
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, glaciologist and climatologist
zero Useful+1
Qin Dahe, a glaciologist and climatologist, was born in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province in January 1947, Chinese Academy of Sciences Academicians Third World Academy of Sciences academician, Institute of Environment and Engineering in Cold and Dry Areas, Chinese Academy of Sciences Researcher, doctoral supervisor, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science Honorary Director [1]
In 1965, Qin Dahe Wuwei No.1 Middle School After graduation, enter Lanzhou University Department of Geology and Geography; In 1970, he was assigned to Hezheng No. 1 Middle School Teaching; Transferred in 1978 Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Frozen Soil, Chinese Academy of Sciences In July of the same year, he was admitted as a graduate student of the Department of Geography of Lanzhou University; In 1980, after graduating with a master's degree, he returned to work in the Institute of Glaciers and successively served as assistant researcher, associate researcher, researcher and deputy director; On March 3, 1990, he arrived at the end of the international scientific expedition to cross the Antarctic continent on foot, becoming the first person in China to cross the Antarctic continent on foot [2] In 1992, he received a doctor's degree from Lanzhou University; Served in 1995 Bureau of Resources and Environmental Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Director; Served in 2000 China Meterological Administration Director General, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group; In 2002, he served as the co chairman of the first working group of the fourth evaluation report of IPCC; Elected in 2003 Chinese Academy of Sciences academician; Elected in 2004 Third World Academy of Sciences academician; The 11th term in 2008 Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC National Committee Deputy Director, won the 53rd session in the same year International Meteorological Organization Award , is the second Chinese scientist to win this award; Served in 2009 Climate Change Research Center of Peking University Director; Elected in 2011 American Meteorological Society Honorary member, served in the same year China Association for Science and Technology vice president; Served in 2012 Presidium of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Member, Director of the Academic and Publishing Commission; Served in 2013 Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Director, obtained in the same year Volvo Environment Prize [3] In 2020 East China Normal University Director of the Center for World Geography and Geostrategy Studies. [4]
Qindahe has been engaged in glacier and polar research for a long time United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Preparation of evaluation report [5]
Chinese name
one's native heath
Lanzhou City, Gansu Province
date of birth
January 4, 1947
University one is graduated from
Lanzhou University
Education and research workers
Key achievements
Won the International Meteorological Organization Award in 2008
Won Volvo Environment Award in 2013
Elected in 2003 Chinese Academy of Sciences academician
Political outlook
CPC member
Number of published papers
256 (as of July 2019) [6]

