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State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics (China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center)

State Key Laboratory approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in August 2007
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The National Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics (China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center) is a national key laboratory approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in August 2007. Aimed at the major national needs, the laboratory conducts research on computational aerodynamics and aircraft flow mechanism, basic problems of low-speed aerodynamics, and key technologies of the national large-scale aerodynamics basic condition platform. [1]
Chinese name
State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics (China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center)
research field
Computational aerodynamics and flow mechanism of aircraft

Brief overview

The demonstration expert group is composed of 8 well-known experts in relevant fields in China, led by Academician Yu Hongru. The expert group listened to the report of the laboratory director, researcher Deng Xiaogang, on the laboratory construction plan, inspected the laboratory, and had a discussion with the key personnel of the laboratory. The expert group believes that the laboratory is clearly positioned and appropriately named, and its main research direction is in line with the development trend of aerodynamics; The research unit setting and personnel structure are reasonable, and the measures to stabilize and attract excellent high-level talents are practical and feasible; The construction budget is reasonable, and the purchase of instruments and equipment and the construction plan of supporting facilities can meet the requirements of national key laboratory construction. At the same time, the expert group pointed out that the laboratory should further strengthen the condensation of scientific issues, carry out in-depth basic research, actively expand external exchanges, and unanimously agree on the laboratory construction plan. It is suggested that the laboratory should be modified and improved as soon as possible.

research field

State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics yes Ministry of Science and Technology Approved for establishment in August 2007 key state laboratories The laboratory aims at the major national needs, and conducts research around computational aerodynamics and aircraft flow mechanism, basic problems of low-speed aerodynamics, and key technologies of the national large-scale aerodynamics basic condition platform. [1]