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Cheng Gaoben

One hundred and twenty back copies system of A Dream of Red Mansions
Cheng Gaoben is《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》One hundred and twenty times printed copy System, because the earliest Cheng Weiyuan Gao E It is named after sorting out and publishing. The versions belonging to this system mainly include Cheng Jiaben (1791)、 Cheng Yiben (1792)、 Dream manuscript , Tenghuaxie edition (1818), Wang Pingben (1832), Miao Pingben (1881), Wang Yaohe Pingben, Jin Ben (1884), etc. Cheng Jiaben is his the first edition or the first rubbing Suzhou Cuiwen Bookstore Wooden movable type Typography, cover title《 Embroidered Statue Dream of Red Mansions 》, Title page Title "New Engraving All Embroidery statue A Dream of Red Mansions, with the preface of Cheng Weiyuan and Gao E at the beginning, is signed "Cuiwen Bookstore". Looking back and Bookhead All the titles are Dream of Red Mansions. One hundred and twenty chapters, twenty-four volumes. yes superorder , not divided into volumes. Bilateral, fine black lines drawn on paper or woven in white silk for painting Each edition has twenty lines and twenty-four words. Embroider and praise 24 images. Fifty sixth year of Qianlong reign Xin Hai (1791) Issued at the end of winter.
Chinese name
The Dream of Red Mansion
Stone Story, Golden Jade Rim
Publication time
Qianlong 1911 (1791)
Suzhou Cuiwen Bookstore
Original works
New engraved all embroidered images of Dream of Red Mansions
Earliest sorting
Cheng Weiyuan, Gao E

Version Introduction


Cheng Jiaben

Cheng Jiaben, reprinted by Beijing Library Press in 2005
Cheng Jiaben ,《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》The first official publication in the history of edition and communication Typeset The preface of Cheng Gao is very clear about the process of Cheng Jia's book. Cheng Xiaoquan said that he first got a hundred and twenty volumes of vision and the first eighty chapters, and then several years later, he successively got the last forty chapters of old manuscripts. After "carefully picking up the details, cutting off the strengths and complementing the weaknesses" with his friend Gao Lan Villa, he closed the first eighty chapters and "copied them all, and then converted them into engraved boards". It can be seen that the basic text they adopted consists of the first 80 chapters and the last 40 chapters, and their sorting work is from Xin Hai It takes nearly a year from spring to winter solstice.
Cheng Jiaben was published in one hundred and twenty chapters, which made up for the defect that there were only eighty chapters of Shenlong in the transcript period. Most of the later editions are based on the Cheng Jia edition, such as the Tenghua Pavilion edition, the Yazang board edition, the Dongguan Pavilion edition, the Shuangqing Xianguan edition, the Miaofuxuan edition Woyun Mountain Library Jinyuyuan Ben, etc., formed the so-called "Cheng Ben system".
Cheng Jiaben There are more than ten existing ones, national library (Tibet and Tibet), Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Peking University People's Daily National Taiwan University And some private individuals have this book. In addition, foreign countries (such as Russia , Japan) also has several collections. Published after the founding of the People's Republic of China photocopy There are four main types: Beijing Library Press (Original Catalogs and Documentations Publishing House )1992 edition (three more copies were published in 2005); Beijing Library Press, 2001; Jilin Literature and History 2000 Annual line Plate mounting It looks like the Shenyang version of Jilin Literary and Historical Edition.

Cheng Yiben

Cheng Yiben - Photocopy of China Bookstore in 2011
Cheng Jiaben is Wooden movable type Typesetting, subject to Wooden movable type printing technology It is estimated that only about 100 copies have been printed due to limited conditions. More than 70 days after Cheng Jiaben was printed Movable typesetting Cheng Yiben Cheng Yiben has not been noticed for a long time, but Cheng Jiaben has been repeatedly reprinted. Cheng Jiaben has been popular for more than 130 years. Until 1927 Hu Shi Marked by Cheng Yiben, Shanghai Yadong Library After publication, Cheng Yiben replaced Cheng Jiaben and became the most popular edition.
The format and illustrations of Cheng Yiben and Cheng Jiaben are exactly the same, but there are more than 20000 words in the text Cheng Weiyuan and Gao E Co signed "Introduction". This book has more copies than Cheng Jia, such as national library China Books Shandong Library Hangzhou Library Shaoxing Library Shanghai Library And some private collections.

