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[zhù cháo]
Bird's nest
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Nesting, (Zhe ù Ch á o) Most birds Breeding season , within their nest area, select Plant fibre , branches, leaves, weed soil, animal hair, bird feathers and other things, which can make the eggs not roll away, and can be evenly incubated by the parent bird's body temperature at the same time, and the nest that is conducive to the parent bird's feeding is called nesting.
Nest building is mainly due to the fact that there is a certain amount of heat preservation Function, beneficial to Chick Growth and development. The activity process of nesting behavior helps stimulate sexual physiological activities, so that the egg cells in the body mature and discharge rapidly, so that the reproductive behavior will not be interrupted.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Nesting period
Most birds are in breeding season
Nesting material
Branches, grass stems, fibers, feathers, soil, etc
Nest classification
Bowl shaped nest, cup shaped nest, ball shaped nest, bag shaped nest
Warm keeping and stimulating physiological activities

major function

However, there are also birds that hatch eggs but do not build nests, such as auks, king penguins, etc; Some birds neither build nests nor hatch eggs, such as cuckoo.

Representative species

Birds: Nesting is an important part of bird breeding success. The nesting sites vary from species to species. Some nests are built in hidden places and camouflaged; Some are built on cliffs; Some were built among the twigs of tall trees; Some are built on the ground, on the water, in caves or in buildings. Most birds build nests by female birds, and female and male birds also cooperate to build nests.
Fish: There are also nesting behaviors, such as Mullet Salmon Tilapia mossambica and Tropical fish Etc.
Amphibian Emei Tree Frog: (Rhacophoru someimontis), use mucus on the top of the tree to roll the leaves into small Tube nest And lay eggs in tube nest.
reptile Crocodile: Although they can't hatch eggs, they are good at building nests with grass leaves during the breeding period. as Chinese alligator Before spawning, dig a shallow pit with a diameter of about half a meter on the ground, and stack weeds and leaves with a thickness of 20~30cm into the pit. When 16~47 eggs are laid, cover them with weeds with a thickness of about 0.5m, build a large tower shaped haystack, and use the heat released by the decaying weeds to hatch the eggs.

Nesting mode


Nesting Time

Swallows build nests
Birds pass through the occupied area Courtship display After they become spouses, they immediately enter the nervous nesting stage. Most birds nest in spring, and when their young are hatched, it is just when insects reproduce most in nature, which provides abundant food for the growth and development of young birds.
Different birds have different nesting behaviors. There are many kinds of birds, such as many seabirds, most Woodpecker barn swallow Shrike and sparrow Etc. Some species cooperate in nesting, but there is a clear division of labor. The male birds go out to collect materials and hand them back to Female bird Fabricate, such as many herons. Some species nest solely by male or female birds.

nest-site selection

Find nesting materials
Birds pair Nest site The choice of birds is closely related to the life style and feeding place of each kind of birds. If in forest Some birds build their nests in trees crown of a tree Ministry; Some built shrub Or ground thick growth of grass Medium; There are also some Tree hole Zhongying Nest. Wherever birds nest, the basic conditions are abundant food, sufficient light and good concealment.
Different birds have different nest building positions and nest shapes. Chicken Goose duck Gulls and some passerine birds nest on the ground; Some waterfowl can use broken reeds or grass stems to form floating nests on the water surface; Woodpeckers and other small birds need to dig holes in tree trunks for nests, and tits and other small birds build nests in natural tree holes or rock crevices; Most birds build nests on trees by using the decentralization of branches. Some nests are built very simply, while others are very exquisite.

Nesting material

There are various materials for birds to build nests. The most commonly used nest materials are branches, leaves, grass stems, fibers, feathers, soil moss and lichen Etc. The vast majority of passeriformes mainly weave nests with twigs and grass stems; Swifts and barn swallow Soil is the main nesting material; The nest material of chickens is mainly grass leaves; turtledove Our nests are made of dead branches; Woodpeckers usually lay a layer of wood chips in their caves.

Nesting shape

Bird nests can be divided into bowl shaped nests, cup shaped nests, ball shaped nests, bag shaped nests, etc.
For the vast majority of birds, the nest is not their "home". Most birds that are active in the daytime fly to the woods or bushes at night and squat on the branches to sleep. Water birds such as ducks often live in safe places on the lake. The nest built by birds in spring is only a temporary "house" for them to lay eggs and raise young. Birds lay their eggs in the nest, which can concentrate the eggs in one place without rolling away, and can accept the temperature of the parent birds to hatch at the same time. In addition, eggs or nestlings located in the nest can avoid the damage of natural enemies under the protection of parent birds.
It is often difficult for people to fully observe the nesting activities of birds, because birds in the nesting stage become very secretive and alert. They no longer sing loudly, but only carefully carry out "construction". Once they are greatly disturbed, they will abandon the nest being built and choose a new site.