zero Useful+1

Spatial form

Terms of Design
In addition to the essential attribute of space, form also has different attributes such as diversity, sensibility, flexibility, etc. The complex understanding of the word "form" can lead to multiple cross disciplines. When the rhetoric of "space" is given, its morphological attribution is classified. Spatial form is not only an organic whole containing physical form and void form in real space, but also a subjective judgment on the existence of things in conscious space, which can present a complex of exchange information in virtual space. [1]
The redefined concept of "spatial form" emphasizes the display of the overall organic characteristics of the form of things in the specific space-time environment under the spatial context, so as to explain the reasons, composition, relationship, development and trend of the form in the subjective and objective space, and to grasp the essence of the development of form design in easy use.
Chinese name
Spatial form
Basic spatial form
Sunken space desktop space
Integrity, oneness, originality, etc
Form of expression
External massing and internal spaces

Morphological spatial relationship

In the real physical world, any matter will be presented in a certain form (such as small basic particles, large celestial bodies; whether it is mass or energy). For example, the natural form of soil and the artificial form shaped with this mud - mud pot are different forms of the same material; Any form must also be displayed by means of materials, just like a seat form can be displayed by wood, steel, plastic and other materials. Therefore, form is the representation of matter, and they are interdependent. Since form depends on matter, and cosmic matter itself is the existence of space, so form depends on space. The forms observed by human beings in the macro and micro world occupy space, that is, when a form is in the three-dimensional state of length, width and height, it occupies part of the space with limited boundaries. While the substance existing in a certain form has time limit, the space containing the form is eternal. Therefore, the existence of the entity form and the corresponding void form is only the manifestation of the space-time state in a specific environment, and they are inseparable from each other as two sides of a coin.
When the form of the real world is reflected in the human brain, the determination of the existence of the form is always inseparable from space, and even forms beyond human perception are understood in space. For example, it is difficult for people to fully perceive the space of the earth, but they can obtain the judgment of the sense of space of the earth form by imagination. Only the real form depends on the space of the physical substance itself, while the form in the thinking activity only needs the consciousness space formed by the carrier of consciousness (such as the human brain).
In order to reproduce the form of reality and illusion in the consciousness space, people form corresponding virtual space in form perception through various media. For example, painting uses perspective and other techniques to simulate the real space in consciousness or uses symbols to create the space of illusion in consciousness.
It can be seen from this that there are three main types of spatial forms of human perception: real space, conscious space and virtual space. There is no form without space. Space is the necessary place for the existence of form. In real space, natural biological forms (which may include artificial biological forms in the future), once formed, will constantly seek similar living environments for self replication. It adjusts itself with the environment until the perishing of the environment; The form of artificial finished products (artificial non biological form), with the help of human thinking as the host, continues to multiply in similar environments (such as buildings, furniture, etc.); Although most of the subjective forms in the consciousness space appear in abstract forms, they are all trying to be transmitted by consciousness and expanded. It can be said that the objective form with space as the goal and the subjective form with time as the goal pursue the evolution of self replication just like life, and obtain abnormal survival by changing the normal. Form innovation in design is also realized by the constant and different expression of these three types of spaces.

