Beginning of Spring

[lì chūn]
cold dews
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The beginning of spring is the first of the 24 solar terms. Standing means "beginning"; Spring represents warmth and growth. [19] The 24 solar terms were originally based on“ passing of night ”Formulate when Big Dipper Spring starts when the handle of the bucket points to Yin position. Current is based on Solar yellow meridian The solar term is determined by degrees. When the sun reaches 315 ° of longitude, it is the beginning of spring. The festival is held on February 3-5 of the Gregorian calendar every year. [19] In the era of Ganzhi, the beginning of spring is the beginning of everything, which means that a new cycle has begun. In the traditional concept, the beginning of spring has auspicious meaning. [19-21]
The beginning of spring marks the end of the winter when everything is closed, and the beginning of spring when everything is warm and everything grows. In nature, the most obvious feature of the beginning of spring is that everything begins to have recovery Signs. By the beginning of spring, you can clearly feel the Tropic of Cancer (Huangchi Jiaojiao) and its south early spring The smell of. Due to China's vast territory, large north-south span, and different natural rhythms, the "beginning of spring" is just a prelude to spring for many regions. Everything has not yet recovered, and it is still in the winter when everything is closed. [18-19] [29]
Chinese name
Beginning of Spring
Foreign name
Beginning of Spring [3]
The beginning of the year New Year's Day Change one's age Spring Festival January Festival
Yang Qi rises, everything regenerates, and the new year begins
Gregorian calendar time
February 3 to February 5 of the Gregorian calendar
Ecliptic position
The sun reaches 315 degrees yellow longitude
Phenological phenomenon
Dongfeng thaws, sting starts to vibrate, and fish gives ice
Farming activities
Heavy harrowing for moisture preservation
traditional custom
Worship the gods and ancestors, pray for good fortune, exorcise evil spirits and eliminate disasters, remove the old and renovate the new, etc
Living regimen
Prevent restlessness, avoid overwork, and ensure an open-minded sleep mood.

historical origin

Beginning of Spring
Beginning of Spring, the first of the 24 solar terms, also known as January Festival , New Year's Day, New Year's Day, New Year's Day, etc. Standing means "beginning"; Spring represents warmth and growth. In nature, the most obvious feature of the beginning of spring is that everything begins to recover. The beginning of spring is the beginning of all things and the meaning of all regeneration, which means that a new cycle has been opened. [19] The beginning of spring is the beginning of spring. At this time, although the spring is still chilly, the winter is over. Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and nature is thriving. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the beginning of spring. [19-20]
The Twenty fourth Solar Term is the product of the ancient farming civilization, which occupies an extremely important position in the traditional farming society of China. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the customs and cultures of the north and the south were different. In some places, the ritual of the beginning of the year was not the new moon of the first lunar month, but the beginning of the spring of the 24th solar term of the Ganzhi calendar. [25] The beginning of the Spring Festival is of great significance to the traditional farming society. Major celebrations, such as worshiping gods and ancestors, praying for blessings, exorcising evil spirits and avoiding disasters, removing the old and renovating the new, and welcoming the New Year, are all held on the beginning of the Spring Festival and its surrounding periods. This series of festival activities not only constitute the framework for the celebration of the beginning of the Spring Festival in later generations, but also its folk functions have been preserved to this day. [19] [23]
Works of the Ming Dynasty《 Aromatics spectrum 》The poem "Beginning of Spring" says, "The east wind brings rain to the west wind, and the earth is sunny and warm《 Monthly Order 72 Waiting Solution 》: "The beginning of spring is the first month festival; the beginning of summer, autumn and winter is the same." [4] [24]