Character experience

On January 4, 1947, Qin Dahe was born in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, originally in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. When he was born, his parents lived in Wangjiazhuang near the Yellow River.
In the autumn of 1953, when he was 6 years old, he began to go to primary school. In the primary school stage, he changed three schools. In the first and second grades, he studied in Xijingsi Primary School near the Little West Lake in Lanzhou. In the third, fourth and fifth grades, he was transferred to the primary school attached to the General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region (now the West Lake Primary School). In the sixth grade, because of his father's Northwest Animal Husbandry and Veterinary College Change to Gansu Agricultural University , his family moved to Huangyang Town, Wuwei, and he was transferred to the Affiliated Primary School of Gansu Agricultural University until graduation.
In the autumn of 1959, he was admitted to Lanzhou Huimin Middle School (now Lanzhou Northwest Middle School ), because he lives in Wuwei, he lives away from his family and goes to school for the first time.
In the summer of 1962, after graduating from junior high school, I was ready to go to senior high school. Because my parents were not in Lanzhou, I was not able to apply for the middle school in Lanzhou, but was admitted to Wuwei No.1 Middle School [7] [32]
In August 1965, after graduating from high school, he was admitted to the Department of Geology and Geography of Lanzhou University.
In July 1970, after graduating from college, he went to Gansu Agricultural Propaganda Team and Zhengxian Detachment to work for three months. In October of the same year, he was assigned to the No. 1 Middle School in Hezheng County, Gansu Province to teach mathematics (until April 1978). He was a famous strict teacher in the school. In the last few years, he took three classes of senior high school mathematics, and 150 homework books were corrected in person, never careless.
In 1974, I passed through Lanzhou during my summer vacation and visited Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Frozen Soil, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shi Yafeng Xie Zichu
In May 1978, he was transferred to Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Frozen Soil, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and successively served as assistant researcher, associate researcher, researcher, deputy director, and vice president of Lanzhou Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In July of the same year, he passed the second postgraduate exam and was admitted as a master of geography department of Lanzhou University Li Jijun Professor.
In October 1980, after graduating with a master's degree, he returned to work in the Glacier Institute.
In 1983, he went to Antarctica for the first time. In 1987, the second Antarctic expedition [8]
In July 1989, he took part in the international scientific expedition to cross the Antarctic continent on foot, covering 5986 kilometers, passing through the South Pole and "inaccessible areas". On March 3, 1990, he arrived at the end of the expedition, the Soviet Peace Station. He became the first person in China to cross the Antarctic continent on foot, and collected more than 800 snow samples, especially the "inaccessible areas" in Antarctica A complete set of precious ice and snow samples filled the gap in glaciology research, and became the only scientist in the world who had all the ice and snow samples one meter below the Antarctic surface.
In January 1991, he studied for a doctor's degree in the Department of Geographic Sciences of Lanzhou University. In December 1992, he graduated as a doctor.
In April 1995, he served as Director of the Bureau of Resources and Environmental Science and Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (until November 2000).
In November 2000, he served as the Director and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Meteorological Administration (until March 2007).
In 2002, as the co chairman of the first working group of the fourth IPCC assessment report, he successfully organized the IPCC scientific assessment activities, strongly supported and recommended developing country scientists and young scientists to participate in the preparation of the IPCC assessment report (- 2008).
In 2003, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
In 2004, he was elected as an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences. Same year School of Resources and Environment, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Now College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences )Established, Qin Dahe concurrently served as the dean of the college [9-10]
In 2004, Qin Dahe, then Director of the China Meteorological Administration, broadcast the typhoon path in CCTV weather forecast [11]
In August 2004, in accordance with Premier Wen's instruction to ensure the safety of people's lives and property Rananim The characteristics and trends of the typhoon, the China Meteorological Administration took emergency action on August 12, 2004 China Meterological Administration Director Qin Dahe decides to use CCTV CCTV News 》Later, during the TV weather forecast program, the landing information of typhoon Yunna was broadcast to the general public in person. [11] This is the first screen broadcast of typhoon by China's meteorological director. [11]
In 2007, through the feasibility demonstration meeting of the national key laboratory construction plan organized by the Department of Basic Research of the Ministry of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science Officially established, Qin Dahe served as the director of the center [12]
In March 2008, the 11th term Population, Resources and Environment Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Deputy Director. In September, he was re elected as the co chairman of Working Group I of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On October 28, in the Great Hall of the People, Qin Dahe took over the fifty third session of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) International Meteorological Organization (IMO) Award, following the Chinese meteorologists Ye Duzheng Later, the second Chinese scientist who won this honor.
In May 2009, Climate Change Research Center of Peking University Qin Dahe served as the director of the Center.
In 2011, he was elected American Meteorological Society Honorary members. In May, he served as the vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology (until June 2016).
In July 2012, he served as a member of the presidium of the Academic Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Academic and Publishing Commission.