Space Type

Sinking space (also called pit)
The local subsidence of the indoor floor creates an independent space with clear boundaries and rich changes in the unified indoor space. As the elevation of the sunken ground is lower than that of the surrounding areas, it has a sense of concealment, protection and tranquility, making it a small world with a certain degree of privacy. People feel friendly when they rest and talk, work and study in it, and are less disturbed. At the same time, as the ground decreases, the sense of space increases, and the indoor and outdoor landscape will also cause different secular changes, It can also be applied to rooms of various natures. Tian 4-25 is an example of two sunken spaces. According to specific conditions and different requirements, there can be different descending heights, ranging from one or two steps to four or five steps. There are also many ways to deal with the junction of height differences, such as arranging low wall greening, sofa seats, bookcases, bookshelves and other storage appliances and decorations, It can be created by the designer at will. Fences should be set up for those with large height difference, but generally the height difference should not be too large, especially not more than one floor high, otherwise it will feel like upstairs, downstairs and entering the basement on the ground floor, losing the meaning of sinking space
Desktop space
And Sunken space On the contrary, if the indoor floor is partially raised, it can also create a very clear boundary space in the room, but its function is almost opposite to that of the sinking space. Because the floor is raised to form a pedestal, it becomes very conspicuous compared with the surrounding space, Therefore, their use is suitable for eye-catching display and display or overlook. Many stores often use the floor table space to arrange the latest products there, so that people can see the latest products at a glance when they enter the shop, and play a good role in promoting the products. Figure 4-26 (d) is a new showroom in Noel, New York, the United States. The furniture is displayed on the floor. These brightly colored furniture are closely arranged, It looks like a colorful three-dimensional abstract pattern. The bedroom or The living room Although the area is not large, the beds or seats are also arranged on the locally raised platform, and sometimes the elevated steps are used directly as seats, so that the indoor furniture and the ground can be combined to produce a more concise and varied new indoor space form (Figure 4-26b, '). In addition, the platform can also be used for ventilation to improve Indoor climate Environmental Science. Figure 4-26 (d) shows the rise of the main living floor, which is generally 40~50cm. The coldest air circulates under the occupied floor. Public buildings, such as tea rooms and coffee shops, often use the way of raising the terrace to make customers better see the outdoor landscape
Concave and convex space
Concave is a kind of indoor space form that retreats partially indoors, especially in residential buildings. As the alcove is usually only open on one side, it is naturally less disturbed in large spaces, forming a quiet corner, sometimes lowering the ceiling, resulting in a quiet, safe and intimate feeling. It is a space form with high privacy in the space. According to the depth and size of the alcove, it can be used for multiple purposes, Most people use it to arrange beds in houses, which is the most ideal privacy position. Sometimes even when furniture is combined, concave corners that can arrange seats are specially made available. Concave is often used in public buildings to avoid the interference of people passing through and obtain good rest space. Many restaurants, tea rooms and coffee shops also use concave layout Yazuo For buildings with long inner corridors, such as dormitories, outpatient clinics, hotel rooms, office buildings, etc., some concave rooms should be arranged at appropriate intervals to serve as waiting places for rest, which can avoid the monotony of space (Figure 4-27)
Concave convex is a relative concept. For example, convex space is a concave space for internal space and a convex space for external space. If there are no windows around, it still retains all the characteristics of the concave from the inside, but this kind of non windowed convex space is generally of little significance in design. Unless it is required by the shape, or can only be used as convex stairs, elevators, etc., most of the convex space hopes to extend the building to the nature and water better, so as to reach the three sides of the sky and enjoy the scenery, The main advantage of the convex space is the zigzag convex space that integrates the interior and exterior spaces, or to change the orientation. The overhanging balcony and sunlight room in residential buildings belong to this category. Convex space is widely used in Western classical architecture. Because of its certain characteristics, it is also often used in many public buildings and residential buildings (Figure 4-28)
