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competitive power

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Chinese words
Competitiveness refers to the ability of an enterprise or country to commodity production and commodity exchange In the process, the ability to compete with other enterprises or countries in order to compete for favorable production conditions and sales markets.
Chinese name
competitive power
Chinese words
The competition is multifaceted, including competition for markets, raw materials, investment sites, and available funds, but the most important indicators to measure competitiveness are the sales of goods and Market share The best-selling products and the rising market share indicate that the competitiveness of this enterprise or country has improved. Product competitiveness depends on the satisfaction of consumers brought by product quality, performance, style, decoration, etc; From a value perspective, competitiveness depends on Individual value (or cost and price) is lower than market value stay international market Upper tariff And Non tariff measures exchange rate It also has an important impact on the international competitiveness of products.