Daocheng County

Counties under Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
zero Useful+1
Daocheng County, Sichuan Province Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture County, located in Sichuan Province The southwest and the south of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture are located at the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, three prefectures and five counties, between 27 ° 58 '- 29 ° 30' north latitude and 99 ° 56 '- 100 ° 36' east longitude. It belongs to the continental monsoon plateau climate, with no obvious alternation of four seasons. The rainy season is concentrated in June to September, with a total area of 7323 square kilometers. [8] [14] By the end of 2022, there are 32900 permanent residents in Daocheng County. [8] As of June 2023, Daocheng County has jurisdiction over 5 towns and 8 townships, [16] The County People's Government is located at No. 2, Section 3, Yading Road, Jinzhu Town. [17]
Daocheng was a land of white wolves and Qiang people in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Tubo in the Tang Dynasty, and Duogandu in the Ming Dynasty. In the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty (1911), it was approved to establish "Daocheng County". In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), it was renamed "Daocheng County". In October 1955, Xikang Province was revoked and subordinated to Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. [14] North Daocheng County Haizi Mountain National Nature Reserve It is the only low latitude ancient ice cap in China and the largest ancient ice body relic on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and has been included in the Recommended List of China's Possible Geoparks. south Yading Scenic Area , known as "the soul of Shangri La" and "the last piece of pure land on the blue planet". central section Pilot Site It ranks first in the "Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries" in China in 2021, filling a gap in Paleolithic archaeology in high altitude areas around the world. [8] [14]
In 2022, Daocheng County will achieve a regional GDP of 1.428 billion yuan, an increase of 0.3%. [8]
Chinese name
Daocheng County
Rice dam
area number
five hundred and thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty-seven
Administrative Region Category
Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
geographical position
Southwest Sichuan Province, South Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
7323 km²
Area under jurisdiction
5 towns and 8 townships
Government residence
No. 2, Section 3, Yading Road, Jinzhu Town
Area Code
Postal Code
six hundred and twenty-six thousand
climatic conditions
Continental monsoon plateau climate
population size
32900 persons (Permanent population by the end of 2022)
Famous scenic spot
Yading Scenic Area
License plate code
Chuan V
1.428 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Daocheng was a land of white wolves and Qiang people.
Tang Dynasty belongs to Tubo.
Yuan Dynasty, belonging to the Yiwei Department of Tibet and other roads.
Ming belongs to Duogandushi.
Qing Dynasty, belonged to Litang Chieftain. In the 57th year of Kangxi (1718), Litang Chieftain was attached. In the seventh year of Yongzheng's reign (1729), he was appointed Xuanfu Secretary, with jurisdiction over Litang, Xiangcheng, Daoba, and Gongga Lingdi, covering thousands of miles. In the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign (1906), "changing the soil and returning to the stream" was set up as a committee member of Daoba. In the 33rd year of Guangxu (1907), the county magistrate of "Daocheng County" and "Gonggeling" were established. According to the Interpretation of Administrative Districts of Past Dynasties in Sichuan, "Daoxian County was initially named, and then Daocheng County". The Xikang Book of Illustrations records that "in the 33rd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1907), because of the trial planting of rice here, it was renamed Daocheng County, wishing it success". In the third year of Xuantong (1911), it was officially approved to establish "Daocheng County" under Kangding Prefecture; "Gongga Ridge" is a county magistrate, which belongs to Daocheng County.
In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), it was planned to be upgraded to "Gongga County", which was not completed and was abandoned to Daocheng County, belonging to the eastern side road. In the third year of the Republic of China (1914), it belonged to the Chuanbian Special Administrative Region. In the 14th year of the Republic of China (1925), it belonged to the Xikang Reclamation Envoy Office. In the 28th year of the Republic of China (1939), Xikang Province was founded and renamed "Daocheng County", which belongs to the fifth administrative supervision area of Xikang Province.
In 1950, it belonged to Kangding District of Xikang Province. In December 1950, it belonged to Xikang Tibetan Autonomous Region.
On February 28, 1951, Daocheng was peacefully liberated.
In 1955, it belonged to Xikang Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. In October of the same year, Xikang Province was revoked and subordinated to Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. [14]

administrative division


Division evolution

In December 2019, Sela Township and Banghe Township were abolished, and Gatong Town was established. The administrative region of the former Sela Township and Banghe Township is the administrative region of Gatong Town. The People's Government of Gatong Town is located in No. 1, Group 2, Zhongdui Village. [2]

