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Cheng Siyuan

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Non party, patriotic and democratic personages
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Cheng Siyuan (August 1908 – July 28, 2005), a native of Binyang, Guangxi, a non party patriotic and democratic social activist, [2] University of Rome Graduated from graduate school, Doctor of Political Science. In youth, he joined the army. He maneuvers freely Chiang Kai shek Li Zongren During the ten years from April 1956 to June 1965, Li Zongren sent Cheng Siyuan to Beijing five times to attend Zhou Enlai The Prime Minister. Cheng Siyuan Goes Two Times Europe The matchmaking made full preparations for Li Zongren's return to the mainland. Finally, he returned from overseas with Li Zongren. He died of illness in 2005 at the age of 97. His works include Jiang Li Relationship and China, Late Years of Li Zongren, Political Memories, Secrets of Political Affairs, Biography of Bai Chongxi, My Memory.
Chinese name
Cheng Siyuan
date of birth
August 1908
Date of death
July 28, 2005
one's native heath
Dacheng Village, Binyang Bridge, Guangxi
Representative works
Jiang Li Relationship and China The Old Age of Mr. Li Zongren Political Memory

Character's Life


Early career

Cheng Siyuan during the Anti Japanese War
Comrade Cheng Siyuan was born in Daqiaocheng Village, Binyang County, Guangxi on August 22, 1908 lunar calendar. In his early years, he studied at Huang'an School in Binyang,
In 1926, he won the first place in the examination paper of the Seventh Army of the National Revolutionary Army and accompanied the army in the Northern Expedition.
In 1930, he served as Secretary Li Zongren, Commander in Chief of the Fourth Army of the Kuomintang.
In 1934, he went to Rome University, Italy to study in the Department of Politics, and received a doctorate in political science. In 1938, he served as the Secretary of the Office of Bai Chongxi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Commission of the National Government.
Cheng Siyuan
In 1939, he served as the director of the political department of the Guangxi Appeasement Commission and the chairman of the Lequn Society, and the president of the Guilin Association of European and American Students.
In 1942, he went to Chongqing to work. He successively served as the deputy director of the Central Organization Department, director of the Steering Office, director of the Social Service Department, standing director of the Central Committee, representative of Guangxi Provincial Government in Chongqing, and the fourth member of the National People's Political Council. He was elected as the central executive member of the sixth National Congress of the Kuomintang, and as the representative of the National Congress at the second plenary session of the sixth Central Committee of the Kuomintang.
In 1947, he was elected as the Standing Committee of the Central Committee at the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Kuomintang.
In 1948, he was elected as a legislator of the Legislative Yuan.
In July 1949, he served as Deputy Secretary General of the Central Non Standing Committee of the Kuomintang. Soon after, he resigned and moved to Hong Kong as a columnist of the Noon News.
In July 1965, he accompanied Li Zongren and his wife back to the mainland from overseas. After returning to China, he served as the President of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, the Deputy Director of the National Committee of the CPPCC for the Reunification of the Motherland, the First Honorary President of the China Overseas Friendship Association, the President of the China Association for the Promotion of International Science and Technology, the President of the Fourth Council of the National Taiwan Research Association, etc.
In 1991, it was elected as China Summer Resort Outer Eight Temples Honorary President of the Protection Association.
In June 1992, he was elected as the president of the Chinese Association for the Promotion of Cultural Exchange and Cooperation.
In March 1993, he was elected Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress Vice Chairman, elected honorary chairman of the second Friends of China Research Foundation in May, and elected honorary chairman of China International Xufu Cultural Exchange Association in September Beijing Huangpu University Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors, since November China International Tea Culture Research Association Honorary President, appointed in December China 1911 Revolution Research Association Honorary Chairman.
Since October 1995 China International Association for the Promotion of Science and Peace President, November China Local Art Association Honorary President Hangzhou University Honorary Chairman and Chairman of China Enterprise Culture Promotion Association.
Since February 1996 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Collectors Association Honorary President.
First term since March 1996 China Tianhan Foundation Honorary Vice President. Elected in May 1997 China Overseas Friendship Association Honorary President of the First Council.
Elected in June 1998 Chinese Yanhuang Culture Research Association President of the second council.
In September 1998, he was elected President of the 4th Council of the Taiwan Research Association.
In July 1999, he was elected to the sixth session China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification president.
He is a member of the Standing Committee of the Fifth and Sixth CPPCC National Committee, director of the Proposal Committee of the Seventh CPPCC National Committee, deputy director of the Motherland Unification Friendship Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress, and deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
In March 1999, he won the "Kentucky Crow Highest Honor Award" in the United States.
In July 2000, Mr. Cheng Siyuan was invited to work in Guangzhou Private Hualian University Honorary Principal.
On July 28, 2005, he died in Beijing at the age of 97.

