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Autumn health

Type of health maintenance
Autumn refers to August, September and October in the lunar calendar, including Beginning of Autumn Manage the summer heat White dew the autumnal equinox Cold dew First Frost 6 solar terms. autumn, Summer The high temperature of has decreased, people's irritable mood has also calmed down, and the autumn wind brings pleasant scenery in autumn. At this time, don't neglect health care because of the beautiful scenery in front of you. Many factors often inadvertently affect your health, and excessive consumption in summer should be supplemented at this time, so health care should also be paid special attention in autumn. As the saying goes, "There is no sickness in summer." After the beginning of autumn, the temperature gradually changes from warming to cooling. Although the weather is cool in the morning and evening, people are very likely to be tired and tired. According to the principle of "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter" in Chinese medicine, it is very appropriate to nourish at this time.
Chinese name
Autumn health
Mental health preservation
Maintain inner peace
Living regimen
Early to bed and early to rise in autumn

Introduction to Autumn Regimen

Nourishing yin and preventing dryness is the key to health preservation in autumn. In autumn, the yang qi gradually shrinks and the yin qi grows, so maintaining the yin qi in the body becomes the primary task. The key to nourishing yin is to prevent dryness, and this principle should be specifically implemented in all aspects of life.
Autumn is the transitional period of the human body when yang disappears and yin grows. Therefore, follow the natural characteristics of autumn to maintain health, that is, to protect the lungs, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. The following should be done specifically:

Types of health preservation

Living regimen : In autumn, you should go to bed early and get up early. Pay attention to adding clothes to prevent lung injury due to cold.
Mental health preservation : It is a good way to keep calm, optimistic, relaxed, put aside all worries and avoid sadness in autumn.
Sexual health In autumn, attention should be paid to conform to the laws of nature collection, control sexual intercourse, and cultivate yin essence.
Diet Regimen : It is advisable to eat more acidic foods, such as apples, oranges, kiwifruit, white radish, white pears, etc., to astringe lung qi; Eat less spicy food, such as onions, ginger, etc., to avoid diffuse diarrhea. Tremella fuciformis, tofu Lily Honey, glutinous rice, japonica rice and bean sprouts can moisten the lungs and should be eaten regularly. In addition, in autumn, we mainly care for the lungs, and can drink chicken soup, bone soup, etc. appropriately.
Exercise regimen Autumn is a good time for exercise. You can choose different sports according to your personal situation, such as mountain climbing, playing Taiji boxing , swimming, etc., long-term adherence can enhance cardiopulmonary function.
Medication regimen : The basic principle of medicinal tonics in autumn should focus on moistening and avoid dissipation. Commonly used drugs include American ginseng, sand ginseng, Euryale ferox, Polygonatum odoratum, Asparagus, Ophiopogon japonicus, lily, privet fruit, flaxseed, dried rehmannia glutinosa, etc.

Health preservation opportunity

health preservation
In autumn, the temperature starts to decrease, the rainfall decreases, the air humidity decreases relatively, and the climate is dry. The air in autumn corresponds to the lung, and the dry climate in autumn is very easy to damage the lung yin, resulting in dry mouth and throat, dry cough with little sputum, dry skin, constipation and other symptoms. In severe cases, the cough can also bring blood, so the health care in autumn should prevent dryness.
Autumn also implies cool autumn in the dry air. After people's excessive venting in summer, all organizational systems of the body are in a relatively poor state of water. If they catch a cold in the wind at this time, it is very easy to cause a series of symptoms, such as headache, stuffy nose, stomach pain, joint pain, and even relapse or induce new diseases. The elderly and those with weak physique have poor adaptability and tolerance to this change, so they should pay more attention to keeping cool.

Health preserving exercise

1、 Fast walking: we have to walk every day. Just speed up when walking, swing and stretch our arms as much as possible, which is the most simple and convenient detoxification exercise. It can stimulate lymph, reduce cholesterol and hypertension.
2、 Yoga: Yoga is a top detoxification exercise, which can help blood circulation, lubricate joints, and regulate the body inside and outside by applying pressure to various organs and muscles of the body to carry out detoxification actions.
3、 Jump up: bouncing can stimulate the lymphatic system to detoxify, relax the nervous mood, lower cholesterol, improve circulation and breathing, and even expel the human body's deadly cellulitis.
Rule 3 of keeping fit and losing weight in autumn: Diet and recuperation, reducing pungent and increasing acid to lose weight
At the beginning of the autumn season, the temperature difference between day and night is increasing, so we should adhere to the principle of eliminating heat and clearing away heat in diet, and eat more food that can nourish yin and lungs. Medical experts believe that the dry air in autumn is rising, which is easy to damage body fluid. Therefore, it is appropriate to nourish yin and lungs in diet. Sesame, glutinous rice, japonica rice, honey, loquat, pineapple, dairy and other soft foods can be properly eaten to benefit the stomach and stimulate fluid. In addition, eat more beans and other foods, and eat less greasy and tasty food. In addition to timely supplementation of vitamins and minerals, people who lose weight at the beginning of autumn should also eat more food that is conducive to metabolism. For example, spinach can help to clear the bowels and promote metabolism. The dietary fiber content in winter melon is high, and the absorption of dietary fiber can make us feel fuller, In addition, it is also a good choice to match with some natural food materials with the function of fat elimination and fiber extraction plants.