Back profile and cantilever platform
It is also a unique space form in the interior space. The cloister is often used in the vestibule and lounge to enhance the first impression of the grand and spectacular entrance and enrich the vertical spatial hierarchy. Combined with the cloister, sometimes it is often used to expand the stairs Rest platform A certain number of tables and chairs are arranged as independent space for rest and conversation with the overhanging platforms at different elevations, which creates a vivid and unique indoor space environment with scattered heights. As the overhanging platforms are commanding, they provide a rich environment of overlooking perspective. Many atriums in modern hotel buildings are collections of multi-storey corridor overhanging platforms, and show a variety of treatment techniques and different effects, To attract tourists. Figure 4-29 shows the cloister of an art museum. Figure 4-30 shows the residence designed by New York architect Don Chapel for himself. The empty corridor on the second floor is to connect the bedrooms on both sides, and also to avoid direct sunlight from the south to the rest area. Field 4-30 is a corner of the dining room
Staggered and interspersed spaces
Urban Three-dimensional traffic The endless traffic shows the vitality of a city and is one of the spectacular scenes of a prosperous city. Modern interior space design has long been dissatisfied with the customary closed hexahedron and static space form. In the creation, the outdoor urban interchange mode is often introduced into the interior, not only for the gathering places of a large number of people such as exhibition halls, clubs and other buildings, It is suitable for dispersing and organizing the flow of people, and it is also used in some large residential buildings. In such a space, people move up and down alternately, look up and down, and move in silence. It not only enriches the indoor landscape, but also adds vitality and vitality to the indoor environment. Here you can recall the unique famous buildings Waterfall Villa Among other factors, it cannot but be pointed out that the interlaced spatial composition successfully molded by the main part of the building plays a crucial role. The horizontal and vertical spatial circulation formed by interlaced and interspersed spaces has the effect of expanding space (Figure 4-32)
Mother subspace
When people work, talk or carry out other activities together in a large space, they sometimes feel that they interfere with each other, lack privacy, and are empty and not friendly enough; Although the above disadvantages are avoided in the closed small room, it will cause inconvenience in work and a feeling of stuffiness and occlusion in space. Large space is used to enclose small space. This combination of closed and open space can make both have the same effect, so it is widely used in many building types (Figure 4-33). Even some public halls such as Berliner Philharmonie (Figure 4-34). The hall is divided into several districts, which enhances the sense of intimacy and privacy, and better meets people's psychological needs. This kind of space processing that emphasizes individuality in commonness and the unity of mind (people) and object (space) is a great progress in public building design. There are many public places. Although the hall is large, the utilization rate is very low. Because it is often impossible to find a place suitable for a few people to talk and rest in such a hall. Of course, it does not mean that all public halls should be divided into small ones. If not handled properly, sometimes the nature of the public hall will be lost or the separation will be fragmented, so it can be used flexibly according to the specific situation, This is the key to success or failure of any parent space
Portman's first shared space enjoys a high reputation in various countries. With its rare scale and content, rich and varied environment, and unique techniques, it has dressed the multi-layer inner courtyard into a bizarre and colorful place. From the perspective of space processing, the sharing hall can be said to be a comprehensive system with multiple space processing techniques (Tian 4-35). Many shared halls, such as the Four Seasons Hall and the atrium, have been imitated in all kinds of buildings and have been born one after another. However, some halls lack the vitality they should have, largely because they are not vivid in space processing and do not properly integrate various spatial forms. Change is dynamic, and change is static. A single space type is often static, A variety of space forms will form a dynamic feeling. This is one of the characteristics of the Portman style shared hall.
Virtual and illusory space
See Section VI

