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Tax documents

The general name of various instruments with specific forms used for the formulation and implementation of tax laws
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Tax documents are various types of documents with specific formats used for the formulation and implementation of tax laws document The general name of. It includes all kinds of tax documents produced by national leading authorities and tax authorities, such as tax laws, tax regulations, tax law implementation rules, tax orders and tax instructions; It also includes written materials written by taxpayers and individuals when implementing tax laws and tax systems, such as special tax registration forms, declaration forms, notices, reports, etc. Tax document is a big concept, which covers a wide range. All documents related to tax can be included in the scope of tax document. Tax documents and tax laws were born at the same time, and they are becoming more and more perfect with the improvement of tax laws, and more and more standardized and scientific with the standardization and scientization of tax management. Tax documents can be divided into regulatory tax documents, guidance tax documents, application tax documents, informational tax documents, record tax documents, inspection tax documents, litigation tax documents, etc. [1]
Chinese name
Tax documents
The general name of various instruments with specific forms used for the formulation and implementation of tax laws
Tax documents
[Zhuyin] shu ì w ù w é nsh
[Definition] is made by State Administration of Taxation An instrument in a uniform format. Tax documents include: (1) notice of tax matters; (2) Notice of Order to Correct within a Time Limit; (III) preservative measure of taxation Letter of decision; (4) Decision on Tax Enforcement; (5) Tax inspection notice; (6) Tax treatment decision; (7) Tax Administrative penalty decision (8) Administrative reconsideration decision; (9) Other tax documents.
According to the《 The People's Republic of China Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law on the Administration of Tax Collection 》Provisions, When the tax authority serves a tax document, it shall directly deliver it to the recipient. A tax document shall be served with a service receipt, which shall be marked with the date of receipt and signed or sealed by the recipient of the service or other signer as prescribed in these Rules. If the recipient or other signer specified in these Rules refuses to sign the tax document, the person serving the document shall note the reason and date of the refusal on the receipt of service, and the recipient and the witness shall sign or seal the document, and leave the tax document at the recipient, which shall be deemed as service.