Zoning Details

As of June 2023, Daocheng County has jurisdiction over 5 towns and 8 townships: Jinzhu Gatong Town Provincial Mother Township Sangdui Town Julong Township Dengpo Township Chitu Township Mula Township Shangri La Town Mengzi Township Geka Township Jixia Town Russian Dental Fellow [15] In addition, it has jurisdiction over three regional working committees (Daoba Working Committee, Gongling Working Committee and Dongyi Working Committee). [16] The County People's Government is located at No. 2, Section 3, Yading Road, Jinzhu Town. [17]

geographical environment


Location context

Daocheng County is located in the southwest of Sichuan Province and the south of Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, at the junction of three prefectures and five counties in Sichuan and Yunnan, between 27 ° 58 '- 29 ° 30' north latitude and 99 ° 56 '- 100 ° 36' east longitude, 191 kilometers long from north to south and 63 kilometers wide from east to west. Dongyu Jiulong County Connected to the west Xiangcheng County Adjacent, north Litang County , South and Muli Tibetan Autonomous County Bordering Yunnan Province in the southwest Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Adjacent, with a total area of 7323 square kilometers. [8] [14]
Daocheng County

topographic features

Daocheng County is located in the east of Hengduan Mountains and the southeast edge of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. The terrain is complex, high in the northwest and low in the southeast, Haizi Mountain And Nianqing Gongga Snow Mountain are located in the north and south, accounting for about 1/3 of the total area of the county. Haizi Mountain is the natural boundary between Daocheng and Litang, with an average altitude of more than 4500 meters. It is the largest ancient ice cap relic on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, known as "Daocheng Ancient Ice Cap". Nianqing Gongga Snow Mountain, also known as Gongga Japan Russia, is named after three snow capped mountains in its territory. The territory is from northwest to southeast, with ridges and valleys alternating. It is naturally divided into three categories: northern hilly plateau area, central mountain plain area, and southern mountain valley area. The highest altitude is 6032m, the lowest altitude is 1900m, and the relative height difference is 4132m. In the total area of the county, the plateau mountain landform accounts for 50%, high mountains and extremely high mountains account for 33%, Pingba and low-lying land account for 10%, and other land types account for 7%. [14]


There are three major rivers in Daocheng County - Daocheng River, Chitu River and Dongyi River. Daocheng River is the upstream of Shuiluo River, where Chitu River and Dongyi River all flow into Shuiluo River in Muli County and finally into Jinsha River. The largest lake in Daocheng County is Xingyicuo, which is the main source of the Daocheng River. Other lakes include the Five Color Sea, Milk Sea, Zhuomalacuo, and Risheng Lake.
The total length of Daocheng River is 104 kilometers. It is the upstream of Shuiluo River and the first grade tributary of Jinsha River. It is a perennial river. Originating from the northern foot of Haizi Mountain in the north of the territory, it flows through Sangdui, Jinzhu, Shengmu, Labo Township of Litang County and Muli County of Liangshan Prefecture from north to southeast, and then turns sharply back to the eastern edge of the county to join the Julong River, flows southward into the Shuiluo River of Muli County, and finally flows into the Jinsha River.
The total length of Chitu River is 121 kilometers, which is a perennial river and a secondary tributary of Jinsha River. Originating from the northern foot of Bowa Mountain, it is formed by gathering streams and ditches such as Dexitang, Lamu, Liying and Gongjian Gully. From north to west and southeast, it flows through four townships of Mula, Chitu, Riwa and Mengzi, crosses the whole area of Gongling, and joins Tangqu River in the upstream of Shuiluo River in Muli County, Liangshan Prefecture at Heilong Village, Mengzi Township.
Dongyi River is a perennial river with a total length of 111 kilometers, belonging to the secondary tributary of Jinsha River water system. Originating from the northwest foot of the Okchu Mountain, it flows from north to south through three townships of Geka, Jixia and Eryatong, and then directly to the Chongtian River in Muli County, Liangshan Prefecture, where it flows into the Jinsha River, the Shuiluo River. [24]


