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Management object

Management Academic Language
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Management object refers to the enterprise management subject's direct role and influence object , Yes enterprise Need to pay close attention to and work hard in management field
Chinese name
Management object
Foreign name
The object of management
Main body
business management
enterprise What should be paid attention to in management field

Management object - explanation

People as the object of management are different from those as the object of leadership. The people who manage the object are mainly the technical workers and operators who are in the forefront of work; People who lead the object are mainly managers with high comprehensive quality and certain management ability.

Management object - others

The objective of macroeconomic management can be divided into () several aspects according to the field. A. Economics B. Social C science and technology D. Labor E. Employment 5. According to different generating conditions, natural resources can be divided into (). A. May Renewable resources B. Crustal resources