In May 2013, served as the director of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences [13] On October 21, it won the Volvo Environment Award in the field of environment and sustainable development [14]
In February 2017, the major project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on the Formation Mechanism and Comprehensive Zoning of China's Cryosphere Service Function" was launched, with Qin Dahe as the chief scientist of the project [15]
In January 2020 East China Normal University Director of the Center for World Geography and Geostrategy Studies. [4]
May 9, 2021 Northwestern University Honorary President of Yulin Carbon Neutralization Institute. [31]
In May 2023, the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences awarded the "First Honorary Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences". [36]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Qin Dahe has been engaged in cryosphere and global change research for a long time. He has participated in and presided over scientific surveys and research in the Antarctic, Arctic, Qinghai Tibet Plateau and western China for many times, and has made many innovative achievements. Actively participate in the scientific assessment activities of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He presided over the research on Climate and Environmental Evolution in China and Environmental Evolution Assessment in Western China, which had a wide impact, promoted the continuous progress of climate change research in China and the world, and made outstanding contributions to promoting global change research. Presided over the Strategic Research on the Development of China's Meteorological Cause, condensed the development concept of "public meteorology, safety meteorology, resource meteorology", and opened up innovative ideas for the development of China's meteorological cause. [16]
Academician Qin Dahe is "the first Chinese scientist to cross the Antarctic continent on foot" and the first Chinese scientist to win the Volvo Environment Prize. This award is the highest award in the field of practical environmental science and is known as the "Nobel Prize" in the field of environment and sustainable development. In 2022, he also won the highest honor award of the International Geographic Union. Academician Qin Dahe is currently the only scientist in the world who has all the ice and snow specimens below one meter of the Antarctic surface, and has created the first international research institution named "cryosphere science". [35]
  • Cryosphere and global change research
Qin Dahe has made outstanding achievements in cryosphere and global change research and has made a lot of innovative achievements. He has organized many scientific expeditions in the South, the Arctic, the hinterland of Asia and the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. He once walked 6000 kilometers across the Antarctic ice sheet for scientific research, and made a series of innovative scientific discoveries and creative achievements. For the first time, he theoretically expounded the warm, cold and alternate densification processes of snow, and established quantitative classification criteria. The environmental records in the Antarctic ice sheet and snow layer have been systematically studied, revealing the regional differentiation law of modern environment, and finding that the NO3 content in the Antarctic surface snow and ice has a peak in the aurora egg area [17]
  • Participate in the preparation of IPCC report
Qin Dahe has been fully involved in the preparation of the IPCC's third assessment report since then, and served as the co chairman of the fourth and fifth assessment reports. The first part of the fifth IPCC report, "Natural Science Foundation", was released in September. As the co chairman of the first working group of the fourth IPCC assessment report, he participated in organizing the IPCC scientific assessment, promoted China and international climate change research, and strongly recommended young scientists, especially those from developing countries, to participate in the preparation of the IPCC assessment report; As a permanent representative of the World Meteorological Organization, he attaches great importance to the international cooperation between meteorology and hydrology, which has strongly promoted the progress of the meteorological cause worldwide.
The IPCC Special Report on Assessment of Extreme Climate Events released in 2012 put forward the theory that has been questioned by the public from a scientific perspective for the first time: extreme weather and climate phenomena have become more and more frequent in the past 50 years. This report has attracted wide attention and clearly pointed out the link between climate change and periodic extreme weather, such as the increasingly widespread drought and heat wave climate, as well as regional storms and precipitation. The review committee of Volvo Environment Award believes that the report is "epoch-making". This work has made great contributions to the construction and dissemination of important scientific conclusions about the impact of human activities on climate, thus laying a solid foundation for human action to actively respond to climate change [18]
  • Scientific research project&achievement award
As of 2017, Qin Dahe has undertaken a number of national and provincial ministerial projects, including major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; It has won 8 national and provincial science and technology achievement awards, including two first prizes of Natural Science Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one third prize and one fourth prize of National Natural Science Award [13]
Undertake projects
entry name
January 2017 December 2021
Study on the Formation Mechanism and Comprehensive Zoning of China's Cryosphere Service Function
Host, national level
January 2016 December 2017
Scientific development strategy of cryosphere
Host, national level
January 2016 December 2017
Scientific and technical issues and risk management of snow and ice conditions for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games
Chaired by, ministerial level
January 2016 December 2017
Assessment of Arctic resources, environment and socio-economic issues in the context of climate change
Chaired by, ministerial level
Achievement reward
entry name
Award name
two thousand and fourteen
Study on High Resolution Climatic and Environmental Records of Ice Core in Qinghai Tibet Plateau
The second prize of National Natural Science Award, the second winner
two thousand and seven
Member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The Nobel Peace Prize
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
First Prize of Natural Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven
Third prize of National Natural Science Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six
First Prize of Natural Science of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Thesis and works
