
The largest city in the Far East of Russia (Vladivostok)
zero Useful+1
Vladivostok [23] , on Eurasia Northeast, Amur Peninsula southernmost. Qing Dynasty At that time, it was the territory of China, belonging to General Jilin November 14, 1860《 Sino Russian Beijing Treaty 》Including Vladivostok Wusuli River Ceded to the east Russian Empire The Russian Empire named it Vladivostok, which means "rule the East" in Russian.
Vladivostok is the largest port city along the Pacific coast of Russia, the Russian Far East Science Center, the base of the Russian Pacific Fleet, and the largest city, economic and cultural center in the Russian Far East. It is also one of the main cultural, educational and scientific research centers in the Far East. [1]
Russian Academy of Sciences Siberia The Far East Branch of the Branch, the Pacific Fisheries and Oceanography Institute and Far Eastern Federal University And many other colleges and universities. The Russian government has decided to build Vladivostok and its surrounding areas into a free economic zone to strengthen Russia's cooperation with China the republic of korea Japan And other Northeast Asian countries. As of 2018, the total population is 605000, mainly Russians and China Russian People. Climate Humid continental climate Mainly, the annual average high temperature is 8.38 ° C, the average low temperature is 1.38 ° C, and the average precipitation is 797 mm.
Chinese name
Vladivostok [23]
Foreign name
Владивосток (in Russian)
Vladivostok (English)
Vladivostok [23]
Administrative Region Category
Capital of Binhai Border Region
Russia, Binhai Border Region
geographical position
331.16 km² [2]
Area under jurisdiction
5 zones
Government residence
Vladivostok City
Area Code
seven thousand four hundred and twenty-three
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Humid continental climate
Vladivostok International Airport
train station
Vladivostok Railway Station
License plate code
Time zone
UTC+10 [21]

Historical evolution

In the middle of the 17th century, the Tsarist Empire took the opportunity to invade the East and sought to open ports in the Far East.
The Map of Tsarist Russia in the Middle Seventeenth Century
Signed between the Qing government and Russia during the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty《 Treaty of Nerchinsk 》The Ming Dynasty confirmed that the area where Vladivostok was located belonged to the Qing Dynasty.
During the second Opium War, the Qing government signed an unequal agreement with Russia in 1858 Aihui Treaty It is stipulated that the region east of the Ussuri River in Vladivostok is under the joint management of China and Russia.
In 1860, Russia forced the Qing government to sign an unequal Sino Russian Beijing Treaty The Qing government ceded about 400000 square kilometers of territory to the east of the Ussuri River, including Sakhalin Island, including Vladivostok. Later, it became an important military base of Tsarist Russia in the Far East, but because it was too far away from the Russian headquarters, the development of this place was slow. [3]
In 1871, Russia built a military port here and moved the Pacific Fleet from Nikolayevsk (Temple Street) here. The town was established in 1875. It has been upgraded to a city since 1880.
 Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty
Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty
In 1888, it became the administrative center of the coastal province of Russia.
Since the opening of the Siberian railway in 1891, there have also been sea routes from it to Kobe, Nagasaki, Japan, Shanghai, China and other places.
Since 1903 Moscow After the completion of the direct railway line to Vladivostok, the city developed rapidly and became an important city and port of Russia in the Far East. The disintegration of the Soviet Union Previously, it was the capital of the coastal frontier region of the Russian Federation of the Soviet Union. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it is still the coastal frontier capital of the Russian Federation and the second largest city in the Far East.
1904-1905 Russo Japanese War In China, it was raided by a detachment fleet sent by the Japanese Navy. As the Russian patrol fleet stood firm, the Japanese navy shifted its attack targets. [4]
After the Russian October Revolution in 1917, due to the chaos of the Soviet Union's civil war, the anti Communist forces were united here with Belarus in the Russian Far East. These include some foreign forces such as Britain, the United States and Japan. The Japanese British Allied Forces entered the Golden Horn Bay and this city in April 1918 on the pretext that there were Japanese funded facilities there. In 1920, the Far East coastal area established the "Far East Republic", which lasted until 1922, when it was recovered by the Soviet Union. [5]
Since the 1930s, the city has become Soviet Union The main place where political prisoners are exiled the Second World War The Soviet Union and Japan Prisoners of war.
In 1954, Khrushchev, the first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, came to the city and said that it could be compared with San Francisco in the United States, which also established its position as the most important development city in the Far East of the Soviet Union.
The Agreement between the People's Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Eastern Section of the Sino Soviet Border in 1991 (May 16, 1991) defined and determined the direction of the eastern section of the Sino Soviet border where an agreement had been reached. During Jiang Zemin's visit to Russia in July 2001, the two heads of state reached a consensus when meeting in Moscow, and charged the foreign ministers of the two countries with resolving the remaining border issue within one year. At the same time, the Treaty of Good Neighbourly, Friendly and Cooperation between China and Russia signed by the two sides clearly stipulates that the two sides should continue to negotiate on the direction of the boundary line in areas where China and Russia have not yet reached consensus. In September of the same year, when Premier Zhu Rongji visited Russia, the foreign ministers of the two countries reached an agreement on the principle of solving the remaining border issue, namely "equal consultation, mutual understanding and compromise". And confirmed in writing. [16]
On July 13, 2015, Russian President Putin signed the bill establishing Vladivostok Free Port. According to this bill, the Vladivostok Free Port covers a total area of 34000 square kilometers and is close to the border area between China and North Korea. The establishment period is 70 years. The free port will provide policy support and preference for enterprises settled in the port in terms of taxation, customs and quarantine. This period can be extended or the state's support measures for enterprise activities can be stopped in advance. The Vladivostok Free Port Law will come into force on October 12, 2015, 90 days after its official publication. [6]
View of Vladivostok from Peter the Great Bay
From June 1, 2023, according to General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China Announcement No. 44 of 2023( Announcement on Further Expanding the Business Scope of Cross border Transportation of Domestic Trade Goods in Jilin Province )Jilin Province added Vladivostok Port of Russia as a transit port for cross-border transportation of domestic trade goods. [20]