Key points of health preservation

1. Healthy diet
The basic principle of autumn diet is to nourish yin and moisten lung. The elderly and weak stomach can benefit their stomach by eating porridge in the morning, such as lily lotus seed porridge, white fungus crystal sugar glutinous rice porridge, almond Sichuan shellfish glutinous rice porridge, black sesame porridge, etc. In addition, we should eat more sour fruits and vegetables and less spicy and stimulating food, which is good for protecting the liver and benefiting the lung.
2. Regulate the spleen and stomach
After the beginning of autumn, people should try to eat less cold food or eat a lot of raw fruits, especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency. At the turn of summer and autumn, spleen and stomach conditioning should focus on clearing away heat, strengthening the spleen, eating less and more meals, eating more cooked, soft appetizers, and digesting food easily. Eat less spicy and greasy food. In autumn conditioning, we must pay attention to clearing away the fire in the stomach, so that the damp heat evil in the body can be discharged from the urine, and then replenish after the stomach fire subsides.
3. Prevention of autumn fatigue
As the saying goes, "Spring is sleepy and autumn is scarce". Autumn fatigue It is a protective reaction to compensate for the abnormal consumption of the human body in summer, often manifested as fatigue, fatigue, low spirits, etc. Prevent autumn fatigue The best way is to take proper physical exercise, but we should pay attention to step by step; Keep enough sleep to prevent autumn fatigue.
4. Prevent autumn dryness
In autumn, there is less rain and the weather is dry, so the human body tends to suffer from "autumn dryness". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dryness easily damages the lungs. Autumn qi is connected with the lungs of the human body, and the lung qi is too strong, which is likely to lead to insufficient body fluid and "dryness" such as a lack of fluid, such as dry skin and cough. To prevent autumn dryness, we should focus on food conditioning. Proper food selection can moisten the lungs and clear dryness Nourishing yin and promoting fluid production Food, such as sour horn, passion fruit, pear, sugar cane, water chestnut, lily, tremella, etc.
5. Prevent colds
There are more colds in autumn. To prevent colds, first of all, clothes should be appropriately increased or decreased according to the temperature change, especially for the elderly; Secondly, the indoor air conditioning temperature should not be too low, generally 25 ℃~27 ℃ is the best. Autumn is a period of high incidence of diseases, so you must seek medical advice in time to avoid delaying the disease.
6. Get up early and go to bed early
Go to bed early to comply with the collection of yin essence, and get up early to reach yang qi. Modern research shows that getting up early in autumn can reduce the chance of thrombosis; It is also important to lie down for a few minutes before getting up and stretch out and exercise the whole body to prevent thrombosis.
7. Strengthen exercise
The autumn climate is getting colder, so clothes should not be increased too much. It is also an important way to enhance the adaptability of the body to the cold winter climate by deliberately freezing the body and experiencing some cold air exercises. In golden autumn, the sky is high and the air is cool, which is a good time for exercise. Especially, we should pay attention to cold endurance exercise, such as morning exercises, jogging, cold baths, etc., to improve our resistance to diseases.
8. Eat fruits and melons carefully
Although eating a lot of fruits and melons in summer will not cause spleen and stomach disease, it has reduced the resistance of stomach and intestines. Eating a lot of fruits and melons in autumn is bound to help the damp pathogen damage the spleen yang. If the spleen yang is weak, it cannot transport water dampness, and acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea, diarrhea, loose stools and so on will occur. Therefore, we should eat less fruits after autumn, especially those with spleen and stomach deficiency.
9. Timely supplement
As the saying goes, "In autumn, we should make supplements, while in winter, we should fight tigers." But when we make supplements, we should be careful not to make supplements without disease and without discrimination between deficiency and reality. The treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine is to fill the deficiency, and the deficiency patients should not use tonic drugs. Deficiency disease can be divided into yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency and blood deficiency; Taking medicine for the symptoms can help the body, otherwise it will backfire. We should also pay attention to the proper amount of food, avoid substituting medicine for food, and advocate food tonic. In autumn, food tonic mainly nourishes yin and dryness, such as black bone chicken, pig lung, turtle meat, bird's nest, tremella, honey, sesame, walnut, lotus root, autumn pear, etc. If these foods are compatible with traditional Chinese medicine, the effect will be better.
10. Pay attention to nourishing yin
The weather is dry in autumn, so pay attention to nourishing yin in autumn health care. To nourish yin in autumn, first, drink more water to supplement the water lost in summer. Second, we should be more grounded. In autumn, we should go into the embrace of nature and walk in the fields and parks, which will help to nourish yin. Third, avoid sweating. Excessive sweating will damage the "yin" of the human body. Therefore, exercise in autumn should be moderate.

Healthy diet

The diet in autumn should follow the principle of "nourishing yin and preventing dryness". The diet should be nourishing yin, nourishing and juicy. The specific plan is as follows:
It is important to nourish the lung
Autumn Qi should be absorbed in the lungs. The lung is an important respiratory organ of the human body and the source of the true qi of the human body. The rise and fall of the lung qi is related to the length of life. In autumn, the climate is dry, and it is easy to hurt the lung yin, making people suffer from respiratory diseases such as dry nose, sore throat, cough, chest pain, etc., so the diet should pay attention to nourishing the lungs. Eat more yin nourishing and dry foods, such as tremella, sugar cane Bird's nest Pear, sesame, lotus root, spinach, turtle meat, black bone chicken, pig lung, soybean milk, maltose, duck eggs, honey, turtle meat, olives. Eating more sesame, walnut, glutinous rice, honey, sugar cane, etc. can play the role of nourishing yin, moistening lung and nourishing blood. In addition, some medicated meals can be properly eaten, such as: ginseng wheat ball fish, honey steamed lily, olive sour plum soup, etc.
Less octane and more acid
Autumn health
In autumn, the function of the lungs is relatively strong, and eating too much spicy food will make the lung qi more vigorous, which will also hurt the liver qi. Therefore, the diet in autumn should eat less spicy food, such as onions, ginger, garlic, leeks, peppers, etc. On this basis, eat more sour food to nourish the liver qi, such as apples, pomegranates Grape Mango, cherry, pomelo, lemon, hawthorn, tomato, water chestnut, etc.
It is advisable to eat more porridge
In early autumn, the weather is still hot, the air is humid, the heat is steaming, and the fruits and melons are ripe in autumn. It is hard to guarantee that people will not overeat, which will damage the spleen and stomach. Therefore, eating more porridge in autumn morning can not only strengthen the spleen and stomach, but also bring a day of refreshing. The porridge often eaten in autumn includes: hawthorn rice porridge, pear rice porridge, rabbit meat rice porridge, white radish rice porridge, almond rice porridge, orange peel rice porridge, persimmon rice porridge, etc.
It is advisable to supplement fitness soup
Autumn diet is based on the principle of nourishing yin and dryness. On this basis, drink some fitness soup at lunch and dinner every day. On the one hand, it can soak moisture and strengthen the spleen, nourish yin and prevent dryness, on the other hand, it can also nourish nutrition and strengthen the body. Soup often eaten in autumn: lily and winter melon soup, pig skin and tomato soup, hawthorn ribs soup, carp and hawthorn soup, silver carp head soup, eel soup, red bean and crucian carp soup, duck frame tofu soup, medlar leaf tofu soup, mushroom tofu soup, mushroom egg soup, mushroom and laver soup, etc.
It is advisable to eat more fish
Autumn is the season that needs supplements, but many people are afraid that a large amount of supplements will lead to obesity, so they might as well eat some fish meat. The fat content of fish meat is low, and the fatty acids in it are proved to have the effects of reducing sugar, protecting heart and preventing cancer.
Crucian carp : Also known as fish, it tastes sweet and tastes warm. Its efficacy is to promote water and detumescence, invigorate qi and spleen, and dredge the pulse Inferior milk , heat clearing and detoxification, etc., mainly treating swollen ascites, low breast milk Gastroptosis , prolapse of anus, etc.
Hairtail : It can nourish the five internal organs, dispel wind and kill insects, especially suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, indigestion and dry skin. It can be used as adjuvant therapy for persistent hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Eating hairtail often can also moisturize the skin and keep the skin moist and elastic.
Herring : It has the effects of tonifying qi and stomach, removing dampness and promoting diuresis, dispelling wind and relieving annoyance. Edible and treatable Qi deficiency Fatigue, cold stomach pain, beriberi Dampness arthralgia malaria , headache, etc. Black carp contains zinc, selenium, iron and other trace elements, which also have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects.
carp : Sweet and mild in taste. It can promote diuresis and detumescence, invigorate qi and spleen, and unblock the pulse Inferior milk Efficacy. Indications: edema Milk blockage , lack of fetal gas, etc.
Grass Carp : Also called grass carp, it has two colors of grass carp and white grass carp. It tastes sweet and tastes warm. It has the effects of calming the liver, dispelling wind, activating arthralgia and stopping malaria. The ancients believed that the grass carp was thick and loose, which could cure fatigue and headache due to wind deficiency.
Loach It is sweet in taste and smooth in nature. It has the effects of warming the body and replenishing qi, clearing and facilitating urination, detoxification and hemorrhoids. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus has delicate meat and high nutritional value. Its slippery saliva has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It can cure damp heat jaundice Inadequate urination , night sweats after illness, etc.
Vitamin d, calcium and phosphorus in fish can effectively prevent osteoporosis.
Food taboos
1. Pay attention to speed
Many old people have bad teeth or dentures. If food is chewed insufficiently, absorption will be affected. If you eat too fast, you may swallow your dentures.
2. Don't overeat
Eating too much increases the burden on the stomach and tends to cause abdominal discomfort. And long-term overeating is also likely to lead to gastroptosis.
3. Pay attention to food temperature
The stomach is extremely sensitive to the temperature of food. Overheating and undercooling food stimulate the stomach and affect the digestive function.
4. Don't eat too hard food
The food is too hard to digest, and eating too hard things for a long time will easily cause gastric ulcer, gastritis and other diseases.

