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Third International

[dì sān guó jì]
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International Joint Organization of the Communist Parties of All Countries
An international joint organization of the Communist Parties of all countries. Also known as the Communist International, it existed from 1919 to 1943. The Third International regards Marxism Leninism as its theoretical basis. Its tasks are to unite the working class and the working people, overthrow the rule of capitalism and imperialism, establish the dictatorship of the proletariat worldwide, establish the World Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, completely eliminate classes and realize socialism and communism. [1]
Chinese name
Third International
Foreign name
Communist International
Date of establishment
March 1919
Time of dissolution
First Chairman
Zinoviev (1919-1935)
Second Chairman
Dimitrov (1935-1943)
International organizations of the Communist Party and communist organizations

Establishment process

After the outbreak of World War I, the Second International was divided. In November 1918, the Bolshevik initiated a conference of representatives of left-wing socialist parties in Europe and the United States in Petrograd, which made a resolution to prepare for the establishment of the Third International. In January 1919, a meeting of representatives of the eight Communist parties, communist groups and left-wing socialist parties was held in Moscow, and an invitation to convene the founding conference of the Third International was issued in the name of the eight parties. From March 2 to 6, 1919, the International Congress of Communist Representatives, the first congress of the Third International, was held in Moscow, with 52 representatives from 35 political parties and groups from 21 countries participating. Representatives of the proletariat from China, North Korea and other eastern countries attended the General Assembly as observers. 5. I. Lenin made the Outline and Report on bourgeois democracy and the dictatorship of the proletariat. The meeting adopted Lenin's report as the political program of the Comintern, and also adopted the Comintern Declaration, the Comintern Action Program and other documents drafted by Lenin. The Third International was established and headquartered in Moscow. The General Assembly elected K G. Lakovsky, Lenin, G. Ye Dinoviev, L.D. Trotsky and F. Platin form an eight member executive board. The executive committee is composed of representatives of Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and the Balkan Alliance Party, and Dinoviev is the chairman. [1]
The Third International is a unified world Communist Party, and the Communist Parties of all countries serve as its branches and are directly under its leadership. It is a highly centralized leadership center, which leads the revolutionary movements of all countries in a unified way. The parties of all countries must implement its decisions. It has the right to decide the line and strategy of the parties of all countries and the leaders of the parties of all countries. It can negate or modify the decisions of the parties of all countries, expel and dissolve any branch, and send permanent representatives to the parties of all countries. Only the United Communist Party (Bolshevik) occupies a unique position in the world, and is known as "the most powerful leading branch of the Comintern". In March 1919, Hungary established the Soviet Republic, and in April 1919, Germany established the Bavarian Soviet Republic. The Third International played an active role. The Youth Communist International (Youth International), established in November 1919, also became a branch of the Third International. [1]