administrative division

Vladivostok is the administrative center of the Far East Federal District, with a population of about 605000 (2018) and an area of 331.16 square kilometers. Located at the eastern end of the Siberian Railway, it is Russia's window to the Asia Pacific.

geographical environment


geographical position

Vladivostok is located in the pacific ocean At the southern end of the coastal Muraviyov Amursky Peninsula Sea of Japan , the city is built near the mountain, the north is the highland, and the east, south and west are respectively adjacent to Wusuli Bay Big Peter Bay and Amur Bay The city and port area are located in Amur Peninsula Apical Golden Horn Bay Along the coast, Jinjiao Bay stretches into the mainland from southwest to northeast, with a length of about 7 kilometers, a width of about 2 kilometers at the entrance, and a depth of 20-30 meters. The southern side of the Golden Horn Bay is separated from the East Bosphorus Strait, with the Russian island as the natural barrier. The bay is surrounded by low mountains and hills, which is a dangerous situation and one of the few natural harbors in the world. [17]
Vladivostok's position in the Far East

Climatic characteristics

According to Zhou Shuzhen's climate classification, Vladivostok belongs to the typical temperate continental humid climate, or cold temperate zone Continental monsoon climate Cool and comfortable in summer; Autumn is the best season in Vladivostok. The weather is sunny, sunny, lasts for a long time, and sometimes there are typhoons. In winter, affected by the northerly wind from the high latitude polar region and the ocean southeasterly wind, it is cold and humid, with more snow. Spring comes earlier; In summer, influenced by polar ocean air mass or denatured tropical ocean air mass, east and southeast wind prevails, cool and comfortable, moderate rainfall, and sometimes fog. The four seasons are distinct throughout the year, and the weather changes slowly. Because it is close to the Sea of Japan, the temperature in winter and summer has a smaller range than that in inland areas of the same latitude, and the daily temperature difference is very small, which has obvious temperate monsoon climate characteristics.
Climate Histogram of Vladivostok
Climate data of Vladivostok (1961-1990)
particular year
Average gas
Temperature (℃)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
four point four
nine point six
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
one hundred and eighteen
one hundred and forty-eight
one hundred and twenty-four point five
sixty-eight point two
nineteen point four
Rainy day
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
two point seven
three point nine
six point eight
seven point nine
ten point two
seven point three
five point five
four point two
two point six
Daily average
Sunshine (h)
one thousand nine hundred and ninety
five point seven
six point six
six point four
six point four
three point nine
four point eight
six point six
six point six
five point six
Note: Rainfall day means that the daily rainfall is not less than 1mm. The location of the weather station is 43.1 degrees north latitude, 131.9 degrees east longitude and 183 meters above sea level

