Beginning of winter

[lì dōng]
cold dews
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Lidong, yes twenty-four solar terms The 19th solar term is also winter Start of. The handle of the bucket points to the northwest, and the sun's yellow longitude reaches 225 °. The festival is held between November 7-8 of the Gregorian calendar every year. Establish, establish the beginning; Winter is the end of the world. Beginning of winter means that life begins to be closed and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. Its climate also transits from dry autumn to cold and rainy winter. [10] [34] [37]
The commonly used methods of season division mainly include "solar term method" and "temperature method". In China, the beginning of winter is traditionally the beginning of winter of the "24 solar terms"; The winter divided by the "solar term method" indicates that everything has entered the state of recuperation and collection. The "temperature method" divides seasons by Daily average temperature The winter starts when the temperature drops below 10 ℃ for five consecutive days; Winter divided by the temperature method indicates that the weather is cold. [19-20]
Beginning of winter represents the beginning of winter. It is one of the seasonal nodes that Chinese people attach great importance to. Cultivating in spring and cultivating in summer, harvesting in autumn and storing in winter, winter is the season to enjoy harvest and recuperate. Lidong was also in ancient society“ four seasons and eight solar terms ”One is a very important festival. In some parts of China, there are ancestor worship, feasting and other customs. [11] [21]
Chinese name
Beginning of winter
Foreign name
Beginning of Winter
Representational Implication
It means that everything has been hidden since the beginning of winter
Climatic characteristics
Transition from dry with little rain to cold and cold
point of time
November 7 to November 8 of the Gregorian calendar
Sun position
The sun is at 225 ° yellow longitude
Custom activities
Make up the winter He Dong
Custom food
Grass root soup, mutton soup, dumplings, etc
Farming activities
Cultivate fertilizer and water management, and take antifreeze measures
Health preservation
Nourish yin and conceal yang, eat less and get cold
Third stage
Initial water ice; Ground freezing; The pheasant is mired in the flood

historical origin

Beginning of Winter -- Everything enters the state of recuperation and collection
Beginning of winter is winter The first solar term represents the beginning of winter, which is the beginning of March. The beginning of winter, the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer and the beginning of autumn are collectively called "four li". Spring planting, summer sowing, autumn harvesting, winter storage, all things sprout in spring, grow in summer, harvest in autumn, and rest in winter. Beginning of winter means that life begins to close, everything enters the state of recuperation and collection, and plants wither and insects hibernate. as The Classic and Latitude of Filial Piety says: "The Dou refers to dry, which is the beginning of winter. Winter is the end, and everything is collected." [22]
As for the time division of the four seasons, China traditionally uses the "24 solar terms"“ Four upright ”(Beginning of Spring, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn, Beginning of Winter) As the beginning of the four seasons, "two minutes" (the vernal equinox, the autumnal equinox) and "two solstices" (the summer solstice, the winter solstice) are the midpoints of the four seasons, with obvious astronomical meanings. The change of the four seasons is a continuous process. It is also a process of yin and yang conversion, where one changes and the other grows, and quantitative change produces qualitative change. In the process of gradual change, the beginning of spring, summer, autumn and winter, called "four li", are the beginning of the season and the turning point in the 24 solar terms. [1] [3] [20] [23]

Seasonal division


Solar term method

The traditional division of the four seasons in China is based on the 24 solar terms“ Four upright ”As the beginning of the four seasons. Winter starts with the "beginning of winter" and ends before the next "beginning of spring". Winter means "the end, the collection of all things"; Beginning of winter means that life begins to be closed and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. [16-17]