Daocheng County is located in the subtropical zone. Influenced by the complex terrain of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, it has a climate of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and a continental climate, belonging to the continental monsoon plateau climate. There is a large altitude difference in the territory, and the Hengduan Mountains have obvious characteristics. The subtropical, temperate, cold temperate and cold climates coexist in the river valley. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that there are four seasons in a mountain, and ten miles of different days. The climate of Daocheng is complex and changeable, and the illumination time is long. The rainfall is concentrated, and the rain is hot at the same time. The alternation of four seasons is not obvious. The rainy season is concentrated in June to September. [14]
In 2021, the average annual temperature in Daocheng County will be 6.8 ℃, and the total annual precipitation will be 628.9 mm, 5% less than the average annual precipitation of 660.1 mm. The annual sunshine duration is 3542.8 hours, 39% more than the average sunshine duration of 2544.6 hours over the years. [14]

natural resources


land resource

As of December 31, 2019, Daocheng County has 3986.67 hectares of cultivated land. Among them, there is no paddy field; The area of irrigated land is 400.00 hectares, accounting for 10.03%; The area of dry land is 3586.67 hectares, accounting for 89.97%; The cultivated land area in Gatong Town is relatively large, accounting for 22.54% of the total cultivated land in the county. The garden area is 46.67 hectares. The garden is mainly distributed in Mengzi Township, Julong Township and Ruya Township, accounting for 72.95% of the garden in the county. The forest land is 522273.33 hectares. The forest land is mainly distributed in Shangri La Town, Sangdui Town and Mula Township, accounting for 36.65% of the total forest land in the county. Grassland is 87766.67 hectares. Grassland is mainly distributed in Sangdui Town, Gatong Town and Dengpo Township, accounting for 48.43% of the county's grassland. The wetland is 23553.33 hectares. Wetlands are mainly distributed in Sangdui Town and Dengpo Township, accounting for 65.95% of the county's wetlands. 2100.00 hectares of land for towns, villages and industrial and mining areas. The land for transportation is 1673.33 hectares. The land for water area and water conservancy facilities is 11693.33 hectares. It is mainly distributed in Sangdui Town, Dengpo Township and Shangri La Town, accounting for 58.07% of the water area and water conservancy facilities in the county. [18]

water resource

The theoretical reserve of hydropower in Daocheng County is 1.1 million kilowatts, and the technically exploitable capacity is 0.9 million kilowatts. Among them, Dongyi River has 304000 kilowatts of energy reserves and 193000 kilowatts of technically exploitable capacity. The energy reserve of Chitu River is 192000 kilowatts. The theoretical reserve of Daocheng River is 115000 kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is 92300 kilowatts.
The total water resources of Daocheng County is 5.28 billion cubic meters, with an average annual runoff of 2.49 billion cubic meters and a total water supply of 11.06 million cubic meters. Among them, 4.5 million cubic meters of water can be supplied for agriculture, 50000 cubic meters for industry, 292000 cubic meters for urban residents, and 6.218 million cubic meters for rural life and animal husbandry. [25]

Biological resources

  • plant resources
There are 1418 species of known seed plants in 456 genera of 101 families in Daocheng County, including 28 species of 8 genera of 3 families of gymnosperms and 1390 species of 448 genera of 98 families of angiosperms. There are five rare and endangered plants, including Abies longibracteata, Stellaria tenuifolia, Walnut, Heptacodium taoeri, Rhododendron rufous, etc. The key protected plants are Allium tuberosum, Picea oleifera Abies georgei Yunnan peony , Walnut, Peach 7, Chinese sea buckthorn Malus rockii Anisodamine And 38 orchids. The crops mainly include corn, wheat, beans, rape, highland barley and potatoes. Economic trees are mainly distributed in the east and south of the county, with an altitude below 3000 meters, mainly including wrinkled peel, orange, apple, peach, pear, walnut and grape. [14]
  • Animal resources
There are 296 species of vertebrates known in Daocheng County, including 9 species in 6 genera, 3 families, 2 orders of Pisces, 8 species in 6 genera, 4 families, 2 orders of Amphibia, 6 species in 6 genera, 4 families, 1 order of Reptilia, 210 species in 42 families, 14 orders of Birds, and 63 species in 21 families, 6 orders of Mammalia. The wild animals under national level I key protection include White lipped deer , leopard, snow leopard Forest musk deer Musk deer , black necked crane, Chinese merganser Black Stork , Sichuan pheasant quail Chinese Grouse 13 kinds of golden eagles, jade belt sea eagles, bearded vultures, etc; There are 20 kinds of animals under national Class II key protection, including macaque, Tibetan emir, jackal, black bear, red bear, ferret, stone marten, otter, small clawed otter, rabbit cat, lynx, desert cat, jungle cat, golden cat, water deer, white rumped deer, Tibetan gazelle Iguana , zebra, blue sheep, etc. There are 22 kinds of birds, including Iris , goshawk, sparrow eagle Buzzard Buzzard White tailed Harrier, Grassland Eagle, Vulture, Alpine Vulture, Peregrine Falcon, Gray backed Falcon, Yellow Claw Falcon, Falcon, Kestrel, Tibetan Snow Chicken, Blood Pheasant, White Horse Chicken, Spoon Chicken, Eagle Owl Little Owl Strix uralensis , grey crane, etc. [14]

