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First Balkan War

Wars in European History
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The First Balkan War was Balkan League opposition Ottoman Empire And the war was carried out. The Balkan League Ottoman Empire Offer to give Macedonia and Thrace autonomy 's request was rejected in Russian Empire Supported by the Balkan Alliance on October 18, 1912 [2] Declare war on the Ottoman Empire. [1]
After fierce battle, Serbian Despotate Kingdom of Montenegro Two country occupation Macedonia and Adriatic Sea coast; Bulgarian Empire control Istanbul Western region; The Kingdom of Greece occupy Aegean Islands The Ottoman Empire was defeated and retreated Edirne Ioannina and Skutai Etc. November 3rd Ottoman Empire Forced request Europe The great powers carried out peaceful coordination and signed the London Treaty on May 30, 1913, declaring the end of the war. The defeated Ottoman Empire lost most of its territory in Europe. [1]
First Balkan War
Time of occurrence
October 8, 1912 - March 30, 2013
Balkan Alliance Wins
Forces of the participating parties
350.000 people in the Ottoman Empire
670.000 people in Balkan League
Ottoman Empire: 50000 dead, 4926 injured
Greece: 2373 dead, 9295 injured
Bulgaria: 8840 dead, 4926 injured
Serbia: 5000 dead and 18000 injured
Montenegro: 2340 dead, 6602 injured


  1. one cause
  2. two burst
  3. three result


Balkan Peninsula There are many nationalities, since Ottoman Empire In 1389 Battle of Kosovo After China defeated the Balkan coalition forces and occupied the entire Balkan Peninsula by force, Yugoslavia All ethnic groups were under their rule for a long time. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Ottoman Empire began to decline Russian Empire Lose in battle. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Serbs, who had been ruled by the Ormans Empire for many years, launched two revolutions and successfully achieved autonomy, and in 1830 The Kingdom of Greece The success of independence from the Ottoman Empire has greatly encouraged all ethnic groups and nationalists of all ethnic groups in Yugoslavia to launch Armed uprising , trying to get rid of the Ottoman Empire.
The First Balkan Campaign [2]
as for Russia The empire has been trying to capture mediterranean sea At the sea port, he launched wars against the Ottoman Empire many times. To 1875, it was ruled by Ottomans and located in the center of the Balkans Bosnia Disturbance was found due to famine and soon spread to Bulgaria In 1877, Russia took advantage of the Bulgarian turmoil to wage war against the Ottoman Empire again. The Ottoman Empire was defeated and sought peace. It was approved in the signing of the Treaty of San Stefano Serbia Montenegro independent, Romania By Varachia and Moldova Merger, and the establishment of a large Bulgarian principality, but the relevant arrangements led the United Kingdom, Austro Hungarian Empire Such countries are dissatisfied. In 1878, the great powers held a meeting to determine the order of the Balkans Berlin Conference , although Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania and other countries have won the independent status International recognition However, Bulgaria's territory was greatly reduced, Bosnia was entrusted to the Austro Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire still maintained its rule Albania Kosovo Macedonia Such as the central Balkans.
In 1908, the Young Turks Revolution took place in the Ottoman Empire, Austro Hungarian Empire The Ottoman Empire could not stop the annexation of Bosnia. The weakness and incompetence of the Ottoman Empire on the Bosnian issue deepened the contempt of the Balkan countries for Ottoman. In addition, Serbia, which had originally intended to annex Bosnia, changed its plan to expand southward after the annexation of Bosnia by Austria and Hungary in order to seize Albania's access to the sea, so many countries were formed Balkan League , declare war on Osman. [1]


Balkan Peninsula before the war
With the support of Russia, Pan Slavism It has become the mainstream ideology of the Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan countries have also actively expanded their military and carried out diplomatic work to seek European powers And hoped to seize the territory of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. In March 1912, Serbia and Bulgaria formed an alliance; May, Montenegro and Greece also participated; Form the Balkan Alliance.
On October 8, 1912, Montenegro declared war on the Ottoman Empire; on October 14, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece jointly issued an ultimatum to the Ottoman Empire; on October 17, the Ottoman Empire declared war on Bulgaria and Serbia; and on October 18, Greece declared war on the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by the Balkan Alliance. [1]


The Balkans after the war
Due to the interference of the great powers, on May 30, 1913 London Convening the peace meeting, originally belonging to Ottoman Macedonia By Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece Carve up, Thessaloniki Then it was incorporated into Greece, and then the Austro Hungarian Empire joined the peace conference. Austro Hungarian feared that Serbia would get access to the sea after it got Albania, and become more powerful. It insisted that Albania must be independent. The Austro Hungarian motion is in line with Serbia's desire to establish a containment system in Europe by seizing the territory of the Ottoman Empire Serbia Mende Negro Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania Of‘ Greater Serbia ’Dream violation. Since then, Serbia has become more resentful of Austria Hungary, which has become the Ossetian War and even the Ossetian War the First World War The main cause of. At the same time, although Albania gained independence after the war, Kosovo, which was inhabited by a large number of Albanians, was merged into Serbia after the war, becoming the root cause of the Kosovo problem at the end of the twentieth century.
On the other hand, Serbia and Bulgaria Dominion Disagreement, June The Second Balkan War The Balkan Alliance ended.