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Cheng Shiquan

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Section member of Jiangbei Management Area (Jiangbei Farm)
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Cheng Shiquan, male, born in February 1964 in Yingshan, Hubei, with a college degree, is currently a member of Jiangbei Management Zone (Jiangbei Farm).
Chinese name
Cheng Shiquan
date of birth
February 1964
Native place
Hubei Yingshan
Cheng Shiquan, male, from Yingshan, Hubei Province, was born in February 1964, started work in May 1980, joined the Party in June 1994, and has a college degree. He is currently a member of Jiangbei Management Zone (Jiangbei Farm), and is proposed to be the deputy director of the Economic Development Office of Hubei Huangshigang Industrial Park Management Committee (Jiangbei Management Zone, Jiangbei Farm); [1]