Scientific thinking

Philosophical terminology
zero Useful+1
Scientific thinking, also called Scientific logic , that is, to form and apply Scientific knowledge Activity, pair Perceptual knowledge Materials processed mode And pathway Theoretical system It is the truth that knows Unified process Chinese, for all kinds of scientific Thinking method It is the product of human practice.
In scientific cognition activities, Scientific thinking Three basic principles must be observed: Logicality To achieve the unity of induction and deduction; In terms of method, it requires dialectical analysis and synthesis of the two ways of thinking; Systematically, realize Logical and history To achieve the specific historical unity of theory and practice.
Chinese name
Scientific thinking
Foreign name
Theoretical system of processing methods and approaches
basic principle
Three natures ”Principles
Karl Marx and Engels
Applied discipline
Philosophy of dialectical materialism

Three principles


Logical principle

Science of Thinking (thought sciences), a science that studies the laws and forms of thinking activities. Thinking has always been Philosophy , Psychology Neurophysiology And other important research contents of some disciplines. Dialectical materialism It is believed that thinking is a highly organized substance, that is, the function of the human brain, which is the organ of thinking. Thinking is a unique form of reflection of people in society. Its emergence and development are closely linked with social practice and language. Thinking is the unique cognitive ability of human beings and the mastery of human consciousness objective things Advanced form of. On the basis of social practice, thinking sense data Analyze and synthesize, and create logical Theoretical system , reflecting objective things Essential attribute And movement rules. thinking process It is a process from concrete to abstract, and then from abstract to concrete. Its purpose is to reproduce the essence of objective things in thinking, so as to achieve specific understanding of objective things. Law of thinking from External world It is the reflection of the laws of the outside world in the process of human thinking.
The logic principle is to follow the logic rules and achieve the unity of induction and deduction. Scientific knowledge Active Logical rule , including Inductive reasoning Is the main content Inductive logic , also includes Deductive reasoning Is the main content Deductive logic Scientific cognition is an iterative process from individual to general, and from general to individual. It is the unity of induction and deduction.
(1) Inductive thinking from individual to general
The inductive method is to generalize the common essence or general principle from individual or special things logical thinking Method, which is the reasoning from individual to general. Its purpose is to understand the essence through the phenomenon and reveal the general through the special.
one Complete induction Complete induction is a method of reasoning that generalizes according to all objects of a certain kind of thing.
two Simple enumeration When conducting scientific research, people tend to make generalizations based on certain attributes of some objects. This reasoning method is called Incomplete induction
3. Causal Induction Any phenomenon can cause other phenomena. Any phenomenon is caused by other phenomena. The relationship between causing and being caused is called Causal link The inductive method of causality is no longer a simple inductive method from individual to general, but has an inductive method combined with deduction.
(2) Deductive thinking from general to individual
Contrary to inductive thinking, deductive thinking is reasoning from general to individual. The so-called deduction is a way of thinking that infers that individual things in a class also have this property, relationship and essence according to the properties, relationship and essence that all things have Reasoning form Its basic form is syllogism It consists of three parts: major premise, minor premise and conclusion. As long as the premise is true, use the Deductive reasoning The conclusion must be true.
1. The derivation of basic principles (viewpoints).
2. Apply the general point of view make a concrete analysis Function of.
three Knowledge system The construction function of. Deductive reasoning takes the most general, essential and universal provisions about things as the logical starting point, and copies things completely according to the transformation relationship of things themselves, so that scientific knowledge The combination into a strict system shows the powerful function of building a knowledge system.
(3) Inductive and deductive Dialectical unity
The objective basis of induction and deduction is the unity of opposites between the individuality and commonness of things. Individuality contains commonness, through which commonness can be understood. Similarly, mastering commonness can help us understand personality more deeply. Induction and deduction are interdependent and interpenetrating, and their primary and secondary positions in scientific knowledge can also be transformed each other.

