Planet Nine

Cosmic celestial body
zero Useful+1
synonym The ninth planet (The ninth planet) Generally refers to Planet 9
It is estimated that the ninth planet is Uranus and Neptune The smaller version of is a giant icebound planet wrapped in hydrogen and helium. Estimated to be 10 times the mass of the earth planet , the radius is 3.7 times of the earth's radius. The temperature is minus 226 degrees Celsius.
Chinese name
Planet Nine
Foreign name
Planet 9
About 6 * 10 ^ 25kg
About 23600 km
surface temperature
Revolution period
About 10000-20000 Earth years
Distance from day
About 700AU



come from California Institute of Technology Researchers Michael Brown and Constantine Bartkin found that the edge of the solar system Kuiper belt Six of them have "strange" orbits. They are like six clocks running at different speeds. But whenever you look at them, the hands of these clocks are in the same place. Astronomers believe that the probability of this phenomenon happening is 0.007%. After excluding other possibilities, the two speculated that the reason for this phenomenon might be that "a real planet" is playing a gravitational role.
Two scientists believe that the mass of this star nicknamed "Planet 9" is about Pluto 5000 times, so its gravity is enough to affect several“ dwarf planet ”The movement of the Kuiper Belt on the edge of the solar system has a fundamental "interference" with the movement of the celestial bodies in the Kuiper Belt. Batkin said, "We found the gravitational signal of 'Planet 9' hidden in the edge of the solar system." Brown said, "We felt this gravitation The interference effect of. "

Basic data

In the report published on the 20th of the American Journal of Astronomy, Brown and Bartkin said that they could not observe "Planet 9" directly, but they speculated its existence through mathematical models and computer simulation, and believed that "Planet 9" belonged to gas giant
"The mass of this planet is about 10 times that of the Earth, and it runs in a strange and elongated elliptical orbit in the distant part of the solar system," the researchers said in a statement. Computer simulation shows that if this mysterious star really exists, the distance between its orbit and the sun is about 50 times the distance between the earth's orbit and the sun. "In fact, because it is very far away, it takes 10000 to 20000 years for this planet to circle the sun," the statement said.


According to the United Kingdom Daily Mail It is reported that one of the biggest mysteries in the field of astronomy is whether the "ninth planet" of the solar system exists and what is its composition? Lund University The latest research of astronomers shows that it is likely that the "ninth planet" is actually an exoplanet.
They believe that this planet was "stolen" by the sun when it moved closer to the sun during the early evolution of the universe, and it is a part of the solar system that has never been detected. It will become the first exoplanet discovered in the solar system. Alexander Mustill, an astronomer at RAND University, said: "It is very interesting that when astronomers Planetary system When searching for an exoplanet in, our solar system unexpectedly hides an exoplanet. "
They believed that 4.5 billion years ago, when the sun was young and the sun stole the ninth planet, the definition of exoplanets should be located outside the solar system, but the way of defining this definition became vague.
Astronomers pointed out that many information showed that the ninth planet was captured by the sun in its youth, and it has not been completely detected since then. It is reported that stars are born in star clusters, and other stars often pass by. When two stars encounter closely, one star can easily "steal" one or more planets in the orbit of another star, and the ninth planet may be the planet stolen by the sun.
In a computational simulation experiment, Alexander and his colleagues found that the ninth planet is likely to be captured by the sun when it is in close contact with the sun. He pointed out that the ninth planet was probably "pushed" by other planets and captured by the sun, or it was located at the far end of the original planetary system. When it moved closer to the sun and the gravitational binding with the main star was weak, it finally left the original orbit, and then the ninth planet entered an orbit around the sun.
Alexander said that we have not yet captured the image of the ninth planet, nor found its light. We don't know whether this planet is made of rocks, ice or gas. We guess its mass is probably 10 times that of the Earth. Before determining the specific identity of the ninth planet, we still need to do a lot of work. If the theory is correct, this latest study provides important information for understanding the sun and the earth.
Scientists speculated that the exoplanet was absorbed by the sun's huge gravity, but as far as we are concerned, this is just a guess, because we have not found any trace of it. [1]