As of 2019, Qin Dahe has independently and cooperatively written more than 20 books, published 256 papers, including 56 SCI papers, and his research achievements have been cited 207 times (102 times) by SCI journals such as Glacier Physics, a famous textbook in the international glaciology community, and Nature [20]
Publication date
two thousand and eighteen point zero three
Introduction to Climate Change Science
Written by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and seventeen point zero eight
Introduction to Cryosphere Science
Science Press
two thousand and sixteen point one two
English and Chinese scientific vocabulary of cryosphere
Meteorology Press
two thousand and sixteen point one two
Cryosphere Science Dictionary
Meteorology Press
two thousand and sixteen point zero eight
Research Report on the Construction of Hulunbeier National Ecological Protection Comprehensive Experimental Area
Edited by Qin Dahe
China Social Sciences Press
two thousand and fifteen point one two
National Assessment Report on Weather and Climate Events and Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation in China
Written by Qin Dahe
two thousand and fifteen point one one
Chinese version of National Assessment Report on Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation in China
Edited by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and fifteen point zero three
National Assessment Report on Extreme Weather and Climate Events and Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation in China (English Version)
Written by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and fourteen point zero one
Ecological Protection and Sustainable Development in the Source Area of Three Rivers
Edited by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and twelve point one two
Climate and environmental evolution in China 2012 (3 volumes in total)
Edited by Qin Dahe
Meteorology Press
two thousand and ten point one two
Edited by Qin Dahe
Meteorology Press
two thousand and ten point one one
Edited by Qin Dahe
academy press
two thousand and nine point zero seven
Edited by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and nine point zero five
Li Huilin, Li Zhongqin, Qin Dahe
Meteorology Press
two thousand and nine point zero one
Climate of the 21st Century 》(Edited by (British) William Burroughs)
Translated by Qin Dahe and Ding Yihui
Meteorology Press
two thousand and six point one two
Centennial Outlook Commemorating the Centennial Birthday of Comrade Tu Changwang
Edited by Qin Dahe
Meteorology Press
two thousand and five point zero eight
Climate and environmental evolution in China Evolution and Prediction of Climate and Environment in Shanghai
Written by Qin Dahe
Science Press
two thousand and five point zero eight
Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation Measures of Climate and Environmental Change under Climate and Environmental Evolution in China
Qin Dahe, Chen Yiyu, Chief Editor
Science Press
two thousand and four point one one
Edited by Qin Dahe and Sun Honglie
Meteorology Press
two thousand and two point zero five
Qin Dahe and others
Xinhua Publishing House
two thousand and two point zero two
Qin Dahe, Chief Editor
Science Press
two thousand and two point zero two
Environmental Evolution Assessment in Western China Volume 3 Impact of Environmental Evolution on the Development of Western China and Countermeasures
Qin Dahe, Chief Editor
Science Press
two thousand and two point zero two
Environmental Change Assessment in Western China Volume 2 Prediction of Environmental Change in Western China
Qin Dahe, Chief Editor
Science Press
two thousand and two point zero two
Environmental Evolution Assessment in Western China Volume 1 Environmental Characteristics and Evolution in Western China
Qin Dahe, Chief Editor
Science Press
two thousand and one point zero two
Qin Dahe, Ren Jiawen Editor in Chief
Science Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine point zero three
Glaciers and Ecological Environment in the Tibetan Plateau
Qin Dahe waits
China Tibetology Publishing House
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
Himalayan Glacier Resources Map
Edited by Qin Dahe
Science Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight point zero seven
Discussion on Geoscience: Exploration of Sustainable Development Strategy
Edited by Qin Dahe
China Environmental Science Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Written by Qin Dahe
Science Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
Photos of Qindahe River on the Antarctic Ice Field
Edited by Qin Dahe
Gansu People's Publishing House
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five
The 1990 International Trans Antarctic Expedition Report on Glaciology 1989-1994 in Chinese and English
Edited by Qin Dahe
Science Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three point zero five
Written by Qin Dahe
Science Popularization Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety point one two
Written by Qin Dahe
Dunhuang Literature and Art Publishing House
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one point zero three
Climate Records in the Polar Ice Sheet (Edited by Robin (UK))
Translated by Qin Dahe et al
Gansu Science and Technology Press
one thousand nine hundred and ninety point zero five
I Am the First Chinese to Spread Across the Antarctic in Qindahe
Written by Qin Dahe
Gansu Children's Publishing House
  • Participation in meetings
Name of speech
Meeting name
Cryosphere science and world geopolitics
The Fifth High level Forum on Geography and China's Global Strategy
Climate change and low-carbon development
Huizhou Annual Meeting of China Ecological Civilization Forum
Climate change promotes cryosphere science
China Physical Geography Congress
Development of cryosphere science
International Symposium on Cryospheric Change and Sustainable Development
Climate change and its impact: global and Belt and Road regions as examples
Seminar on Disaster Reduction in China Pakistan Economic Corridor
Climate Change Science and Sustainable Development
International Seminar on Higher Education and Technology in China and Africa
Climate change and its impact - the Belt and Road region as an example
Davos Global Risk Forum - International Seminar on Comprehensive Prevention of Catastrophes and Economic Risks
Development of climate change science
Comprehensive Forum on Disaster Prevention and Reduction of the National Disaster Reduction Commission
Climate change and its impacts
World University of Geography
Climate Change and Sustainable Development
The Fourth Annual Meeting of Taihu World Cultural Forum
The Belt and Road Initiative and the disaster risk of the cryosphere
Xiangshan Conference on Disaster Risks along the Belt and Road
Climate Change Science and Global Climate Governance
Boao Forum for Asia "New Pattern of Global Climate Governance" Sub forum