Nourishing stomach in autumn

There are several main reasons for suffering from gastrointestinal diseases in autumn: after the beginning of autumn, although the weather is cool, the vitality of flies is not weaker than that in summer. If you eat food contaminated by flies, you will have diarrhea due to gastrointestinal infection; In autumn, people's appetite increased, and a large number of fruits and melons were on the market. Some people increased the burden of gastrointestinal tract due to overeating and overeating, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction; In addition, the temperature difference between day and night in autumn is large, and carelessness will lead to abdominal coldness and diarrhea. Moreover, if the stomach is not well fed, some have stomach trouble It is not uncommon for people with stomach disease to worsen.

Methods of nourishing stomach

1、 Keeping warm is the first thing
After the cool autumn, people suffering from chronic gastritis should pay attention to keeping their stomach warm, add clothes in time, and cover the bed at night to prevent stomach pain or aggravation of old diseases caused by abdominal coldness. In addition, the "cool autumn" of patients with stomach diseases must be moderate, and they should not be forced to suffer from cold.
2、 Diet should be reasonable
The autumn diet of patients with stomach diseases should be warm, soft, light and fresh, and should be fixed regularly, with less food and more meals.
3、 Rest is the key
It is necessary to avoid the stimulation of tension, anxiety, anger and other undesirable complex, and at the same time, pay attention to the combination of work and rest to prevent excessive fatigue from affecting the recovery of stomach disease.
4、 Exercise moderately
Gastrointestinal patients should combine their own physical characteristics with moderate exercise to improve the body's resistance to disease, reduce disease recurrence, and promote physical and mental health.
Food matching
Grains and cereals are the basic diet necessary for human body to supplement energy and the most important source of nutrition for maintaining physiological activities. Many people think that a bowl of rice has no nutrition, and nutrition is all in the food. Especially for those girls who are losing weight, they simply save rice and other staple foods, and completely replace them with vegetables and fruits. This will inevitably lead to the imbalance of nutrition in the body and endanger health.
Scientific research has proved that a person should ingest 300-500 grams of cereal food every day to maintain normal physiological function. In a year, the diet in any season can not be separated from grains, especially the impact of the dry and cold climate in autumn on the human body, which needs these grains to resist dryness and achieve the purpose of anti autumn dryness and health care.
There are many kinds of cereals, and the following types can play their greatest role in autumn credit:
Peanuts are one of the "ten longevity foods", rich in vitamins, protein, fat, riboflavin, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica that "peanuts delight the spleen and stomach, moisten the lungs and remove phlegm, nourish qi, clear the throat and stop itching, Clearing intestines and moistening dryness 。” Visible pair Spleen stomach imbalance Cough, asthma, anemia, constipation, intestinal dryness, etc. have good therapeutic effects, and are suitable for all ages.
When eating peanuts, they should be eaten together with the skin, which can both tonify and stop bleeding. They are especially suitable for women in pregnancy, patients in the recovery period of surgery, and people with body weakness after illness.
sweet potato
Sweet potato is called "native ginseng", which is a kind of delicious and cheap longevity food. It is sweet and mild in taste and cool in nature. It can produce fluid and quench thirst, moisten the lungs and smooth the intestines, nourish the spleen and stomach, facilitate defecation, and has anti-cancer effect.
Sweet potato is a low calorie, low fat food. It can also prevent carbohydrates from turning into fat. Eating it in autumn can help you lose weight. However, it is not allowed to eat too much sweet potatoes at one time, otherwise heartburn, stomach distention, exhaust and other symptoms will occur. People with diabetes, gastric ulcer and excessive stomach acid are also not suitable to eat.
According to Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica, sesame can "nourish the five internal organs, strengthen qi, grow muscles, and fill the marrow". Vitamin E in sesame can prevent the harm of lipid peroxide to skin, treat various skin cancers, make skin more white and shiny, and its blood nourishing effect can also greatly improve the roughness and dryness of skin. In autumn, the climate is dry. Eating more sesame will make your skin delicate, smooth, ruddy and shiny, and you won't have to worry about getting fat if you eat too much. The beauty who has lost weight can eat it safely.
In addition to the above cereals, white rice, millet, glutinous rice, corn, black beans, etc. are also very suitable for eating in autumn.
In autumn, tonifying the kidney and spleen has become the focus of health preservation. So how can we tonify the kidney and spleen? What is good for tonifying the kidney and spleen? Chinese medicine believes that chestnut is the best food for tonifying the kidney and spleen.
Chestnuts are rich in nutrients. According to the measurement, chestnuts contain rich protein, fat, carotene, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, among which the carbohydrate content in chestnuts is about 70%. Chinese medical experts in previous dynasties regard chestnuts as the best tonic for invigorating qi, spleen, kidney and body. Tao Hongjing, a medical expert in the Han Dynasty, said: "Li is good for qi, enriching the stomach and intestines, and tonifying the kidney qi. It is hunger proof.". Sun Simiao, a medical expert in the Tang Dynasty, said: "Chestnut is the fruit of kidney, which is suitable for kidney disease; raw food can cure waist and foot problems."

