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Zhu Faqian

Monk of the Jin Dynasty
synonym Zhu Fashen (Eastern Jin Monk) generally refers to Zhu Faqian
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Zhu Faqian (286-374), also known as Zhu Daoqian [1] Zhu Fashen, a common surname Wang, was born in Langya, the younger brother of Wang Dun, the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, [2] A famous monk and scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. [1]
Zhu Faqian was born into a noble family, and became a monk at the age of 18. He learned from Zhongzhou Liu Yuanzhen. [2] In the early years of Yongjia, Emperor Huai of the Jin Dynasty (307), Zhu Faqian went south to avoid the war. During the Jianwu and Taixing periods (317-321 years), Zhu Faqian, a highly respected person, often wore wooden clogs to the temple, and was called "a man from the outside". Later, Zhu Fa lived in seclusion in Shanshan (today's Shengzhou, Zhejiang). [1]
At that time, Emperor Ai of Jin Sima Pi respected Buddhism and sent envoys many times to invite Zhu Fa to sneak out of the mountain. Zhu Faqian returned to the imperial palace in the capital city to speak about the Great Prajna Sutra, and the monarchs and officials all said they were good. Although Zhu Faqian was in Kyoto and handed over to princes, nobles, literati and celebrities, he missed his place of seclusion and returned to Yangshan in Shanxian County. In the second year of Ningkang (374 years), Zhu Fa was buried in the mountain pavilion and passed away. [1]
Jin dynasty
one's native heath
Langxie Linyi
True name
Zhu Faqian

brief introduction

Zhu Qian, a monk, has a deep word. His surname is Wang. After he became a monk, Zhu Faqian cut off the pomp, practiced his own business, and promoted enlightenment with profound and subtle words, so he was famous in the Western Dynasty. Zhu Faqian's appearance is impressive.
In the early years of Yongjia (308-313 AD), Emperor Huai of the Western Jin Dynasty, Zhu Faqian crossed the Yangtze River to the south because of avoiding chaos. The Yuan Emperor, the Ming Emperor, the Jixiang Wang Maohong, the Taiwei Yu Yuangui and others all admired his demeanor and integrity, and they were courteous. They often had contacts. From the Jianwu year of the Yuan Dynasty to the Taining year of the Ming Dynasty (317-326 AD), Zhu Faqian often wore clogs to the big fight. At that time, people called him "a man from the outside". It is because of his noble character. When Emperor Yuan and Emperor Ming passed away, Wang Maohong and Abolishing Yuangui also died. Zhu Faqian came to Shanshan to live in seclusion to avoid the secular society. However, because he was admired by people at that time, he tracked books or explained Laozi and Zhuangzi. Those who come to learn from him have learned a lot about Buddhism and Taoism.


After Emperor Ai of the Jin Dynasty ascended the throne, the Emperor Ai paid great attention to Buddhism and sent envoys many times to earnestly ask Dharma to dive down the mountain. Some Faqian had to obey his orders and stay in the capital temporarily, that is, to speak the "Dapin Sutra" at the royal banquet in the palace. Emperor Ai and his courtiers praised him for his good speech.
When Emperor Jianwen was the prime minister, people in both the court and the public believed that he was the most noble person. Therefore, Faqian was a model and banner for monks and scholars, and a friend respected by the former emperor. Therefore, Emperor Jianwen paid special respect to him. After Emperor Jianwen ascends the throne, he will be devout to Zhu Faqian. Zhu Faqian once met Liu Qing, the prime minister of Pei State, at the place of Emperor Jian Wendi. Liu Qing laughed at him and said, "Why do Taoists come to visit rich families?".

To hand over

Although Zhu Faqian made friends with princes and nobles, this was not what he was willing to do. So he returned to Yangshan Mountain in Shanxian County to fulfill his ambition and plan to spend more years in the mountains and forests. The eminent monk Zhidun sent people to buy a small mountain ridge on the Wozhou near the Yangshan Mountain to be a place of seclusion. Zhu Faqian said to the visitor, "When he comes to the mountain, he will live for him. Anyone who has heard of such a hermit as Chao Fu and Xu You (it is said that Yao was a hermit in Yao's time, and Yao wanted to give up his position to both of them, but would not accept it.) wants to buy a mountain and live there." Later, Zhi Dun said in a letter to a Korean monk, "Zhu Faqian, an eminent monk, is a disciple of Liu Yuanzhen in Zhongzhou. He is a person who has strong will and integrity. He used to live in Kyoto, maintain the law net, and be admired by the public. He is a great master of Buddhism! " Zhu Faqian is not tolerant of the secular world because of his peaceful career. He lives in seclusion in the mountains and has no time to cultivate his morality. He leads some like-minded people on the Yangshan Mountain in Shanxian County to talk about justice. Although he cannot live in seclusion, he occasionally hears about it. He died in Yangshan at the age of 89 in the second year of Ningkang, Emperor Xiaowu of Jin Dynasty (374 AD).
Emperor Xiaowu issued an imperial edict, saying: "Dharma master is deep in law and has a clear understanding. He has both foresight and simplicity. He gave up the splendor and wealth of the prime minister and lived a poor life of monks. He lived in seclusion outside the world and worked hard. We should rely on him to promote Buddhism and help the common people. However, he once put Zhu Faqian and Liu Bolun (Liu Ling, one of the seven sages in the bamboo forest) In comparison, Sun Chuo said: "Zhu Fa has a profound and ambitious way of diving; Liu Ling is wanton and dissolute, and takes the universe as a small factor. Liu Ling is not as good as Zhu Faqian in seclusion, but they are the same in indifference to fame and wealth and open-minded."

Bodong Zhongdian

At that time, there was also a monk named Zhu Fayou in Yangshan, who was ambitious and knowledgeable. He followed Zhu Faqian to learn the Apitan Sutra and could chant it only one night. Zhu Faqian
Zhu Fa is good at understanding scriptures and mysteries. He is especially good at "Let Light Wave Like Sutra".
Kang Fazhi is also very knowledgeable in Buddhism, and is also well-known in cursive script and clerical script. Kang Ting once met Kang Ting. Kang Ting thought that his calligraphy was better than Kang Fazhi's, so they each imitated a cursive script by Wang Xizhi. Others sold it in the market, but they couldn't compete. Kang Fazhi is also good at writing scriptures, which is also more important than the current world.
Zhu Faji was very talented when he was young. His articles are very colorful. He wrote the Biography of Gaoyi Shamen.
All of the above people are experts of Zhu Faqian. Sun Chuo once made "praise comments" for them, so we won't extract them here.