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Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China

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Constituent departments of the State Council
synonym Science and Technology Department (Ministry of Science and Technology) generally refers to the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China is a component department of the State Council and is at the ministerial level. [3] [20]
The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China implements the principles, policies, decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee on scientific and technological innovation, and adheres to and strengthens the centralized and unified leadership of the Party on scientific and technological innovation in the process of performing its duties. [3]
In March 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued《 Reform Plan of Party and State Institutions 》。 The Ministry of Science and Technology was reorganized. The brand of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs will no longer be retained. [21]
Chinese name
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
Foreign name
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People´s Republic of China [5]
Office address
Guoyi Hotel, No. 1, Wenxing East Street, Xicheng District, Beijing [11]
Constituent departments of the State Council
Administrative level
Ministerial level
Yin and handsome [28]

Historical evolution

The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China is the department of the State Council in charge of national scientific and technological work.
In May 1956, at the 28th plenary meeting of the State Council, it was decided to add the National Technical Committee. [6]
On November 23, 1958, the 102nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the First National People's Congress decided to abolish the National Technology Committee and establish the Science and Technology Committee.
On June 22, 1970, the Central Committee decided to abolish the institution and restore the Science and Technology Commission in September 1977.
In 1978, it was renamed the National Science and Technology Commission.
On March 10, 1998, the National Science and Technology Commission was renamed the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the Decision on the Institutional Reform of the State Council adopted at the first session of the ninth National People's Congress.
In March 2018, according to the institutional reform plan of the State Council approved at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress, the re establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China was approved. Integrate the responsibilities of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, and reorganize the Ministry of Science and Technology as a component department of the State Council. The Ministry of Science and Technology administers the National Natural Science Foundation of China and retains the brand of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. [1-2]
In March 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued《 Reform Plan of Party and State Institutions 》。 The Ministry of Science and Technology was reorganized. The responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology for organizing the formulation of plans and policies for promoting agricultural and rural development through science and technology and guiding rural scientific and technological progress shall be transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas. The responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology for organizing the formulation of plans and policies for promoting social development through science and technology is divided into the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the National Health Commission and other departments. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will be responsible for organizing the Ministry of Science and Technology to draft plans and policies for high-tech development and industrialization, guiding the construction of national independent innovation demonstration zones, national high-tech industrial development zones and other science and technology parks, and guiding the development of science and technology services, technology markets, and science and technology intermediary organizations. The Ministry of Science and Technology's responsibility for introducing foreign intelligence will be assigned to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will be attached with the brand of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. The brand of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs will no longer be retained. Under the Ministry of Science and Technology China Rural Technology Development Center It is included in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. [20-21]
On September 24, 2023, according to the Plan for the Reform of the Party and State Organs and the Plan for the Optimization and Adjustment of the Deliberation and Coordination Organs of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and after being reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for approval, the responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology for organizing the formulation of science and technology to promote health development plans and policies will be transferred to the National Health Commission. The number of 4 administrative staff members and 1 department and bureau level leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology will be included in the National Health Commission [26] The responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology for organizing the formulation of plans and policies for science and technology to promote the development of ecological environment, as well as the number of four administrative staff and one bureau level leadership in the Science and Technology Department for Social Development, are assigned to the Ministry of Ecological Environment [27]