personnel training

Qin Dahe led the Chinese team of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to lecture the general course "Introduction to Climate Change Science" for undergraduates Nanjing University of Information Engineering [21] Lanzhou University [22] Tsinghua University Peking University University of Science and Technology of China Sun Yat-sen University [23] Nanjing University [24] Beijing Normal University And other schools.
On March 15, 2015, Qin Dahe, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said in a special interview with the 2015 NPC and CPPCC sessions of xinhuanet that all positive experiences of human beings in social development should be inherited. Since the industrialization of western society in 1750, it has been two or three hundred years. The experience of science, technology and education in science popularization has been gradually accumulated. China is an emerging country with a large population and relatively late development. It is not easy to develop into such a country in just a few decades. Qin Dahe pointed out that according to the current plan, by the end of 2015, the proportion of Chinese citizens with basic scientific quality can reach 5%, which is equivalent to the situation of developed countries in the 1980s. We still need to do a lot of work and continue to work hard. Qin Dahe stressed that improving citizens' basic scientific quality requires the joint efforts of the state and individuals. He believed that, from the perspective of citizens, all intellectuals and intellectuals should do their jobs, including medical work, scientific and technological workers, teachers, and even scientific and technological cadres [25]

Honor recognition

reference material
2021-2022 Lifetime Achievement Award of the World Chinese Festival
The highest honor award of the International Geographical Union in 2022
Outstanding contributors to field scientific and technological work of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician (Department of Geology)

Social posts

August 1990 July 1995
All China Youth Federation (Seventh session) Vice President
March 2003 - March 2008
March 2008 March 2013
October 2006 October 2014
May 30, 2011
China Association for Science and Technology Vice Chairman of the Eighth National Committee
March 2013
February 2015
Director of the Joint Key Laboratory of Cryosphere and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Director of the National Climate Commission
world meteorological organization Permanent Representative of China
international Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Chairman of Glacier Working Group
Co chairman of Working Group I of the Fifth IPCC Assessment Report