Astronomical calendar


Division basis

  • Stars Move (Before Qin and Han Dynasties)
passing of night
twenty-four solar terms ”It is the product of the ancient farming civilization. It was originally determined by the rotation direction of the handle of the Big Dipper. The Chinese astrological culture has a long history and is broad and profound. The ancients began to explore the mysteries of the universe very early, and thus deduced a complete and profound culture of watching stars. Big Dipper In different seasons and at different times of night, it will appear in different directions of the northern hemisphere sky. It is the ruler for the ancients to determine direction and seasonal solar terms. Polaris is located at the northern end of the Earth's axis, at the five times extension of the line between Tianxuan and Tianshu in the Big Dipper. Because of the rotation of the earth, the Polaris is on the axis of the celestial sphere, so it is relatively stationary. The Big Dipper on the axis seems to revolve around the Polaris, which results in“ passing of night ”。 One turn of the handle is called one year old, and "year old" is also called“ Photographic lift ”、“ Taisui ”It is the name of an epoch star in ancient times. The ancients used "years" to express the alternation of cold and heat. "Yi · Xici": the combination of cold and heat is achieved by years. The ancients believed that December was the rule of the universe, such as《 Wenzi · natural 》"December runs round and round." It means that heaven and earth turn round and round again and again. The solar term established by the "Dou Bing Zhi Fa" starts with Dou Bing Zhi Yin, "Dou Zhi Yin is the beginning of spring, Dou Zhi Ren is the rain, Dou Zhi Ding is the wakening of insects,... Dou Zhi Chou is the great cold." It begins with the beginning of spring and ends with the great cold. Although the 24 solar terms calendar was formulated by the ancients according to the changes of the Big Dipper, the reason for the changes is that the earth revolves around the sun. Therefore, the solar terms with the dipper handle pointing method are basically consistent with the current solar terms of the Yellow Meridian. [19] [25]
In the early era of visual timing, the age was determined according to the changes of the stars. Tianwei Jianyuan starts from Yin, such as《 Huainanzi Astronomical Training 》Included: "The Emperor Zhang Siwei, who used his power to fight, moved the month to one hour and returned to his place. The first month refers to Yin, and the twelfth month refers to ugliness. When he was one year old, he turned and began again.". December runs round and round. At the end of the year, December refers to the ugly side, the first month returns to the Yin position, and the "bucket handle returns to the Yin position". Spring returns to the earth, entering a new cycle, everything is renewed, and the new year begins. Jianyin's first month is also called the "Yuan" month. The first spring is the first day of the first month, and the first spring is the calendar of the trunk and branch (year old, photographic). "Records of the Historian, Tianguan Book": "On the first day of the first month, the king will be the first year of the year, and the spring day will be the beginning of the four seasons". The beginning of spring is the beginning of the four seasons. [19] [21]
  • Guibiao Shadow Measurement (from Han Dynasty to early Qing Dynasty)
Gnomon photogrammetry
The solar term determined by the gnomon shadow measuring method (the average time method) is different from the solar term determined by "changing the stars"“ twenty-four solar terms ”Only share the same name, and the determination method and starting time are completely different. During the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the pole was used to measure the shadow( Guibiao )The longest shadow and the shortest day (from day to day) are measured in the Yellow River basin Winter Solstice Take the winter solstice as the starting point of the "24 solar terms", divide the date between the winter solstice and the next winter solstice into twelve equal parts, called "mid air", and divide the time between adjacent "mid air" equally, called "solar terms". On average, there is one "medium gas" and one "solar term" every month, which are collectively referred to as the "24 solar terms". This determination method is called the average time method (also known as the "flat gas method"). The time between each "solar term" is equal. The "average time method" will Calendar year The average is divided into 24 segments (15 days each), and the average number of days between two solar terms is. First, the winter solstice is measured. Because the shadow is the longest at the winter solstice, the shadow length changes most obviously in the adjacent days, which is more conducive to observation and recording. The solar terms divided by the average time method have an interval of 15 days. Since the uneven movement of the sun on the ecliptic is not considered, it is inconsistent with the actual astronomical phenomena. Because around the winter solstice, the earth Perihelion Nearby, the speed of operation is slightly faster, which causes that the time of direct solar radiation in the southern hemisphere is longer than that of direct solar radiation in a year Northern Hemisphere The time is about 8 days shorter, so winter in the Northern Hemisphere is slightly shorter than summer. The solar terms divided by the "average time method" rank the winter solstice at the top of the "24 solar terms", starting from the winter solstice and ending with heavy snow. [5]
  • Sun Yellow Meridian (current)
Solar yellow meridian
Current“ twenty-four solar terms ”It comes from the method of determining the solar terms based on the position of the sun on the returning ecliptic established more than 300 years ago (it has been used since 1645), while the "lunar calendar" and "twenty-four solar terms" since the establishment of the Shixian Calendar are based on the position of the sun on the returning ecliptic Ecliptic It is determined by the position of, that is, on a 360 degree circle of the "ecliptic" (the apparent path of the sun on the celestial sphere in a year), it is divided into 24 equal parts, one equal part every 15 °, and the starting point of 0 degree is the vernal equinox (the first place is still listed in the order of spring) Yellow meridian Degree orchestration. Every 15 degrees that the sun moves on the ecliptic is a "solar term", and between each "solar term" degrees Equalization (unequal time), also known as "the method of fixing qi". The twenty fourth solar term“ Two in two ”The activity law of the solar direct point is: at the vernal equinox, the solar direct point is at the equator 0 °, and then moves northward; At the summer solstice, the sun shines directly at the Tropic of Cancer (23 ° 26'N), and then move southward; At the autumnal equinox, the direct point of the sun is at 0 ° of the equator, and then continues to move southward; At the winter solstice, the direct sunlight point is Tropic of Cancer (23 ° 26 'S), and then move northward. The twenty-four solar terms are 24 time points. The specific date of the "point" is Celestial motion The natural result of. The current solar terms divided by the degree of the Yellow Meridian began in the beginning of spring and ended in severe cold. [5]
China is located in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Tropic of Cancer (the angle of intersection between the Yellow and the Red) passes through China. The ecliptic angle is the intersection angle between the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane, also known as the solar declination angle or the ecliptic distance, which is the fundamental reason for the changes of the four seasons and the differentiation of the five belts on the earth. The conversion of natural solar terms is closely related to the astronomical "yellow and right angles".
The Tropic of Cancer, whose latitude value is the angle of ecliptic, is a special latitude line with typical astronomical significance on the earth. It is of great significance to astronomy, geography, climate, biology, etc. The arrangement of the "24 solar terms" is closely related to this special astronomical latitude line and the monsoon climate type in China.
When Astronomy In the sense of winter spring transition (Douzhiyin or the sun's yellow longitude reaches 315 °), one side of the Tropic of Cancer (the intersection of yellow and red) is full of spring, but the other side is still bleak winter.
"Standing" means "beginning". The beginning of spring is the beginning of spring. The beginning of spring is when the sun reaches 315 degrees of longitude on February 4 or 5 every year.

