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Ji Su Er

Multi star system in Sagittarius
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Ji Su Er , i.e Sagittarius δ δ Sgr Bayer designation )Or Sagittarius 19 Franstide nomenclature ), is a Sagittarius Our star system is 306 away from Earth Light year It's a Type K3 Giant star, whose brightness is 1180 times of the sun, diameter is 62 times of the sun, and mass is 5 Solar mass Apparent magnitude Is 2.72.
Chinese name
Ji Su Er
Foreign name
Basket Antares
Bayer designation
Sagittarius δ
Ji Su Er , i.e Sagittarius δ δ Sgr Bayer designation )Or Sagittarius 19 Franstide nomenclature )Is a multi star system located in Sagittarius, 306 away from Earth Light year The main star Ji Su Er A is one Type K3 Star, with brightness 1180 times of the sun, diameter 62 times of the sun, and mass 5 Solar mass Apparent magnitude Is 2.72. In addition, it has three dim companion stars:
Jiji B, apparent magnitude 14, away from the main star (Jiji A) 26 Angular second
Ji Su Er C, the apparent star magnitude is 15 degrees, 40 angular seconds away from the main star;
Jisu 2D, apparent magnitude 13, 58 angular seconds away from the main star;
In fact, he has only one star, and the so-called B, C and D just look close