mineral resources

More than 10 kinds of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver have been discovered in Daocheng County. There are 14 places where fixed ores are formed, including 5 non-ferrous metals, 1 precious metal, 4 ferrous metals and 4 non-metallic minerals. The genesis of the deposits is basically complete. [14]



population size

According to the data of the seventh population census, as of 00:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Daocheng County was 32916. [7]
By the end of 2022, there are 6395 registered households in Daocheng County, with a registered population of 31313, up 0.01%, including 15731 males and 15582 females; There are 30525 Tibetans in the total registered population of the county, accounting for 97.48%. The total permanent population of the county is 32900, up 0.6% year on year, and the urban population is 8000, with an urbanization rate of 24.82%, up 0.47 percentage points; The rural population is 24900. [12]

Ethnic Composition

Daocheng County is a multi-ethnic county mainly inhabited by Tibetan people. The Tibetan population accounts for 97% of the total registered population, in addition to Han, Naxi, Hui, Yi and other ethnic groups. [14]




In 2022, Daocheng County will achieve a regional GDP of 1.428 billion yuan, an increase of 0.3%. Of which, the added value of the primary industry was 249 million yuan, up 3.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 115 million yuan, up 7.5%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 1.064 billion yuan, down 1.2%. The industrial added value was 39.36 million yuan, up 2.4% year on year. The investment in fixed assets of the whole society reached 2.055 billion yuan, up 0.8% year on year. The local general public budget revenue was 0.854 billion yuan, down 34.7% (the same caliber). The total retail sales of consumer goods reached 447 million yuan, down 1.2%. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 43840.7 yuan, up 4.6%. The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 16743 yuan, up 6.4%. [8] [12]
In 2022, the local general public budget revenue of Daocheng County will be 88.54 million yuan, down 34.7%, of which the tax revenue will be 54.82 million yuan, up 15.2%; Non tax income was 33.72 million yuan, down 62.6%; Local public finance (general budget) expenditure was 1324.9 million yuan, up 4.6%. [12]

primary industry

In 2022, Daocheng County will achieve a total output value of 398.46 million yuan for agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, an increase of 4.0%. Of which, the agricultural output value was 158.46 million yuan, up 1.2%; The output value of animal husbandry was 22.153 million yuan, up 5.4%; The forestry output value was 13.47 million yuan, up 41.1%; The output value of professional and auxiliary activities in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 5 million yuan, up 12.1%. [12]
In 2022, the total planting area of crops in Daocheng County will be 54440 mu, down 0.2%. Among them, the sown area of grain crops was 41830 mu, down 0.1%, the sown area of oil crops was 7099 mu, and the sown area of vegetables was 5011 mu; The total grain output of the whole year was 9558 tons, down 0.4%; Oil production was 1117 tons, down 9%; The fruit output was 370 tons, unchanged from the previous year; The vegetable output was 6335 tons, down 1.8%. [12]
By the end of 2022, there were 108629 livestock in Daocheng County, an increase of 12.7%. Among them: 84424 large livestock, up 13.5%; 82023 cattle, up 22.5%; 1873 horses, 20 donkeys and 508 mules, respectively; There were 2274 sheep, down 38.5%, and 21931 pigs, up 19.8%. Throughout the year, 32436 livestock were sold, including 15953 cattle, 1510 sheep and 14973 pigs. The annual total meat output was 3145 tons, up 2.3%, including 2048 tons of beef, 26 tons of mutton and 1055 tons of pork. [12]

the secondary industry

In 2022, Daocheng County will achieve an industrial added value of 39.36 million yuan, an increase of 2.4%. There are 26 industrial enterprises below designated size, mainly engaged in power and water production, gravel mining and processing, and agricultural and sideline food processing. [12]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Daocheng County will be 447.29 million yuan, down 1.2%. By location: 294.42 million yuan was completed in cities and towns, down 3.9%; 152.87 million yuan was completed in rural areas, up 4.3%. By industry: the wholesale industry completed 36.34 million yuan, up 2.9%; The retail industry completed 209.07 million yuan, up 0.1%; The accommodation industry completed 97.1 million yuan, down 4.2%; The catering industry completed 104.78 million yuan, down 2.4%. [12]
In 2022, Daocheng County will receive 1.8415 million tourists, down 3.3%; The tourism revenue was 2026.5 million yuan, down 3%. [12]