Methodological principles

so-called Methodology The principle is to master the methods and rules and implement them analysis and synthesis The combination of. Analysis and synthesis are abstract thinking Analysis is the thinking method and thinking process that decomposes the whole or process of things into various elements and studies them separately. Only by making a thorough analysis of the various elements can we correctly synthesize them as a whole and truly understand things. Synthesis is to combine the various elements that have been decomposed to form a whole thinking method and process. Only by synthesizing various elements of things from their internal relations can we correctly understand the entire objective object.
(1) Application of analytical methods
There are generally four levels of analysis methods, namely qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis Causal analysis And system analysis, which is one of the most basic thinking methods.
1. Clarify the analysis content.
The purpose of analysis is to grasp the essence through the phenomenon. It includes the following three aspects.
⑴ Analyze the spatial distribution of things or phenomena.
⑵ Analyze the time development of things or phenomena.
⑶ Analyze various factors, aspects and attributes of things.
2. Master analysis program
The procedure of using analytical methods for analysis generally includes the following three links.
⑴ Dissect the whole body.
⑵ Research part.
⑶ Find contact.
3. Grasp the key points of analysis.
The key points of analysis are those that are different from the whole Characteristic point And the characteristic points that distinguish or relate each other between parts. It is often the boundary point and state of space-time Catastrophe point Differentiation point or contact point of factors.
Finding reasonable analysis points is the basis for analyzing the whole, and it is the key to using analysis methods:
(1) Must search spatial analysis main points.
(2) Must search time analysis main points.
⑶ We must look for the corresponding relationship between things and phenomena Causal analysis main points.
(II) Integrated approach Application of
The characteristic of the comprehensive method in thinking is to strive to comprehensively grasp the characteristics and internal relations of all parts and aspects of things, and to reproduce the whole of things with the true connection and original appearance of all parts, attributes and relations of things through generalization and sublimation, so as to synthesize into a unity of diversity. Therefore, synthesis is not a simple mechanical addition, but a tight grasp of the internal links between the research results of each part, from which we can grasp the essence and laws of the whole thing and get a new entirety Understanding. To cultivate and apply the holistic analysis method, the following three links should be grasped.
1. Determine the object from the overall perspective. Any element and part are elements and parts of a certain system and a whole, so we must start from the system or the whole to determine the object of analysis.
2. Grasp the stage from the system. Anything Development stage They are all stages of a certain system process, so we must grasp each development stage from the system process.
3. Make decisions from the overall perspective. Everything is a unified whole composed of various specific elements, so we must make decisions from the whole and the whole, especially when we grasp the "how" and other issues.
(3) The thinking principle of dialectical unity of analysis and synthesis
Analytical thinking And Comprehensive thinking The angles of concern and emphasis are different, but they are both important thinking methods. "Understanding the part can better understand the whole" and "understanding the whole can better understand the part" are two aspects of the same principle. The whole understanding process should be a dialectical combination of analysis and synthesis.
Analysis is the basis of synthesis There is no impact on various economies Political phenomenon It is impossible to correctly understand the essential characteristics of things and grasp them as a whole through the specific analysis of the parts and elements of Development of things The law of.
Analysis is also based on synthesis Analysis is always based on Overall Starting is always dominated by the overall understanding of the object. Without synthesis, analysis will be very blind, become a water without a source, a tree without roots, and have great limitations.
analysis and synthesis They not only depend on each other and penetrate each other, but also their primary and secondary relations are transformed with the development of people's understanding If people want to fully and profoundly understand the objective things, it must be a process of repeatedly applying the analysis and synthesis methods. It is in the process of analysis synthesis reanalysis synthesis.

