Primary productivity

Important factors and forces promoting the development of modern productive forces
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The primary productive force refers to the important factors and forces in promoting the development of modern productive forces Deng Xiaoping Propose“ Science and technology It is the first productive force ". Science and technology is promote modern productivity development The important factors and forces in.
Marx It is clearly pointed out that the development of machine production requires conscious application natural science "Productivity also includes science"“ labour productivity It is developing with the continuous progress of science and technology. " This conclusion of Marx has been developed continuously social practice Confirmed.
Chinese name
Primary productivity
Foreign name
a primary productive force
Deng Xiaoping
Promote modern productivity development
Citation explanation
First, the basic elements of productivity are the means of production Object of labor And workers. The means of production are combined with certain science and technology; Workers also have mastered certain scientific and technological knowledge. The rapid development of modern science and technology and its rapid transformation into real productive forces have changed the workers, labor tools Object of labor And management level. The mastery of science and technology by workers has greatly improved people's ability to understand, transform and protect nature productive labor Ability. In the productivity system, science and technology have become the key and dominant factors to promote the development of productivity.
Second, science and technology are modern productivity The first element of development and economic growth. In the past, productivity development and economic growth mainly depended on the input of labor, capital and natural resources Knowledge economy era With the advent of, science, technology and intellectual resources have increasingly become the decisive elements of productivity development and economic growth. Productivity development and economic growth mainly rely on the power of science and technology. from developed country This is especially true in the practice of economic development.
Third, the advancement of modern science and technology plays a leading role in the development of productive forces. The second technological revolution at the end of the 19th century was a turning point in the change of the relationship between science, technology and production. Before that, the relationship between production, science and technology was mainly manifested in that the development of production promoted technological progress, and then promoted the development of science. For example, the technological revolution of steam engine is mainly developed from the craftsman's tradition, which is based on the accumulation of production experience to explore technological inventions, and then summarize the thermodynamic theory. Since the second technological revolution marked by the electric power technological revolution, the situation that this kind of production drives the development of science and technology has changed. Now it is science that drives technological progress and then drives the development of production. Science and technology are more and more ahead of social production, opening up new fields of production development, guiding productivity The direction of development. For example, the establishment of the theory of electromagnetism is mainly to explore the theory of electromagnetism through scientific experiments, promote the revolution of electric power technology, and finally lead to the widespread application of electric power in production. When summarizing the development trend of science and technology, Deng Xiaoping profoundly pointed out that "modern science opens the way for the progress of production technology and determines its development direction. Many new production tools and new processes are first created in scientific laboratories." "A large number of historical facts have proved that once theoretical research has achieved significant results, it will sooner or later bring tremendous progress to production and technology."
Fully understand that science and technology are the first productive forces in the new situation
The assertion that science and technology are productive forces actually indicates that Knowledge economy era Jiang Zemin's important statement that "science and technology are the primary productive forces, and are the concentrated embodiment and main symbol of advanced productive forces" profoundly reveals the position and role of science and technology in economic and social development. Raising science and technology to the height of "advanced productive forces" is the key to our party's conscious representation of the development requirements of advanced social productive forces.