Autumn Recipe

Introduction to autumn anti dryness recipe:
1. Soy Bean Sauce and Spinach
Ingredients: spinach Shredded onion Lunch meat slices, minced garlic, oyster sauce, chili sauce, oil.
1. Clean spinach and control water.
2. After boiling water in the pot, add a spoonful of salt.
3. Add salt to the boiling water and add spinach!
4. Blanch spinach in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then serve it when it is bright
5. Take out spinach with controlled water, wash it with cold water to cool it, because spinach is easy to absorb water, and try to squeeze out water from spinach for better taste.
6. Squeeze water out spinach, shredded onion and lunch meat into the container, add garlic, sesame oil Fuel consumption , chilli oil, chilli sauce, stir well together. Sprinkle white sesame seeds when serving.
Efficacy: This dish is easy to eat. Spinach is extremely nutritious, Including zinc , folic acid, amino acid xanthophyll A variety of nutrients, such as carotene, can help to clear the intestines and defecate, promote human metabolism, and is a good weight loss vegetable!
2. Shuanghua Diet Cold Dishes
Ingredients: half cauliflower, half broccoli, four garlic cloves, olive oil, red wine vinegar, black pepper, salt, sugar
1. Break cauliflower and broccoli into bite sized pieces, soak them in light salt water for 10 minutes, and then rinse them repeatedly
2. Pour clear water into the pot, heat it on the high fire, boil it, pour cauliflower and broccoli, blanch it for 1 minute, remove it, put it into clear water, cool it, and fully drain the water.
3. In a small bowl, pour in red wine vinegar, black pepper, salt, sugar and olive oil, and mix well
4. Put the cauliflower and broccoli into a slightly large container, peel the garlic, press it into garlic puree with a garlic press, then pour in the mixed oil vinegar, and stir evenly.
Efficacy: Obese people often eat cauliflower, which can reduce weight in a short time. Because cauliflower is rich in nutrition, it can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, improve immunity and eliminate fat. Moreover, these two kinds of materials are refreshing and rich in layers. Even if they are blanched, they are also delicious!
3. Health preserving porridge
1. Walnut porridge
Crush walnuts and boil them together with japonica rice, which has the functions of tonifying the kidney, benefiting the lung and moistening the intestines. 20g walnut meat, 100g rice. Wash the walnut meat, put it into a pot, cook porridge with rice, boil it over high heat, and then boil it over low heat until cooked. Eating walnut porridge regularly can not only tonify the kidney, but also prevent impotence and spermatorrhea, and has the effect of prolonging life and anti-aging.
2. Chestnut porridge
Chestnut meat is cooked with japonica rice, which has the functions of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the tendons, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach. 50 grams of chestnuts and 100 grams of rice are boiled into porridge with water. Because chestnuts have good functions of nourishing stomach and spleen, tonifying kidney and tendons, promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding, they are especially suitable for the elderly with waist and leg pain, arthralgia, etc.
3. Congee with Lily and Almond
Boil fresh lily, almond and japonica rice together, add some white sugar and take it warm. It can moisten the lungs and stop coughing, clear the heart and calm the nerves. It can be used for post illness deficiency heat, dry cough and fatigue cough.
4. Health preserving soup
1. Autumn Health Soup Pseudostellaria heterophylla Lily soup
Ingredients insomnia People).
2. Silver Soup of Autumn Health Soup
Ingredients: white radish, white fungus, duck soup, proper amount. Shred the radish, divide the tremella in half, and put in the light duck soup to stew in a low heat, taking care not to take too long. Duck soup can nourish yin, clear heat, remove fire, moisten intestines and relieve constipation. It can effectively relieve "autumn dryness" and other post autumn discomfort, which is better Clean up Great.
3. Autumn health soup - papaya, carrot and corn soup
Ingredients: half a jin of green papaya, a carrot, a sweet corn, half a jin of pork with skin (the part with more lean meat should be selected), three pairs of chicken feet, and 1500 ml of water. Add water to pork and chicken feet, boil them in a clay pot, skim the foam, and then add papaya, carrots and corn to boil for an hour and a half. Autumn health The soup of papaya, carrot and corn is sweet and very nourishing. It can prevent autumn dryness when you drink it for health in dry autumn. It is simple and delicious.
4. Autumn Health Soup Straw mushroom Chinese cabbage thick soup
Ingredients: straw mushroom (100g), cabbage (150g), pig spine (55g), wheat flour (20g), shrimp (5g), egg (200g). It has the effects of nourishing the heart, calming the nerves, enriching blood, nourishing yin and moistening dryness.
5. Stewed Spare Ribs Soup with Dried Beans
Ingredients: 100g dried beans, 500g ribs, 8 bowls of water.
1. Dry clean beans, soak them in clean water for 20 minutes, pick them up and drain them, cut them into sections;
2. Rinse spareribs, cut them into pieces, and put them in water for a short time;
3. Boil the water, add all the ingredients, boil it over the fire, turn it to the medium and low heat, and cook it for one and a half hours. Season it with salt and serve.
6. Spare Ribs Soup with Corn and Mushroom
Ingredients: 2 corns, 6 mushrooms (dried), 500g ribs, 2 pieces of ginger, 8 bowls of water.
1、 Corn Clean the clothes and cut them into sections;
2、 dried mushrooms Soak the mushroom umbrella in cold water until it is soft. Take it out and gently scrub the mushroom umbrella. The stalk can be removed or not;
3. Wash and cut the spareribs into pieces, then fish them out in water for a short time;
4. Boil the water, add all the ingredients, boil for 20 minutes in the fire, turn the low heat to boil for one hour, add salt to taste and serve.
7. White radish and ribs soup
Ingredients: a jin of ribs, a radish, a piece of ginger, a little salt, chicken essence.
1. Rinse the ribs and drain off the water. Pour the water into a boiling water pot. Pour out the water. Start another pot of cold water and add ginger slices and ribs. Drop a little vinegar to cover the ribs and boil the pressure valve for about 20 minutes. At this time, you should be able to smell the fragrance.
2. Wash the radish and cut it into pieces. Put it into the stewed pork chop soup and boil it over high heat.
3. Cover and turn to low heat. Cook for about 10 minutes until the turnip is cooked. Add a little salt and chicken essence and remove from the pot. [1]