Air temperature method

Modern scholars Zhang Baokun Propose new quarterly standards to Climatic average temperature (The average temperature of five consecutive days) A steady drop below 10 ℃ is the beginning of winter, and a steady rise above 22 ℃ is the beginning of summer; The average climate temperature is 10-22 ℃ in spring or autumn. [34]
For the four seasons divided by the temperature method, the winter starts when the daily average temperature steadily drops below 10 ℃ for five consecutive days, and ends when the daily average temperature steadily rises above 10 ℃ for five consecutive days. The winter divided by the temperature method means that the temperature has steadily dropped below 10 ℃, indicating that the weather is cold. [35-36]

Meteorological change

At the beginning of winter, the sun has reached 225 degrees of longitude, and the sunshine time will continue to shorten, Noon sun height Continue to reduce, Northern Hemisphere The solar radiation is getting less and less, but the heat stored on the surface in the second half of the year still has some energy. Due to the "heat accumulation" on the surface, it is usually not very cold in the early winter, and the real cold is after the winter solstice. Due to the large span between the north and the south of China, there is a great difference in climate between the north and the south. For some regions of China, the winter of this climatic significance is obviously late. After the beginning of winter, its climate transits from dry autumn to cold and rainy winter. [20] [26] [28-29]
Beginning of winter - light snow (October, light spring)
In the southern region, from the beginning of winter to light snow, warm and comfortable“ Xiao Yangchun ”In terms of weather, there is a saying among the people that "there is a little sunny spring in October", just as the saying goes "it is warm in August and warm in September, and there is a little sunny spring in October". It is generally not very cold in the early winter in the south. As time goes by, the cold air frequently moves south after the winter solstice, and the temperature gradually drops. [12] [30]
The solar term of the beginning of winter and the upper westerly jet have been completely established in southern Asia. At this time, the intensity and eastward shift of the southern branch of the upper westerly wave. When the Asian region has zonal circulation and the south branch of westerly wind fluctuates strongly, a large range of rainy weather will occur. In addition, the zonal circulation will end and the meridional circulation will also be established, with cold waves and significant cooling. [34]
After the beginning of winter, rain and snow will cool down in most parts of the north. The first snow often falls at this time in parts of North China. Northeast and Northwest China, at this time have a heavy snow The scene, especially in Heilongjiang in Northeast China, has been extremely cold, and the scene of winter has been presented here long before the beginning of winter. The cold air continues to exert its power, which also ushers in the heating season in northern China. [3] [14] [18] [31]
 Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter Snow at the Beginning of Winter
Winter Snow Scenery

Phenological phenomenon

Beginning of winter means that everything begins to recuperate and collect. Wu Cheng, a scholar of the Yuan Dynasty, compiled the "Interpretation of the Seventy two Solar Terms of the Month". He divided the 24 solar terms of the year into "seventy-two solar terms", and each solar term was divided into three solar terms. At the beginning of winter, the three stages are: "the first stage is water, the second stage is ground, and the third stage is ground." Pheasant When entering flood water Mirage 。” It means that water can be frozen at this time; The land also began to freeze; The pheasant in the flood is a mirage, which means a big bird like pheasant, and a mirage is a big clam. After the beginning of winter, big birds such as pheasants are rare, while large clams with similar lines and colors as pheasants can be seen at the seaside. Therefore, it is believed that the pheasant will become a clam at the beginning of winter. [3] [26] [32]
The beginning of winter is divided into three stages

Farming activities

Farming activities
In ancient times, China was an agricultural country. The beginning of winter, like other solar terms in the 24 solar terms, reflected climate change and corresponding phenology, and had practical guiding significance for agricultural production. The beginning of winter is a good time for autumn harvest and winter planting in South China. All regions should make full use of sunny weather to harvest, sun and air late rice to ensure warehousing quality. After the beginning of winter, the agricultural and forestry crops in the north have entered the overwintering period, and the "three autumn" in the Yangtze Huaihe River region( Autumn harvest , Qiu Guan Autumn planting )It is also near the end. [3] [25] [27]
The solar term of the beginning of winter and the upper westerly jet have been completely established in southern Asia. At this time, the intensity and eastward shift of the southern branch of the upper westerly wave. When the Asian region has zonal circulation and the south branch of westerly wind fluctuates strongly, a wide range of rainy weather will occur. In addition, the zonal circulation will end and the meridional circulation will also be established, with cold waves and significant cooling. Farming activities reduce temperature and prevent cold. [13]

