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Mobile technology

Informational mobile technology and mobile technology in basketball technology
Mobile technology has different meanings in different aspects, mainly including information-based mobile technology and mobile technology in basketball technology. Mainly wireless devices based on wireless communication (including Notebook computer tablet PC 、Pad、 mobile phone Information technology integration of equipment.
Chinese name
Mobile technology
Foreign name
Mobile technology
Category 1
two-way Radio communication
Category 2
Cellular Mobile voice service
Category 3
For mobile devices
Category 4
Networked WiFi

Informatization terminology


Mobile communication integration

Since 1890 Tesla (Tesla) is Wireless communication It has established the theoretical basis and is known as radio Fatherly Marconi (Marconi) In 1894, wireless signals were first transmitted two miles away. Mobile technology has brought great changes to human society. The application of mobile technology in government departments can also be traced back to the First World War In recent years, the integration of mobile communication technology and information technology has made mobile technology the focus of the industry. along with mobile communication and mobile computing The integration of technologies, the gradual maturity of mobile technologies, and the mobile interaction brought by the application and development of mobile technologies Pervasive computing Ubiquitous Computing, Anytime, anywhere online connection, communication and information exchange provide possibilities, provide new opportunities and challenges for mobile work, and promote further changes in social and organizational forms.
The integration of information technology and communication technology is bringing great changes to our social life. Mobile technology and the Internet have become ICT The main driving force of the development is the use of mobile technology, which has opened up a wide space for mobile interaction and has become a popular way of life and work through the high coverage of mobile communication networks, high-speed wireless networks and various types of mobile information terminals. Due to the attraction of mobile interaction and the rapid development of new technology, mobile information terminals and wireless networks in the future will have the same scale and impact as computers and networks today. Mobile government The development of mobile commerce provides new opportunities for further improving the level of urban management, improving the level and efficiency of public services, and building a more responsive, efficient, transparent and responsible government. It also helps to bridge the digital divide and provide universal and agile services for citizens [1] The integration and development of information and communication technology has hastened the birth of information society knowledge society Form, which further expedites the user centered, social practice stage, mass innovation, common innovation, and open innovation oriented innovation form of user participation in the knowledge society, Innovation 2.0 The model is gradually emerging to attract the attention of the scientific community and society [2]

Mobile technology classification

Mobile technology mobile communication Technology and mobile computing Driven by technology convergence, it mainly includes four types of technologies [1]
One is two-way radio based Radio communication (professional or public mobile radio) or broadcasting;
Second, based on Cellular Mobile voice service SMS (SMS service) WAP Wireless Application Protocol )GPRS UMTS (i.e. 3G, the third generation mobile communication network);
The third is based on mobile devices, including laptops, tablets, PDAs( Personal digital assistant )、 beeper Bluetooth technology RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and GPS (Global Positioning System);
Fourth, network-based WiFi Or under development in China WAPI Wireless LAN
These four types of technologies have no advantages or disadvantages. Different application environments should have different technical implementation schemes.