Historic principle

The historical principle is to conform to the historical viewpoint and realize Logical and The consistency of history. The unity of logic and history It is another important principle of scientific thinking. History refers to the history of the development of things and the history of cognitive development. Logic refers to the general reflection of human thinking on the development laws of objective things, that is, the history of things in Rational thinking Reproduction in. History is the first and objective basis of logic; Logic is secondary, an abstract generalization of history. History determines logic, and logic derives from history. The principle of the unity of logic and history is of great significance in scientific thinking, especially in the establishment of scientific theoretical system. It can be summarized into three aspects.
(1) The construction function of knowledge system
The logic system of a science should reflect the historical development clue of the research object of the science, or reflect the development history of human understanding of the research object. Only in this way can a logical system with internal links be established.
(2) Scientifically methodological educational function
The unity of logic and history is not only of great significance to the construction of scientific theoretical system, but also of methodological significance to students. From the perspective of methodology, the unity of logic and history is the unity of logical methods and historical methods.
(3) The confirmation function of theory
Focusing on the historical investigation of things, this paper analyzes and synthesizes the problems from the development, changes and evolution of things. Must use logical reasoning , reveal the contradictory movement of the development of things from a purely abstract form, Know the object To grasp the development law and direction of things. [1]



Observation infiltration theory

Scientific experiments have proved that people's minds are not empty "whiteboards" before they know things, but something already exists. This is the existing knowledge reserve, theoretical framework sense of worth Read and wait. They are right Observer Observation scope and thinking of deviation It is stipulated in advance.
For individual creators, the change of concept or theoretical background means the generation of a new idea. RNA enzyme The discovery of Dramatic We can observe the past "blind" and "deaf" things. This requires the observer to have good knowledge structure , cannot Confined to tradition They are good at changing fixed ideas and preconceived practices formed by certain theoretical frameworks and paradigms, thus contributing to the generation of new ideas.

Black box method

so-called Black box method The research object is regarded as a "black box" (due to various conditions, it is impossible to directly explore its internal mysteries from the outside or open, such as human brain, population system atomic structure , sealed instruments, etc., can be regarded as "black boxes"). By observing the information input from the outside to the "black box" and the information output from the "black box", we can study the internal state, structure and mechanism of the "black box", thus revealing the characteristics and laws of the research object scientific method In fact, this method is a way to observe its "surface" and know its bottom. Because the black box method does not need to open the research object, it can understand the internal situation and changes of the research object only through external observation and experiment. At the same time, it focuses on the overall function of things and does not consider the internal details of things, so it has extensive application value. Using black box method to study highly organized and active Life system It has unique advantages and can study the activity law of life system without interfering with the normal activities of life. For example, scientists often use Black box method

Hypothesis method

The so-called hypothesis is based on certain Scientific facts And scientific principles Regularity One made hypothetical nature explain. It has two remarkable characteristics:
First, it is scientific. Hypothesis is not a free speech. It must be based on certain scientific facts and principles, and must be scientifically demonstrated;
The second is assumption. A hypothesis is a kind of guess or conjecture. Whether this guess is correct or not is still unknown when the hypothesis is proposed. The truth of the hypothesis needs to be confirmed by future practice.
Using the hypothesis method,
First, we should start from the facts and go beyond the facts;
Second, logical argumentation;
Third, it should be verified by practice.
Only when the hypothesis is consistent with the facts, can it rise to scientific theory Hypothesis may develop into scientific theory, or it may be proved wrong and eliminated.
Hypothesis is an important step on the way to explore scientific truth. Scientific knowledge It is along the "hypothesis - theory - new hypothesis - New theory ... ". A history of scientific development can be said to be a history of constantly changing hypotheses and theories. The history of evolution is a vivid example.

Backtracking reasoning method

Backtracking reasoning method , also called traceability Reasoning method The method of retrospective reasoning, which is based on the relationship between things, is a way to infer the reason from the result of things and infer the reason from the judgment Thinking method stay scientific research In Chinese, backtracking is the basic way of thinking to establish the causal hypothesis. The discovery of auxin is a good example.
When using backtracking reasoning method, attention should be paid to improving the reliability of conclusions, which needs to be carried out in depth Research , and with Deductive reasoning Other methods are closely combined. The deeper and more extensive the investigation and research, and the closer it is combined with other methods, the more reliable its inference of the cause will be.