traditional custom

  • overview
Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the solar term of the beginning of winter, and there are many celebrations around the country. The beginning of winter, the beginning of spring, the beginning of summer and the beginning of autumn are collectively called "four li", which is a very important festival in the hearts of Chinese people. Cultivate in spring and work in summer. Harvest in autumn and store in winter. Winter is also the season to enjoy harvest. [15] China used to be a farming society. People who had worked for a year had to take a break on the first day of winter to reward their families for their hard work. There is a saying that "the beginning of winter fills the winter, and the mouth fills the void" is the best metaphor. [3]
  • sacrifice
Lidong was“ four seasons and eight solar terms ”One of them is a very important festival. In some parts of China, there are customs such as ancestor worship, banquet and divination. They offer sacrifices to ancestors with seasonal delicacies to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of people's descendants and pray for a bumper year from heaven to the next year.
  • Make up the winter
After the beginning of winter, it means that this year's winter is officially coming. Plants and trees wither and insects hibernate. Although human beings have no theory of hibernation, people have the custom of starting winter to make up for winter. [25] As the saying goes, "Beginning of winter makes up for the winter, and filling up the empty mouth." In ancient times, farmers had worked for a year, so they had to rest on the day of beginning of winter and reward their families for their hard work. On the first day of winter, they kill chickens and sheep or supplement them with other nutrients. [4]
"Make up for the winter"
Beginning of Winter, commonly known as "Jiaodong" in central Fujian, means the turn of autumn and winter. At the beginning of winter to "fill the winter", every household needs to prepare grass root soup, chop the root of Angelica dahurica, the root of Aralia chinensis, the root of Litsea cubeba, and the root of Nippon japonicus into pieces, boil the thick grass root soup in the pot, remove the root pieces, and then add chicken, duck, rabbit meat, or pig hoof, pig tripe, etc. to boil. There are many varieties of grass roots and various formulas, but none of them can avoid the functions of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the stomach and strengthening the waist and knees.
  • Eat dumplings
Eat dumplings
In northern China, there is a solar term for the beginning of winter Eat dumplings We can improve our life on the first day of winter. Dumplings are delicious. In the north, the rule of Lidong is to eat dumplings. Because dumplings look like ears, people think that if you eat them, your ears will not be frozen in winter. In addition, Jiaozi is homophonic for "Jiaozi", meaning that the beginning of winter is the turn of autumn and winter. [18] [25]
  • Brewing yellow rice wine
Brewing yellow rice wine
We started to brew yellow rice wine on the beginning of winter Shaoxing Traditional wine making customs. In winter, the water is clear and the temperature is low, which can effectively inhibit the breeding of miscellaneous bacteria, and can make the wine form a good flavor in the process of low-temperature fermentation for a long time. It is the most suitable season for brewing and fermentation. Therefore, Shaoxing people call the time from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring the most suitable time for making yellow rice wine "winter wine" to pray for happiness.
  • "Scavenge scabs"
"Scavenge scabs"
At the beginning of winter, people in Henan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang also used various kinds of herb, chrysanthemum and honeysuckle decoction bath activities, called "Scabbing Scabies", to cure diseases and ensure healthy winter.
  • Chong "Jiaodongci"
Chong "Jiaodongci"
On this day, rural families in Zhangzhou want to pound "Jiaodongci" to celebrate the good harvest. Steamed glutinous rice is poured into a stone mortar. It is chunked to be tough and sticky, pulled into the size of a ping-pong ball, and finely rolled into a ball; Peanuts are fried fragrant, ground fine, and mixed with sugar. The prepared small glutinous rice cake is rolled with white sugar peanut powder and placed in the sea bowl. When eating, use chopsticks to string several grains at a time, just like a rattle drum, so it is also called "Bolangci". To do a good job of "Jiaodongci", we must pay tribute to the Land God and thank him for his generous giving.
  • Eat raw onions
There is a saying in Nanjing: "When winter comes, people in old Nanjing pay special attention to eating raw onions to resist the wet and cold winter in Nanjing and reduce the incidence of diseases.". According to the old man, the onion is warm in nature and pungent in taste. It can disperse people's sweat, so that the stagnant yang in the body can be discharged with sweat, and the movement of yang will be smooth, and the disease will be eliminated with sweat. Nanjing people also often talk about the old saying that "the beginning of winter is the beginning of disease, and the scallions are hot in the mouth". For the sake of health after winter, Nanjing people also learn from the northern people to eat raw onions at this time.




