
[yí zhí]
Scientific terminology
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Transplant, pronunciation y í zh í, Chinese word, meaning to translate Botany Move to another location plant , later extended as life Body or Living body Partially transferred organ transplant For example, transferring one person's liver to replace another person's liver is called liver transplantation. software engineering The program is often regarded as living organism , will source code Moving from one environment to another function It can also be called migration.
Chinese name
Foreign name
yí zhí
Metaphor: introducing experience, strengths and practices from other places



Metaphor introduced elsewhere experience , strengths practice Etc.
1. [ transplant ; grafting]
2. Remove seedlings or trees and Planting In another place
From his nursery Migrated Mulberry
3. Move an organ or tissue from the body or part of the body to another place
4. Metaphor: introducing experience, strengths, practices, etc. from other places
take coastal areas Transplant our experience to the mainland [1]
5. Set the Program transfer To another platform


1. Move seedlings or trees to other places for planting. The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty - Records of Food and Goods (II):“ Salt Iron Envoy Wang Ya Please make Tea Mountain people transplant their roots. " Song Dynasty Su Shi The poem "Lu": "The Jianghu cannot be reached. Transplantation should be carried out with diligence." The Ming Dynasty Shen De Fu's "Ye Huo Bian · Xiang · Hua Shi's Disaster": "There has never been a peony in the south of the Five Ridges, that is Transplanter No flowers. " Guo Xiaochuan The poem "Snow covered Mountain Road": "Tall, that is Kapok The flowers were transplanted out of the Great Wall. "
2. It refers to the introduction of experience, strengths and practices from other places. Mao Zedong On protracted war 》21: "On the whole, the enemy is a general Three Eastern Provinces The old method of "is transplanted to the mainland." Wen Wei Po 》February 28, 1982: "With the Literary and artistic creation We have also made valuable achievements in the work of adaptation and transplantation. "
3. Set Organism A part of the tissue or organ of the same organism or another organism is repaired to make it grow well. Wen Wei Po 》1982.4.3: "(Medical staff) application Greater omentum Free transplantation And autogenous iliac bone graft, successfully treated a patient with Comminuted fracture Resulting in Bone defect Patients with serious skin and blood vessels injuries. " [1]
4、 software engineering The program is often regarded as a living organism source code Running from one environment to another can also be called migration. In surgery, transplantation is the transfer of cells, tissues, or organs from an individual( Graft )It is a technique that is introduced into a part of the body or another individual by surgery or other methods to replace the part that has lost function.