Calendar integration

The 24 solar terms are the specific seasons in the Ganzhi calendar that indicate the changes of natural rhythms and establish the "construction in December". At the age of four, there are two solar terms each month for three months in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each solar term has its own unique meaning. The 24 solar terms accurately reflect the changes of natural rhythm and play an extremely important role in people's daily life. In historical development, the 24 solar terms were included in the lunar calendar and became an important part of the lunar calendar. The first day of the first month of the calendar is usually called "the first year of the year". In fact, strictly speaking, "sui" is a unique concept of the Ganzhi calendar. "sui" means "sheti", also known as tai sui. "sui" originally means the first day of the first month of sheti (tai sui), that is, the beginning of spring. The first day of the first month of the lunar calendar is often called "Yuanshuo". In ancient times, "Sui" and "Nian" were strictly different: from the beginning of spring to the next, they were called one year old; From January 1st to the next January 1st, it is called "one year". Corresponding to the twelve zodiac signs Twelve Earthly Branches The transformation of the zodiac is based on the beginning of spring. [20] [22]
The lunar calendar is based on the change cycle of the lunar phase. Each time the lunar phase changes into a month, the reference year of the sun is the length of a year, and 24 solar terms are added and leap months are set to adapt the average calendar year to the year of regression. The lunar calendar is a combination of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar based on the lunar calendar (summer calendar). Because of the addition of the solar calendar, the lunar calendar is a calendar that takes into account the relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth. It is a combination of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar. The pure lunar calendar does not consider the movement of the earth around the sun, so there is no fixed time for the changes of the four seasons in the lunar calendar, which cannot reflect the seasonal changes. Different from the fixed 365 days or 366 days in the Gregorian calendar year, the number of days in the Gregorian calendar year is sometimes one month different from that in the Gregorian calendar year; In order to coordinate the number of days between the lunar year and the solar year, the lunar calendar passed“ Intercalation method ”Adjust the total days of the two years to match. The solar calendar is used to scale Solar apparent motion It's just a Regression year It is called "Suishi" in the lunar calendar. The beginning of spring is always around February 4 of the Gregorian calendar. Because the Gregorian calendar is one of the Gregorian calendars, but because the Gregorian calendar is an average solar calendar, it can only basically correspond to the solar term day, and sometimes fluctuates for one or two days. [6-8]

Calendar conversion

Double Beginning of Spring ”And“ No spring year ”Phenomenon:
In the historical development, the ancient people formed the lunar calendar based on the lunar calendar by integrating the elements of the solar calendar. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the combination of the lunar calendar and the solar calendar. In people's traditional concept, "Spring Beginning" is the season of rising yang and rejuvenation of everything“ Shuangchun ”The lunar year is regarded as the auspicious year. "Double Beginning of Spring" and "No Spring Year" are the concepts in the summer calendar (lunar calendar). They refer to the years with "Double Beginning of Spring" in one year or without "Beginning of Spring" in the whole year of the lunar calendar. This is because some years of the lunar calendar are shorter than the regression year and some years are longer than the regression year. For example, the Year of the Monkey in the 2016 lunar calendar is a "no spring year", that is, there is no spring day in the whole year. There is no no spring in the Ganzhi calendar, because every year begins with the "Spring Beginning". When the Spring Beginning Solar Term comes, Mengchun begins, so there is "Spring" every year.
The length of the regression year is 365.2422 days, which is the time interval between the two adjacent spring solar terms. The average length of the Gregorian calendar year is 365.2425 days, which is almost the same as the return year, so the date of the beginning of spring in the Gregorian calendar year is basically fixed, most years are February 4, and some years are February 3 or February 5. The situation is different in the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar adopts the method of "7 leap months in 19 years", that is, add 7 leap months in 19 lunar years. The year without leap month in the lunar calendar is 353 to 355 days, about 11 days less than the year of return; The year with leap month ranges from 383 to 385 days, about 19 days more than the year of return. Therefore, there are 25 solar terms in leap years and 23 or 24 solar terms in ordinary years. So the position of the beginning of spring in the lunar year presents four situations: at the beginning of the year; At the end of the year; Two heads of spring at the beginning and end of the year; There is no spring day all year round.
There are leap month years in the lunar calendar (7 years in every 19 years). Because the year is longer than the return year, there are two spring days at the beginning and end of the year; In the year without leap month (12 years in every 19 years), because the year is longer than the return year, the "no spring year" is the most, and the remaining spring day is about half at the beginning of the year and half at the end of the year. This law takes 19 years as a cycle, and it goes round and round. Some years are slightly different.
One spring, two spring or no spring in a lunar year is due to the conversion of the Yin Yang calendar, which is a normal calendar phenomenon and has nothing to do with bad luck. In the old days, people believed that "the year without the beginning of spring is the year of widows" and it is not suitable for marriage. But this is a statement without scientific basis. [7] [9]
In the 100 years of the 20th century, there were 37 spring years at both ends, 37 non spring years, 12 spring years at the beginning of the year, and 14 spring years at the end of the year.