Institutional responsibilities

(1) To formulate and organize the implementation of national innovation driven development strategic guidelines, scientific and technological development plans and policies, and the introduction of foreign intelligence.
(2) We will promote the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system as a whole, and work with relevant departments to improve the incentive mechanism for technological innovation. Optimize the construction of scientific research system, guide the reform and development of scientific research institutions, promote the construction of scientific and technological innovation capacity of enterprises, undertake the work related to promoting the military civilian integration of science and technology, and promote the construction of national major scientific and technological decision-making consultation system.
(3) Take the lead in establishing a unified national science and technology management platform and a mechanism for coordination, evaluation and supervision of scientific research project funds. Put forward policy measures and suggestions for optimizing the allocation of science and technology resources together with relevant departments, promote the construction of diversified science and technology investment system, coordinate and manage the central financial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.), and supervise the implementation.
(4) To formulate and implement national basic research plans, policies and standards, and organize and coordinate major national basic research and applied basic research. Draw up the construction plan of major scientific and technological innovation base and supervise its implementation, participate in the preparation of the construction plan of major scientific and technological infrastructure and supervise its implementation, take the lead in organizing the construction of national laboratories, and promote the construction of scientific research conditions and the opening and sharing of scientific and technological resources.
(5) Prepare national major science and technology project plans and supervise their implementation, coordinate the research and development and innovation of key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies, and take the lead in organizing major technological breakthroughs and achievement application demonstrations. To organize and coordinate international major science programs and major science projects.
(6) To organize the drafting of plans, policies and measures for the development and industrialization of new and high technologies, and for science and technology to promote agricultural, rural and social development. Organize and carry out technical development needs analysis in key areas, propose major tasks and supervise the implementation.
(7) Take the lead in the construction of national technology transfer system, formulate relevant policies and measures for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the promotion of the combination of industry, university and research, and supervise the implementation. To guide the development of science and technology service industry, technology market and science and technology intermediary organizations.
(8) We will coordinate the construction of regional science and technology innovation systems, guide regional innovation development, rational distribution of science and technology resources, and build collaborative innovation capabilities, and promote the construction of science and technology parks.
(9) To be responsible for the construction of science and technology supervision and evaluation system and related science and technology evaluation management, guide the reform of science and technology evaluation mechanism, and coordinate the construction of scientific research integrity. Organize the implementation of the national innovation investigation and scientific and technological reporting system, and guide the national scientific and technological confidentiality work.
(10) To formulate plans, policies and measures for scientific and technological exchanges with foreign countries and open cooperation in innovation capacity, and organize international scientific and technological cooperation and exchange of scientific and technological talents. To guide relevant departments and local governments in foreign scientific and technological cooperation and exchange of scientific and technological talents.
(11) Be responsible for introducing foreign intelligence. Draw up and organize the implementation of the overall plan and plan for the introduction of key foreign experts, and establish a mechanism for attracting and gathering top foreign scientists and teams and a mechanism for contacting key foreign experts. Draw up the overall plan, policy and annual plan of overseas training and supervise the implementation.
(12) Work with relevant departments to formulate plans and policies for the construction of scientific and technological talents, establish and improve the evaluation and incentive mechanism for scientific and technological talents, organize the implementation of the plan for scientific and technological talents, and promote the construction of high-end scientific and technological innovation talents. To formulate plans and policies for science popularization and dissemination.
(13) To be responsible for the review and organization of the National Science and Technology Award and the Friendship Award of the Chinese Government.
(14) Manage the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and conduct macro management, overall coordination, supervision and evaluation of the work of NSFC according to law. NSFC manages NSFC in accordance with the law, operates relatively independently, and is responsible for the organization and implementation of funding plans, project setup and review, project establishment, supervision, etc.
(15) In charge of Science and Technology Daily.
(16) Complete other tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee and the State Council.
(17) Function transformation. Focusing on the implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the innovation driven development strategy, we will strengthen, optimize, and transform the government's scientific and technological management and service functions, improve the scientific and technological innovation system and organizational system, strengthen macro management and overall coordination, reduce micro management and specific approval matters, and strengthen in-process and post supervision and scientific research integrity building. From R&D management to innovative services, we will deepen the reform of science and technology plan management, establish an open and unified national science and technology management platform, and reduce the duplication, dispersion, closure, inefficiency and fragmentation of resource allocation of science and technology plan projects. Government departments do not directly manage specific scientific research projects, but entrust professional project management institutions to carry out specific work such as project acceptance, review, project establishment, process management, acceptance, etc. General overseas training programs and other training programs will not be examined and approved, but will be arranged by each department in combination with the actual situation of the industry and the field. The establishment and adjustment of scientific research institutions will no longer be reviewed, and the focus will be on strengthening the planning layout and performance evaluation. Further improve the evaluation mechanism of scientific and technological talents, establish and improve the evaluation system and incentive policy of scientific and technological talents oriented by innovation ability, quality, contribution and performance, and coordinate the construction of domestic scientific and technological talents and the introduction of foreign intelligence. [3]