Equivalent substitution method

Equivalent substitution The method is to replace the problem that cannot be solved directly with the problem that is the same or similar to him in some aspect and is easy to solve, so as to find the answer to the problem or find similar problems resolvent

Four sets of standards

Science generally believes that to judge whether a theory is scientific or not, it must conform to four sets of criteria, namely, logic, experience, sociology and history. Four sets of standards are as follows:

Logical standard

Compliant“ Occam razor ”Principles of
That is, it must be concise rather than cumbersome, rather than contain a lot of assumptions and conditions, so as to leave a good way for future failure;
It is self consistent
We can't just say that we should first create animals and then people and then animals;
It cannot always be correct under any conditions and can not be corrected in any way;
Clearly defined application scope
It can only be applied to certain conditions and fields, not to everything in the world.

Experience criteria

There are testable predictions
Not just a beautiful fantasy;
In fact, there have been confirmed predictions
In other words, a scientific theory cannot be only disproved and never verified, otherwise such a theory is invalid;
Repeatable argument
It is not a one shot deal, or there is only one shop with no branch. You are the only one who can make that result, and other researchers cannot repeat it. They also blame others for their inferior skills;
There are certain standards for identifying the authenticity of data
What is normal, what is abnormal and what is systematic error , what is Accidental error They should be clearly divided, rather than randomly explaining the results according to their own needs. [1]

Social standards

Able to solve known problems
If this is not possible, this theory is unnecessary;
Propose new researchable problems and models to solve these problems
In other words, it needs not only explanation, but also prediction, otherwise it is useless;
Provide definition of concept
And it must be practical, not false concepts such as "Qigong Field" and "Heaven Man Interaction", which do not help solve problems.

Historical standards

The explanation is old theoretical explanation All data of
That is to say, you can't just choose your own powerful data to explain, and ignore the data that is bad for you, otherwise it will be worse than the old theory; Those who advocate more accurate fortune telling and more effective prayer often use the trick of picking out successful coincidences and exaggerating them, while concealing countless examples of failure;
Compatible with other effective parallel theories
Other theories cannot be ignored. For example, if the "scientific creationism" is to replace the "old" theory of evolution, it will not only explain all the data that has been well explained by evolution, but also cannot ignore other disciplines of modern biology, astronomy geology , physics, chemistry, etc. Similarly, it was claimed that“ Qigong Science ”It is the most cutting-edge science, so it should not only contain modern medicine The results of the research must not conflict with the parallel disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Book Introduction

Scientific thinking
Written by Li Feng and Shu Jinglu, National School of Administration Press Published in March 2011.

content validity

Human Thinking ability , represents human wisdom. The main way to improve thinking ability is to improve thinking methods. As long as you master? A scientific way of thinking will make you a very intelligent person. Scientific thinking ability, mainly including rational thinking ability dialectical thinking Ability, systematic thinking ability, innovative thinking ability, etc. are the comprehensive embodiment of leaders' knowledge literacy and practical ability, as well as the objective requirements for doing a good job and improving efficiency. Scientific Thinking provides leaders with operable scientific thinking training and cultivation methods from three dimensions: cultivating scientific thinking ability, improving scientific thinking ability, and innovating scientific thinking ability leadership Effective weapons.