Meteorological change

At the beginning of spring, the westerly jet of the southern branch of East Asia has begun to weaken, but the intensity and location of the westerly jet of the northern branch have basically remained unchanged. The Mongolian cold high and Aleutian low pressure are still relatively strong, but in the gap period affected by strong cold air, the frequency of southerly winds increases, accompanied by an obvious temperature recovery process. Since the beginning of the spring solar term, the time sequence has entered spring. In nature and in people's minds, "spring" means warm weather and recovery of all things. In nature, the most remarkable feature of the beginning of spring is that everything begins to recover. [19]
At the beginning of spring, China's winter and spring boundary (the average daily temperature of more than 10 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days is considered as spring) is on the line from Guilin in Guangxi to Ganzhou in Jiangxi. In the area south of the front line, there is a smell of spring at the beginning of spring, but 93% of China's land area is still in winter. In Heilongjiang, spring usually starts when the grain rain starts in summer. The so-called Spring Festival is just a "conception". During the beginning of spring, the temperature began to rise, sunshine and rainfall began to increase. But for most parts of the country, it is only the prelude to spring. [1]

Seasonal astrology

At the beginning of spring, the starry sky is often the brightest in the year. At about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, I looked up at the starry sky. Due to the south, three stars were very easy to identify. They are close to each other in a straight line, like a shining belt. That's Betelgeuse 1, Betelgeuse 2 and Betelgeuse 3. The Chinese people call these three stars "Lu, Fu and Shou", and regard them as three auspicious star officials, respectively in charge of the blessings and longevity in the world, also known as“ Fulushou Samsung ”。 "Three stars shine high, and the Spring Festival is coming". When three stars hang high in the south sky at night, it is the time of the Spring Festival. [28]