Institutional setup


Internal organization

(1) General Office. Be responsible for the daily operation of the organ, and undertake information, security, confidentiality, letters and visits, government affairs publicity, informatization, news publicity and other work.
(2) Strategic Planning Division. To formulate the development strategy, plan and coordinate the implementation of scientific and technological innovation, organize the development of technology forecasting, and undertake the work related to the operation of the national major scientific and technological decision-making and consulting system. Implement the national innovation survey system and undertake the work related to science and technology statistics.
(3) Department of Policies, Regulations and Innovation System Construction. Undertake the work of promoting the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system, formulate policies and measures for scientific and technological innovation, organize the drafting of relevant laws, regulations and rules, carry out law popularization and publicity, and put forward policy recommendations to encourage technological innovation of enterprises. Draw up plans and policies for the reform, development and layout of scientific research institutions, supervise their implementation, and organize the innovation performance management of scientific research institutions. Undertake the work related to the development of military civilian integration of science and technology, science and technology security and science and technology confidentiality.
(4) Division of Resource Allocation and Management. Undertake the work related to the establishment of the national science and technology management platform and the coordination, evaluation and supervision mechanism of scientific research project funds, and coordinate and propose policy measures and suggestions for the rational allocation of science and technology resources. Undertake the coordination and management of the central financial science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.), build and manage the national science and technology management information system, guide the construction of professional project management institutions, and implement the national science and technology reporting system. Be responsible for budget related work of the department.
(5) Department of Science and Technology Supervision and Integrity Construction. Undertake the construction of science and technology supervision and evaluation system and science and technology evaluation management, put forward policy measures and suggestions for the reform of science and technology evaluation mechanism, supervise the implementation, and carry out science and technology evaluation, supervision and inspection. Undertake the construction of scientific research integrity.
(6) Major Special Projects Division. Work with relevant parties to study and put forward suggestions on the layout and planning of major national science and technology projects, formulate implementation measures for major science and technology projects, review implementation plans, propose comprehensive balance, plan adjustment and relevant supporting policy suggestions, track and supervise implementation, coordinate to solve major problems, and organize evaluation and acceptance.
(7) Department of Basic Research. To formulate national basic research plans, policies and standards and organize their implementation, coordinate major national basic research and applied basic research, propose major tasks and supervise their implementation. Propose and supervise the implementation of the national laboratory and other major scientific and technological innovation bases and scientific research conditions guarantee plan. We will promote open sharing of scientific and technological resources and data.
(8) Department of High and New Technology. To formulate plans and policies for the development of new and high technologies in relevant fields, organize the analysis of technological development needs in relevant fields, propose major tasks and supervise their implementation, and promote the tackling of major key technologies. Propose the layout of platforms and bases in relevant fields and organize their implementation.
(9) Department of Rural Science and Technology. To formulate plans and policies for promoting agricultural and rural development through science and technology, propose major tasks and supervise their implementation, and promote the tackling of major key technologies. We will guide rural scientific and technological progress and county innovation driven development, and promote poverty alleviation through science and technology and the construction of a socialized service system for rural science and technology. Propose the layout of platforms and bases in relevant fields and organize their implementation.
(10) Department of Science and Technology for Social Development. To formulate plans and policies for scientific and technological innovation in the field of social development, propose major tasks and supervise their implementation, and promote the tackling of major key technologies. Promote the development and industrialization of biotechnology, promote green technology innovation, and carry out scientific and technological response to climate change. Propose the layout of platforms and bases in relevant fields and organize their implementation.
(11) Division of Achievement Transformation and Regional Innovation. Undertake the work of the national technology transfer system, propose relevant policy measures and suggestions for the transfer, transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, promote the deep integration of industry, university and research, and the creation of scientific and technological intellectual property rights, and promote the development of scientific and technological service industry, technology market, and scientific and technological intermediary organizations. Undertake the construction of regional scientific and technological innovation system, and guide the construction of national independent innovation demonstration zones, national high-tech industrial development zones, etc.
(12) Department of Foreign Expert Services. Draw up management measures for foreign experts, promote the establishment of mechanisms for attracting and gathering top foreign scientists and teams, and contact service mechanisms for key foreign experts, and undertake services for key foreign experts.
(13) Introduction of foreign intelligence management department. To formulate plans and policies for introducing foreign intelligence, formulate overall plans, policies and annual plans for overseas training, supervise their implementation, and organize the implementation of key overseas training projects. Put forward plans and policy recommendations for the construction of scientific and technological talent team, undertake the implementation of relevant scientific and technological talent plans, and promote the construction of high-end scientific and technological innovation talent team. To formulate national plans and policies for science popularization and dissemination.
(14) Department of International Cooperation (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office). To formulate and promote the implementation of plans, policies and measures for scientific and technological exchanges with foreign countries, scientific and technological exchanges and open cooperation in innovation capability, implement the "Belt and Road" action plan for scientific and technological innovation cooperation, and coordinate the promotion of international major scientific plans and projects. To guide the relevant business work of overseas offices in conjunction with relevant parties. Undertake scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges involving Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
(15) Personnel Department. To undertake the work of cadres, personnel, organizational structure, labor wages and education of the organs and directly affiliated units. To be responsible for the selection and management of personnel stationed abroad.
Party committee of the organ. To be responsible for the Party masses work of the organs and units directly under Beijing.
Bureau of Retired Cadres. Responsible for retired cadres. [3] [7-8]