natural resources

Animal resources
Vladivostok lives more than 2000 kinds of invertebrates, about 300 kinds of fish, birds and about 20 kinds of marine mammals in the Great Peter Bay. The most common marine animal It's a seal. There are all kinds of seabirds living on the rocks along the coast. People call it "bird market". [18]
Vladivostok satellite photograph


As of 2018, Vladivostok has a total population of 605000, most of whom are Russians.
Fishing boats in Peter the Great Bay




The Siberian Railway, which was started from both east and west in 1891 and opened to traffic in 1905, has a total length of more than 9000 kilometers, starting from Vladivostok (Vladivostok) on the coast of the Japan Sea in the Russian Far East, passing through the sparsely populated Russian Far East, passing through Khabarovsk (Boli), Chita, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk Chelyabinsk and other cities, reach Yekaterinburg at the eastern foot of Urals.
Schematic Diagram of Siberian Railway


Vladivostok is the largest port in the Russian Far East and also the largest trading port in the Russian Far East. The annual throughput of the port is about 10 million tons, including about 4 million tons of domestic transportation and about 3 million tons of foreign transportation. Since the winter icing period of Vladivostok is up to 100~110 days (from the first ten days of December to the middle and last ten days of the next March), it can be navigable by means of icebreakers. It is foggy in summer and autumn, of which the average foggy day is one and a half months from June to August, and sometimes the heavy fog affects ships entering the harbor. The end of the North Sea route and the center of offshore transportation in the Far East. 1979 Port throughput About 9 million tons, of which two thirds are offshore transportation. The port has good equipment and large warehouses. The main freight transport is to transport oil and coal, grain, daily necessities, building materials and mechanical equipment to the Pacific coast of Russia, the eastern coast of the Arctic Ocean, Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands, and to transport back fish and fish products, metals, minerals, etc. Among foreign trade goods, coal, timber, building materials, ores, fertilizers and fish products are exported. Machinery and equipment, grain and daily necessities are imported. Vladivostok Port Cargo throughput It ranks first in Russia's Far East. Industry types include ship repair, rolling stock, mining equipment, electronic instruments, building materials, food processing, etc. It mainly exports oil, coal and grain, and imports petroleum products and fish.

social undertakings


Science and education

Vladivostok has 12 colleges and 11 middle schools. Since the first navigation pilot school was opened in 1890 Vladivostok National University [22] Far East Higher School of Marine Engineering Far East National University of Fishery Technology Far East National University There are also several other comprehensive universities, which have trained experts for all walks of life. It is worth mentioning that the National University of the Far East, also translated as Far Eastern Federal University In 2013, QS World University ranked more than 600. Its Chinese Department has trained a number of Chinese translation talents. When you walk on the street and meet a Russian speaking fluent Chinese with you, he or she is basically a graduate of the Chinese Department of Far East University. There are also 4 museums, 3 theaters and 1 concert hall in the city. The last Sunday of July every year is the largest local festival - the Russian Navy Day. Warships from all countries in the world are docked on the shore of the naval port, and colorful national flags are flying in the wind, which is very lively.
Gorky Academic Theater
Science and education
Major universities
Science and education organizations
Pacific National Medical University (ТГМУ)
Russian Institute of Automation and Control Process (ИАПУ)
Vladivostok National University of Economics and Services (ВГУЭС)
Russian Institute of Applied Mathematics (ИПМ)
Far East National University of Technical Fisheries (Далжрыбвту)
Russian Maritime Science and Technology Society (ИПМТ)
Far East Federal University (ДВФУ) [7]
Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry [10]
Makarov Pacific Naval Academy (МГУ, бывш. ДВВИМУ,ДВГМА) [8]
Russian Institute of Biology and Soil Research (БПИ)
Vladivostok Institute of Russian Customs [9]
Russian Institute of Pacific Geography (ТИГ)
Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (ТИНРО - Центр)
Far East Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology (ФГБУ« ДВНИГМИ») [11]