When thunder strikes at the beginning of winter, spring returns. (North)
Thunder strikes winter, ten bullpens and nine empty. (North)
There is a heavy fog at the beginning of winter, and radish is needed in the winter paddy field. (North)
At the beginning of winter, there is much ice and snow in the north wind, and there is no rain and snow in the south wind. (North)
It's cold at the beginning of winter, and there is much air conditioning in a year. (North)
Frost drops to pickle cabbage. Don't make cattle at the beginning of winter. (North)
Plough gold before the beginning of winter, silver after the beginning of winter, and iron after the beginning of spring (referring to turning the soil early); (Hakka)
It will be fine at the beginning of winter and fine at the beginning of winter; The beginning of winter rain, a winter rain; (Hakka)
The beginning of winter and the rain will spoil the winter. (South Fujian)
The beginning of winter fills the winter, and the mouth fills the void.
Picking Chinese prickly ash at the beginning of autumn, white dew beating walnuts, frost dropping persimmons, and eating soft dates at the beginning of winter.
Northeast wind at the beginning of winter, good sky in winter; (South Fujian)
It is rainy and rainy in the south at the beginning of winter, and there is no withered (dry) soil in winter; Minnan)
At the beginning of winter, there is rain to prevent rotting; at the beginning of winter, there is no fish to prevent Spring drought; (South Fujian)
If there is no rain in Chongyang, see the beginning of winter. If there is no rain at the beginning of winter, it will be dry in winter; (Jiangxi)
The light snow at the beginning of winter is closely linked, and the land preparation before winter is the first; (Jiangnan)
The west wind is blowing, the crab's feet are itchy, the crab starts to winter, and there is no trace; (Jiangnan)
Do not eat cakes at the beginning of winter, and die in a corner; (South)
Plant peas at the beginning of winter, one bucket for another; (South)
There is wind at the beginning of winter and rain at the beginning of spring; There is wind in winter solstice and rain in summer solstice. (Shanxi)
Plant peas at the beginning of winter. (South) [9]


