Financing mode

Specific forms of enterprise financing
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synonym financing modes (Specific financing form for enterprises to choose when raising funds) Generally refers to the financing method
Financing means enterprises Financing funds The specific form of. The more financing means the more financing opportunities available to enterprises. If an enterprise can obtain Commercial credit and bank credit , can also directly finance by issuing shares and bonds at the same time, and can also use discount, leasing Compensation trade Financing means that the enterprise has more opportunities to raise funds Production and operation Required funds. [1]
I.e Enterprise financing Channel. It can be divided into two categories: Debt financing And equity financing. The former includes bank loans Issuance of bonds and Notes payable Accounts payable The latter mainly refers to Stock financing Debt financing constitutes a liability, and the enterprise should repay the agreed principal and interest on schedule. Creditors generally do not participate in the enterprise's Business decision And no use of funds Decision making power
Equity financing is to sell the ownership of the company to other investors owner In exchange for funds. This will involve the distribution of business and Management responsibility Equity financing It allows the founders of enterprises to share with other investors rather than repay them with cash Enterprise profit And bear the management responsibility, and the investors share the profits of the enterprise in the form of dividends.
Chinese name
Financing mode
Foreign name
method of funding
Debt financing, equity financing
Help enterprises finance
Financial behavior

Financing principle

In a narrow sense, financing is an enterprise's Fund raising The behavior and process of. That is to say, according to its own Production and operation status . The status of capital ownership and the needs of the company's future operation and development, through scientific prediction and decision-making, use certain ways to raise funds from the company's investors and creditors through certain channels, and organize the supply of funds to ensure the company's normal production needs, Operation management Financial behavior required by the activity. The motivation of the company to raise funds should follow certain principles, through certain channels and certain ways. We usually say that there are three main purposes for enterprises to raise funds: enterprises to expand, enterprises to repay debts, and mixed motives (the motives of expansion and debt repayment are mixed).
Broadly speaking, financing is also called finance Monetary capital Through various means, the parties financial market The act of raising or lending funds. From modern times economic development As an enterprise, it needs to have a deeper understanding of financial knowledge, financial institutions and financial markets than ever before. Because the development of enterprises cannot be separated from financial support, enterprises must deal with it. If you do not understand and learn financial knowledge, you will be incompetent as a leading cadre in the economy and as a leader of an enterprise.