Mobile communication industry

Since the early 1970's, the technology of mobile wireless industry has experienced a process of birth, transformation and evolution. In the past decades, mobile wireless technology has undergone 4-5 generations of technological changes and evolution, namely from 0G to 4G. The introduction of cellular technology into 1G technology makes large-scale mobile wireless communication possible; 2G technology introduces digital communication to replace the original analog technology, which greatly provides the quality of wireless communication; In addition to voice communication, data communication is also a focus in 3G technology, and a converged network that is suitable for both voice and data communication has emerged; With the continuous research and development of mobile wireless, 4G will face more opportunities and technical challenges of killer applications. Here, we briefly list all the key technologies and protocols in all generations of mobile wireless communication, as shown in the following table:
0G: a kind of early Cellular mobile phone Technology. At this time, although briefcase mobile phones have appeared, they generally still need to be installed on cars or trucks.
PTT: Push to talk
MTS: Mobile Phone System
IMTS: Improved Mobile phone service (Improved Mobile Telephone Service)
AMTS: Advanced mobile phone system (Advanced Mobile Telephone System)
0.5G: a group of technologies that improve the basic 0G technical characteristics.
Autotel/PALM: Autotel or PALM (Public Automated Land Mobile)
ARP:Autoradiopuhelin, Car Radio Phone
HCMTS: High Capacity Mobile Phone System
1G: refers to the first generation of wireless telephone technology, namely cellular portable wireless telephone. In the 1980s, analog cellular portable wireless telephone standards were introduced.
NMT: Nordic Mobile Phone
AMPS: Advanced mobile phone system (Advanced Mobile Phone System)
TAGS: Total Access Communication System (TACS) is the European version of AMPS
JTAGS: Japan Total Access Communication System
2G: The second generation wireless telephone based on digital technology. 2G network is basically only for voice communication, with the exception that some standards can also use SMS information as a data transmission form.
GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications
IDEN: Integrated Digital Enhanced Network
D-AMPS: Digital Advanced Mobile Phone System based on TDMA
CdmaOne: IS-95 defined Code Division Multiple Access
PDC: Personal Digital Cellular
TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access
2.5G: A set of transitional technologies between 2G and 3G wireless technologies. It involves not only voice, but also digital communication technology supporting E-mail and simple Web browsing.
GPRS: General Packet Radio Service (General Packet Radio Service)
WiDEN: Broadband Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network
2.75G: It refers to a technology that does not meet the requirements of 3G, but plays the role of 3G in the market.
CDMA2000 1xRTT: CDMA-2000 is a TIA standard (IS-2000) evolved from cdmaOne. CDMA2000 supporting 1xRTT has lower requirements than 3G.
EDGE: Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
3G: represents the third-generation wireless communication technology, which supports broadband voice, data and Multimedia Communication Technology
W-CDMA: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
FOMA: Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access
CDMA2000 1xEV: It is more advanced than CDMA2000. It supports 1xEV technology and can meet 3G requirements.
TD-SCDMA : Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access
3.5G: generally refers to a technology that goes beyond the well-developed 3G wireless and mobile technologies.
HSDPA: High Speed Downlink Packet Access
3.75G: refers to a technology that goes beyond the well-developed 3G wireless and mobile technologies.
HSUPA: High Speed Uplink Packet Access
4G: Named for high-speed mobile wireless communication technology, it is designed to realize new data services and interactive TV services in mobile networks.