Beginning of Winter Tang Dynasty· Li Bai
The cold pen is lazy to write new poems, while the cold stove and good wine are warm.
When I was drunk and looked at the ink flowers and the white moon, I suddenly suspected that the snow covered the village before me. [6]
The rain is cold without frost, and the wood leaves in front of the court are half green and yellow.
It is not many days since Xiao Chun left here. Where does the plum blossom blossom. [7]
Two Pieces of Beginning of Winter (Part Two), Song Dynasty, Qiu Yuan
The chilly wind blows away the tea smoke, and the light rain drizzles on the mat.
Ken believes that it's cold and early this year. I'm not wearing cotton. [7]
The beginning of winter is still ten days, and the clothes are not filled with cotton. The wind overturned the house in the middle of the night, and the snow covered the boat in the morning.
It's strange that the time is not good. I am the most pitiful old man. Through the sleeve, hide the acid finger, lean on the railing and shrug the frozen shoulder.
The withered intestines are suddenly rustling, and the remaining chrysanthemums are still fresh and beautiful. The poor without a quilt should be plagued by many diseases. [7]
You can recite without fear, and the scenery can be copied. The sky and water are clear, and the air begins to turn in autumn and winter.
Drink the rainbow, dispel the sea music, and stay the wild geese in the pond. When you return, you must ride the moon, and knock at the pine door at night. [7]
Hearing Thunder at the Beginning of Winter Song Dynasty· Su Zhe
Yang lust is not restrained, and half a year old people often suffer. Grass and millet feed locust moth, and japonica rice commission Pinglu.
The people were hungry and forced to help Lei. In autumn, they slept in wheat. Minran waited for a rain, and the frost fell and the spring shrank.
The Huiwei Mountain is full of water, and the torrential rain turns over. After ten days, the situation becomes more and more violent, and the square becomes more and more severe in winter.
Spring thunder is heard in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep, and the child began to cry.
When you look at the atrium, the pine and chrysanthemum are half destroyed. The withered grass sprouts and insects lurk.
The salary is not out of the market, and the morning meal is not cooked at noon. If the first kind is not buried in the soil, it is hard to pay for it in spring.
The scholar believes in the ancient language, and Hong Fan has left slips. When there is no king in the middle, who should be told. [8]
Beginning of Winter Song Dynasty· Purple gold frost
The falling lotus pond is full of withered eyes, and the west wind gradually makes the north wind call. Boxwood is obstinate, a birch The soft is half sparse.
The cold frost on the door can wake the bones, and the window can take a good picture of reading. I plan to sing plum snow in March, and borrow my own small stove.
Work at the beginning of winter Song Dynasty, Lu You
The room is small and the wall is only as low as the shoulder. When Fang passed the month of giving clothes, he met Qiu Tian again.
Cunji bonfire charcoal is called cloth quilt cotton. In my life, I was happy everywhere in the mean alleys.
Beginning of Winter Ming Dynasty· Wang Zhideng
The autumn wind blows through the old courtyards, and yellow leaves and red maples pass by.
A little Zen lantern half moon, this night is more cold than last night. [8]

Living regimen



In daily life, people should go to bed early and get up late, and work at sunrise to ensure adequate sleep, which is conducive to the accumulation of yang and yin essence. The clothes are too little and too thin, and the room temperature is too low, which can easily catch cold and consume yang. On the contrary, if the clothes are too much and too thick, and the room temperature is too high, the striae will be released, the yang will not be hidden, and the cold evil is easy to invade. [2]
In terms of emotion, we should try to be calm and quiet, and have few desires, so that we can have an inner demeanor, which is conducive to cultivation. The withering of everything in winter often makes people feel sad. The best way to change this bad mood is to participate in more recreational activities, which can eliminate the depressed mood in winter and cheer up the spirit. [2]
In terms of sports, we should focus on static sports. We can exercise in the morning light in a sunny place to feel comfortable and happy. Because the immunity of the human body declines in winter, excessive exercise not only cannot increase the resistance, but also easily increases the risk of colds. [2]

Health preservation

The theory of traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that "Yang is nourished in spring and summer, and Yin is nourished in autumn and winter". Autumn and winter are the most comfortable time for human body and the best time for digestion and absorption. According to the principle of traditional Chinese medicine, autumn and winter are the best time to replenish nutrients and supplement body consumption. [24]
In terms of diet, attention should be paid to eating less raw and cold food and more warm and thick food. In addition, warm water should be drunk in winter to nourish yin and dry. In winter, Chinese medicine believes that people should eat less salty food and more bitter food. As《 Four hour camera note 》Li said: "The kidney water in the winter is salty, and it is afraid of water to overcome fire, so it is suitable to nourish the heart." [2] [5]

Time over the years

2022: At 18:45 on November 7, 2022, Beijing time, the beginning of winter solar term will be ushered in. [33]