Version evaluation



Cheng Gaoben
As we all know, A Dream of Red Mansions is the representative and classic of the excellent culture of the motherland, which can be called the "national treasure" of culture. For more than 200 years, the "national treasure" "Dream of Red Mansions" read and talked about by the world mainly refers to Cheng Weiyuan Gao E It was sorted out in 1791 and 1792 Movable type printing A Dream of Red Mansions, published in 120 copies Cheng Jiaben Cheng Yiben A Dream of Red Mansions was originally written Manuscripts In the form of ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", " Fixed cost ”The status of "no perfect". It was Cheng Weiyuan who collected the last 40 manuscripts extensively, and then processed them together with Gao E, which became later handed down“ Cheng Ben ”A Dream of Red Mansions. Since then, A Dream of Red Mansions has become a complete Literary and artistic works , spread in the form of fixed version, started a new period in the history of the spread of A Dream of Red Mansions, and soon expanded the scope and region of the spread, quickly spread to both at home and abroad. Cheng Weiyuan and Gao E contributed a lot to the widespread spread of Dream of Red Mansions. For a long time, A Dream of Red Mansions has been circulating in the form of 120 chapters of Cheng Ben. During this period, some "Red Mansion Culture" such as rap, drama and painting about Dream of the Red Mansions were also based on this“ Qi Xuben ”And“ Jiaxu Version ”After 50 years of criticism in the last century critic The popular version of A Dream of Red Mansions is still the Cheng version of the 120 chapters. [1]