habits and customs

1. Soak feet for 20 minutes before going to bed
Soaking feet in hot water for 20 minutes every day can improve the cardiovascular function of patients with heart disease. Soaking feet can also accelerate blood circulation, relieve fatigue and promote sleep. Young people soak for 15-20 minutes every day, and old people can extend it to 20-30 minutes. The water temperature should not exceed 40 ℃.
2. Lunch and dinner, enough for 30 minutes
It is not too much to use "short and smooth" to describe the eating rhythm of modern people. However, repeatedly shortening the time for eating also shortens our life span. Experts suggest that it takes 15-20 minutes to eat breakfast, about 30 minutes for lunch and dinner, and it is best to chew every meal 25-50 times.
3. 30 minute walk after dinner
"Walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to 99" Walking is the most effective exercise. It would be better if you could get out of a little sweat.
4. Phone rings for 5 seconds and then connects
Just 5 seconds can greatly reduce the risk of brain cancer. When the mobile phone dials out the number and just connects, the signal transmission system is not stable, and the power of electromagnetic radiation is the largest. Therefore, it is better to wait for 5 seconds to answer the phone, and then put the phone close to your ear, which will reduce a lot of radiation.
5. Want to be angry and endure for 10 seconds
The high-pressure life makes more and more people "unable to control themselves". When facing pressure, please give yourself a 10 second buffer before overreacting to calm down slowly. The prevalence of mental illness of men who responded to stress with anger was three times higher than that of those who did not like anger.
6. Squat for 1 minute horse stance
No matter how long you do on the chair every day, please sit in the "invisible chair" - horse stance every hour for one minute. The horse stance is mainly used to adjust the "essence, qi and spirit". When squatting on the horse stance, it is required to concentrate on calm breath, breathe naturally, squat deeply, flat and steady, so as to practice the throat, chest, kidney and other organs, and tighten the abdominal and leg muscles to achieve the purpose of systemic exercise.
7. Lie down for 2 minutes after waking up
According to incomplete statistics, more than 2 million people die of stroke every year. In the cases of stroke and sudden death, about 25% of them were diagnosed at the moment of getting up in the morning. Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, do not rush to get up. You should lie down in bed for 2-3 minutes before sitting up, and sit for 2-3 minutes before standing up. "Lightning" from lying to sitting, or even getting out of bed and moving, is likely to fall due to acute hypoxia ischemia of the brain caused by rapid changes in blood pressure.
8. Brush your teeth for 3 minutes
A survey shows that more than 60% of the people do not master the correct method of brushing their teeth. If they brush their teeth for less than 3 minutes, they will brush them white. Generally, the time of brushing teeth should be controlled at about 3 minutes, once in the morning and once in the evening. The correct method is to wash the upper, lower, left and right sides of the mouth, cheek, palate and tongue in order, and move 1-2 teeth each time. It takes 4-5 minutes to brush the teeth carefully. If you use an electric toothbrush, brush it for 2 minutes.
9. After cooking, turn on the range hood for another 4 minutes
A research report shows that cooking on cookware with poor ventilation system and low combustion efficiency can cause health damage equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes every day. Therefore, after cooking, let the range hood open for another 4-5 minutes, so as to completely absorb harmful substances.
10. 5 minutes Eye exercises Be old
It will take you 5 minutes to do eye exercises, but the rest your eyes get is not less than one "National Day" holiday. This is not the patent of students. We should stick to this good habit from childhood to old age. Especially the last sentence of eye exercises, "Open your eyes, please go outdoors, or look into the distance", must do so.
11. Do housework for 30 minutes every day
The same effect can be achieved by dragging the floor for 8 minutes or washing dishes for 15 minutes, based on the amount of heat consumed in 1000 steps. It is suggested that the daily activity should not be less than "6000 steps".
12. Laughter increases blood circulation by 21%
A research report shows that those who laugh heartily when watching comedy will increase the blood circulation speed by 21% and the effect can last for 24 hours. When they watch a serious documentary, the blood circulation speed will drop by 18%. "So, try to find the 'laughing points' in life!"
13. Brushing teeth reduces the incidence of head and neck tumors by 80%
Caring for your teeth not only brings you a more beautiful appearance, a research report shows that the head and neck tumors caused by long-term dental diseases account for 80% of the total incidence.
14. Make a pot of tea, reduce stroke by 20%
A research report shows that people who drink more than three cups of tea every day have a 20% lower risk of stroke than those who drink less than one cup of tea. No matter black tea or green tea, the tea polyphenols and amino acids in it can provide better protection for blood vessels and arteries. In autumn, it is suggested to use chrysanthemum, medlar and other formulas to substitute Juqi tea for tea drink, which has the effect of relieving autumn dryness. [2]

Autumn tea

1. Autumn health tea radish tea:
100g of white radish, 5g of tea, and a small amount of salt. First wash the white radish, cut it into slices, and boil it thoroughly. Then add a little salt to flavor it (no MSG). Then use the tea to brew it for 5 minutes and then pour it into the radish juice. Two times a day, regardless of the time limit, can clear away heat and phlegm, regulate qi and appetizers. It is suitable for coughing with too much phlegm, and eating without fragrance. White radish is nutritious, contains calcium and has medicinal value. This autumn health tea has the effect of clearing heat and resolving phlegm. Drinking with tea can clear lung heat and remove phlegm dampness. Adding less salt can not only flavor, but also clear lung and diminish inflammation.
2. Autumn Health Tea Chrysanthemum Tea
Tea recipe: chrysanthemum, medlar, mulberry leaves, dried fruit and other ingredients are used to make chrysanthemum tea, and water is added to decoct the tea for future generations to drink. Efficacy of autumn health tea: It can clear liver, heat and depression in the future. Computer people often drink it to relieve eye fatigue.
3. Lycium barbarum tea recipe of autumn health care tea: Lycium barbarum, mulberry, Guiyuan and other ingredients are used as morsel tea, which is boiled with water for 30 minutes, and is to be drunk when the tea is warm and cool. Efficacy of autumn health tea: Lycium barbarum is rich in carotene p1, vitamin b1, vitamin c, calcium, and iron, which can nourish the liver, benefit the kidney, and brighten the eyes. Because it has its own flavor, whether it is used to make tea or chew it directly, it is sour and tired for the eyes of computer people. The efficacy of this autumn health tea has a good auxiliary treatment effect on vision loss.
4. Health preserving tea in autumn
Tea recipe: 5 green fruits, 6 grams of gold stone baking, chamomile and bamboo eggplant, 9 grams of ophiopogon japonicus and mulberry leaves, 10 pieces of fresh lotus root, 2 yellow pears, 5 leather raisers, and 2 fresh reed roots. Dosage: Fried water instead of tea. Efficacy of this autumn health tea: its function is to stimulate fluid and quench thirst, nourish yin and moisten dryness. It is applicable to heat diseases that damage yin, or old people with yin deficiency and fluid dryness, thirst, dry throat, dry lips, etc.
5. Autumn health tea - reed root honey tea:
Take 25g fresh reed root, add some honey, add some hot water, cover and soak for 10 minutes, and mix with chopsticks before drinking. This autumn health tea has the effect of promoting fluid and clearing heat, moistening the lungs and promoting pharynx.
6. Autumn health tea - orange black tea
3-6g orange red, 5g green. Use boiling water to brew and steam for 20 minutes before taking. Take one dose every day at any time to moisten the lungs and eliminate phlegm; The function of regulating qi and relieving cough is applicable to autumn cough with excessive phlegm, sticky and unpleasant expectoration. This tea is used to regulate qi and relieve phlegm and cough with orange red. Tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is prepared with these two ingredients and has a good effect on coughing with phlegm, which is sticky and difficult to cough out.
7. Autumn Health Tea Maogen Silver Flower Tea
15 grams of honeysuckle, 25 grams of white thatch root, add 1 liter of water, boil, and then season with appropriate rock sugar. Honeysuckle can clear away heat, detoxify, dredge throat. It can treat viral colds, acute and chronic tonsillitis, and periodontitis.
8. Autumn health tea - tremella tea
20g tremella, 5g tea, 20g rock sugar. First, wash tremella and add water and rock sugar (not soft white sugar) to stew; Soak the tea for 5 minutes, take the juice and add the tremella soup, and mix well. It has the function of nourishing yin, lowering fire, moistening lung and relieving cough, and is suitable for cough due to yin deficiency. Tremella fuciformis is a good tonic for both food and medicine. It contains about 10% protein, 65% carbohydrate and 4% inorganic salt; It also contains vitamin E, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc. The medicine has the effect of nourishing yin, moistening lung, nourishing stomach and promoting fluid production. Tremella fuciformis with rock sugar can help nourish the lungs, stop coughing and dissolve phlegm. It can also be used with tea to eliminate phlegm, fire and dampness, and has anti-inflammatory effects. [3]

