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Stability prevails

Basic viewpoints in Deng Xiaoping Theory
Stability prevails over everything, which is a basic point of view in Deng Xiaoping Theory. Insisting“ Focus on economic construction ”While unshakable, we must always maintain the overall situation of stability. For reform leaders, reform is not only for development, but also subject to stability. Development effectiveness is used to test whether the reform path is correct, and stability creates conditions for further reform.
Chinese name
Stability prevails
Focus on economic construction
realization China The historical process of great rejuvenation

Definition of words



Stability prevails over all means that in the historical process of realizing China's great rejuvenation, we always adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles, adhere to opening up, and maintain the political situation of domestic stability and unity.


Since the reform and opening up, stability has always occupied a decisive weight in the central government's objective function. The Communist Party of China and the government have always basically maintained the stable situation in the process of reform and opening up and created a good political foundation for economic development by constantly cultivating their own legitimacy of governance. With the deepening of reform, the main social contradictions began to evolve. The Communist Party of China and the government timely carried out self innovation and policy adjustment, and changed the model of maintaining stability with the times.


Since the early 1980s, Deng Xiaoping has repeatedly proposed that we must maintain "the political situation of domestic stability and unity". As early as March 8, 1987, when Deng Xiaoping received the foreign guests, he pointed out that to maintain "the political situation of domestic stability and unity", "to lead in an orderly manner socialist construction ”Is one of the important conditions for realizing the "three-step development strategy". On June 29, 1987, he also pointed out that "there is no stability and unity Political environment Nothing can be done. "
In February 1989, Deng Xiaoping met with the President of the United States Bush He pointed out that "China's problem, above all, requires stability. Without a stable environment, nothing can be achieved and the achievements already made will be lost."
Deng Xiaoping (first from left) is meeting with President Bush (first from right)
On December 24, 1990, he stressed: "I have said more than once that stability prevails and the people's democratic dictatorship cannot be lost." After the emergence of the third generation of the central collective leadership of the Party, "stability", "reform" and "development" have become more important in China's reform, opening up and Socialist Modernization Drive Consider the three organically integrated components of the cause: stability is the prerequisite, reform is the driving force, and development is the goal.
Deng Xiaoping stood at the height of historical development and regarded stability as strategic thinking It is still enlightening in 2009.
After the emergence of the third generation of the central collective leadership of the Party, "reform", "development" and "stability" are considered as three integral parts of China's reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive: stability is the prerequisite, reform is the driving force, and development is the goal. A new generation with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary Party leadership The collective sublimates "stability" into building a socialist harmonious society. The essence of the theory of a harmonious society is to analyze, understand and solve contradictions and problems in social development with a scientific attitude and method, and fundamentally maintain long-term social stability.
It can be seen that since the reform and opening up, the problem of stability has always been central government Of objective function It occupies an important and even decisive weight. For the central government rulers, its effectiveness stems from "stability" and "development". When dealing with the relationship between the two, "stability" is always the overall situation and the premise. This is because the rulers utility function The most important dependent variable It is the maximization of political support, or to achieve social stability in the ruling cycle as far as possible. Once there is an abnormal alternation of power, such as economic growth, it will become meaningless for the rulers.

Main features

First, the so-called "stability" mainly refers to“ Political stability ”Means the Communist Party Leadership And can play a role in the reform leading core effect.
Second“ Legitimacy ”It refers to the rule of the government based on the principles recognized by the people Justification Legitimacy Governing style and Governing concept To what extent is considered reasonable by the people, the people accept the rule voluntarily rather than obey it compulsively.
Third, "credible political commitment" means that the government can make citizens believe that, in the absence of independent third parties above the government, the government will voluntarily abide by the prior contract with citizens. Including promises to compensate the losers of reform after the event and mistakes economic growth Deprive of achievements, etc.