Common financing methods

small and medium-sized enterprises finance lease Means that the Lessor, in accordance with the Lessee's supplier Leasehold The option of purchasing the leased property from the supplier, providing it to the lessee for use, and the lessee pays the rent in installments within the period specified in the contract or contract.
In order to obtain financing lease for SMEs, the project conditions of the enterprise itself are very important, because financing lease focuses on examining the future of the project cash flow Therefore, the success of SMEs' financial leasing mainly focuses on the benefits of the leasing project itself, rather than the comprehensive benefits of the enterprise. In addition, enterprise credit is also very important. Like bank lending, good credit is the basis for the next lending.
SME financing In order to reach a deal, both parties can apply to the bank for issuance Bank acceptance bill , the bank will formally accept it after approval Bank acceptance contract , the acceptance bank shall Acceptance bill Sign the words indicating acceptance or signature In this way Bank acceptance The bank acceptance bill is specifically a bank guarantee for the buyer. The seller does not have to worry about not receiving payment because the buyer's guarantee bank must Will pay payment for goods.
The advantage of bank acceptance bill financing for SMEs is that enterprises can achieve short-term, frequent and fast financing for SMEs, which can reduce Financial expenses
Real estate mortgage SME financing is the most widely used SME financing method in the market. When financing small and medium-sized enterprises with real estate mortgage, enterprises must pay attention to China's laws and regulations on real estate mortgage, such as《 guarantee law 》、《 Urban Real Estate Management Law 》So as to avoid being cheated.
Equity transfer SME financing means that SMEs obtain funds by transferring part of the company's equity, so as to meet the needs of enterprises Fund demand Small and medium-sized enterprises Equity transfer In fact, SME financing is to introduce new partners. attract direct investment Process. Therefore, the object of equity transfer must be carefully selected, otherwise, the enterprise will lose control power However, in a passive situation, it is suggested that entrepreneurs consult company law professionals and act prudently before equity transfer.
Small and medium delivery guarantee Enterprise financing The main advantage of Enterprise funds Hold up, improve cash flow. This kind of trade SME financing is applicable to the letter of credit that has been opened in a bank, Imported goods Small and medium-sized enterprises that have arrived at the port, but the documents have not arrived, and are eager to handle the picking up of goods. When guaranteeing the delivery of goods, SMEs financing enterprises must pay attention to that once they go through the formalities of guaranteeing the delivery of goods, no matter whether there is any discrepancy in the documents received, the enterprises cannot refuse to pay and Non acceptance
(6) International Market development funds
This part of funds mainly comes from the Central Foreign Trade Development Fund. If SMEs want to finance through this channel, they should pay attention to, Market development funds The main support contents are: overseas exhibitions quality management system Environmental management system , Software Export enterprises And various Product certification international market Publicity, promotion and development emerging market , training and seminars, overseas bidding, etc Latin America Africa Middle East Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia etc. Emerging International Give priority to market expansion activities.
Compared with other Investment mode Internet financial platform Conduct qualification review on-the-spot investigation , filtered out with investment value The quality project of Investment and financing sector And other investment and financing information docking platform websites to investors; It also provides an online investment trading platform, which can generate a real-time legal effect Of Loan contract Supervise the project operation of enterprises, Managing risk Guarantee fund to ensure investors Fund security Love investment The financing method created is to let professional institutions do professional things. On the one hand, take advantage of Internet openness Openness While combining the advantages of traditional financial institutions in Risk Management , credit review, etc. As an investment and financing platform, it is in the middle of the combination. Both sides are investors and demanders with financing needs, but it also cooperates closely with third-party guarantee agencies. Provide professional guarantee for users' investment. Also like Credit rating agency Asset management organization Cooperate to provide users with a comprehensive interpretation of their investment information, and Asset disposal Follow up guarantee.

Financing form


bank loans

Banks are the most important financing channel According to the nature of funds, it can be divided into Working capital loan Fixed asset loans and Special loan Three types. Special loans usually have a specific purpose lending rate Generally, it is more preferential, and the loans are divided into Credit loan Secured loans and Bill discount

Stock financing

Financing mode
Shares have Permanent , None due date , there is no need to return, there is no pressure to repay the principal and interest, so Financing risk Smaller. stock market Can promote enterprise transformation Operating mechanism , truly become Independent operation , self financing, self-development and self-discipline Legal entity and market competition Subject. At the same time, the stock market provides a broad stage for asset restructuring and optimization Enterprise organization structure And improve the integration ability of enterprises.

Bond financing

Corporate bonds, also known as Corporate bonds , according to legal procedures Issued and agreed to repay the principal and interest within a certain period securities , indicating that the relationship between the issuer and the investor is a debt debt relationship. Bondholders do not participate in the operation and management of the enterprise, but have the right to recover the agreed principal and interest on schedule. In the enterprise Bankruptcy liquidation Creditors have priority over shareholders to enjoy the right to Surplus property Claim. Corporate bonds, like stocks, are marketable securities and can Free transfer

finance lease

Financial leasing refers to a financing method in which the lessor purchases the lease item from the supplier and provides it to the lessee for use according to the lessee's choice of supplier and lease item, and the lessee pays the rent in installments within the period specified in the contract or contract.
Financial leasing is the process of financing Melt things The combination of technical progress , has a very obvious role. Financial leasing Direct purchase Leasing, leaseback after sale and Leveraged lease In addition, there are leasing and Compensation trade Combination, leasing and Processing and assembly A combination of leasing and exclusive sale, etc. Financial leasing business It has opened up a new path for technological transformation of enterprises financing channel , adopting a new form of combination of financing and material Production equipment And the speed of technology introduction, which can also save the use of funds and improve capital Utilization

Overseas financing

The overseas financing modes available to enterprises include Loans from international commercial banks loan from international financial institution And enterprises overseas capital market Bond and stock financing business on.