Publishing books

  • Author name Qindahe
    One Hundred Years of Outlook is a book published in 2006 by Qin Dahe.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2001-02-01
    This book is the crystallization of the authors' years of Antarctic glaciology research. It comprehensively introduces the main achievements of international Antarctic glaciology research. The contents include: the significance, past and current situation of Antarctic glaciology research, the basic characteristics of the Antarctic ice sheet, the material balance and sea level changes of the Antarctic ice sheet, the process of Antarctic snow becoming ice, the thermal characteristics of the Antarctic ice sheet, the snow and ice chemistry and environment of the Antarctic ice sheet, and the climate environment of the ice core. This book focuses on
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 1900-01-01
    Physical Processes in the Surface Snow of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and Records of Modern Climate and Environment, written by Qin Dahe, was published by the Science Press of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1900. The purpose of this book is to study the geochemical division of snow on the surface of the East Antarctic ice sheet and the corresponding material sources and water vapor transport in different regions.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2009-7-1
    Climate Change: Regional Response, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation is a book published by Science Press in 2009. The author is Qin Dahe.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2003-07-01
    Greenhouse Gas and Greenhouse Effect is a book published by the Meteorological Publishing House in 2003. The authors are Wu Dui and Qin Dahe. This book is mainly to publicize and popularize scientific knowledge about climate and climate change.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2005-8-1
    Climate and Environmental Evolution in China (Volume I and Volume II) is a book written by Qin Dahe/Chen Yiyu and published by Science Press in 2005.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2002-02-01
    Comprehensive Report on Environmental Evolution Assessment in Western China, written by Qin Dahe, is a book published by Science Press in 2002.
  • Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2005-8-1
    Climate and Environmental Evolution in China is a book published by Science Press in 2005. The author is Chen Yiyu.
  • Comprehensive Volume - Climate and Environmental Evolution in China
    Author name Qindahe
    Work time 2012-12
    Climate and Environmental Evolution in China: 2012 (Comprehensive Volume) is divided into four volumes, namely, Volume I Scientific Basis, Volume II Impact and Vulnerability, Volume III Mitigation and Adaptation and Comprehensive Volume. The first volume mainly focuses on climate change in the past, observed changes in China's climate and East Asia's atmospheric circulation, changes in the cryosphere, ocean and sea level changes, extreme weather climate changes, global and China's climate change links, atmospheric composition and biological Earth

Personal life

Qin Dahe's father Qin Hesheng He is a veterinary educator and expert in veterinary surgery. Before and after his birth, his father moved from Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Beijing and other places to engage in teaching and scientific research. Therefore, the names of his brothers and sisters have obvious geographical color. His brother's name is Qin Dashan; His sister's name is Qin Aining; His sister's name is Qin Ailan.
When Qin Dahe was in Wuwei No. 1 Middle School, a girl of the same grade but in different classes named Zhou Qinke attracted his attention. Zhou Qinke always did better than him in several unified examinations of the whole grade, ranking ahead of him. After graduating from high school, Zhou Qinke passed the exam Lanzhou Medical College He was admitted to the Department of Geology and Geography of Lanzhou University, majoring in physical geography. The relationship between the two became clear when they were about to graduate from college. Zhou Qinke liked his honesty and reliability. After graduation, he was assigned to the Provincial Rural Propaganda Team and the Zhengxian Detachment, and she followed him to Hezheng County. In 1971, he was assigned to teach in No. 1 Middle School of Hezheng County, and Qinke was assigned to work in Hezheng County Hospital. That year, the two married [7]

Character evaluation

Qin Dahe has been engaged in cryosphere and global change research for a long time. He has participated in and presided over scientific surveys and research in the Antarctic, Arctic, Qinghai Tibet Plateau and western China for many times, and has made many innovative achievements. Actively participate in the scientific assessment activities of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He presided over the research on Climate and Environmental Evolution in China and Environmental Evolution Assessment in Western China, which had a wide impact, promoted the continuous progress of climate change research in China and the world, and made outstanding contributions to promoting global change research. Presided over the Strategic Research on the Development of China's Meteorological Cause, condensed the development concept of "public meteorology, safety meteorology, resource meteorology", and opened up innovative ideas for the development of China's meteorological cause [16] (Reviewed by Chinese Academy of Sciences)
There are three main reasons why Volvo Environment Award was awarded to Qin Dahe. One is that he is a very outstanding climatologist and glaciologist, and is world-famous; Second, he made important contributions to the study of geography and climatology in China; Third, Qin Dahe has made important contributions to the climate change assessment report issued by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [14] (Will Stefan, chairman of the jury of Volvo Environment Award, was interviewed by people.com.cn.) [6]