by China? such Interest pattern For various stakeholder have economic value Therefore, maintaining and building valuable interest relationships in the business activities of the enterprise is Enterprise development objectives The core content of.
It cannot be denied that in this interest relationship Core interests It's the benefit of capital, it's the commodity economic system Determined by the nature of. However, no enterprise can only seek interests for capital. The interests of capital exist in the interests of others. The development of enterprises means seeking more and more interests for more and more people. Whether an enterprise can maintain a good interest relationship in the operation depends on the core members of the enterprise (they have the ability to arrange and adjust Conflict of interest )Basic attitude when dealing with conflicts of interest. What is their attitude towards their own interests and the interests of others? This attitude determines the basic Morality An enterprise without core interests has no development momentum, while one has no Social responsibility It is also impossible for our enterprises to have sustainable development.
In a word, whether the core interests of the enterprise can exist and grow stably and continuously depends on the arrangement between the core members of the enterprise and others stakeholder What is the interest pattern of the core members of the enterprise, and this further depends on what is the basic ethics of the core members of the enterprise.

control risk

Corporate Core interests It is the benefit of capital. Capital can earn an average level of income in society, such as interest. The return on capital brought by the enterprise should be higher than this level, otherwise the enterprise will lose money. Then, enterprises obtain more capital than society Average income Why? Some economists believe that the profit of an enterprise is a reward for taking risks. In reality Distribution relationship Medium, Enterprise profit An intuitive explanation is that the final surplus is the claim of everyone, which is also the other certainty The most uncertain income remaining after the payment of the income. Therefore, from this perspective, the return of an enterprise is the return of taking risks in the interest relationship.
Enterprises always face various risks in their operation. Controlling and reducing risks is one of the basic contents of enterprise management. In other words, facing a world full of risks, risk control and reduction is just one of the professional capabilities of enterprises. Therefore, for non professional enterprises high-risk For professional enterprises, their business activities are low-risk. Furthermore, in order to seek new business opportunities, enterprises need to take some risks that are not completely sure of themselves. However, the extent to which enterprises can take risks should be related to their ability to bear risks.
The bounden duty of an enterprise is control risk And the ability to take risks in this regard determines the profits that enterprises can obtain. Enterprises are "bold" and "profitable" because of their "high art". In fact, some of our entrepreneurs do not really understand the internal relationship between profit and risk. They only see the relationship between others' "boldness" and "high profits", that is, they only see others' "high risks and high profits", and they do not see the relationship between others' "Yigao" and "high profits", so they mistakenly believe that as long as they dare to take risks, they can obtain high profits. In fact, without certain ability to control risks and bear risks, there can only be one outcome of risk taking, not greater opportunities to gain, but greater opportunities to lose.
But in reality, enterprises can also take advantage of others' mistakes in judging uncertain things to gain profits, which is called "speculation". For example, enterprises can "heat up" a product and make profits from it, but in essence, they just take advantage of consumers' Product quality When enterprises make profits, consumers take risks. For another example, managers of enterprises can financial reports Or others False information It creates illusion for shareholders to speculate on hot stocks to get cash income. When they make profits, the majority of shareholders suffer losses.
It cannot be denied that speculation, to some extent, has certain significance for market activity and discovery, and can indeed bring huge wealth to some individuals and institutions in the short term. But as a whole, Speculation The essence of is necessarily zero sum Gambling game Its excessive prosperity is what modern society tries to eradicate cancer
No one can become a regular winner in the casino. One failure is enough to make hundreds of victories meaningless. The bounden duty of an enterprise is to control and bear risks, which should be the basic task of an enterprise moral


The survival and development of enterprises require enterprises to have the ability to constantly adapt to market changes and surpass the market. This requires enterprises to carry out continuous learning and innovation activities. One specific content of the enterprise's adventurous spirit is the enterprise's learning and creative spirit , that is, constantly surpassing market environment And Unknown domain The spirit of advancing. Schumpeter, an American economist, believes that innovation is the source of enterprise profits.
The author believes that enterprises should pay attention to the following issues in learning and innovation:
First of all, learning and innovation is an integral part of an enterprise's daily operation, which is reflected in the continuous improvement and enhancement of the enterprise's capabilities in all aspects according to its own actual situation. For example, through the feedback of consumers on products, the enterprise's Product competitiveness Continuously improve the quality of employees through the assessment of their daily work; clear through Enterprise plan The implementation results of the enterprise constantly improve the ability to formulate and implement plans.
Secondly, enterprises should have a pragmatic attitude in learning and innovation, not only high-tech product Only innovation, not only knowledge Famous enterprises Karmic management model Is worth learning. Enterprises should regard learning and innovation as continuous improvement Enterprise capability As a means to continuously meet market needs and adapt to social changes. Finally, the learning and innovation of an enterprise is not just for its members individual behavior , should be more enterprise Overall behavior For example, in order to improve the ability of communication and cooperation between enterprise members, it is necessary to make enterprise members have certain Common knowledge Because common knowledge is the basis of communication between people. And the construction of these common knowledge should be Overall learning The important purpose of. Another example is the enterprise's innovation ability To a large extent, it depends on whether the new ideas proposed by individual members of the enterprise can be valued by others, transformed into enterprise decisions, and actively implemented by enterprise members. All these require that enterprise members have an attitude of being willing to accept new things and change themselves.