Chapter I The level of thinking determines Working level
1、 Scientific thinking: from ordinary to outstanding
1. The way of thinking affects the development of life and career/2
2. Type of thinking/3
3. General process of thinking activity/6
4. Features of Thinking/8
5. The level of thinking determines the level of leadership/9
7. Scientific thinking ability leads to good performance/11
II innovative thinking : Make your thinking extraordinary
1. Innovative thinking is the most beautiful flower in human thinking/12
2. Distinctive Features of Innovative Thinking/17
3. Unique process of innovative thinking/20
4. Innovative thinking is the key to career development/24
5. Break through thinking patterns and improve innovative thinking ability/26
6. Efforts to open up thinking New realm / 28
7. Cultivation of innovative thinking ability/31
3、 Bow down for advice: learn from the outstanding Art of thinking
1. Mao Zedong with superb thinking art/34
2. resourceful and quick thinking Zhou Enlai/36
3. Deng Xiaoping with Vigorous Thinking/38
4. Washington Showing the Art of Extraordinary Political Thinking/41
5. Insight into the current situation with keen thinking Churchill / 43
6. Improvisation of politicians with quick thinking/45
7. Collision of thoughts among the leaders of major countries in the international meeting/47
Chapter II logical thinking And dialectical thinking
1、 Logical thinking: make the thought more rigorous and accurate
1. The role of logic in thinking expression/50
2. Logical thinking is the three basic principles of human beings Mode of thinking One of/52
3. Creative Function of Logical Thinking/54
4. Skillful use of logical thinking/56
reasoning from analogy , which can draw inferences from other cases/59
6. Change the old way of thinking/62
7. Never commit "white horse is not horse" Logicality Error/64
II dialectical thinking : Rational? Understand and grasp things
1. Meaning of dialectical thinking/65
2. The answer to any question is by no means unique/66
3. Main Methods of Dialectical Thinking/67
4. Learn to apply the law of unity of opposites/70
5. Be good at turning disadvantages into advantages/71
6. Use dialectical thinking to change negative to positive/73
7. Finding necessity by accident/75
transpositional consideration , use the other party's perspective/77
9. Learn to be flexible and adapt to the situation/78
1、 Thinking in Image: Let the wings of thinking fly high
1. Meaning and form of image thinking/82
2. Three characteristics of image thinking/84
3. Image thinking promotes the development of science, technology and society/87
4. Five Basic Links of Image Thinking/89
5. Ways to strengthen image thinking ability/90
6. Inspire from interest Thinking in images / 92
2、 Associative thinking: breaking all constraints and rules
1. Meaning and characteristics of associative thinking/95
2. Use associative thinking to improve creativity/97
3. Five Associative thinking Enrich Lenovo/99
4. Associative thinking enables people to break through common sense/101
5. Draw inferences from one instance: the essence of associative thinking/102
6. Additive Thinking: Make Association More Wonderful/104
7. From here to there, Feng Ma Niu is the same/106
association by similarity France: Honeybee Helps Spacecraft Go into Space/108
Chapter IV Systematic thinking And open thinking
1、 Systematic thinking: focus on the whole, pay attention to synthesis
1. Meaning of system and system thinking/112
2. Basic Features of Systematic Thinking/113
3. Systematic thinking can broaden people's horizons/115
comprehensive analysis : The Root of Systematic Thinking/116
5. Think about relevance and lead the system well/119
6. Use the plan as a guide to quickly walk out of the "maze"/121
7. Integrate Goal decomposition Specific small goals/123
8. Optimized combination of elements in systematic thinking/124
2、 Open thinking: expand the bottleneck of thinking
1. The meaning and characteristics of open thinking/127
2. The practical significance of cultivating open thinking/128
3. Open thinking requires rejecting rigidity and opening up the horizon/129
4. If you change your mind, you can have a good way out/131
5. Cultivating open thinking requires overcoming thinking bottlenecks/132
1、 Divergent thinking: opening the umbrella of thinking
1. Meaning and characteristics of divergent thinking/136
2. Types of divergent thinking/138
3. Open the umbrella of thinking to gain wisdom in life/140