Technology worthy of attention

Eight mobile technologies summarized by GARTNER that have an important impact on the entire wireless industry [3]
Bluetooth 3.0 will include some new features, such as "ultra-low energy consumption mode", which will lead to more new devices (such as sensors and peripherals) and new applications (such as health monitoring). In the previous version, Bluetooth was a set of protocols running on a single wireless bearer technology, while Bluetooth 3.0 intended to support three bearer technologies: "classic" Bluetooth, Wi Fi and Ultra Wideband Wireless (UWB) technology. It may support more wireless bearer technologies in the future. In the short term, due to its wide availability, Wi Fi is likely to become a more important auxiliary bearer technology than UWB. Wi Fi will allow high-end mobile phones to quickly transmit large amounts of data.
2. Mobile user interfaces (UIs)
UIs have an important impact on the availability and support of mobile devices. In the next two years (2009~2010), this will be the most competitive area, because different device manufacturers will use UIs to distinguish their phones and platforms. New and more changeable UIs will make the development and support of B2E (business to employee) and B2C (business to consumer) applications more complex. Enterprises hope that the optional performance of interface parameters can drive users' demand for specific style devices, and enterprises also hope that the user interface can drive new application behaviors and performance. A better interface will make mobile Web easier to access on small devices, and will become a better channel for consumers and employees.
Positioning will make mobile applications more powerful and useful. In the future, location information will become a key component of situational applications. Positioning will also strengthen systems such as "mobile presence" and "mobile community" networks. The mature development of positioning in the park using Wi Fi technology will open a large number of new applications based on device and personnel location information. New commercial and consumer applications released by enterprises will show the application potential of positioning technology. However, developing such applications will also bring new challenges in privacy and security.
802.11n technology makes the data rate of Wi Fi reach 100Mbps~300Mbps, and the application of multiple input multiple output (MIMO) technology provides the possibility for better wireless coverage in some cases. 802.11n is likely to become a "long-lived" standard, and its defined Wi Fi performance indicators may last for several years. High speed Wi Fi is valuable for home and office streaming applications. From the enterprise's point of view, 802.11n is an independent and alternative technology. Its configuration is complex and requires new access points, new client wireless interfaces, new backbone networks and new power supplies. However, 802.11n is the first Wi Fi technology that can provide performance comparable to 100 Mbps Ethernet, which is usually used for wired networking of office computers. Therefore, it makes a completely wireless office possible. In the next two years, enterprises can consider configuring a new office or replacing the older 802.11a/b/g system.
5. Display technology
Display technology has many limitations Mobile Devices And applied properties. From 2009 to 2010, some new display technologies will affect the market, including active pixel display technology, passive display technology and pico projector technology. Pico projector technology will bring new mobile application modes (for example, instant presentations shown on the desktop can display information summaries and face-to-face sales meetings). The improvement of battery life will be welcomed by some users. Good offline viewing technology will make it easier to share pictures and information, which can be used in applications such as eBook Reader Passive display technology on devices such as will provide new methods for distributing and consuming electronic documents. In addition, display technology will also become Mobile Devices An important differentiation feature and user selection basis of.
6. Mobile Web and Widgets
Mobile Web is becoming a low-cost way to distribute simple mobile applications to a large number of devices. By 2010, although there are still some constraints that are difficult to solve (for example, there is no universal browser standard for connecting mobile services such as photography or GPS), mobile Web can provide a total cost of ownership (TCO) that is more advantageous than fat client applications. Many mobile browsers support Widgets (a small mobile Web program), which provides a method to inject stream simple feeds into mobile phones and small screen devices. Mobile Web applications will become part of most B2C mobile strategies. Thin client applications are also becoming practical solutions for campus and enterprise applications using Wi Fi and cellular connectivity.
7. Mobile broadband
The explosive growth of wireless broadband in 2008 is mainly driven by technological progress, such as the application of HSDPA and HSUPA technologies, and the attractive prices set by mobile operators for these services. HSPA technology can provide 1~2M or more bandwidth for downlink and uplink. In many regions, HSPA provides sufficient connectivity to replace Wi Fi hotspots. Mature and available chipsets enable enterprises to purchase laptops with built-in mobile broadband modules, which can provide higher performance for expansion cards and dongles.
NFC (Near Field Communication) provides a simple and safe method for mobile phones to communicate over a distance of 1~2cm. NFC is becoming the main standard for applications such as mobile payment, and has been successfully tested in some countries. NFC also has more extensive applications, such as "contact exchange information" (such as transferring images between mobile phones and digital photo frames, or selecting virtual coupons for mobile phones, etc.). Gartner predicts that in mature markets, such as Western Europe and North America, NFC payment And other applications are unlikely to make great progress before 2010; However, NFC is likely to play an important role in emerging markets, and it is expected that some commercial deployments will begin in 2010.

