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Isovolumic heat of reaction

chemical reaction
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Heat of reaction at constant volume is the heat released or absorbed by chemical reaction in constant volume reaction.
Chinese name
Isovolumic heat of reaction
Foreign name
heat of reaction at constant volume
Heat released or absorbed by chemical reaction in constant volume reaction (the temperature of initial state and final state is the same as that of heat source) Qv=∑ U (product) - ∑ U (reactant)=△ U. Constant volume reaction heat (Q p )The relationship with isobaric reaction heat (Qv) can be approximately expressed as follows: Q p =Q v +p(V two -V one )=Qv+△nRT。 Where V two And V one They respectively represent the total volume of products and reactants in the isobaric process, and △ n represents the change of the amount of substances existing in the gaseous state before and after the reaction. R is the gas constant. [1]