Cultural tourism

Vladivostok is also a resort with beautiful scenery, and has become the third tourist resort next to the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. Taking advantage of the characteristics of hills, coastal locations and large forests, and through the overall planning and design, this coastal mountain city has been dressed up in a beautiful, unique and beautiful environment. There are good beaches here. In summer, thousands of tourists and convalescents come from all over the Far East, Siberia, Europe and even foreign countries.
Dawn at Golden Horn Bay in Vladivostok

military base

Due to the important geographical location of Vladivostok, Russia set up a fortress in Vladivostok in 1877. From 1904 to 1905, the Vladivostok fortress, which was initially completed, played an important role, so that the Japanese army could not occupy Vladivostok. In 1923, the Soviet Union set up the Naval Administration in Vladivostok, and established the Pacific Fleet on the basis of the original Amur River Fleet. Since then, Vladivostok has been the headquarters of the Soviet Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet. The Soviet Union has always attached great importance to the construction of Vladivostok as a far eastern fortress and naval base. Now Vladivostok is not only the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet, but also the largest military port in the Russian Far East. It is home to the 36th Surface Warfighter Division and 44th Anti submarine Brigade, the main force of the Pacific Fleet. [12]
Varyag missile cruiser anchored at Vladivostok port

famous scenery

The Monument to the Soviet Regime Soldiers in the Far East was built to commemorate the February Revolution and the October Revolution in 1917. In order to establish the Soviet regime in the Far East, the Bolshevik soldiers fought hard against the reactionary forces at home and abroad, and finally won the final victory in 1922. The monument stands in the central square of Vladivostok, and was built in 1961, It is the largest monument in the Far East. During the war, the commercial fleet undertook the task of transporting goods from the Allies, met with enemy ships and aircraft from time to time, and had to fight. A total of 25 commercial ships were sunk. In memory of these sailors, there was a burning fire in front of the monument.
Monument to Soviet Regime Warriors in the Far East
The Vladivostok Military History Museum is located on the shore of the shipyard. During World War II, the Pacific Fleet and the German Fascists fought to death at sea and on land. To commemorate the heroic sacrifice of soldiers, the center of the memorial square is burning a bright fire all the year round. The main memorial of the memorial square is the C-56 guard submarine, which fought bravely and well in World War II, A total of ten warships were sunk and four were severely damaged, making great contributions.
Vladivostok Museum of Military History
Vladivostok Railway Station was built in 1912 in accordance with the architectural style of Russia in the 17th century. There is a steam locomotive near the station. It was a steam locomotive designed by Soviet engineers during World War II and manufactured in the United States. It was transported from sea to the Soviet Union. Before 1963, this steam locomotive had been running on the Siberian railway to commemorate railway workers in the war years, On the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Second World War in 1995, this physical monument was set up. Next to this monument is a symbol engraved with 288, which is the symbol of the eastern end of the large railway running through Russia, indicating that the distance from Moscow is 9288 kilometers.
Vladivostok Railway Station
Vladivostok Fortress, in 1899, Vladivostok was officially declared as a fortress. The first permanent defense project was designed by the famous Russian engineering expert and professor of Nikolai Engineering Academy, Colonel K. I. Velikko. The overall plan of this defense line was formulated by the Minister of Operations, General A. N. Kurobatkin, and it started in the Amursky Bay, passed through Muraviyov Amursky Peninsula, and finally reached Ussurisk (Shuangchengzi), about 3-5 kilometers away from the Golden Horn Bay. During the First World War, the fortress successfully resisted attacks from sea and land, and was indestructible. The fortress left behind a large number of powerful weapons at that time, which is a good place to visit. [13]
Vladivostok Fortress

Sister city

February 28, 1991
September 10, 1991
February 21, 1992
February 25, 1992
June 29, 1992
the republic of korea
June 30, 1992
July 28, 1992
September 10, 1992
North Korea
October 19, 2009
October 29, 2009
Kota Kinabalu
March 15, 2010
May 18, 2011
the republic of korea
July 30, 2012

Main leaders


City Honor

On December 26, 2019, it ranked 289 in the 2019 Global Top 500 Cities. [14]
In April 2020, it was selected into the "2020 World Famous Summer Cities". [15]