Application prospect

Mobile technology and the Internet have become the main driving force for the development of information and communication technology. With the high coverage of mobile communication networks, high-speed wireless networks and various types of mobile information terminals, the use of mobile technology has opened up a broad space for mobile interaction. In recent years, the introduction of 3G and smart phones has undoubtedly injected new strength into the development of mobile applications Mobile CPU Its speed has reached the level of desktop computers in previous years. The mobility of mobile phones and mobile terminals is a huge advantage that ordinary computers do not have. Mobile phone is not only a communication tool, but also an important portable information processing platform. These mobile computing platforms and laptops form a mobile "cloud", so the concept of "cloud computing" that came into being at the historic moment is constantly expanding its influence, and will certainly bring a new technological leap. Therefore, mobile applications will go deeper and deeper into all aspects of our lives. This includes mobile office, mobile government, mobile commerce, mobile law enforcement, mobile tourism services, etc. People can find information related to their location, office affairs or personal matters in any place. Many IT giants joined in. For example, Google launched the open source Android mobile platform, integrated its Gmail, Google Maps and other resources, created a huge mobile application industry chain, and introduced giants from various industries to participate (mobile phone manufacturing, software development, mobile operations). A new revolution is taking place in mobile applications.
Due to the attraction of mobile interaction and the rapid development of pervasive computing, the scale and impact of mobile information terminals and wireless networks in the future will be no less than that of computers and networks today. Pervasive computing represented by mobile technology has transformed the traditional computer centric e-government model into mobile people-oriented technologies and strategies, breaking through the traditional paradigm of government service provision [1,2]. The application of mobile government provides new opportunities for further improving the level of government public management and service, and building an agile, transparent, responsible and more responsive smooth government. It also helps to achieve universal service and harmonious management. Government departments should attach great importance to the opportunities and challenges brought by pervasive computing technology represented by mobile technology to public management and services [4]
In a word, as experts put forward at the first mobile government seminar held by Peking University, pervasive computing and ubiquitous network represented by mobile technology are currently under discussion Internet of Things technology Will drive the next wave of information technology development. This wave of information technology is accelerating information society knowledge society At the same time, it also further expedites the development of knowledge oriented society Innovation 2.0 Form, leading the evolution of lifestyle, management mode, social form and innovative form.

Basketball terminology


Technical Introduction

Mobile technology is a means to get rid of the defense when attacking and defend against the opponent to gain the initiative of attack and defense through a variety of fast and sudden foot movements. Mobile technology is closely related to mastering and using various offensive and defensive technologies, and is the basis of basketball technology.

Role of basketball

Movement is the general term of all kinds of footwork used to change position, direction, speed, and height in basketball games. It is one of the important basic skills in basketball. All offensive and defensive techniques or tactics must be completed through various quick and sudden foot movements. Movement is the basis of basketball technology, is also a basic maneuver that is used most in the game, and is also an important part of basketball technology teaching. In teaching, we should correct wrong actions in time and gradually improve the quality of actions, so that students can better master the basic mobile technology and achieve good teaching results


Figure 1 Mobile Technology
The key to mastering and applying the movement technology is to control the balance and change of the body's center of gravity, so as to change the direction and position of the body in a timely, rapid and sudden manner. To control and move the center of gravity well depends on the following three factors: 1. The waist and abdomen are strong, the waist and hip are flexible, driving the trunk, and making actions coordinated.
2. The team members must develop the habit of bending their knees to lower their weight, so that the legs can use force. 3. When the front foot pedal or grind the ground, the toe must point to the moving direction when moving forward or changing direction.