Daily accommodation



The climate changes greatly in autumn. It is hot and wet in early autumn, dry before and after the Mid Autumn Festival, and cold and cold in late autumn. Therefore, people should be vigilant in their daily life and pay attention to health care. They can wear loose cotton socks before going to bed to avoid catching cold, and often frustrate their hands to prevent colds.

main points

Sleep regulation
In autumn, the sky is high and the wind is strong, which makes the lungs converge. Therefore, sleep should be "early to bed and early to get up". It is better to lie head to the west when sleeping. In late autumn, the climate is cold, so it is not suitable to close the house all day or sleep with your head covered at night. We should develop the habit of opening windows frequently for ventilation, and sleeping at night, so as to maintain indoor air circulation and reduce respiratory diseases.
Autumn clothing
Autumn clothing especially advocates "autumn freeze". The so-called "autumn freeze" is commonly said to be "autumn is not busy with clothes", and consciously let the body "freeze". In this way, we can avoid sweating, sweat evaporation, Yin fluid injury, Yin qi leakage and other situations caused by wearing more clothes, and meet the health needs of keeping Yin essence and Yin qi inside in autumn. In addition, the stimulation of slight cold can increase the excitement of the brain, increase the blood flow of the skin, accelerate the metabolism of the skin, and enhance the cold resistance of the body, which is conducive to avoiding colds and other diseases. Of course, "autumn freeze" also varies with people and weather. If the elderly and children have poor physiological function and weak resistance, they should pay attention to keeping warm when entering late autumn; If the temperature drops suddenly and there is rain and snow, don't "freeze in autumn" any more. You should add or subtract clothes in time according to the weather change, and it is better to do some activities without sweating. The climate changes greatly in autumn, so the increase and decrease of clothes should be timely and timely.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in autumn, attention should be paid to comply with the laws of nature collection, control sexual intercourse, and store yin essence. This is important for middle-aged person Especially important. Because when people are over 40 years old, their yang gradually weakens from exuberance to decline in old age, which is a natural trend. If you can take good care of yourself, don't overdraft your physical strength, pay attention Nourishing the kidney Keeping essence can delay aging and achieve longevity, so it is very necessary for middle-aged people to abstain.




In golden autumn, the sky is clear and the air is crisp, which is a good time for exercise. At this time, the body activity is in a state of "closing" with the change of climate, and the yin, essence and yang are also in the stage of convergence and internal maintenance, so the autumn sports should not be too fierce.

main points

Mountaineering is a fitness and health preserving exercise that integrates sports and leisure. Climbing high can strengthen the physique, improve the endurance of muscles and the sensitivity of the nervous system. In the process of mountaineering, the heart rate and blood circulation of the human body are accelerated, Pulmonary ventilation . Vital capacity will increase significantly, and the functions of internal organs and other parts of the body will be well exercised. Climbing high can also help prevent and cure diseases. Suffering from neurasthenia chronic gastritis Patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, tracheitis, pelvic inflammation, etc., can improve the therapeutic effect by taking medication together with appropriate climbing exercise. In addition, the mountain forest area has fresh air and high content of negative oxygen ions; The mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the temperament is cultivated. How can such a pleasant environment be harmful to health! Although there are many benefits of mountaineering, we still need to put forward many taboos and disadvantages of mountaineering, such as who is not suitable for mountaineering, and what matters should be paid attention to when mountaineering.
Cold bath
Autumn is high and cool, and the temperature, water temperature and body temperature are relatively close. Cold water is less irritating to the human body, so it is the best time to start a cold bath. Cold bath fitness can improve the body's rapid adaptability to cold, and it is not easy to suffer from diseases caused by cold, such as colds bronchitis , pneumonia, etc; At the same time, cold water bath will promote blood circulation between skin and internal organs, prevent vascular sclerosis and diseases caused by it, such as coronary heart disease and hypertension; Cold water bath can also increase blood flow in visceral blood vessels, including digestive tract blood vessels, and enhance the function of digestive system.
Sports taboo
In the early morning of autumn, the temperature is low, so it is not allowed to wear single clothes to outdoor activities when exercising. You should increase or decrease clothes according to the outdoor temperature changes. Be sure to do enough before exercise Preparatory activities Because when the temperature drops, the human body will reflexively cause vasoconstriction, reduce muscle stretch, and the nervous system will Motor organ The ability of regulation and control is reduced, so it is very easy to cause sports injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. When exercising, you should not take off too much clothes at once. After your body gets hot, take off the extra clothes. Don't wear sweaty clothes to stay in the cold wind after exercise to prevent your body from catching cold.

disease prevention



In autumn, the climate is dry and the temperature is changeable. In addition, people's physical strength and energy consumption are high and their physique is relatively weak in summer, so we should attach great importance to disease prevention in autumn.