Daocheng County is the core area of the Great Shangri La Tourism Ring Road, which connects the Landscape Avenue - National Highway 318 in the north, Yunnan Province in the south, and Lugu Lake in Liangshan Prefecture. It is the hub of the Great Shangri La Ring Road, with obvious regional advantages. Relying on the four national highways connecting Daocheng, the Litang Shangri La Town Shangri La City Derong Batang Great Shangri La Tourism Loop Line is formed. Daocheng Yading Airport has opened 6 routes to Chengdu, Zhuhai, Chongqing, Luzhou, Xi'an, Hangzhou, etc. It takes two and a half hours from Chengdu to Yading Village. [26]


By the end of 2022, the highway mileage of Daocheng County is 1270.6 kilometers, including 200.4 kilometers of national roads, 244.5 kilometers of provincial roads, 124.5 kilometers of county roads, 451.8 kilometers of township roads, and 249.4 kilometers of village roads. [12]


Daocheng Yading Airport is located in Haizi Mountain in the north of Daocheng County, 50 kilometers away from the county seat. The project was approved by the State Council on April 7, 2011 and officially opened to navigation on September 17, 2013. The airport runway is 4200 meters long and 45 meters wide. The airfield level is 4C, including four aprons. The building area of the terminal is 8796 square meters. At an altitude of 4411 meters, Changdu Bangda Airport in Tibet, which is 4334 meters above sea level, has become the highest civil airport in the world. Six air routes have been opened to Chengdu, Zhuhai, Chongqing, Luzhou, Xi'an, Hangzhou and so on. It takes two and a half hours from Chengdu to Yading Village by plane to Daocheng. [26-27]

Public transportation

Daocheng County has built 2 county-level passenger stations, 13 township passenger stations, 53 village level passenger stations, 46 rural passenger lines and 235 passenger vehicles. [12]


Main leaders (only the main party and government leaders are listed)
full name
secretary of the county Party committee
Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Chief
As of March 2024 [11] [23]

social undertakings



In 2022, Daocheng County will fully implement the policy of "three exemptions and one subsidy" to benefit the people through education, grant 913800 yuan of student loans to students from their source areas, grant 895200 yuan of student subsidies for filing card households, 5.1589 million yuan of boarding subsidies, 3.4429 million yuan of nutrition meal subsidies, and exempt 206000 yuan of teaching aids and pre-school book fees. Through continuous investment, the teaching quality has steadily improved. 403 of the 443 junior high school graduates in the county have been admitted to higher education, with an admission rate of 91%. The balanced development of compulsory education successfully passed the state review and provincial supervision and assessment with a good score of 98.5. There are 10 primary and secondary schools in total, including 8 primary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 nine-year school; The number of students in school is 3791 (2594 pupils and 1197 middle school students); 375 teachers (252 primary school teachers, 123 secondary school teachers); The net enrollment rate of primary school is 100%, the net enrollment rate of junior high school is 100%, the five-year consolidation rate of primary school is 100%, and the three-year consolidation rate of junior high school is 112%; There are 449 primary school students and 409 junior high school students. 15 kindergartens in the county, 1300 people in the kindergarten, 50 teachers [12]

medical and health work

In 2022, Daocheng County will complete the second second review of the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Center; 32005 standardized electronic health records of residents were set up, 746000 yuan was set up as a relief fund for poverty alleviation, and 135 people were helped accumulatively; We will pay close attention to family planning services, and deliver 17000 yuan of "fewer births and faster prosperity", "family planning rewards and assistance", and "special assistance", with a natural population growth rate of 4 percent; There are 18 health institutions in the county, 166 beds in health institutions, 270 health professionals, 130073 outpatients and 1655 inpatients in medical institutions, and the recovery rate is 98%. [12]

