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cubic kilometers

Volume unit
synonym Cubic kilometer (cubic kilometer) generally refers to cubic kilometer
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The cubic kilometer is a huge volume unit. It is equivalent to the volume that can be contained by a cube with a length of 1 km on each side.
Chinese name
cubic kilometers
Foreign name
cubic kilometer
Volume unit
Very huge
Citation explanation
The cubic kilometer is a huge Volume unit If a 1 cubic kilometer box is filled with water weight It can weigh up to one billion tons, with an average of 0.125 cubic meters per person. A box of 1 cubic kilometer can hold about 8 billion people.
1 cubic kilometer=1 000 000 000 cubic meters=10 ^ 9 cubic meters.
Such as Qinghai Lake water Of volume 1.05 × 10 ^ 11 cubic metre , which is 105 cubic kilometers.