Main activities

Lenin's death from March 1919 to January 1924 was the early stage of the Third International Movement and a period of remarkable achievements under Lenin's leadership. From July 19 to August 7, 1920, the Third International held its second congress. Before the meeting, Lenin published the "Left" Childishness in the Communist Movement. At the meeting, Lenin made the Report on the International Situation and the Basic Tasks of the Comintern and the Report of the Commission on National and Colonial Issues. The meeting passed 21 Conditions for Joining the Communist International, blocking the way for the right wing and the middle wing of the workers' political parties of all countries to join the Communist International at that time. The congress played an important role in consolidating the Comintern and guiding the development and growth of the Communist Party of all countries. However, the estimate of the world revolutionary situation is too optimistic, and unrealistic to propose the goal of establishing a world Soviet republic. [1]
From June 22 to July 12, 1921, the Third International held its third congress. Lenin made the Speech on the Strategy of Defending the Communist International and the Strategic Report on the Russian Communist Party. The Congress held that, when the international class balance of power was temporarily in balance, the Communist Party should shift from direct attack to circuitous strategy, and put forward the task of striving for the majority of the working class and the slogan of "going to the masses" to the Communist Party of all countries. [1]
From November 5 to December 5, 1922, the Third International held its fourth congress. The conference focused on the policy of the workers' united front, criticized the "Left" and "Right" tendencies, and affirmed the slogan of "going to the masses" through the outline of strategic issues. We also discussed the issue of the eastern national colonies and asked the Communist Parties of the eastern countries to actively participate in and lead the national democratic revolution. Lenin made his last speech to the Comintern, The Fifth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution and the Future of the World Revolution. Since B. Mussolini came to power in Italy in October 1922, the General Assembly discussed the issue of fascism, but underestimated the seriousness of the fascist threat. [1]
The period from the Fifth National Congress in June 1924 to 1934 was the middle of the Third International Event, which was also a period when leaders changed many times and made many mistakes in their work. From June 17 to July 8, 1924, the Third International held its fifth congress. The Congress pointed out that capitalism has entered a period of partial, relative and temporary stability, and the Communist Parties of all countries face new tasks. All parties in all countries should build their own parties in accordance with Lenin's party building principles, and call for the true Bolshevism of all parties and the further development and consolidation of the united front. The expression "Marxism Leninism" was used for the first time at this conference. The slogan of Bolshevism has played a certain role in learning the experience of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of all countries, but it has fostered the tendency of absolutizing the experience of one country's party, even internationalizing the struggle within the Communist Party (Bolshevik), requiring all parties to copy it, which has had adverse consequences. [1]
From July 17 to September 1, 1928, the Third International held its sixth congress, which focused on the international situation, the danger of war and the revolutionary movements of colonial and semi colonial countries, and approved the Program of the Communist International and the Constitution of the Communist International. On some major issues, the conference further developed the "Left" tendency since the Fifth National Congress, mistakenly compared the Social Democratic Party with fascism, and took it as the main target of attack, which affected the anti fascist struggle in the 1930s. [1]
From the Seventh Congress in 1935 to its dissolution in 1943 was the later stage of the Third International Movement, also in G M. Under the leadership of Dimitrov, there was a period when some mistakes were corrected, and there were some achievements and serious mistakes. From July 25 to August 20, 1935, the Third International held its seventh congress. The central task of the conference is to formulate the strategies and guidelines of the Third International and the parties of all countries in the struggle against fascism. Dimitrov, the General Secretary of the Third International, made a report titled "The Attack of Fascism and the Tasks of the Communist International in the Struggle for the Working Class's Anti Fascist United Front", which deeply exposed the reactionary nature of fascism and pointed out the lessons that the Communist Party should learn and the tasks it faces. It points out that the key to opposing fascism and war is a broad people's front based on the working class united front, and the Communist Party must maintain the characteristics of a proletarian party in the united front. The primary task of the Communist Party in colonial and semi colonial countries is to establish a broad anti imperialist national united front and fight for national independence. The report gives warm praise to the CPC's strategic policy of establishing an anti Japanese national united front. The Seventh Congress is the last congress of the Third International, which is of great significance to the development of the world people's struggle against fascism. [1]
Faced with the increasingly rampant aggression of fascism, the Communist Parties of all countries actively promoted the establishment of the People's Front, and prevented fascism from coming to power in some countries in Europe and Latin America. From 1936 to 1939, the Spanish people bravely fought against F. Franco's armed rebellion supported by German and Italian fascists. Communists and progressives from various countries formed a famous international column, and Third International sent many outstanding cadres to fight side by side with the Spanish people. [1]
In January 1935, the Zunyi Conference of the Communist Party of China criticized Wang Ming's "Left" wrong line, established Mao Zedong's leadership, correctly solved the Xi'an Incident in December 1936 after the completion of the 25000 li Long March, and promoted the formation of the anti Japanese national united front. After the all-around outbreak of the Anti Japanese War on July 7, 1937, we adhered to the principle of independence in the united front, led the people to carry out a wide range of guerrilla warfare, and dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese aggressors. [1]
With the formation of the international anti fascist united front, the internal and international situation of various countries has become more complex, and the original organizational form has become increasingly incompatible with the development of the situation. It is not only impossible, but often harmful, for an international center to lead and solve the problems encountered by the Communist Party of each country. The parties of all countries have grown up and are fully able to decide their own course of action according to their own actual conditions. In order to effectively organize the anti fascist struggle of all countries, the presidium of the Third International Executive Committee drew up a proposal on the dissolution of the Third International on May 15, 1943, and submitted it to the branches of all countries for discussion. On June 10, 1943, with the consent of the Communist Parties of all countries, the Third International officially announced its dissolution. [1]

Historical achievements

The Third International has played an important historical role in the establishment of the Communist Party in many countries, the spread of Marxism Leninism, the liberation of the proletariat and the oppressed people in various countries, and the struggle of the people of the world against fascism. However, the Third International overemphasizes centralized and unified leadership, ignores the national characteristics of revolutionary struggles in various countries, dogmatizes the experience of a country and the resolutions of international leading bodies, sometimes requires the work of the parties in various countries to shift to the activities of a country or party, and confuses or even reverses the boundaries between the enemy and ourselves and between right and wrong on several issues of the anti tendency struggle, which are its more prominent shortcomings and mistakes. Nevertheless, the Third International has played a role in promoting the development of the international communist movement. [1]