Cultural undertakings

By the end of 2022, there will be 275 star rated hotels, cultural theme hotels and characteristic folk houses, 22516 reception beds and 5546 parking spaces in Daocheng County; The second batch of national key villages for rural tourism in Yading Village and the famous Tianfu tourist town in Shangri La Town were successfully created. The construction of scenic spots such as Red Grassland and Sala Flower Sea has been accelerated, and the global tourism development pattern led by Aden and supported by multipoint and multipolar has gradually formed. [12]

social security

In 2022, Daocheng County will implement on-the-job training and new farmer training for 300 person times, develop 293 new public welfare (type) jobs, recommend 1141 people to go out for employment, and create 360 new urban jobs. Each township (town) has established craftsman associations, carried out vocational skills training, guided 680 people to work nearby, and realized an increase of 9 million yuan in labor service income. The number of medical insurance and endowment insurance of urban and rural residents in the county reached 26188 and 20212 respectively. There are 2 nursing homes in the county, 54 nursing beds, and 3188 people enjoy the minimum living security. [12]

Historical culture


Religious culture

The religion in Daocheng County is Tibetan Buddhism, with complete sects and numerous temples, and mainly white religion, yellow religion, flower religion and red religion. There are 13 temples in the county, among which Xiongdeng Temple and Gonggalang Temple are more famous. [13]

National costume

Daocheng Tibetans belong to Kangba Tibetans, and their clothes are particularly elegant. No matter men or women, there are ornaments of different colors, shapes and patterns from head to foot, which are generally made of gold, silver, copper, agate, jade, coral, and turquoise. In terms of color, style, texture and other aspects, Daocheng Tibetan costumes give people a feeling of simplicity, solemnity, boldness, value and mystery. [13]

Hospitality etiquette

  • present a hada
As the most common etiquette for Daocheng people, Xianhada is often used in welcome, gifts, worship and daily communication to show respect and congratulations. [13]
  • Kowtow
The kowtow ritual is mainly seen in temples. When pilgrims go to temples and pay homage to the Great Living Buddha, believers kowtow to show their loyalty and piety. [13]
  • Toast and tea
The Tibetan people in Daocheng are warm, sincere and hospitable to their relatives and friends. [13]
  • Other etiquette
The people of Daocheng stopped their hands from touching their cheeks to meet their relatives, friends and friends after a long separation; See the person you respect put the sleeves of your bare arms on your shoulders, bend your waist, stretch your hands horizontally or raise your thumbs to salute; It is also a salute to stick out your tongue when meeting each other in ordinary times; Take his horse as a salute to relatives and friends who have traveled far or arrived for the first time. [13]

marriage customs

Before liberation, the marriage system in Daocheng County was basically a monogamous system. In some villages, there were also cases of brothers or sisters sharing husbands, and dead sisters filling houses. However, women's consent was generally required, and the number was very small. There are four forms of marriage: free marriage, arranged marriage, exchange of marriage discipline, and snatching marriage. After liberation, Daocheng County abolished arranged marriage and polygamy, and men and women married freely. [30]

famous scenery

  • Yading Scenic Area
Yading Scenic Area
Yading Scenic Area Located in Yading Village, Shangri La Town, Daocheng County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, it is mainly composed of three sacred mountains, namely Xiannairi, Yangmaiyong and Shanuoduoji, and the surrounding rivers, lakes and alpine meadows. It is known as the "soul of Shangri La" and "the last Shangri La" because of its unique landform and original natural scenery, It is praised by international friends as "the last piece of pure land on the water blue planet". Yading means "a place facing the sun" in Tibetan. The three snow mountains in the reserve: Xiannairi, Yangmaiyong, and Shanuoduoji, distributed in north-south direction and arranged in a zigzag pattern, are collectively referred to as "Nianqing Gongga Risong Gongbu", which means three holy mountains for Dharma protectors, which are snow covered all the year round. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is called "Three Patriarch Snow Mountain", which is a sacred place in the hearts of Tibetans. [28]
  • Haizi Mountain National Nature Reserve
Haizishan National Nature Reserve is the largest ancient ice body relic on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, famous for "Daocheng Ancient Ice Cap". With an average altitude of 4500 meters, the most unique landscape is the stone river, stone sea and ice erosion lakes with different shapes composed of large and small gravels. The vegetation types in the Reserve mainly include deciduous broad-leaved forest, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest, shrub and shrub grassland, meadow, alpine rock beach, etc. Scenic spots include Mofanggou, Xingyicuo, Jobchaka Hot Spring, Sangdui Town, Bengpu Temple, Zhigong Temple, Xiongdeng Temple, Zhalang Temple, etc. [28]
  • Zilong Featured Folk Culture Experience Village
Zilong Folk Culture Experience Village is located in Zilong Village, Banghe Township, Daocheng County, a national 3A scenic spot. The natural resources and cultural resources of the scenic spot are unique, and Tibetan culture is prevalent. Zimai Sutra Hall is the main scenic spot. It has a history of more than 600 years since the beginning of the Mai Sutra Hall. It is famous for the harmonious coexistence of two different sects in the Sutra Hall, namely, the Yellow Sect and the Flower Sect, This is a relatively rare phenomenon in Tibetan areas, so it is also one of the "five wonders" of Daocheng Yading. Zimai Sutra Hall has the characteristics of Daoba ancient architecture. The overall architectural style has both Daoba ancient architectural style and royal architectural style. The wall is painted with Tibetan murals such as white pagodas and Buddha statues, which has high historical, cultural and scientific values. It is a religious, cultural and artistic palace with profound historical deposits. [29]