Design technique

The various forms of internal space have different properties and uses. They are restricted by various factors that determine the space form and are not the product of any subjective imagination. Therefore, we should be good at making use of all the objective factors of reality, and combine new ideas on this basis. We should pay special attention to turning adverse factors into favorable factors, Is the only source and correct way to create indoor space
Propose new ideas based on functional requirements
Many truly successful excellent works, almost without exception, focus on the word "use" closely. To meet the new purpose in a new form, new ideas are needed. For example, the office building in Apel Duoyu, Netherlands, adopts small convenience as the basic model, and arranges the second, third, and fourth floors to meet different requirements according to the idea of creating a family like atmosphere, The space is friendly and the separation is very free (Figure 4-36)
Combined with natural conditions
Adjust measures to local conditions. There are many differences in natural conditions, such as climate, terrain, environment, etc., especially in highly concentrated cities. Such adverse conditions can often be turned into favorable conditions, creating a new space inside and outside. As shown in Tian 4-37, these are unexpected spatial relationships formed under adverse conditions. Due to the difficulty in the location of slab ends, a house in Arabia Pilar has promoted the use of informal structural technology. The 10 storey building is supported on a reinforced concrete cylinder, including elevators and stairs. There is only one house on each floor, and the internal space is very unique
Innovation of structural form
The force bearing system of the structure has general laws, but its forms can be varied. Just like natural creatures, they all have the same structural system, but reflect various categories Durham For example, the headquarters of a company (Tian 4-38) has a unique internal space because it adopts a flat headed "A" shaped skeleton and the diagonal supporting members are connected by beams at the top
Unification and change of building layout and structural system
The internal space layout of the building, within the limited structural scope, has both constraints and great freedom to a certain extent. In other words, even if the structure has not been innovated, the internal architectural layout can still be innovated and changed. For example, as for the frame structure of the unified column network, in order to make the structural system simple, clear and reasonable, generally speaking, the column network series is very regular and simple Bay To divide rooms, that is, the structural system and the building layout are completely corresponding. Then, the internal space of all rooms will become monotonous spaces of different grid multiples. However, if rooms are not divided completely according to the column grid, it can cause many changes in the internal space. Generally, there are the following methods:;
(1) The column grid and the free building layout (room division) do not correspond to each other. Although the division of the room is parallel to the column grid in the vertical and horizontal directions, it may not be exactly on the position of the column grid axis, which will not be affected by the changes in the exploration of the column grid bay in the internal space of the building, but also can produce many vivid interesting spaces. For example, a row of columns are exposed in some rooms, There are only one or several columns in some rooms: some rooms are symmetrical, some are asymmetrical, etc. And the position of columns in the room can also vary according to the deviation from the column grid. There are many examples of using this method (Figure 4-39)
(2) The column grid and the building (partition) are arranged in an angle. This method is very common. The difference between the internal space formed by it and the previous method is that it can form many internal spaces that are not 90 °. In addition to the above changes, it also breaks the uniform rectangular plane space. In this method, most of them are 45 ° with the column grid, The 45 · intersection angle of the opposite direction forms a 90 · right angle, which avoids more acute angle rooms in the change.
From this 45 'load-bearing or non load-bearing wall layout, it has recently developed to the 45' furniture layout method. Figure 4-40 (d) is the nursing unit of Samaritan Desert Hospital in the United States. The traffic layout of 45 ° has played a role in convenient functions; Figure 4-40 (^) shows the United States Dalas The interior space is lively and rhythmic, and most rooms are at right angles; Figure 4-40 (c) shows a residential building in Atlanta, USA, which is centered on the lobby and separated by floor changes in combination with the terrain to form a good open flowing space
(3) The non correspondence between upper and lower levels of space. The relationship between the above structure and the division of building rooms mainly refers to the plane relationship. Due to such plane changes, the interior space has also changed. However, modern buildings are not satisfied with the changes in the plane, but also want to change and innovate in the vertical direction at the same time. Therefore, in many buildings, the non corresponding arrangement of upper and lower spaces is often used, The non correspondence between the upper and lower levels is varied. For example, there is no room on the lower floor, but the corresponding upper floor is equipped with rooms; Or the upper room is arranged longitudinally, while the lower room is arranged transversely; Or the lower room is small, the upper room is large, and so on. This may sometimes bring some trouble to the structure. Therefore, we can consider adjusting the overall structural system or making local changes. It is completely possible to do 4-4l for the expansion of a residence. The black diagonal line part is that the new two-story apartment is 45 'from the original axis, and remove the pond (dotted line part) under the original building to add a new structural column
The building itself is a complete whole. The external volume and internal space are only two aspects of its manifestation, which are unified and inseparable. In the past, architecture was seldom considered from the requirements of internal space, but while studying internal space, we should also be familiar with and master some rules and characteristics of modern architecture in external modeling, that is: ① integrity: emphasizing big effects; ⑧ Oneness; Emphasize concise and clear effect, ⑧ sculpture; Emphasize integrity and independence, ④ repeatability: emphasize unitization, "take one as ten", repeat impression; ⑥ Regularity: emphasis on thematic symbols
Implement throughout; ⑧ Geometry: emphasis on distinctiveness, ⑦ originality: emphasis on architectural individuality, locality, uniqueness without similarity, ⑧ totality: emphasis on integration with the environment. These characteristics will reflect and penetrate into the internal space