Firm thinking


The foundation of harmony

Without social stability, where can social and economic development come from, and where can social harmony come from. Without a stable environment, nothing can be accomplished. Therefore, maintaining stability is a hard task First responsibility

Important pointer

Deng Xiaoping and Attending the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China [1]
To test the achievements of a region or a leading cadre, we should not only see the economic growth, but also the social stability. To maintain social stability, the most important thing is to properly handle the relationship between reform, development and stability. We should always unify the strength of reform, the speed of development and the degree that society can bear. We should take continuous improvement of people's lives as an important combination point to handle the relationship between reform, development and stability. We should promote reform and development in social stability and promote social stability through reform and development. The more reform Development tasks The more onerous, the better to handle reform, development and stability Three relationships The more we need to maintain social stability. Only in this way can we concentrate on construction and concentrate on development, properly deal with new situations and problems, and firmly grasp the initiative to accelerate development. [2-4]
Especially at present, the overall situation in China is good, and the work of ensuring growth, people's livelihood and stability has achieved remarkable results, Economic stabilization The trend of improvement is becoming more and more obvious, but affected by various factors at home and abroad, social contradictions There are many problems that affect stability from time to time.
Therefore, leading cadres at all levels should fully understand that "stability prevails" The main principle , firmly establish a correct concept of stability View of political achievements , establish the concept that development is important and stability is more important, that development is a political achievement and stability is also a political achievement, always integrate development and stability organically, and properly handle all aspects Interests , pay more attention to Social fairness and justice Promote harmony through reform, consolidate harmony through development, and maintain harmony through stability. To truly achieve the goal of "serving as an official", we should not only "promote the development of one party and enrich one party's people", but also "ensure the stability of one party". We should strengthen the awareness of "being responsible for the land", effectively improve the level of stability, and truly regard ourselves as“ First responsibility People, carefully analyze and sort out the Unstable factors , do not evade, do not shirk, find problems from the source, focus on rectification from the system, and strive to Conflict resolution At the grass-roots level, it is eliminated in the bud. There is no doubt that such stability is the stability that wins the hearts and minds of the people, conforms to the public opinion, and is sincerely supported and recognized by the masses.


The overriding proposition of stability has enabled China to clarify its immediate priorities and successfully get rid of ideology The entanglement of disputes has provided the premise guarantee for China's economic development for more than ten years. It is an important concept and theory in Deng Xiaoping Theory.
This concept is based on economic base decision Superstructure Supported by pragmatism Targeted insights into China in the mid-1980s social development The crux of. Therefore, it has also received a good social response and display, for the next 20 years China's economy Take off provides basic guarantee.

Changes in stability maintenance policies

Pre market period
(before 1978)
Ideology and class struggle are civil life The main melody of; Market element is regarded as the object of criticism
Two classes two roads —the socialist road versus the capitalist road The contradiction of is the main contradiction of society (1957)
Maintain legitimacy through revolutionary mass mobilization and leader worship
planned economy Traditional mode
Market awakening period
The attitude towards the market is still in the process of "crossing the river by feeling the stones"; Commodity consciousness Start to wake up, but Non-public economy Still just Public economy Supplement to
"First rich drive Later rich ”And ultimately achieve common prosperity "(1984);
Will improve masses Life and improvement production efficiency treat as political task To catch;
Still believe it can be improved comprehensively state-owned economy Performance of
The initial stage of the first major adjustment to maintain stable thinking and way
Market worship period
It is clear that Socialist market economy As the goal of reform; The non-public economy began to become national economy The theme of; poverty gap Gradually increase
"Give priority to efficiency and give consideration to fairness" (1993);
"Development is the top priority of the Party in governing and rejuvenating the country" (2002)
Stock reform At the beginning, state-owned enterprises began to restructure and downsize in large numbers; Medical treatment, education, social security and other fields began to be fully piloted Market-oriented reform
The in-depth stage of the first major adjustment to maintain stable thinking and way
Reflecting on the market period
(Since 2003)
The drawbacks of marketization began to be exposed; The gap between the rich and the poor began to cause serious social contradictions; The original consensus on market-oriented reform has been broken and needs to be passed Policy adjustment Rebuild new consensus.
"Implementation Social fairness and justice ”(2007);
"Deeply Study and Implement the Scientific Outlook on Development" (2007)
The country began to strengthen Financial absorptive capacity , and set expenditure More investment social welfare Domain; Thorough market-oriented reforms in medical care, education, social security and other fields have begun to make a comeback
The second major adjustment of maintaining stable thinking and way