Age Folk Custom

Spring begins“ Four upright ”First, the ancient "four standing" refers to the beginning of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Its agricultural significance is "spring planting, summer growing, autumn harvest and winter storage". The twenty fourth solar term occupies an extremely important position in the traditional farming society of China. The Twenty fourth Solar Term is linked with the Ganzhi and the Eight Trigrams, and has a long history. The ancients began to explore the mysteries of the universe very early, and thus deduced a complete set of profound star watching culture. In ancient times, people determined the sky and earth, observed the signs and gave time, created the Eight Diagrams, calendars, etc., and started civilization. The 24 solar terms are the product of the ancient farming civilization, which contains the long cultural connotation and historical accumulation of the Chinese nation. The Twenty fourth Solar Term was originally formulated according to the changes of the stars. It and the "December Construction" are the basic contents of the Ganzhi Calendar. Tianwei Jianyuan started from Yin, "the handle of the bucket returns to Yin", and the new year begins. According to the "Huainanzi Astronomical Training", "Emperor Zhang Siwei used his power to fight, and the moon moved one hour to return to his place. The first month means Yin, the twelfth month means ugliness, and the first year means turn, and then start again.". Since the beginning of the spring, Yin and Yang have been transmitted. Yang Qi is born and everything is revived. The new cycle starts from the beginning of spring. Spring returns to the earth and everything is renewed. In the era of Ganzhi, the beginning of spring is the beginning of the year, which is also called the New Year's Day. As a traditional farming society, the ancients attached great importance to the beginning of spring, which is of great significance to the traditional farming society. As early as the Pre Qin period, some places in China have inherited festival activities with the theme of worshiping gods and ancestors at the beginning of the Spring Festival, blessing and praying for the old, exorcising evil spirits and fighting disasters, and removing the old and renovating the old. This series of festival activities not only constitute the embryonic framework of the New Year's Day celebrations in later generations, but also its folk functions have been preserved to this day. [10-12]
In the early era of visual timing, the farming cycle was a celebration cycle, and some solar terms were also festivals. The year's festival, which was always renewed, was the first of a hundred festivals, and derived a large number of related year's season culture. Since then, due to the promotion of the Yin Yang calendar system in historical development, solar terms and festivals have been separated, but many festival folk customs still remain. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, local customs and calendars were different. In some places, the first year of the lunar calendar was not the new moon, but the beginning of the spring of the 24th solar term in the Ganzhi calendar. The beginning of the Spring Festival is of great significance to the traditional farming society. A major celebration of the beginning of the Spring Festival is the beginning of the spring when everything is new and fresh. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the calendar was unified all over the country, and the folk custom of "Spring Festival" was moved to the new moon of the first lunar month. Since the folk function of the Spring Festival was moved to the New Moon Day, the beginning of spring has become a simple solar term. In the Pre Qin period, different customs and customs in different places had different customs and festivals, and different calendars had different dates of the beginning of the year. The Han Dynasty was the first period of great development after the unification of China. The main traditional festival folk customs in the Han Dynasty have been popularized throughout the country. Since then, there have been records of sacrifice at the beginning of the year in the literature, such as the Eastern Han Dynasty Cui Shi As mentioned in the Order of the Four People on the Moon, "the first day of the first month is the first day of the month. We should lead our wives and children and worship our ancestors." The custom of celebrating the New Year after the Han Dynasty has become more and more widespread and rich among the people throughout the country. The origin and development of festivals is a process of gradual formation, subtle improvement and popularization. The ancient traditional festivals of the Chinese nation cover such humanistic and natural cultural contents as primitive beliefs, sacrificial culture, astronomical calendar, and the number of easy to reason, and contain profound and rich cultural connotations. The Chinese traditional festivals developed from the ancient ancestors not only clearly record the rich and colorful social life and cultural content of the Chinese ancestors, but also accumulate profound historical and cultural connotation. [10-12]
There are also folk sayings of "early spring and late spring", such as "early spring is full of grains and late spring is full of people", that is, the year of "early spring" is a good year, the year of "late spring" is bad, and the year of "early spring" is full of grains. This shows that when the ancient royal family monopolized the knowledge of astronomy, the public regarded the lunar year, month and day as the "standard time", and did not know that there was no distinction between early and late spring, but its dates in the lunar calendar drifted back and forth. [30]
The "Spring Beginning School" and the "Spring Festival School" will have a heated debate about when to "change the zodiac". The "Spring Beginning School" believes that although the New Year starts from the first day of the New Year, the zodiac signs should be counted from the beginning of the spring. They believe that the solar cycle of the Spring Festival is fixed (365/366 days), and the time cycle of each zodiac is the same, consistent with the solar cycle, and more in line with the natural rhythm. Some even think that the zodiac sign should be changed according to the time of the first spring solar term. The "Spring Festival School" advocates that the first day of the Lunar New Year is the beginning of the new year, and it is also the beginning of the zodiac, which is a significant symbol of the traditional Chinese almanac. The practice of "changing the zodiac sign at the beginning of spring" will not bring any benefits except confusion and convenience for fortune tellers to cheat people. [30]

Phenological phenomenon

In nature, the most remarkable feature of the beginning of spring is that everything begins to recover. At the beginning of spring, in China, the Tropic of Cancer and its southern area, you can clearly feel the smell of early spring. In the area north of the Tropic of Cancer, it can only be said that it is the prelude to spring. Everything has not yet recovered, and it is still in the winter when everything is closed. For the area north of the Tropic of Cancer, the farther away from the Tropic of Cancer (the angle of intersection of yellow and red), the later it enters spring. [26-27]
Some ancient Chinese books divide the 15 days of spring into three periods: "one period is when the east wind thaws, the second period is when the stinging insects begin to shake, and the third period is when the fish take off the ice." It says that the east wind warms the earth and the earth begins to thaw. Five days after the beginning of spring, the stinging insects slowly woke up in the cave. Five days later, the ice in the river began to melt, and the fish began to swim on the water surface. At this time, there were fragments of ice that were not completely dissolved on the water surface, floating on the water surface as if they were loaded by fish.
After the Qin and Han Dynasties, local customs and cultures were integrated. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the beginning of spring has been the beginning of spring in all parts of China. The beginning of spring is divided from astronomy. In nature and in people's minds, spring is warm, with birds singing and flowers fragrant; Spring is growth, ploughing and sowing. On“ Climatic average temperature ”In the divided seasons, spring refers to the period when the average temperature is 10 ℃ to 22 ℃.

