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Science and technology management

The management behavior of optimizing and integrating human, material and financial resources through the application of management science
Science and technology management refers to the management behavior of optimizing and integrating human, material and financial resources through the use of management science. There is a trend of informatization in science and technology management, and Science and technology management informatization It refers to the speed and cost of science and technology management informatization.
Chinese name
Science and technology management
Optimize, integrate and manage characters' financial resources
Input classification
Capital, time, repeated investment, etc


In its 1987 report, the National Research Council (NRC) defined S&T management as a cross disciplinary field that includes the planning, development and implementation of S&T capabilities and is used to plan and complete organizational operations and strategic objectives.
The purpose of science and technology management is to encourage innovation, promote economic growth and promote the interests of all mankind. The short-term science and technology management includes quality improvement procedures, efficient process design, etc., while the long-term science and technology management includes integrated and strategic science and technology prediction and planning to create a long-term and overall competitive niche.

Types of technology

Types of technology: new technology, emerging technology, high technology, low technology, medium technology, appropriate technology, tangible technology and intangible technology.
Management is a skill that uses knowledge, experience and understanding of human and organizational behavior to help organizations achieve their goals through leadership and control.
In the first year of the 11th Five Year Plan, the informatization construction of local science and technology administrative departments has also been significantly accelerated, but the informatization costs and benefits of different units are very different, or informatization Input-output ratio There are significant differences. How to improve Science and technology management informatization The input-output ratio of? This paper analyzes this problem, focusing on the relationship between informatization speed and cost.


There are many outputs of informatization. Direct outputs include work efficiency, management level, supervision strength, whole process management, transformation from focusing on early project establishment to focusing on the whole process management, improving the efficiency of scientific research funds, and improving the digital level of leadership decision-making. Indirect outputs include promoting the improvement of innovation ability, and promoting the production and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, So as to improve the level of economic and social development, and ultimately conducive to promoting the construction of a harmonious society.
increase Science and technology management informatization An important means of the output of management system ”(See another article of the author, Science and Technology Project Management System Enters the Fourth Generation).

Input classification

There are four types of investment in science and technology management informatization: capital, time, other work affected, and repeated investment.
Whether as a scientific research project or a financial allocation, the science and technology administrative department should spend funds for informatization. The investment in informatization varies greatly from place to place. According to different informatization modes, the investment ranges from tens of thousands to tens of millions.

Time input

But the largest part of the investment in science and technology management informatization is not direct funds, but time investment. Time has costs, and when the time occupied by informatization is the time of leaders and experts at all levels, this time cost is particularly high. For example, the informatization of a science and technology department will involve 50 to 100 government officials of the science and technology department, and 100 to 300 relevant evaluation experts. These inputs include research time, plan production time, time for selecting informatization providers, time for information process management, coordination and communication, and time for using and learning, It usually takes one to three years from the beginning of research to the success of informatization. Think about how much investment this is!
During the informatization period, relevant personnel need to spend a lot of time on informatization work, and their own work has not been reduced, so overtime has become a common practice. Even so, the original work will be greatly affected, which is also the cost of informatization.

Repeated investment

Inappropriate informatization planning has resulted in a lot of repeated investment. For example, we often see that a science and technology department uses many software systems for different businesses at the same time, and some units fail to informatization for the second time. With the development of information technology, such repeated investment will become less and less. (See another article of the author for details《 Strengthen efforts to promote the informatization construction of scientific and technological management 》)。
In terms of capital, time, other work affected and repeated investment, the "time" factor that has not been paid attention to for a long time is Science and technology management informatization Maximum investment. Therefore, the main measure to reduce the cost of science and technology management informatization should be to reduce time investment. So how to reduce time investment? The solution is to speed up informatization on the premise of ensuring success. If the informatization time is reduced from 1-3 years to 3-6 months, how much will the informatization cost be reduced? In the past few years, informatization is a thing that must waste a lot of time to do well; And fast informatization has become a reality!


How to realize rapid informatization? The answer lies in the following three aspects:
1. Reduce the time from startup to system online: Through personalized implementation of mature products rather than customized development of projects;
2. Reduce the informatization time of new business: Through the implementation on the launched products flexibility Implementation rather than separate development;
3. Reduce system maintenance and upgrade time: It is realized through flexible system upgrading rather than separate development;
Reducing the time from project launch to system launch can significantly reduce the cost of informatization time. In the traditional mode, whether it is research or scheme making, whether it is demand analysis or system development, whether it is system trial improvement or learning to use, it will take a lot of time for the science and technology administrative department. Thanks to the emergence of the fourth generation of flexible technology management system - Capgemini - this time can be greatly reduced. This model is based on a flexibility According to the actual needs of different science and technology administrative departments, personalized configuration is carried out for the science and technology management platform software. The time of general science and technology informatization is not more than 3 months, which significantly saves Science and technology management informatization Time. The key to saving information time in this mode is that the system is not developed from scratch, but based on a mature and specialized science and technology management platform for flexible implementation and configuration. A variety of science and technology management systems that meet the actual needs are configured on one platform, which is simple, practical and efficient. Many domestic science and technology administrative departments have already had successful practical experience.
Reducing the informatization time of new business is conducive to the in-depth application of science and technology management system. Science and technology management business will change frequently with the rapid development of economy and society. For example, some places will increase support for patent applications, and some places will focus on supporting the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in the field of circular economy. The traditional way is to re-establish a new technology management system when new technology businesses appear. This has caused a lot Information Island , affecting comprehensive management, and even sometimes restricting the reform of scientific and technological management and reducing management efficiency. This is the case when many science and technology administrative departments run multiple sets of science and technology business management software at the same time. Based on the above special "Kaipu Jiebao" science and technology management platform, it is convenient to configure various new businesses at any time without developing new systems. Instead, all application systems are operated based on one platform. The information islands are gone, the advantages of informatization are fully reflected, and the time cost of new business informatization is greatly reduced.
Reducing the time for system maintenance and upgrading is conducive to the continuous use of the science and technology management system. After the original system is inapplicable due to changes in technology business, the traditional processing method is to ask the original software development unit to upgrade and develop, and sometimes the system can not be upgraded to meet the requirements of the upgrade and development, that is, to develop a new system. Another feature of the S&T management system in previous years is that the system is replaced every few years. Because there are already specialized technology management platform providers in China, they will upgrade the technology management platform every year, so that the science and technology administrative department can "use the new system every year". Just like the windows we use from win31 to win95, to win98, win2000, and win2003, the technology management system of "Kaipu News" will also keep pace with the times and upgrade year by year. This platform upgrade takes little time for the science and technology administrative department, which can greatly reduce the time for system maintenance and upgrade.
The above three measures can effectively reduce the Science and technology management informatization The time cost in the process greatly improves the speed of informatization construction and efficiency. At the same time, these measures also reduce the adverse impact on other work caused by heavy workload during the informatization period; And because of the high success rate of informatization after adopting these measures, there is no need for repeated construction, which saves the cost of repeated investment; Direct investment will also be reduced accordingly.


Science and technology management informatization Cost of, except Cost of capital In addition, mainly Time cost To reduce the time cost of science and technology management informatization, the key is to adopt a fast informatization mode, greatly reducing the online time of the informatization system, the time for new business adaptation and the time for system maintenance and upgrading. The effective reduction of time cost can also directly save the cost of other three kinds of science and technology management informatization.