Accumulate wealth

Wealth exists in various ways, and labor is wealth, Patent technology Wealth, factories and machines are wealth, and money, bonds and stocks are also wealth. However, entrepreneurs must realize that the accumulation of labor, technology, capital and equipment cannot form an enterprise. The essence of an enterprise is a unit that organizes production more efficiently than the market. The enterprise itself, as a stable organization with the ability to continuously obtain income, is the most important wealth in modern society. Entrepreneur must create the enterprise's Organizational value Pay attention to the organization construction of enterprises.
How to build an organization with lasting value? This has a great relationship with the management style of enterprise managers. The leadership style of being hands-on actually hinders the sustainable development of enterprises, because the existence of such enterprises as an organization depends on the existence of enterprise managers. Once the enterprise manager leaves for various reasons, the survival of the enterprise depends on whether the new manager has enough authority and ability to maintain the stability of the organization. Therefore, a pair of Enterprise development A truly responsible entrepreneur should learn to build an organization through the system, rather than carrying the organizational value of the enterprise through individuals.
Further, personal organization skills There is always a limit. The development of an organization and the increase of its value should not only depend on the activities of managers, but also on the activities of more enterprise members. If the enterprise has established a System construction The idea of the organization, and the continuous improvement of the system by enterprise members in business activities can continuously promote business organization And improve the enterprise's Organizational value So as to inherit the learning and innovation achievements of all enterprise members through the improvement of the system, so that the development of the enterprise will have more power. For example, if an enterprise's Financial settlement It is entirely up to the boss to decide. The financial personnel who implement the boss's instructions may not be willing and able to correct even if they find that the boss has something wrong, because what they correct is not only the mistakes, but also the boss himself. However, if the financial settlement is established by the financial personnel according to the enterprise financial system Financial personnel are more willing to point out mistakes once they find problems, and the boss and financial personnel are more willing to solve problems by improving the system.
In short, entrepreneurs should Organizational value More preferences. They should understand that their power is not reflected in how many people must act according to their orders, but in how many people are willing to act according to their established Game rules Survival and development.

Core concept



The Chinese people pay attention to the conditions of "favorable weather, favorable location and harmonious people" when doing things, which means to coordinate the purpose of action with the environment. Enterprise survival and development social environment Can include politics and economic system , market (products, labor and capital) and human concept, etc. There is an interactive relationship between enterprises and the social environment. Each enterprise must decide its own development goals according to its own specific situation and actual environment.


China's economy The economic system, the market and the concept of people are imperfect. China has just joined World Trade Organization , which indicates that China's economy has begun to integrate into world economy However, there is still a considerable gap between China's economy and the world economy. This is the basic characteristic of the living environment of Chinese enterprises. This kind of environment has both advantages and disadvantages for specific Chinese enterprises.
On the one hand, these environments restrict the development of Chinese enterprises, such as Labor mobility Restrictions social security system And finance Credit system Imperfection Local protectionism Prevailing and unreasonable industry entry restrictions and world market And so on.
On the other hand, these imperfect environments provide a special condition for the survival of enterprises, and even enable some enterprises to grow rapidly in a certain period of time. For example, some enterprises can take advantage of the special support of the government, regional market segmentation or extremely cheap labor force, or even Consumer psychology The immature conditions (such as creating sales miracles through high advertising investment) have grown rapidly.
Generally speaking, the drawbacks caused by imperfect market are far greater than the benefits it brings to individual enterprises. With the continuous development of China's economy, the living environment of enterprises is also changing rapidly. Chinese enterprises must grow up to adapt to and challenge this change. First of all, Chinese enterprises must face a relatively imperfect environment in their growth process and learn to survive in this environment; Secondly, Chinese enterprises must be soberly aware that which of the conditions on which they rely for survival are backward and will inevitably change with the development of society, and must be aware that any attempt to maintain these conditions rent-seeking behavior It is impossible to save enterprises in the long run, and enterprises should actively adapt to the challenges of market changes.