Directly affiliated unit

Office Service Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology (Office Service Bureau of the Ministry of Science and Technology)
National Science and Technology Award Office
China Institute of Science and Technology Information
China Academy of Science and Technology Development Strategy
China Science and Technology Exchange Center (Cross Strait Science and Technology Exchange Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China Japan Technical Cooperation Affairs Center)
New Technology Center of Ministry of Science and Technology
Information Center of Ministry of Science and Technology
International Science and Technology Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Science and Technology Assessment Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
National Platform Center for Basic Conditions of Science and Technology
Science and Technology Funds Supervision Service Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
China International Nuclear Fusion Energy Program Implementation Center
New Quality Productivity Promotion Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
Science and Technology Talent Exchange and Development Service Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology
China International Talent Exchange Center [9]

Management unit

National Natural Science Foundation
Science and Technology Daily [9]

staff establishing

The Ministry of Science and Technology has an administrative staff of 364 (including 4 members of the two committees, 4 members of the aid and dispatch team, and 28 members of the retired cadres). There is one minister, four vice ministers and 67 department and bureau level leaders (including two chief secretaries and deputy secretaries, one full-time deputy secretary of the Party committee of the organ, and three retired cadres).
The establishment, responsibilities and staffing of the public institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Science and Technology shall be stipulated separately. [3]

Current leaders

Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Yin and handsome [15] [24-25] [28] [32]
Member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Chen Jiachang [29]
Member of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Minister and Secretary General of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Lin Xin (F) [12] [14] [31]
Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Longteng [33]
Qiu Yong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology [34]
Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in the Ministry of Science and Technology, and members of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology: High wave [16]
Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Dou Xiankang [4]
Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, President of Science and Technology Daily Zhang Biyong [13]
(Reference: May 2024 Update) [10] [17] [22-23] [30]

Successive ministers

Successive Ministers of the Ministry (Commission) of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China
full name
reference material: [19] [28]

geographical position

B 15 Fuxing Road, Beijing [18]
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China