Basic technical analysis

(1) Basic standing posture: A standing posture that players often maintain on the court, which is stable and can start suddenly.
Action tips: open the feet forward and backward or left and right, the distance is the same as the shoulder width, the knee is slightly bent, the support point of the body's center of gravity falls on the forefoot of the feet, the upper body is slightly forward, the head is raised, the abdomen is closed, the chest is contained, and the elbows of the arms are slightly bent and naturally placed on the side of the body. Pay attention to the situation on the court, so as to move in any direction of the court in a timely manner.
(2) Starting is when a team member static The action of changing state into motion state is the method to obtain the initial velocity of displacement.
Action tips: Forward starting is to use the forefoot of the back foot to pedal the ground quickly and forcefully, move forward the center of gravity, lean forward the upper body, and quickly move forward ten thousand steps. To start sideways is to use the forefoot of the opposite foot to pedal the ground, and at the same time, the upper body quickly turns sideways and leans forward in the direction of starting, and the center of gravity follows the movement, and quickly steps towards the running direction.
Figure 2 Mobile Technology
(3) Change direction running Change direction running is a kind of footstep action in which a team member suddenly changes direction during running
Action tips: Take the right to left running as an example, the last step of the team members' running is to brake with the forefoot of the right foot, and at the same time, the inside of the foot pedal the ground, bend the knee, buckle the toe slightly inward, and turn the waist left with the weight shifted to the left, and the upper body leans forward slightly. At the same time, the left foot takes a small step forward to the left, and the right foot quickly takes a big step forward to the side of the left leg to accelerate the running.
(4) The running method often used when running sideways in order to observe the situation on the field and be ready to receive the ball from the rear
Action tips: the toes and knees are facing the running direction, the head and waist are turning towards the ball, the side shoulders, upper body and arms are relaxed, and the situation on the field is always observed.
(5) The emergency stop is a kind of action method for the team members to suddenly brake the speed during running, which is an effective way to link up other technical actions and get rid of the opponent. Emergency stop includes step emergency stop and skip emergency stop.
Main points of the step emergency stop action: the first step of the hand is slightly larger, the heel first rolls to the front of the foot to support the ground, the toe turns to the side from the front, while the center of gravity drops, and first falls on the back foot, the body sits back slightly to slow down the forward momentum. When landing in the second step, push hard on the ground with the inner side of the front foot, turn the toes slightly inward, bend and retract the knees, lean the upper body slightly forward, and place the weight between the feet. Bend your elbows and open your arms to help control your balance.
Figure 3 Mobile Technology
Main points of the jump stop action: when running, the team members take off with one foot, land with both feet at the same time, push the ground with the forefoot, bend the knees quickly, and drop the center of gravity. Keep your body balanced by bending your elbows and opening your arms.
(6) Turning and turning is to use one foot as the central foot to grind the ground and rotate the other foot to change the original direction of the body. This action is widely used in competitions, often combined with other foot movements. Turn can be divided into forward turn and backward turn.
Action tips: bend both knees, tuck in the abdomen, hold the chest, and lean the upper body forward slightly. When turning around, move the center of gravity to the central foot. The central foot is used as the axis to grind the ground with force, and the other foot is used as the inner side of the front foot to push the ground. At the same time, use the shoulder belt to move the waist forward or backward to rotate the body direction. In the process of rotation, the center of gravity of the body should be on a horizontal plane and should not rise and fall.