mortgage financing

pawn It is a kind of financing way to obtain temporary loans in the form of physical ownership transfer with physical objects as collateral. And bank loans comparison, Pawn loan High cost volume of credit Small, but pawn also has advantages that bank loans cannot compare with. First of all, compared with banks' demanding requirements for borrowers' credit conditions, Pawnshop The customer's credit requirements are almost zero, and the pawnshop only pays attention to Pawn items Whether the goods are genuine. And general commercial banks only do Real estate mortgage The pawnshop can pledge both movable property and immovable property. Secondly, the starting point of pawn shop is low. Items worth 1000 yuan or 100 yuan can be pawned. In contrast to banks, pawnshops pay more attention to serving individual customers and SMEs. Third, complicated procedures and approval of bank loans Long cycle In contrast, pawn loan procedures are very simple, most of which are readily available. Even real estate mortgage is much more convenient than banks. Fourth, customers Bank borrowings The purpose of the loan shall not exceed the scope specified by the bank. The pawnshop does not ask about the purpose of the loan, and the money is very free to use. It goes round and round, greatly improving Fund utilization rate
P2C lending model, people to company, SMEs are borrowers, but Enterprise information and Enterprise operation Relatively fixed, stable cash flow And the source of repayment, the information is easy to verify, and the enterprise's Cost of default It is much higher than that of individuals. It requires that there must be guarantees and mortgages, and the security is relatively better. Investors can benefit from the high annual returns of crowdfunding financing, and borrowing enterprises can achieve low financing cost And flexible Loan term Can also make the efficiency of borrowing more obvious. At the same time, the borrowing cycle and project cycle More matching.


The means is Fake stock secret loan As the name suggests, the so-called fake stock secret loan means that the investor invests in the project by means of equity but does not actually participate in the project management. Withdraw shares from the project at a certain time. This method is mostly Foreign funds Used. The disadvantage is that the operation cycle is long, and the shareholder structure of the company or even the nature of the company needs to be changed. There are many foreign funds, so the nature of domestic companies should be changed to Sino foreign joint venture

Bank acceptance

In order to reach a transaction, a financing enterprise can apply to the bank for issuing a bank acceptance bill. The bank will formally accept the bank acceptance contract after approval, and the acceptance bank will sign or seal the acceptance bill. In this way, the bill accepted by the bank is called the bank acceptance bill. The bank acceptance bill is specifically the bank's guarantee for the buyer. The seller does not have to worry about not receiving payment for goods, because the buyer's guarantee bank will pay for goods when it is due.
The advantage of bank acceptance bill financing is that enterprises can achieve short, frequent and fast financing, which can reduce Financial expenses
The investor will pay a certain amount, such as 100 million yuan, to the project party Company account And immediately ask the bank to issue a bank acceptance of 100 million yuan. The investor takes away the bank acceptance. This kind of financing is greatly beneficial to the investor, because he actually used 100 million yuan for several times. He can take the 100 million yuan bank acceptance to other banks and paste another 100 million yuan out. At least 80% discount. But the question is whether the bank can issue a 100 million yuan acceptance if there is 100 million yuan in the company's account. It is likely that only 80% to 90% of the bank acceptance will be issued. It is a question of how much the bank allows you to use the funds in the company's account after issuing 100% bank acceptance. It depends on the level of the company and the relationship with the bank. In addition, the biggest disadvantage of acceptance is that according to national regulations, bank acceptance can only be opened for 12 months at most. Most places can only open for 6 months. That is, you must renew it every 6 months or 1 year. It's troublesome to use money for a long time.

Direct deposit

This is the most difficult financing method. Because do Direct deposit It is against the regulations of the bank itself, and the relationship between the enterprise and the bank must be particularly good. The investor shall open an account at the bank designated by the project party and deposit the designated amount into his own account. Then sign an agreement with the bank. Promise that the money will not be misappropriated within the specified time. The bank gives the project party the amount Less than or equal to Loans of equal amount. Note: The commitment here is not a pledge to the bank. I don't agree to pledge the money. Agreed to pledge is another financing method called large amount pledged deposit. Of course, that kind of financing method also has its violations of bank regulations. It requires the bank to sign a guarantee to collect money 30 days before the expiration close a position Of Letter of Commitment In fact, after he gets this thing, he can take it to banks in other places for refinancing.