main points

Medication regimen
In autumn, the climate is dry, the lung qi is strong, the liver qi is weak, and the spleen and stomach are easily affected. Therefore, the basic principle of seasonal medicinal tonics should be to nourish mainly, avoid dissipation, and supplement with nourishing qi and blood. Common drugs include American ginseng, sand ginseng Cishi Polygonatum odoratum , Asparagus japonicus, Ophiopogon japonicus, lily, privet fruit, flaxseed, dried rehmannia glutinosa, etc.
In addition to the above medicines, some Chinese patent medicines can also be used for autumn tonic, such as Huangjing Syrup, Compound Bee Milk, Snow Clam and Ginseng Essence, Compound Placenta Tablet, Ginseng and Spleen Strengthening Pill, Shengmai Drink, Yuling Ointment, etc. All the above kinds of Chinese patent medicines have the effect of eliminating the harm of dryness and heat to human body. Even if there is no dry mouth, dry tongue and other symptoms, a small amount of them can be taken to achieve the purpose of health preservation.
Malaria control
Malaria, commonly known as "playing chess", is the most common infectious disease in summer and autumn. Its pathogen is plasmodium parasitized in human liver cells and red blood cells, and its carriers are mainly mosquitoes.
The main symptoms of malaria are chills and trembling. It lasts for a few minutes and starts to have a high fever. The fever can reach 40 ℃. After about 3-4 hours of sweating, the body temperature gradually drops to normal. In addition to chills and fever, patients often feel weak, tired, dizzy and do not want to eat. If it is a child, sometimes there may be convulsions. Severe malaria patients may be unconscious, talking nonsense, stiff neck, or even life-threatening.
For malaria prevention, the key is to do a good job in mosquito control. The garbage and weeds shall be removed and the sump shall be filled; The door curtain and window screen should be hung in the bedroom, and the mosquito net should be put down when sleeping at night; Spray mosquito killer, or use mosquito repellent incense and mosquito killer Mugwort Etc; I also take some vitamin B1. At the same time, pay attention to personal protection. Start wearing long sleeved clothes and trousers in the evening, apply mosquito repellent on the exposed part, and avoid body clinging to mosquito net when sleeping.
Prevention and treatment of bronchial asthma
Asthma is an allergic disease. Most of its attacks are seasonal. It starts in late summer and early autumn every year, reaches its peak in mid autumn, and slows down in winter. The disease can be suffered by all ages and genders, and is easy to recur, with an average prevalence rate of 2%. There are often premonitory symptoms before the onset of asthma, such as Repeated cough , chest tightness, continuous sneezing, etc. If not treated in time, acute asthma may occur. Because the sputum is thick and difficult to cough up, patients are often forced to sit up. In severe cases, symptoms such as purple lips and nails, cold limbs, sweating, and rapid heartbeat may occur. The onset time varies from a few minutes to several days. Asthma is a chronic disease prone to attack, so people with asthma should actively prevent it during the remission period: first, try to avoid allergens: common allergens include wind borne pollen (Chinese wolfberry, castor bean, artemisia, etc.), mold spores, mites, some Productive dust (such as cotton dust, silkworm moth, dust, yam powder); If asthma patients know what they are allergic to, they should try to avoid it. Second, treatment in summer: from light summer heat to the beginning of autumn, that is, "dog days", is the time when the temperature is the highest and the yang is the strongest all year round. At this time, treatment can enrich the patients' yang and enhance their disease resistance.
Prevention and treatment of chronic pharyngitis
The reason why autumn should pay special attention to iaryngopharyngitis The reason is that the weather in autumn is more sunny and less rainy, and the climate is dry. If pharyngitis is not thoroughly treated in the acute stage, it will become chronic pharyngitis. Chronic pharyngitis includes pharyngeal mucosa, submucosa and lymphoid tissue It is a common disease in otorhinolaryngology. The main symptoms of chronic pharyngitis are dry and painful pharynx and dark red pharynx, which are mostly caused by yin deficiency and burning on empty fire Nourishing yin and clearing away heat It can clear the throat and can be treated with drugs, such as 3g ophiopogon japonicus, 1.5g licorice, 3g honeysuckle, 3g dark plum, and 3g green fruit, which can be used frequently to open blisters. In diet, you should often eat mung bean drink or sycamore.
Prevention of cardiovascular disease
Autumn is a season of frequent occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. According to relevant data reports, the incidence of cerebral thrombosis and cerebral hemorrhage is much higher in the late autumn and early winter than in other seasons. As the weather gets cold, the blood vessels of skin and subcutaneous tissue contract, and the resistance of surrounding blood vessels increases, leading to the increase of blood pressure. Cold can also cause Coronary spasm , directly affect the blood supply of the heart, induce angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Therefore, cardiovascular patients should adhere to taking medicine, adhere to physical exercise within their ability, actively prevent colds, etc., to avoid inducing and aggravating cardiovascular diseases.
The autumn wind and leaves, the bleak wind and rain, often make people feel sentimental, especially the elderly are prone to a sense of twilight, inducing negative emotions. In serious cases, people are depressed all day long, and they are very likely to suffer from depression. In order to prevent depression, we should pay attention to psychological adjustment, maintain positive and optimistic mood, do something we like to do, exercise diligently, and engage in nature. The cool autumn is a good time to travel.
In late autumn, low air temperature can reduce the elasticity of blood vessels on the body surface, increase the surrounding resistance, and excite the sympathetic nerve, Adrenocortical hormone The increase of secretion will cause the contraction of small arteries and the rise of blood pressure, which will lead to the rupture of cerebral vessels. Cold can also increase the concentration of blood fibrin, causing blood to become viscous, leading to Thrombosis Therefore, we should pay attention to the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other primary diseases, and pay attention to the premonitory symptoms, such as sudden dizziness, severe headache, blurred vision, limb numbness, etc., should be sent to the hospital in time to prevent accidents.

Mental recuperation



In autumn, spiritual recuperation should also conform to the characteristics of the season, take "harvest" as the priority, and achieve "peace of mind", so as to reduce the impact of the murderous air on the human body and adapt to the characteristics of autumn. How can I keep my mind calm? To put it simply, we should be "pure hearted and have few desires". Too much selfishness and lust will not only destroy the quietness of expression. In real life, people are required to devote more energy to their work, instead of "striving for fame and market", doing more good deeds and making more contributions.
In addition, autumn certainly The sky is high and the clouds are light , fruitful and pleasant, but it is inevitable that there will also be "miserable wind and bitter rain". The autumn wind and rain in nature often make people worried about autumn. Especially for the elderly, they often feel depressed, desolate and dying. If they encounter something unsatisfactory, it is easy to lead to depression. Research has proved that in the human brain, there is a person called Pineal gland A gland that secretes a“ melatonin ”。 This hormone can entice people to fall asleep and make people feel depressed, while sunlight can reduce the secretion of melatonin. At the same time, melatonin can also inhibit other hormones in the body (such as thyroxine and adrenaline). The relative reduction of thyroxine and adrenaline will make cells lazy and paralyzed, thus making people depressed and sentimental.
For this reason, the ancients believed that the spiritual health preservation in autumn should be "to calm the mind, slow down the punishment in autumn, restrain the expression, make the autumn spirit calm, have no ambition outside, and make the lung qi clear, which is the response to the autumn spirit; Or practice qi quietly, astringe the mind and keep the inner peace; Or more exposure to the sun, transfer low mood.