Seasonal activities

winter jasmine
The beginning of spring is the beginning of spring. At this time, although the spring is still chilly, the winter is over. Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and nature is thriving. Therefore, the ancients attached great importance to the beginning of spring and had the instrument of welcoming the spring. [23] Welcoming the spring is an important activity for the beginning of the spring. You must make preparations in advance and perform rehearsals, commonly known as performing the spring. Then we can officially welcome the spring on the first day of spring. The Spring Festival was held the day before the beginning of spring, in order to bring back Spring and the God of Qumang. In the past, every year in the imperial calendar, there were mang gods, spring cattle pictures, as well as "tortoise spring", "bronze drum epidemic", etc., which were important activities for the Spring Festival at that time.
Jumang is the god of spring, that is, the god of vegetation and the god of life. The image of Ju Mang is a man with a bird's body, obeying the rules and governing spring affairs. There was a spring greeting in Zhejiang one day before the beginning of spring. The day before the beginning of spring, he carried the god Jumang out of the city and went up the mountain, while sacrificing Taisui. Taisui is the god who is on duty. He sat in the same year and was in charge of the rest of the blame in that year. Therefore, people often sacrifice him. When welcoming God, there are many activities such as big class advocacy, pavilion lifting, local opera, and bullfighting. In other areas, New Year pictures such as "Happy Spring Festival" were posted. In Guangzhou, around the beginning of spring, drums were used to drive away the epidemic and pray for peace.
Pasty spring cattle
The custom activity of pasting spring cattle started before the beginning of spring. According to the traditional practice, the county government (county government) hired skilled craftsmen to make paper, and gathered in the county town before the beginning of spring to meticulously make images of spring cattle. Generally, bamboo strips are used to bind the skeleton of a cow, spring wood is used to make legs, paper is pasted, and paint is applied, and the image of a cow is successfully made. It is popularly said that there are many red and yellow papers pasted on them, and that there was a bumper harvest of grain in that year; Paste black paper, the harvest was not good that year. Therefore, the magistrate arranged to use more red and yellow paper to win the hearts of the people. After the spring cattle are pasted, the ceremony of opening the eyes is held, that is, the incense table is set up to worship.
Spring cattle
Spring cattle
Whipping the spring cattle is also called "Whipping the Spring Cattle" and "Whipping the Earth Cattle". It is a legacy of the agricultural civilization era to smash the clay spring cattle at the beginning of spring. Through the custom of spring cattle, farmers are reminded that spring is coming, and they should plant grain in time to pray for a bumper harvest of grain and peace of the country and the people. The custom of whipping spring is related to praying for harvest, which is an ancient festival custom [23] There are spring cattle made of mulberry wood as the skeleton, which are specially used for the custom activities of "spring cattle". In order to welcome the spring, first select a good geomantic omen place in the suburb of the county, and set up a "spring shed" to prepare for the spring. The spring shed is usually set up on the main traffic road to facilitate the gathering of people. Colorful flags were planted all around.
Spring cattle , also known as Whipping Spring Bull and Whipping Earth Bull, originated early and has been preserved since then. However, it was changed to spring and prevailed in the Tang and Song dynasties. Especially after the promulgation of the "Earth Bull Classic" by Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, the custom of whipping earth cattle spread more widely and became an important part of folk culture. The meaning of whipping spring cattle is not limited to sending cold air and promoting spring ploughing, but also has a certain witchcraft significance. Spring jasmine cattle in different regions have their own characteristics. When greeting the spring cattle, kowtow to them in turn. At the end of the worship, the people rushed forward to smash the spring cattle, grab the soil from the spring cattle, and scatter it in the cattle pen. It can be seen from this that whipping spring cattle is also a kind of breeding witchcraft, that is, after the spring cattle soil is scattered in the cattle pen, it can promote the breeding of cattle.
Bite spring
Spring rolls are popular in the south at the beginning of spring
The seasonal diet on Spring Day is the custom of making spring cakes, giving spring plates, eating spring dishes, etc., to welcome and celebrate spring. Spring cake is a typical seasonal food in spring. Since the Wei, Jin and Southern Dynasties, people have eaten spring cakes. According to the Jingchu Chronicle of the Year, "On the beginning of spring, relatives and friends will have a feast, eating Qin cake and lettuce, and posting the word" Yichun "." Spring cake is a kind of thin flour cake. Lettuce, fruit, cake, sugar, etc. are placed on a plate, which means "spring plate". It can also be given to relatives and friends for tasting. [23]
Spring treading
After the beginning of spring, people like to go out for spring outings in the warm days of spring, commonly known as out of town spring outings, which are also the main forms of spring outings.
Spring Festival Festival
In the main ancient traditional festivals, worship of gods and ancestors is a major theme of the festival. Any ancient traditional festival has a strong color of festival sacrifice, and has a set of simple or complex ritual. Spring Festival Festival It is a traditional folk culture activity. The activities of the Spring Festival Festival include offering sacrifices to the Spring God (the Spring God in charge of farming is also called the Mang God), Taisui, the land and other gods, as well as activities such as whipping the spring cattle, welcoming the spring, exploring the spring and biting the spring. There was a spring greeting in Zhejiang one day before the beginning of spring. The day before the beginning of spring, he carried the god Jumang out of the city and went up the mountain, while sacrificing Taisui. Taisui is the god who is on duty. He sat in the same year and was in charge of the rest of the blame in that year. Therefore, people often sacrifice him. According to the traditional rules of the Ganzhi era, the beginning of spring is the time when the old and the new Taisui are handed over. The Taisui God corresponds to 60 persons, a total of 60, and one person is on duty every year. The Taisui who was on duty that year is called "Taisui on duty". Taisui took Tige in Yinyue, Dan'e in Maoyue, and Xu in Chenyue... Worship to Taisui is an ancient traditional custom among Chinese people to dispel evil spirits and disasters, and pray for good fortune. [12-13]
Other customs
1. The custom of recommending new ancestors in Spring Ancestral Temple has become an ancestor worship activity in the first month of the lunar calendar since it was passed on to later generations. In some places, if the houses are not cleaned a few days after the first day of the lunar new year, it is a fear of offending the ancestors' souls who come home to enjoy the Spring Festival. Some places are not allowed to dump garbage on the first day of the new year, which is derived from the latter custom.
2. The Jitian ceremony held on the first day of spring in ancient times included the prayer for the mother of earth. Having a drink after the Jitian ceremony is a rudimentary ritual of "group worship" and "Happy New Year" in later generations.
3. The Spring Festival is an important activity for the beginning of spring. You must make preparations in advance and perform rehearsals, commonly known as performing spring. Then we can officially welcome the spring on the first day of spring. The Spring Festival was held the day before the beginning of spring, in order to bring back Spring and the God of Qumang. After the beginning of spring, people like to go out for spring outing in the warm days of spring, commonly known as out of town spring exploration and spring outing, which is also the main form of spring outing.
4. The ancients often pasted the word "Yichun" on the first day of spring, and later it gradually developed into a spring couplet, expressing the Chinese working people's good wish to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters, welcome good fortune and accept good fortune.
5. On the day of the beginning of spring, folk artists will make many small bullocks, called "spring cattle", and send them to each family, called "sending off the spring". In some places, a picture of spring cattle is pasted on the wall. Yellow represents land and spring cattle represents farming. [1] [14]
Main components
Way of eating
Spring plate
Spring plate is one of the eating customs at the beginning of spring. It is mainly used to take raw vegetables, melon, fruit cake, sugar, and put them on the plate to send them to relatives and friends or eat them to welcome spring.
Fruit, vegetable, candy, cake, bait
Give gifts to relatives and friends or eat by yourself
It means to welcome the spring
Tian Ai
Field mugwort is a common seasonal food in spring. At the beginning of spring, everything recovers and the grass grows and the birds fly, which is the heyday of the growth of wormwood in the field of spring ploughing.
Tian Ai
Serve directly or worship gods as tribute
Festival tribute for worshiping God, praying for good weather
spring pancake
Spring cakes are pancakes baked with flour. They are usually eaten with cabbage.
Cabbage consumption
No special customs
Spring roll (spring silkworm)
It is recorded in Suishi Guangji that "the rich and noble families in Beijing made flour silkworms, which are called 'Tanguan silkworms'. Because they did this on the Spring Day, they are also called' Tangchun silkworms'."
Flour and other ingredients
Direct consumption
No special customs
Bite Spring (eat radish)
It is recorded in the Records of Drinking in the Middle of the Ming Dynasty that "at the beginning of spring, no noble or humble people chew turnips and say 'bite spring'."
Direct consumption
No special customs