Since the Second World War, science and technology have developed at an unprecedented speed, on a large scale, with a wide range of effects and far-reaching impacts. The development of contemporary science and technology has three characteristics: first, the accelerated development and rapid change of science and technology. In the past 30 years, the number of scientific and technological achievements, that is, new scientific discoveries and new technological inventions, has exceeded the total of the past 2000 years. It has been estimated that by 1980, 90% of the scientific knowledge acquired by human society was acquired more than 30 years after the Second World War. By 2000, the knowledge acquired by human society had doubled. 90% of the knowledge in modern physics was acquired after 1950. 6000 to 8000 scientific and technological papers are published every day in the world. The number of scientific and technological papers published has doubled every one and a half years. According to rough statistics, human scientific and technological knowledge doubled every 50 years in the 19th century, doubled every 10 years in the middle of the 20th century, and doubled every three to five years at present. The number of patents approved worldwide each year is 1.2 million. Today, the updating speed of scientific and technological knowledge is also accelerating. The half-life of engineer's knowledge is five years, that is, half of the knowledge within five years is out of date. In the past 10 years, 90% of the knowledge that an engineer has mastered is related to the latest development of computers. Due to the accelerated growth and updating of scientific and technological knowledge, the scale of scientific and technological development is growing, and the social investment in science and technology is also growing. The second is the integration of scientific and technological development. Science and technology are the distinctive features of modern science and technology. The outstanding form of contemporary scientific and technological development is breakthrough and integration. Breakthrough is to replace the original generation of scientific and technological achievements with the new generation of scientific and technological achievements of research and development; Integration is the combination of existing scientific and technological achievements to develop into new technologies. In the past ten years, a distinctive feature of the development of science and technology is that it increasingly turns to multidisciplinary integration strategy to solve various problems, which has led to the emergence of new interdisciplinary research fields, and finally formed a new discipline and new field with certain unique concepts and methodologies, and opened up a new research series. The comprehensive development of science and technology also shows the epistemological characteristics of the integrity of research, the multidisciplinary nature of research objects, the multi object nature of disciplines, and the informatization of scientific research. The third is the combination of science and technology with humanities and social sciences. The objective process of contemporary social history and the highly integrated nature of any major contemporary scientific and technological issues, economic issues, social development issues and environmental issues not only require the major departments of natural science, technical science and social science to carry out extensive cooperation in many aspects, comprehensively apply multidisciplinary knowledge and methods, but also require that natural science Technology and knowledge of humanities and social sciences combine to form a creative synthesis. The combination of contemporary natural science and technology with humanities and social sciences is a new trend and new feature of today's scientific development.
With the development of modern science and technology, science and technology play an increasingly significant role in economic and social development. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping put forward the conclusion that "science and technology are the first productive force", which provided a strong driving force for China's economic and social development in the 1990s and even across the century.
(1) Science and technology are productive forces is the basic principle of Marxism
Marx and Engels' thought that science is productivity is very rich and profound, which can be summarized in the following aspects: First, science is an important factor in productivity. In his Critique of Political Economy, Marx clearly put forward the famous assertion that "science is also included in productivity" for the first time. Second, science is a special kind of productivity. Marx believed that science itself is human's understanding of nature, and therefore is a form of human productivity development in the form of knowledge. Therefore, as a general social productivity, science is a special social productivity, that is, a spiritual productivity. When it is combined with other elements of productivity, it constitutes an important factor of material productivity. Third, science as a special society productivity It must be transformed into direct productivity. To materialize science and technology into new labor tools and new Object of labor Improve the skills and quality of workers through learning and education. Marx and Engels regarded the latter aspect as the root way for science to transform into direct productivity. Fourth, science and technology are important factors to promote the development of productive forces. Marx said: "The labor productivity is constantly developing with the continuous progress of science and technology." This development of productivity, in the final analysis, always comes from the social nature of working labor, from the division of labor within society, and from the development of intellectual labor, especially natural science. Fifth, science, as a productive force, is not only an important driving force for the development of social productive forces, but also promotes Production relations And the change of production mode promoted the development of superstructure and ideology and culture. Marx believed that the development of machines was one of the factors that revolutionized the mode of production and production relations. Engels also pointed out that scientific discoveries and technological inventions "promoted the industrial revolution, which at the same time caused comprehensive changes in civil society". It is in this sense that they regard science as a "revolutionary force in the highest sense". Marx and Engels on science and technology productivity The point of view is confirmed by the evolving social practice.