personal works

He is the author of Jiang Li Relationship and China《 Li Zongren In his later years, "Political Memories", "Secrets of Political Affairs"《 KMT general based in South China Biography《 My memory 》。

Anecdotes of characters

Cheng Siyuan has very elegant tastes and hobbies. When he lived in Beijing, he lived in the deep courtyard where Shi Liang and Qian Changzhao lived, but the furniture and other supplies are simple and plain. The decoration of his home is mainly calligraphy, painting and flowers. The four walls of his study are all books except one for lighting. Many fine brushes and seals are placed on the book case. Published works, such as《 Li Zongren In your later years《 KMT general based in South China Biography, Zheng Hai's Secret Happiness, Jiang Li's Relationship with China, etc., millions of words were written by him Wei stele It is written in Chinese. Cheng Siyuan has to spare time to practice calligraphy every day. After reading a book, he also practices elixir, which can eliminate fatigue, improve intelligence and prolong life.
Keep a moderate and regular life, keep early hours , No Overeating , don't drink liquor This is also one of Cheng Siyuan's ways to keep healthy. Cheng Siyuan said, Twentieth Century In the 1940s Hong Kong When he and Zhang Guotao Once I had contact with them, they played cards for fun. Sometimes they would not stop playing until late at night. At this time, a friend advised Cheng, "Be careful to lose your heart by playing games!" Since then, he has "quit playing cards".
Cheng Siyuan is Guangxi people He likes to eat meat and shrimp, followed by cheese And tremella, while vegetarianism and vegetables are relatively few. Although this dietary habit is not reasonable, he made up for it by "eating less and moving more".
Swimming is one of Cheng Siyuan's favorite sports. He likes to fight against the waves in broad waters. Cheng Siyuan Zeng Tong Chairman Mao Swimming together, Chairman Mao praised him for "swimming well"! He said he liked breaststroke best because Breaststroke When the head enters the water, one vomit and one take, which just exercises the heart and lung function and can prevent the heart and lung diseases.
"Combination of movement and stillness" is also Cheng Siyuan's way to keep healthy. Every day, apart from jogging in the hospital, Cheng Siyuan stays at home and reads newspapers《 Twenty Four Histories 》He believed that history books, such as Zizhi Tongjian, were like mirrors, which made people wise. Optimism and humor are Cheng Siyuan's fitness magic weapon.