Mobile exercise method

Through the organization of mobile games, first of all, we should master all kinds of movement techniques and methods, learn the basic methods of correctly pushing on the ground, transferring the body's center of gravity, and maintaining body balance on the court; Secondly, it is necessary to master the application methods of mobile technology and the connecting points of different technical movements, so as to improve the speed, suddenness and flexibility of foot movement; The third is to improve the fast conversion ability between mobile technology and other technologies in the case of simulated competition.
(1) Listen to the signal in situ and start shooting
Objective To improve the students' reaction, running speed, agility and quick starting ability.
Methods Divide the students into two equal teams and arrange them horizontally on both sides of the middle line of the court, and designate one team as the odd numbered team and the other team as the even numbered team. The game can be played in any of the following ways.
1. The teacher loudly reports "odd number" or "even number", and the team whose number is reported immediately starts to chase the other party whose number is not reported; Or conversely, the team that has not been reported immediately starts to chase the team that has been reported.
Figure 4 Mobile Technology
2. The teacher uses long and short whistles as signals to agree on the representative whistles of both parties. After the teacher whistles, the students make a judgment based on the whistles and immediately start to chase and pat the other party.  
3. The teacher reports the specific number for the student to judge. If the number is odd, the odd team will start to chase the other party; If the number is even, the even numbered team will start to chase the other team.
(1) The distance between two teams must be equal.
(2) The chasing team must "touch" the other team before the other team runs out of the end line.
(3) The follower can "touch" the other party, and cannot push others.
(4) The victory or defeat is determined by the number of people photographed by each team each time, and the victory is determined by the number of people photographed.
It is suggested that if one party has more than one person, he can be arranged to chase two in consecutive shooting; When being chased, two chase one.
(2) Listen to the signal to start shooting during running
Objective To consolidate the learned movement skills and improve the students' ability to change movements in time during running.
There are three basketball courts side by side, or a flat space.
Methods The players were divided into two groups, A and B, who were dispersed in the court and could run at will; It is agreed in advance that a long whistle will represent A and two short whistles will represent B. At the beginning of the game, if the teacher whistles a long whistle, A starts to run quickly to catch B; If two short whistles are sounded, B immediately stops, turns and runs back to catch A. Repeat until the sound of the cliff is over. The winner is the one who catches the opponent more times within the specified time. Busy practice does not follow the signal in the opposite direction for practice. The site and personnel arrangement can be slightly adjusted.
Figure 5 Mobile Technology
(1) The running range of both parties is limited to the court, and running out of the court is deemed to be "caught".
(2) You must dodge when you meet other people during running to avoid accidents.
(3) The one who takes consecutive shots must "catch" the other to be effective.
(1) This game can also calculate the team results based on the number of individual wins and losses.
(2) It can be changed to calculate the number of winners and losers of a team after a game, and the team with more winners ranks first.
(3) Seize the "third line"
Objective To improve the students' quick reaction and running ability, and to improve the starting and emergency stop techniques.
There is one basketball court on the court.
Methods All the students stood in a row outside the end line of the court. It is agreed that the codes of two end lines and one center line on the field are "1", "2" and "3" respectively. At the beginning of the game, when the teacher calls out the code of a line, all the students start immediately, run to the line and make their feet fall on the line by jumping to a sudden stop, or make their feet touch the line by stepping to a sudden stop, and the last one who reaches the line is negative.
(1) You must make both feet fall on a certain line, or make one foot touch a certain line, otherwise it is a foul.
(2) The violator withdraws from the game or receives punishment immediately (such as three push ups); The punishment for offenders should be heavier than that for losers, or only the offenders should be punished, not the losers.
It is suggested that the three line segments can be adjusted from the actual distance, and the number of participants can be controlled to 2-4 at the same time.
(4) Stick left and run right
Objective To improve the students' ability to react, dodge, run, stop and turn
A basketball court or a flat area
Figure 6 Mobile Technology
Methods Two students stood side by side in a group. Each group stood in a circle with two arms apart; First, A and B are designated as the pursuer and B as the pursued. B can use the "human wall" on the circle as an obstacle to run around with the pursuers. When A is about to touch or does not want to "run away", he can run to the left or right side of a group on the circle and stand close to it, temporarily forming a group of three people side by side; The outermost member of the three persons side by side (for example, if the pursued person B is stuck on the left side of the group, the outermost member is the right side) should immediately replace the former forced person B as the new pursued person; The original pursuer A will replace the new pursuee; If the pursued person touches it before reaching the safe position, the roles of the two persons will be exchanged, and the pursued person will chase back the original pursuer. This is repeated.