(2) The Ideological Connotation of "Science and Technology are the First Productive Force"
On September 12, 1988, Deng Xiaoping pointed out at a meeting to hear the report: "Marx said that science and technology are productive forces, which is very correct. Now it seems that this may not be enough, and I'm afraid it is the first productive force." Entering the 21st century, facing the new situation of more and more rapid scientific and technological progress, Jiang Zemin raised science and technology to a new height in judging advanced productive forces, The role of science and technology in the development of human society has been summarized. This important thought of Jiang Zemin inherits the essence of Marxism, enriches and develops Deng Xiaoping's thought that "science and technology are the first productive forces", and has a distinctive era and rich scientific connotation. First, the mission of "science and technology are the primary productive forces" is to improve the economy. Take the scientific and technological progress as the basis Connotative form extended reproduction We should strive to improve the content of scientific and technological progress in economic growth and promote the development of the whole economy; Secondly, the essence of "science and technology are the first productive forces" lies in the integration of science and technology and economy. It is an urgent task for us to implement the thought of "science and technology are the first productive forces" and establish a system and mechanism that organically combines science and technology with economy in the socialist market economy. Only by making great determination and making great efforts to fundamentally solve the problem of the disconnection between science and technology and the economy, can we speed up the realization of scientific and technological achievements productivity Only through this transformation can science and technology become the real first productive force. Third, "science and technology are the primary productive forces" is an important guarantee for consolidating and developing the socialist system. To consolidate and develop socialism, we must hold high the banner of "science and technology are the primary productive forces" in the fierce competition worldwide and in the contest between the two social systems, promote the economy, and ultimately create a higher labor productivity than capitalism, so that the people really have confidence in socialism. Fourth, the key to playing the role of "science and technology are the first productive forces" is to improve the scientific and technological awareness of the whole society. To accelerate scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers, it requires the active participation and dedication of the whole society. It is necessary to form the ideological consensus of "science and technology are the first productive force" in the whole society and be mastered by the masses of the people, so that it can be transformed into huge material power.
(3) Science and technology are advanced productivity Important signs of
Science and technology is an important symbol of advanced productivity, which is mainly reflected in that science and technology determine the nature, direction, structure and level of advanced productivity. First, science and technology determine the nature of advanced productive forces. The productive forces consist of laborers, labor tools and Object of labor as well as Labor process A complex system composed of various elements such as organization and management. The advanced nature of a particular productive force in an era should be reflected by the advanced nature of each element in the system. The transformation of workers from "physical" to "knowledge" marks the improvement of the advanced level of productivity. Secondly, science and technology determine the evolution direction of advanced productivity. Before the 20th century, the interaction of science, technology and production was often developed in the order of production technology science, that is, the practice of production and technology laid the foundation for the formation of scientific theory. In the contemporary era, science and technology have obvious foresight. Biotechnology developed by the application of molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and other sciences is widely used in industry, agriculture, medicine, health and food industry, making productivity To develop into more and more advanced fields. Third, science and technology determine the level of industrial structure. Since the 1960s, High tech industry , research and design, finance and insurance, culture and education, commerce and eye care and other tertiary industries gradually occupy a leading position. This upgrading of the industrial structure is marked by the intensity of scientific and technological knowledge in the industry. The country with dominant primary industry is an agricultural country, the country with dominant secondary industry is an industrial country, and the country with dominant tertiary industry is a post industrial country. From the perspective of the proportion of the employed population in the tertiary industry, some developed countries exceeded 50% in the late 1970s. In particular, the rise and development of high-tech industries have more effectively proved that science and technology have become advanced productivity The main logo of. Fourth, science and technology determine the advanced level of productive forces. The degree of high-tech industry, the concentration of scientific and technological content in products, the time cycle of science and technology application in production, and the contribution rate of science and technology in economic growth are important factors to measure the advanced level of productivity. After the Second World War, the scientific and technological content of products increased 10 times every 10 years. In the 19th century, the interval between scientific discovery and technological invention was generally 65 to 30 years, but it was greatly shortened in the 20th century, in which integrated circuits only used two years and lasers only used one year. The contribution rate of science and technology in developed countries to the growth rate of gross national economic output was only 5% - 20% at the beginning of the 20th century, rising to 50% in the middle of the 20th century, and generally 60% - 80% at present, significantly exceeding the contribution rate of capital and labor.