Bank letter of credit

The state has policies for global commercial banks such as Citi Wait for the written consent to give Enterprise financing Of Bank letter of credit It shall be deemed that there has been a deposit of the same amount in the enterprise account. In the past, many enterprises used this bank letter of credit to circle money. Therefore, the national policy has been slightly changed, and it is difficult for domestic enterprises to use this method for financing. Only wholly foreign-owned enterprises and Sino foreign joint ventures are allowed. So if domestic enterprises want to use this method for financing, they must first change Nature of the enterprise

loan by mandate

so-called loan by mandate That is, the investor sets up a special account for the project party in the bank, and then transfers the money to the special account to entrust Bank loans To the project party. This is a relatively easy form of financing. Usually, the review of the project is not very strict, and the bank is required to make a letter of commitment to the project party responsible for collecting interest and recovering principal every year. Of course, those who do not repay the principal only need to promise to collect interest every year.

Direct payment

so-called Direct payment namely direct investment This review of the project is very strict and often requires fixed assets Mortgage or Bank guarantee Interest is also relatively high. Most of them are short-term. The lowest personal contact annual interest 18。 Generally above 20.
The eighth way of financing is hedge funds. There is a kind of non payment of principal and interest on the market loan by mandate It is a typical hedge fund.

Loan guarantee

Many on the market Investment guarantee company You only need to pay more than the bank interest to get the urgently needed funds.

National fund

Mainly from the Central Foreign Trade Development Fund. If an enterprise wants to finance through this channel, it should be noted that the main contents of market development funds are: overseas exhibitions, quality management systems, environmental management systems, software export enterprises and various product certification, international market promotion, developing emerging markets, training and seminars, overseas bidding, etc., facing Latin America, Africa, the Middle East Priority should be given to support expansion activities in emerging international markets such as Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.

Financing significance

Capital is enterprise economic activity First of impetus Continuous driving force. Whether the enterprise can obtain stable Source of funds Timely and fully raised Combination of production factors The funds needed are crucial to operation and development. However, the biggest obstacle encountered in the development of private enterprises is the financing dilemma. China's private enterprises labour-intensive Low tech The manufacturing industry, wholesale and retail catering industry alone accounts for 75% of private enterprises. Most private enterprises Initial stage It is still a period of development, mainly relying on self accumulation and self financing. But because of these business management With low level, small production scale and weak profit generating ability, further development is still restricted by serious shortage of funds. Private enterprises have a huge demand for funds. However, the loans from banks are still less than 2% of the total bank loans; adopt Share issuance financing Of private enterprises in China stock market Only about 9% of the listed companies account for about 9%, which does not include those who buy shares of other listed companies at a higher price and are listed in a curve; stay bond market Its share of the market is almost zero. The financing difficulties of private enterprises are highlighted by the difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises Central and western regions It is difficult for small towns, which is just an important part of our economic development that needs more support.