(1) Both the pursued and the pursuer can jump freely inside and outside the circle, but they cannot run out of the specified range of the court.
(2) The forced person is safe only when his shoulder is close to the shoulder of a group of people on the left or right, or he will be chased.
(3) The forced person shall not stay behind a group for more than 3 seconds; The pursuer shall not forcibly touch the forced person behind the group between the two persons of the group.
(1) This game can be changed into two people standing back and forth, running behind the front post or running behind the back post.
(2) In order to improve the training density, two or three pairs can chase each other at the same time.
(5) The rear row grabs the front row
Objective To improve the starting speed and fast running ability of students.
A basketball court or a flat space.
Methods The students were divided into two equal teams and stood in front and back rows. The back rows were located on the end line of the court, and the front rows were about 2-3 steps away. After the teacher sends out the "start" signal, the two rows start at the same time, and the back row beats (or grabs) the other before running across the middle line (or the other end of the line) in the front row. Then, conversely, the front and rear rows exchange positions. After a round, calculate the number of people caught (or slapped) by both sides to determine the victory or defeat, and the less is the victory.
(1) It is effective only when you catch or slap the other person.
(2) It is safe for the front row to run across the middle line (or the other end of the line) without being caught or slapped by the rear row.
The back row can only catch or slap the corresponding team members in the front row, and cannot catch others or push or pull others, otherwise, it will be invalid to catch them.
It is suggested to adjust the distance between the two teams and the number of participants.
(6) Run around the circle in "8"
Objective To improve students' lateral running skills and fast running ability.
A basketball court or a flat space.
Methods The students were divided into three equal groups and stood outside the same line in three rows. At the beginning of the game, each team takes one player out of the line of three circles (middle circle and free throw circle) on the field. The three people run around the three circles in the same direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) and chase each other. If they catch up with the opponent within the specified time (about 20-30 seconds each time), the team will get one point: then replace the second player of each team for the same chase, The team with more points will win until the end of the game.
(1) Do not step on the circle line when running around the "8" character, or it will be invalid to touch the other person.
(2) It must follow the prescribed route, and it is invalid for three people to touch each other when crossing.
(3) Touching is when the hand touches the other person.
It is suggested to adopt the following running forms: running sideways. Run backwards. Right hand over left shoulder or left hand over right shoulder. Run with one hand holding the ankle. Run with one or both hands behind you. Turn 360 ° and run after hearing the whistle. Jump in place for several times and run at the whistle.
(7) Relay match of putting and picking up the ball
Objective To improve the ability of starting fast, stopping quickly and turning around.
There is one basketball court and six basketball courts.
Methods Divide the students into two equal teams, each team has three balls, stand in a column facing the court, and take the three circles on the court as the sign. At the beginning of the game, the two teams hold up three basketballs and quickly start, run to each of the three circles to put a ball, then run to the end line of the other half, touch the end line and hit the next person's hand back; The second person immediately started and ran to the other half of the court to touch the end line, then picked up one ball from each of the three circles and handed it back to the third person of the team; The third person holds the ball and puts it in each circle in turn. Repeat until the whole team finishes the round. The team that finishes the round first wins.
(l) The player who puts the ball shall put it in the circle. If the ball rolls out of the circle, it shall be replayed by the player who puts the ball. No one else is allowed to help; However, if the opposing team member intends to make the ball out of the circle, the team can be immediately judged as negative and ended.
(2) If the ball collector misses the ball when holding it, he/she shall pick it up again, and others shall not help him/her.
(3) No matter you put or pick up the ball, you must touch the end line of the other half of the court before returning.
(1) If the number of participants in the game is large, it can be divided into several teams; Each team can also be divided into two groups to turn into a face-to-face pick and put relay.
(2) In order to adapt to the special characteristics of basketball, several interlaced circles can be drawn on the court for putting the ball, so that picking and putting the ball can become a comprehensive game of changing direction, sudden stop and turning.