Solar term song

The spring rain startles the clear valley sky in spring. The summer is full of sunshine and the summer heat is connected. There is dew in autumn, cold in autumn, frost falling, snow in winter, snow in winter, and cold in winter. [1]
The two festivals of each month are unchanged, with a maximum difference of one or two days. In the first half of the year, it was 621, and in the second half of the year, it was 823.

Agricultural proverbs

At the beginning of the spring, farming should be considered early.
One person has no plan in mind, but three people sing a play.
People are not lazy when they are industrious, and people are lazy when they are alkaline.
People are diligent and not lazy. The granary is full after autumn.
Reading is inseparable from the desk, and farming is inseparable from the field.
When a ship arrives, it doesn't wait for passengers.
Ten million measures will be taken to increase production, and it is most important not to delay the farming season.
If you want good crops, it's early all the year round.
A spring breeze versus an autumn rain.
Look at the spring breeze and the summer rain.
It is cold in spring and rainy in summer, cold in autumn and dry in winter.
On the first day of spring, hundreds of grasses sprout.
One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning.
At the beginning of the spring, farming should be considered early.
One year's plan lies in spring, and one's life's plan lies in diligence.
Spring contends with the day, and summer contends with the time. It's not too late for a big event in a year.
Man wrongs one day, and earth wrongs one year.
It rains at the beginning of spring, so we get up early and go to bed late.
If you want good crops, it's early all the year round.
The cold rain in spring is blowing, and the cold rain in summer is cut off.
It's cold in spring and rainy in summer.
The spring snow melts ten feet, and there is no place to put the wheat.
The beginning of spring is too hot and turns cold and snowy.
Two spring plus one winter: no warm.
Spring neck is short, early warming, often cold in late spring.
Spring neck is long and the Spring Festival Gala is rare.
Spring freezes people, but not water.
In spring, six or nine cattle were beaten, and seven or eight or nine cattle were used.
Eating the Spring Festival meal, we are warming up day by day. [15]