Tamper with the original work

Cheng Gaoben
When the 1791 Annual was printed in Cheng Jia edition, Cheng Weiyuan Gao E yes Cao Xueqin The original work was tampered with wantonly again. For example, in the first chapter of the novel, it is said that the origin of the hard stone of "no material to mend the sky" is "through joys and sorrows, hot and cool times". Cheng Gaoben has tampered with the words that satirize the social customs at that time as follows:“ Lead to the other side A piece of hard stone ". The so-called "other shore" is what Buddhists say Western Paradise As a result of tampering feudal society The irony of the dark rule. At the same time, Cheng Gaoben deleted the seven words "because of non-interference in the current world", which also shows that the text is very exciting Feudal landlord class Of the nerves.
Cheng Gao's version was added, deleted, and modified simultaneously. While a large number of original texts were changed, there were also large paragraphs of additions. In the 37th round, Cheng Gaoben added "saying Shi Xiangyun After returning home, Bao Yu and others were still just playing in the garden and chanting ", and then wrote:
Let's just say Jia Zheng since Imperial Concubine Yuan After returning to the province, the resident officials were more diligent and cautious, hoping to answer the emperor's favor. The emperor saw that other people were decent and popular. Although they were not born in the academic field, they were calligraphers. The reason why he was sent to school was just to select real talents.
Here, the tampers beautify Jia Zheng with "good character and clean voice", and change the criticism tendency of the original work on Jia Zheng.
At the end of the 70th chapter of the novel, Cheng Gaoben added a story about Baoyu going back to his room to study:
From then on, Bao Yu's homework did not dare to be left behind. Sometimes I write, sometimes I read, and when I am bored, I also come out to joke with my sisters for a long time, or go to Xiaoxiang Hall Go and have a chat. All the sisters knew that he owed a lot of money for his lessons, so they went to recite poems for fun, or teach needlework, but did not dare to recruit him. that Daiyu I was even more afraid that Jia Zheng would come back to Baoyu and feel angry. He would often push him to sleep and would not try to attract him. Baoyu had to do some homework in her room. It is late summer and early autumn. One day, Jia Mu The two girls hurried to call Baoyu.
If this passage is carefully compared with some chapters in the last forty chapters, not only the ideas are the same, but also the wording is very similar. The tamper wanted to Jia Baoyu From a "rebellious" feudal rebel back to the successor of the feudal landlord class who read the classics, he took great pains to fill the original with private goods.
It was only seven or eight months from the publication of Cheng Jia Ben to the publication of Cheng Yi Ben. In just a few months, Cheng Gao has once again tampered with the original work. Such as the second chapter of the novel Jia Yu Village He was dismissed for the first time, Cheng Yiben Change to:
... He seems to be talented and cunning; Another one or two questions were raised about dogs sheltering fools and making friends with squires.
From here, we can easily see that the tamper stands in feudal society ruling class Cover it up Feudal bureaucracy To beautify feudalism National machinery The reactionary nature of.
Cheng Yiben not only tampered with the content of the original work from a political perspective, but also destroyed the artistic features of the original work due to some tampering. For example, at the end of the 27th chapter of the novel, Cheng Jia only said after the original poem: "Bao Yu was stunned when he heard it." The words were simple and implicit, and it was interesting to read them. When we arrived at Cheng Yiben, we added more to the picture, writing about "one side" and "one side", "here" and "there", which is disgusting to read.
The twenty ninth chapter of the novel was seriously tampered with. If Jia Mu and others arrive A nihilistic view The scene when the festival starts, the original text shows Jia Mansion The momentum and style of travel are vivid and wonderful, such as hearing and seeing. Cheng Yiben Just through the eyes of those "small women" to show this momentum is just“ Later It seems dull and empty, losing the original artistic effect
The way Cheng Gaoben tampered with Cao Xueqin's original work is not only to add and change, but also to delete the original. High cost Lipoid In comparison, Cheng Gaoben deleted the most obvious anti feudal words in the original work, and the number of words was also the largest. For example, Bao Yu was deleted in the 63rd chapter Fangguan Rename to Jerushono A paragraph of four pages; In the 70th chapter, the same rules are deleted when Daiyu flies a kite Rhododendron Green wisp The dialogue and other paragraphs are more than 800 words; Deleted in the 78th chapter Jia Zheng Life treasure jade Jia Huan Jalan The description of psychological activities in the previous paragraph of the poem is more than 600 words, and Bao Yu's writing is deleted in the same chapter《 Lotus daughter eulogy 》The former paragraph criticizing the stereotyped writing and fame and wealth has about 400 words.
In addition to this large deletion, there is also the deletion of a sentence, a few words or even a word. Such as the fourth write back Xue Pan Kill Feng Yuan In the sentence of "I said I spent a few bad money...", Cheng Gao and others felt that the word "smelly" was too nerve stimulating, so they deleted the word "smelly". For another example, in the 75th chapter, the following important contents were deleted: "they are living Buddhas and immortals, without Qian Shi, they will ignore him" and "they are resentful that they have taken Qian as their life, and how many eunuchs of many generations are of great origin. If the word Qian Shi is mentioned, they will not even recognize their bones and flesh".
The previous example is just to illustrate how Cheng Gao and others used the means of addition, deletion and modification to tamper with Cao Xueqin's original work. Due to space constraints, we cannot write out more examples. Here, we should especially point out that many important examples cited by some commentators in their comments on Cheng Gaoben's articles in the past have actually appeared in the Zhijin edition Lipoid From the comparison results, we can see that Cheng Gaoben's tampering has a certain origin relationship with Zhijin Ben. We have reason to suspect that Cheng Gaoben is probably the same system as Zhijin Ben. Cheng Gaoben inherited the mantle of Zhijin Ben, and developed the tampering of the original work. This is a problem that we should pay attention to when commenting on Cheng Gaoben. [2]