4. Divergent thinking can make people understand by analogy/142
5. Be good at thinking about the same problem from different aspects/145
6. Divergent creation relying on divergent thinking/148
7. Brainstorm and bring the wisdom of group divergent thinking into play/149
2、 Stereoscopic thinking: thinking from multiple angles and levels
1. Stereoscopic thinking is a necessary modern thinking for leaders/153
Stereoscopic thinking Playing an active role in modern society/154
3. Think about problems with three-dimensional thinking/157
4. Basic Method for Training Stereoscopic Thinking/158
Chapter VI Reverse thinking And circuitous thinking
1、 Reverse thinking: thinking in the opposite direction
1. Meaning and important value of reverse thinking/162
2. Reverse thinking is full of innovative wisdom/163
3. Generate new insights through reverse thinking/165
4. Reverse thinking is a shortcut to success/166
5. Strive for victory and win the fruits/168
6. Leader training Reverse thinking Method of/171
2、 Circuitous thinking: take the curve as the straight, encircle the Wei Dynasty and save the Zhao Dynasty
1. Meanings of circuitous thinking and its enlightenment/173
2. Take a curve as a straight line, and go forward instead of detouring/174
3. circuitous thinking can make people win skillfully/175
4. If you want to appear first and hide first, you can become the main character standing behind the scenes/177
5. From another angle, the problem will become simple/180
6. Be flexible and the road will be unblocked/181
Chapter 7 Questioning Thinking and Critical thinking
1、 Questioning thinking: dare to doubt everything
1. Questioning the meaning of thinking/184
2. Creative work always starts with suspicion/185
3. Respect authority, but don't be superstitious/186
4. Advocacy Skepticism , cultivation Problem awareness / 188
5. Learning to ask questions is the key to cultivating questioning thinking/189
6. Don't be trapped by old habits/190
2、 Critical thinking: subverting the inherent ideas and conclusions
1. Meaning and characteristics of critical thinking/191
2. The Rise and Development of Critical Thinking/193
3. Significance of Critical Thinking/194
4. Dare to challenge authority in life/196
Chapter VIII Advanced Thinking and Cold door thinking
1、 Advanced thinking: climb high and look far, enjoy the infinite scenery
1. The meaning and significance of advanced thinking/200
2. Do a good job Leadership Need forward-looking thinking/202
3. Advanced thinking should be organically integrated with realistic thinking/202
4. Forward thinking needs to be based on Scientific prediction Based on/203
5. Rich imagination helps to think ahead/206
2、 Unusual thinking: blaze a new trail and create something extraordinary
1. Unusual thinking is Winners 's Secret Weapons/207
2. Leaders should be good at thinking differently/209
3. Is it OK to play a trick? To overcome difficulties/211
4. Surprise effects can be achieved by breaking through the routine/215
Chapter 9 Simple Thinking and Fuzzy thinking
1、 Simple thinking: cut down the complexity and simplify, grasp the essence
1. Meaning of simple thinking/220
2. It seems simple, but it is often best/221
3. Simple thinking is a kind of wisdom/223
4. Wonderful often exists in simplicity/224
5. Occam Razor Principle by Using Simple Thinking/225
6. Firmly believe and go straight in the direction of simplicity/226
7. From complexity to simplicity and from complexity to simplicity/228
8. Simplify the problem, success is actually very simple/231
9. Act quickly in the simplest way/232
2、 Fuzzy thinking: not seeking for accuracy, focusing on the big picture
1. Meaning and characteristics of fuzzy thinking/235
2. Leaders should properly apply fuzzy thinking/236
3. Be good at using Fuzzy thinking Some methods of/238
4. Leaders should be good at using fuzzy language / 239
1、 Intuitive thinking: giving play to human's“ Sixth sense
1. Meaning of intuitive thinking/244
2. Features of Intuitive Thinking/246
3. The Role of Intuitive Thinking/246
4. Intuitive thinking is not related to Rational thinking Opposite/249
2、 Inspirational thinking: catch the spark of inspiration in the brain
1. Meaning and essence of inspiration/252
2. Inspirational thinking and its characteristics/254
3. The Important Role of Inspirational Thinking/256
4. Surprise brought by inspirational thinking/257
5. How to flexibly generate inspiration/261
6. Training and improving inspiration and thinking ability/262