Literary artistic conception

Literary artistic conception
Poetry content
Spring starts on the seventh day of the first month in Beijing
Luo Yin
the tang dynasty
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, ten thousand trees sprout today.
Wild geese fly back from afar, and fish fly out of the water. [2]
"Getting up in the morning of the first spring to face the snow"
zhang jiuling
the tang dynasty
Suddenly, Yaohua bloomed everywhere in front of Linting Snow. This year, we began to welcome the spirit, and last night, spring came back. The bamboo in front of the window is moistened with jade, and the plum in the courtyard is blooming with flowers. The five gods should come to the eastern suburb's fast and sacrifice place. [2]
Beginning of Spring [31]
liu changing
the tang dynasty
Who cooked new silk in February? A river yellow crucian carp should not know.
Don't ask Lao Mei if he knows tomorrow.
"Ode to the Willow"
he zhizhang
the tang dynasty
The jasper is made up to be a tree high, and thousands of green silk tapers hang down.
I don't know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors.
"Title to Wangyuan Posthouse"
wen tingyun
the tang dynasty
A weak willow has a thousand apricots, half containing spring rain and half drooping silk.
Jingyang cold well is hard for people to reach, and Changle morning bell bird knows itself.
The flower shadow has been widely known, and the tree name has been called Acacia since then.
It is clear that the moon before the twelfth floor does not shine on Sheng Ji to the Western Mausoleum.
Liangzhou Ci
wang zhihuan
the tang dynasty
The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, and there are thousands of mountains in a lonely city.
The Qiang flute should not complain about willows. The spring breeze does not cross the Yumen Pass.
"Tian Jing Sha Spring"
Bai Pu
yuan dynasty
The spring mountain is warm, the wind is gentle, the curtain of the pavilion is long, and the willow swing is in the courtyard. Singing warblers and dancing swallows, the small bridge and flowing water are red.
"Reward for Yuan Qian on the Spring Day"
Bai Juyi
the tang dynasty
The willow is early yellow and light, and the hydrology is new and green.
The Beginning of Spring Says Welcome to the Garden
Li Xian
the tang dynasty
Spring is just beginning to flow and rosy mat, I temporarily advise you not to suddenly tilt the sun wheel.
The Beginning of Spring
Zhang swa
Southern Song Dynasty
There is little ice and frost at the end of the year when the law returns, and the grass and trees in the world will know when spring comes.
Spring Day in Han Palace
Xin Qiji
Southern Song Dynasty
Spring has come back. Look at the spring flags curling on the beauty's head. Unreasonable wind and rain, not willing to collect the remaining cold.
Beginning of Spring
Wu Outing
Vegetables are not cheap at current prices, and farmers are greedy for profits and customs, but difficult to cure. At the beginning of spring, I am happy to have a clear window and write a branch for the plum blossom. [16] [25]

Living regimen



The climate changes greatly in spring. The weather is cold and warm. As the striae of the human body begin to become loose, the resistance to cold pathogens has weakened. Therefore, the elderly and the infirm should be especially cautious in changing clothes in early spring, and clothing should not be suddenly reduced. In terms of living, the human body's qi and blood, like nature, need to be stretched and relaxed. Spring is a period of easy occurrence of respiratory diseases, including colds, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc. Pay attention to the circulation of indoor air, and open windows for ventilation.
At the beginning of spring, many people will have some allergic reactions in their bodies due to contact with outside allergens, which will induce seasonal allergic diseases such as asthma and rhinitis. Before and after the beginning of spring, the spring breeze is blowing in the face, which is a good time for people to take a walk outdoors. However, many people are allergic to pollen, so they should avoid close contact with pollen when going out. [17]

Health care

After the beginning of spring, the weather gradually warms, everything recovers, and all kinds of creatures in the nature sprout and develop. At this time, the yang in the human body also rises up and out with the arrival of spring. Therefore, we should conform to the characteristics of the rising spring sun in spirit, living, diet, sports, and nutrition, and pay attention to protecting the yang in the regulation and health care. To raise yang in spring and summer, you should go to bed early and get up early to adapt to the characteristics of rising yang in spring. In spring, the metabolism of the human body begins to flourish, so it is advisable to choose spicy, sweet and mild food.
Another aspect of health preservation in spring is disease prevention and health care. As the saying goes, "All kinds of grass sprout and all kinds of diseases cause". In spring, everything sprouts and bacteria also breed, so special attention should be paid to hygiene in spring. The climate in spring is characterized by prevailing climate. In early spring, it is mainly the wind cold evil that causes disease, but after late spring, it is the wind warm evil that causes disease. Inner Canon of Huangdi 》It said, "Wind is the beginning of all diseases." Because other kinds of evils invade the human body by virtue of wind, such as cold evil, heat evil, damp evil, etc. [17]