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Management level

Managers at the highest management level
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Top management refers to the highest level Management level Managers, such as the factory director and deputy factory director of the factory, the general manager of the company Vice General Manager , the principal and vice principal of the school, etc. Its main responsibility is to formulate the development goals of the organization development strategy Contact with the external environment on behalf of the organization; Be responsible to the owner of the organization; Coordination and Management organization Internal activities.
Chinese name
Management level
Senior managers
At the highest Management level Of controller
Main responsibilities
Formulate the development goals of the organization
The management can be abstractly divided into three levels, namely Senior managers middle managers Grass roots managers
Middle managers refer to all department (including Functional management Department and Line management Department). Its main responsibility is to implement Senior managers Of plan Coordinate with decision making Grass roots managers Activities of.
Grass roots managers (such as workshop directors) refer to those who middle managers 's plans are more specifically allocated to business Activists, and managers who coordinate the activities of business actors.