Character evaluation

Comrade Cheng Siyuan is a great patriot. In his youth, he resolutely left his hometown to participate in the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army and join in the grand revolutionary movement. During his study in Italy, he wrote a letter to Mr. Li Zongren, suggesting that he should unite with all those who advocate the war against Japan and unite to fight against Japan. In 1937, when the "July 7th" Lugouqiao Incident broke out, he immediately left for home to participate in the Anti Japanese War. As the secretary of the office of Bai Chongxi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Commission of the National Government, I experienced the war in Taierzhuang. He also actively encouraged young intellectuals to "join the army". During his stay in Hong Kong, he was deeply attached to the motherland and maintained a lofty patriotism and a firm position to safeguard the reunification of the motherland. In August 1955, he drafted the Proposal on the Taiwan Issue for Mr. Li Zongren, which was published in the United States. It highly praised the achievements made in the construction of New China, criticized the retrograde actions of the Kuomintang authorities in Taiwan, and asked the United States to formally recognize Taiwan as part of China's sacred territory. After returning to the motherland, he actively devoted himself to the construction of New China with strong patriotic enthusiasm and contributed all his energy and wisdom to the great cause of socialism. He also made many speeches, highly praised Comrade Deng Xiaoping's great idea of "one country, two systems", advised the Taiwan authorities to abandon the plot of "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan", and made important contributions to promoting the development of cross-strait relations and completing the great cause of national reunification.
Comrade Cheng Siyuan is a close friend of the Communist Party of China. During the Anti Japanese War, he had many contacts with Comrade Zhou Enlai and was deeply influenced by him. After the Anti Japanese War, as a member of the National People's Political Council, he warmly welcomed Comrade Mao Zedong to Chongqing for peace negotiations. In April 1956, he was invited back to China to participate in the celebration of May Day. Since then, under the direct care of Comrade Zhou Enlai, with confidence in the Communist Party of China, he went to Beijing five times and Europe two times to promote the Li Zongren and his wife to resolutely return to the mainland from overseas, and was highly praised by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other party and national leaders. During the "Cultural Revolution", he never wavered in his firm belief in the Party and socialism, dared to adhere to the truth, and showed the awe inspiring righteousness of a non party patriot. In the new era of socialist modernization, he has always unswervingly supported the leadership of the Communist Party of China, wholeheartedly supported the line, principles and policies of the Communist Party of China, and actively participated in the united front and multi-party cooperation led by the Communist Party of China with great enthusiasm. He has established profound friendship with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin, the three generations of central leadership and the leading comrades of the CPC Central Committee with Hu Jintao as the General Secretary. He is a trusted close friend and good friend of the CPC.
Comrade Cheng Siyuan is an outstanding social activist. During his leadership of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), he actively participated in the country's political life and the consultation of the Party and the country's major policies. During his concurrent leadership of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification, the China Overseas Friendship Association, the China Association for the Promotion of International Science and Technology, and the National Taiwan Research Association, he worked enthusiastically to promote cross-strait exchanges, national reunification, and international cooperation. He enthusiastically participated in the modernization drive of New China. Focusing on the important issues of the country's economic and social development, he often went to the grass-roots level to investigate, research, and make suggestions. In 1997, as a member of the Chinese government delegation, he went to Hong Kong to participate in the handover ceremony of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. In recent years, although he is old, he often participates in important meetings and activities, and continues to contribute to the cause of socialist modernization and national reunification.
Comrade Cheng Siyuan is a banner of non party, patriotic and democratic personages. For decades, he has participated in politics as a person without party affiliation, and has made important contributions to upholding and improving the people's congress system, upholding and improving the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China, and consolidating and developing the patriotic united front. He has repeatedly said that China needs a stable and united political environment for long-term economic development and must not copy the political system of the West. In the practice of participating in the political life of the country, he deeply realized that through participating in the discussion of politics and democratic supervision, the relationship between the ruling party and the participating parties and non party personages is more harmonious, and they share weal and woe. Practice has proved that the people's congress system and the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China are the best political systems in line with China's national conditions.
Comrade Cheng Siyuan has rich experience and profound knowledge, adheres to principles, seeks truth from facts, is open minded, aboveboard, easy-going and approachable. Comrade Cheng Siyuan's life is a glorious life, a life of pursuing truth. He was born in the late Qing Dynasty and grew longer than the Republic of China. He witnessed the collapse of the old China and experienced the rise of the new China. He has always believed that only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system can the country become prosperous and strong, national rejuvenation and national reunification be achieved. With a deep sense of historical responsibility for the Chinese nation and love for the motherland, he contributed all his wisdom and painstaking efforts to the country's prosperity, national rejuvenation and reunification, and won the respect and love of the people. His noble character and unswerving spirit of struggle are always worthy of our study and memory! [2]

Binyang Former Residence

Cheng Siyuan's Former Residence
In the Ming Dynasty“ Binyang Among the eight scenic spots, one is called "The Haze Stone Wall Produces Heroes", which refers to the "Haze Stone Wall" Binyang County The mountain walls around Daqiao Town show that there are many outstanding people and talents here. Mr. Cheng Siyuan, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, was born in Dacheng Village, Daqiao Town.
After the liberation of the mainland, Li Zongren Moved overseas, inspired by the united front of the Communist Party of China want one 's old bones to be buried in one 's hometown The idea of. Appointed by Li Zongren, Cheng Siyuan went to Beijing many times to thread the needle and negotiate with the United Front Department of the Communist Party of China, and finally helped Mr. and Mrs. Li Zongren Guo Dejie On July 20, 1965, Ms Across the Straits Produce a huge shock. When Li Zongren returned, Zhou Enlai prominent military leader in early Communist movement , Peng Zhen Guo Moruo And other party and state leaders went to the capital airport to greet them in person. Cheng Siyuan made great contributions to the return of Li Zongren.

Family members

Cheng Siyuan has a son and four daughters. His eldest daughter is Cheng Yueru, stage name Lin Dai (Born to the eldest wife Jiang Xiuhua), the son is Cheng Zhiping. [1]