management layer

Economic terminology
zero Useful+1
In general, management is responsible for the implementation of activities of a unit or system Management responsibility The personnel or organizational form of. In the field of economics, the management is responsible for Preparation of financial statements And subject to the supervision of the ruling management. stay information technology Domain, management includes data collection , transmission, access and management, generally Database management system (Database Management System, DBMS), as its core software, is information system The foundation of.
Chinese name
management layer
Foreign name
Noun domain
Economic management, information technology

brief introduction

In the field of economics, management refers to the group or person with management status and management responsibility within a company, enterprise or organization [1] In order to achieve the overall business objectives, the enterprise has formed a management layer. In every enterprise, controller They are the elements that give life and vitality to enterprises. Without the leadership of managers, "production resources" are always resources and will never be transformed into products. In the highly competitive economic system, whether the enterprise can succeed and survive, and the quality and achievements It is closely related because the quality and performance of managers are the only effective advantages that enterprises have. Management is a specific organ of an enterprise, and an enterprise can only controller stay policy decision , activities and operations can only be made when making decisions, activities and operations - as far as the enterprise itself is concerned, it is not an actual entity. The management is an economic organ, which is unique to the enterprise. Every action, decision and consideration of the management must be based on the economy. At the same time, there are also different levels within the management level, which carry out various levels of management functions, and conduct command and management level by level to improve work efficiency and coordination from top to bottom.
Figure 1 PLC Network System
In the field of information technology, the management is information system One of the components of. The basic structure of the information system can generally be divided into four levels: ① Hardware operating system and network layer , is the supporting environment for developing information systems; ② The data management layer is the foundation of the information system, including data acquisition, transmission, access and management, and generally uses the Database Management System (DBMS) as its core software; ③ application layer , a layer directly related to applications, including various applications, such as analysis, statistics, reports, planning, decision-making, etc.; ④ The user interface layer is the interface provided by the information system to the user. Its functions vary with the change of user requirements. [2] For example, PLC network and industrial control LAN basically include the three-layer network architecture of equipment layer network, control layer network and management layer network. As shown in Figure 1, the equipment layer network is at the bottom layer of the three-layer network, the control layer network is at the middle layer of the three-layer network, and the management layer network is at the top layer of the three-layer network. In this three-layer network system, data can flow in both directions.


management layer
In the economic field, the management serves the enterprise. enterprise The primary purpose of is to gain profits, so the management can only prove its own value and authority by the economic achievements it has created. If the management fails to economic resources Improving or at least maintaining its ability to create wealth is management failure.
The primary function of the management is to manage the enterprise. Final inspection It is managed by the enterprise achievements The special task of the management is to make the hope of the enterprise possible first, and then try to realize it. Managers are not only economic animals, but also pioneers. Only when managers can dominate the economic environment and change the economic environment with conscious and directional actions can they be regarded as real managers. Enterprise management is also management by objectives.
The second function of the management is to use human and material resources to create an enterprise that can create economic value. This means that the management must be able to reasonably allocate human and material resources to produce more and better material products and services than the resources owned by the enterprise. There is another common element in every management problem, management decision and action. This is an additional yardstick, that is, time. Managers must consider both the current situation and the long-term future.
In the field of information technology, the management layer is the medium and bridge between data and application. Usually, the data required for automatic application or productization of the upper layer will be directly called by the computing layer. The main work of data management is data oriented management, including data quality management Data Lifecycle Management , data technology process management, data standard and specification management, data monitoring management, etc. The purpose of data management is to ensure high-quality data results and coordinate the sharability, uniformity, standardization and effectiveness of different data applications. The management layer is realized through the data management platform DMP (Data Management Platform), but most of the DMP products are still concentrated on the underlying data integration and extraction, and have not yet risen to the level of management data. [3]