Financing mode selection

1. Follow first“ Internal financing ”Rear“ External financing ”The pecking order theory of
stay market economy Medium, Enterprise financing mode Generally speaking, it can be divided into two types: Endogenous financing That is, the process of converting retained earnings and depreciation of enterprises into investment; The other is external financing , that is, absorb others Economic entity The process of converting savings into investment. We clearly understand that in the process of enterprise progress and expansion of production scale, it is difficult to meet the needs of enterprises by relying solely on endogenous financing Fund demand To a large extent, enterprises rely on external financing to obtain funds. Endogenous Financing funds It comes from within the enterprise and does not need to actually pay interest or dividends to the outside, which will not reduce the enterprise cash flow No financing cost is required, so the cost of internal financing is far lower than that of external financing Effective control financial risk , remain robust Financial position Therefore, it is a preferred financing method for enterprises. Internal sources of enterprises Financing capacity Depends on the profit level Net assets Scale, investor expectations and other factors, only when endogenous financing can not meet Enterprise funds When necessary, enterprises will turn to external financing.
The external financing of enterprises is subject to different Financing environment The choice of financing methods is also different. But you can choose the low-risk type first debt financing , and then choose the order of issuing new shares. The reasons for choosing financing methods in this order are:
(1) Debt ratio in especial high-risk Debt ratio The improvement of will increase the financial risk and Bankruptcy risk
(2) Corporate Equity financing preference Easy to cause Fund use efficiency Decrease. Some companies invest the equity funds they raised in unfamiliar and Return on investment Some listed companies even change their projects at will Prospectus The use of funds on the, and can not guarantee the use of funds after the change of use Profitability In the enterprise operating performance New equity without significant improvement Financing meeting Dilute the business performance of the enterprise and reduce Earnings per share , damage the interests of investors. In addition, in our country capital market System construction Under the condition of continuous improvement Refinancing The threshold will be raised and the cost of refinancing will increase.
Most listed companies in China Financing sequence It is to give the highest priority to issuing stocks, then consider debt financing, and finally internal financing. This financing sequence is likely to cause inefficient use of funds, Financial leverage Weakening and boosting the preference for equity financing.
2. Considering the actual situation, select appropriate financing methods
The enterprise shall, according to its own business and financial situation, consider Macroeconomic policy And choose a more appropriate financing method.
(1) Consider economic environment Impact. The economic environment means that enterprises Financial activities Of Macroeconomy In the period of rapid economic growth, enterprises need to raise funds to increase fixed assets, inventory, personnel, etc. in order to keep up with the economic growth rate Additional shares Issuance of bonds Or to Bank borrowings When the economic growth begins to slow down, enterprises' demand for funds decreases, and generally they should gradually shrink their debt Financing scale Try to use less debt financing.
(2) Considering financing mode Cost of capital Capital cost refers to the cost incurred by an enterprise for raising and using funds. financing cost The lower the financing income, the better. Since different financing methods have different capital costs, in order to obtain the required funds with lower financing costs, enterprises should naturally analyze and compare various financing modes And try to choose the financing method with low capital cost Financing portfolio
(3) Consider the risks of financing methods. The risks of different financing methods are different. Generally speaking, debt financing methods may cause the risk of non repayment because they must repay the principal and interest regularly, Financing risk Larger. However, the equity financing mode has no risk of repayment of principal and interest, so the financing risk is small. If the enterprise adopts debt financing financial leverage The role of EBIT When descending, Profit after tax And earnings per share decline faster, which brings financial risks to the enterprise, and may even lead to Enterprise bankruptcy Risk. Major enterprises in the United States investment bank The successive bankruptcy of Risk Management of Therefore, the enterprise business must choose the appropriate financing method according to its own specific situation and considering the risk degree of the financing method.
(4) Consider the enterprise's Profitability And development prospects. In general, the stronger the profitability of the enterprise, the better the financial situation, Liquidity The stronger, the better the prospects for development, the more able to bear financial risks. When the enterprise Investment profit rate Greater than debt funds Interest rate The more debt, the more Return on net assets The higher, right Enterprise development and equity capital owner The more favorable it is. Therefore, when the enterprise is in a period of rising profitability and good development prospects, Debt financing It is a good choice. And when Enterprise profitability During the period of declining, deteriorating financial situation and poor development prospects, enterprises should try to avoid financial risks by using debt financing as little as possible. Of course, it has strong profitability and Equity expansion Enterprises with the ability to raise funds by issuing new or additional shares can equity financing Or both equity financing and debt financing.
(5) Consider the degree of competition in the industry. When the competition in the industry where the enterprise is located is fierce, it is easy to enter and exit the industry, and the profitability of the entire industry is declining, it should consider using equity financing, and use debt financing cautiously. The industry where the enterprise is located is less competitive, and it is difficult to enter and exit the industry Sales profit When it can grow rapidly in the next few years, it can consider increasing the debt ratio to obtain Financial leverage benefits
(6) Consider the enterprise's control power SME financing The Central Standing Committee has lost the ownership and control of enterprises, resulting in profit diversion Corporate interests Damaged. For example: Mortgage of house property certificate , Patent Technical disclosure , Investment Share conversion . The exposure of upstream and downstream important customers and the clarification of internal privacy of enterprises will affect enterprises Stability and development On the premise of ensuring considerable control over enterprises, we should not only achieve the financing purpose of SMEs, but also orderly transfer ownership. issue common stock It will dilute the control right of the enterprise and may make the control right fall to others, while debt financing generally does not affect or rarely affects the control right.