Local specialty

  • buttered tea
buttered tea
Butter tea is processed from butter and strong tea, and is often eaten together with Zanba as a staple food. Put a proper amount of butter into a special bucket, add salt, and then pour into the boiled tea juice. Mix it repeatedly with a wooden handle, so that the butter and tea juice can be dissolved into a whole, and then it is ready in the form of milk. Butter tea has very high heat, pure fragrance and delicious taste. After drinking it, you will feel refreshed. It is also effective for supplementing physical strength and alleviating altitude reactions. The Tibetan people drink butter tea according to certain rules. Generally, they add butter tea while drinking. They can't drink it all at once, so the guests always fill their tea bowls. [20]
  • Zanba
Zanba is a main food for Tibetans. When making, first dry and fry the highland barley (barley, white and purple black), and grind it into fine flour without peeling. Then put the Zanba in a bowl, add some buttered tea, and mix with water until the Zanba is kneaded into a ball ("Ba" means ball). Zanba is easy to carry and suitable for herdsmen. Just take a wooden bowl, waist band, "Tanggu" (Zanba bag), and find some tea when you go out. You don't need to start the stove to cook with fire. You can also add some meat, wild vegetables and the like in Zanba to make "porridge", which is called "Tuba" in Tibetan. [21]
  • Highland barley wine
Highland barley wine
Highland barley wine, called "Qiang" in Tibetan, is made from highland barley, a major grain produced in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. It can be divided into high alcohol wine and low alcohol wine. Before brewing, first select the high-quality highland barley with full grains and luster, wash it, soak it in water overnight, put it in a large pan, add water and boil it for two hours, then fish out the cooked highland barley, dry it to remove the moisture, grind the fermented koji cake into powder, evenly sprinkle it and stir it, finally put it into a jar, and seal it for storage. If the temperature is high, you can take it out for a day or two. Highland barley wine, with high nutritional value, mellow fragrance, sweet and clean cotton, is an essential characteristic drink for Tibetan people during festivals, weddings and children, and welcoming and seeing off relatives and friends. [19]
  • Tibetan pig
Tibetan pig
Tibetan pig is also called ginseng pig, which has the reputation of "plateau". Its fat content is very low, the pig skin is thin, the meat is delicious, and the nutrition is rich. The Tibetan pig of Daocheng Yading is one of the excellent pig breeds. [22]

Honorary title

In November 2019, Daocheng County was selected into the third batch of "Green Water and Green Mountains Are the Golden Mountains and Silver Mountains" practice and innovation bases. [1]
On December 11, 2019, Daocheng County won the honor of National National Unity and Progress Demonstration Area (unit). [3]
In January 2020, Daocheng County was selected as one of China's top 100 spring leisure counties and cities in 2020. [4]
In April 2020, Daocheng County was selected as one of the top 100 counties and cities with prosperous night economy in China in 2020. [5]
On July 29, 2020, Daocheng County was reconfirmed as a national health township (county seat) in 2019. [6]
In August 2021, Daocheng County was identified as "the focus of rural revitalization in Sichuan Province" help Handrail county [9]
On January 26, 2022, Daocheng County was rated as the outstanding county of rural revitalization in Sichuan Province in 2021. [10]