(8) Three person attack and defense
Objective To improve the students' sliding speed and movement standardization.
A basketball court or a flat space.
The method is to divide the players into teams A, B and C with equal number of players. The three teams meet the other teams in turn and stand in a single line circle facing the center of the circle. At the beginning of the game, each team will stand in an equilateral triangle in a circle. When the teacher sends the "start" signal, they will start to attack and defend with sliding steps. The order is that A grabs B to defend C, B grabs C team A, C grabs A to defend B; When one of them is caught, the teacher sends a signal of "stop" in time, and the captured person stands at the end of the winning team, and the rest return to their own team; Then the second and third person of each team will do it in turn. After each team has done it once, the team with more people will win.
(1) It shall be carried out in the order of attack and defense, without reverse grasping.
(2) You can only move with sliding steps, not with running.
(3) Grasping the other person is effective, but touching it doesn't count.
It is suggested to determine the size of the triangle according to the students' training level. The number of groups can be determined according to the number of students. For example, three, six and nine groups can be conducted at the same time.
(9) Chasing match
Objective To train students' reaction and starting speed and improve their observation ability.
There is one basketball court and one basketball court.
Methods Divide the students into two equal teams and stand on both sides of the court. Each team will remember their number after counting. At the beginning of the game, the teacher threw the basketball to the backboard and shouted "*" at the same time. The "*" players of the two teams immediately started to run out to catch the rebound; If the "*" player of Team A catches the ball first, he will get one point first. At the same time, the player immediately runs to the back of the team with the ball and passes the ball from the back to the front row in turn; At the same time, the "No. *" player who did not get the rebound from the other team bypassed the back of the team with his bare hands and ran to the front of the line. If the pass of Team A arrives first, Team A will get another point and end the round with 2:0; If the person from Team B comes to Team B first, he will get one point, and the round will end 1:1; If both parties arrive almost at the same time and it is difficult to distinguish the order, then both parties will not score. Team A will score one point because it grabs the ball first, so the round will end with 1:0; Then the teacher calls another number, and the game continues. After several times, the scores of both sides are calculated. The winner is the one who scores more.
(1) The players must pass the ball in turn, and cannot pass the ball between people.
(2) The runners must go around the back of the team and run to the front of the team.
It is suggested that in order to improve the intensity of the game, you can count the time or repeat the round to count the winner.
(10) Catch chickens
Objective To improve the flexibility of students' foot movement.
One basketball court or one flat space.
Methods First, designate one person to act as the "eagle", and the rest to form a column. The people in the back hold the waist of the people in front, and designate the first row as the "hen", and the second row as the "chicken". At the beginning of the game, the "eagle" seized the last "chick" in the column by running fast and suddenly stopping and turning around. The "hen" at the head of the row just opened her arms to protect the "chick" behind with the "eagle" running, so that it could not be caught by the "eagle"; The captured "chick" shall serve as the "hen" at the head of the team, and the "eagle" who catches the "chick" shall be replaced in the middle of the column, and another player shall be selected to serve as the "eagle" to continue the game until the end of the game.
(1) Those who serve as "chicks" in the column shall not be disconnected from each other, or the first person who is disconnected will be regarded as being caught by the "eagle".
(2) Chickens can only move with the column and cannot roll together, otherwise they will be caught.
(3) The eagle can only use its feet to move quickly to catch the "chicken", and cannot forcibly grab it from the middle.
It is suggested that you can not rank according to the height of your body during the game, or you can catch a big "hen" with a small "eagle" to improve the enthusiasm of each member.

Key points of teaching and training

Mobile technology refers to the kicking, running, jumping and other movements with leg strength, so it is necessary to strengthen the leg strength of students. An auxiliary exercise method to enhance leg strength. Some track and field events can be used for targeted exercises. For example: speed change running, high leg lift, single foot jump, standing jump, vertical jump, platform jump and other exercises, combined with the exercise of mobile technology. For example, 3.50m equilateral triangle is set up in the teaching of sliding step technology to do repeated exercises, and the practice of starting and stopping quickly and turning (90 degrees, 180 degrees). Use the distance between the end line and the middle line of the court to do repeated running exercises. Students can develop their speed, strength endurance , sensitive and flexible, which helps to master the basic mobile skills and lay a good foundation for learning basketball skills.