Nourishing Heart in Autumn

When talking about health preservation, many people can spout many ideas and methods. However, to sum up, it is nothing more than tonifying the kidney, qi and blood. Many supplements, such as various kinds of ginseng, ginseng, American ginseng, pseudostellaria, sea cucumber, deer repair, seahorse, donkey hide gelatin, cordyceps sinensis, and so on, are all about this and that. Few people mention nourishing the heart, but from the oldest medical book, Inner Diameter of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is mentioned that the method of health preservation is nourishing the heart.
The first chapter of the "Ancient Innocence Theory" in the "Internal Classic" proposed that health preservation should be "tranquil and clean up nothingness, follow the true qi, keep the spirit in mind, and be safe in sickness". "It is based on idle ambition and less desire, calm mind and not afraid, form fatigue and not tired, follow the qi, and get what you want from each other. It is based on lust and not hard on your eyes, evil spirits and evil spirits can not confuse your heart, foolishness, wisdom and virtue are unworthy, and not afraid of things, so it is in harmony with the Tao. Therefore, those who are able to live for 100 years without failing in their actions will not be in danger because of their integrity.
He has long put forward the situation that people can't keep fit: "Today's people are not like this. They take wine as their pulp, take arrogance as their norm, get drunk to enter the room, exhaust their essence, and dissipate their truth. They don't know how full they are. From time to time, they guard the gods, keep their heart fast, go against life and happiness, and live without discipline, so half a hundred people will decline." Look at today's people, they have done too much. Every day, the wine market keeps on, with delicacies, chicken, duck, fish and meat, spicy and thick taste, lack of greed, and fat body and waist. The inspection of modern instruments and equipment shows "three high diseases", metabolic syndrome, etc. From the perspective of nutrition, many foods on the wine farm have nourishing value, but why are people growing in the wine farm prone to diseases such as "three highs"? Why do urban people who often take supplements live longer than those in remote rural areas?
The key factor is that urban people pay attention to food and health, while rural people pay attention to mental health. In modern society, too many people have been involved in the tide of the market economy, and the role of money has become more and more important. The publicity of consumers, producers, nutrition products and drugs is more or less affected by money. In the process of pursuing the so-called health preservation, some ideas and practices have become more and more distant from the purpose of health preservation. As a foreigner said, we humans have indeed forgotten the goal when we set out. Focus on the pursuit of various supplements, money and beauty. In the final analysis, it is difficult to fill the cravings, but also want to live a long life. Can these two opposite choices achieve the goal?
Therefore, health preservation must start from the cultivation of the mind, and maintain "tranquility, nihility, and inner spirit", so as to achieve the health preservation goal of "staying alive for a hundred years without getting tired of their eyes, not being confused by evil, not being afraid of things".
Natural mind release and health preservation
Natural mind release health preservation is to solve personal psychological obstacles, depression, worry, fear, tension and pain; Solve the problems of parent-child relationship, such as children's weariness of school, exam anxiety, academic performance bias, adolescent rebellion, anxiety, anxiety, fear, Internet addiction, etc; Solve marital and love relationship problems, emotional and marital crises, extramarital love, lovelorn and divorce trauma treatment, successfully manage marriage and love relationships, workplace relationships, how to better handle the relationship with leaders, establish good colleague relationships, successfully manage customer relationships, learn to understand themselves, respect themselves, love themselves, and deal with their relationship problems, So as to gain love, confidence and respect. This book analyzes why we should be critical of ourselves and keep psychological problems in mind? Why don't you just spit it out? Why can't you put down all the burdens and live a happy life? For people's concentrated questions, we should release the mind, open the heart knot in an all-round way, and release the mind freely. Specifically, it aims at releasing the mind by means of various pressures, including deep breathing, meditation, idea guidance, sports, running, walking, eating healthy food, sufficient rest time, and balancing the mind, work and entertainment time.

Health information



The climate is cool in autumn, and people's diet, sleep and spirit are better. At this point“ Autumn fatigue Autumn dryness Autumn fat ”It is also coming to us. If the maintenance is improper, it will add many new troubles.
1. Reject Qiu Fa Farewell to the hot summer, ushered in a cool autumn, people feel much more comfortable than summer. However, some people will feel sleepy and tired, which is called autumn fatigue. Autumn fatigue is a protective reaction to compensate the abnormal consumption of human body in summer. Although after a period of adjustment and adaptation, autumn fatigue will naturally disappear, in order not to affect work and life, it is better to take corresponding prevention and control measures. First of all, proper physical exercise, such as walking and mountain climbing, is a good choice, but the intensity should not be too high at the beginning, and the amount of exercise should be gradually increased. If excessive exercise, it will increase the sense of fatigue of the body, which is not conducive to physical recovery. Second, get as much sleep as possible. Third, we should adjust our diet, which should be light and avoid greasy; Eat foods rich in vitamins, such as carrots, lotus roots, pears, honey, sesame, agaric, etc; Eat more foods containing potassium. Fourth, eat more caffeinated foods.
2. Reject autumn dryness The dry climate in autumn often makes people feel dry in the mouth, nose, throat and cough. Because the lungs and large intestine are in the exterior, dry stool can also appear in autumn. In addition, autumn dryness can also lead to dry lips, dry skin and Hair shedding To prevent autumn dryness, first of all, pay attention to supplement water, and drink 3-4 cups of boiled water every day. Autumn diet should be based on the basic principle of nourishing yin and moistening lung, preventing dryness and protecting yin. You can eat more pears, apples, grapes, bananas, radishes and green leafy vegetables to help stimulate saliva and prevent dryness, and eat less spicy and dry things such as pepper, onion, ginger, garlic, etc. The middle-aged and old people should not take a bath frequently in autumn. It is better to take a bath once or twice a week, not more than half an hour each time, and the water temperature is about 25 ℃. It is not suitable to bathe with alkaline soap. Soap with less irritation should be selected. Laugh often in autumn, which can not only maintain lung qi, but also dispel depression, fatigue, chest tightness and restore physical strength.
3. Reject autumn fat In summer, the weather is hot and energy consumption is high. People generally lack appetite, resulting in insufficient heat supply in the body. In autumn, when the weather turns cold, the diet will be unconsciously excessive, which will greatly increase the intake of calories. In addition, the pleasant climate makes people sleep well and sweat less. In addition, in order to welcome the arrival of cold winter, the body will actively store cold resistant fat, so the body absorbs more heat than it dissipates. In autumn, people will gain weight if they are not careful, which is a threat to people who are already obese. Therefore, people who are obese should pay more attention to losing weight in autumn. First of all, we should pay attention to the regulation of diet and eat more low calorie diet foods, such as red beans, radishes, job's tears, kelp, mushrooms, etc. Secondly, in autumn, we should also pay attention to increasing the consumption of calories and increase activities in a planned way. Autumn is a good time to travel. You can not only enjoy the scenery and water, but also increase the amount of activities to lose weight.


"Su Wen · Si Qi Tiao Shen Da Lun" points out that autumn is the season when the weather is urgent, the earth atmosphere is bright, and the earth is in a state of accommodation and calm. In order to conform to the nature of heaven and earth, a health preserving family should go to bed and get up early, just like a chicken. At this time, in terms of mental behavior, we should calm down our minds, calm down our spirits, clear our lungs, and avoid the attack of the murderous air in autumn. These are the ways to keep fit for autumn. If you do the opposite, you will damage your lungs; In winter, the problem of "enjoying and venting" will also occur, so that "fewer people will offer to Tibet". On the way of keeping fit in autumn, Qiu processor "The Theory of Health Care News" reminds: "But in the spring and autumn, when the (old) disease starts, it is necessary to take care of it and measure its own nature." It also says: "In the morning, sleep (wake up), close your eyes and kowtow 21 times, swallow saliva, rub your eyes with two hands to comfort the heat several times, more than in autumn and March, which can greatly brighten your eyes." These can be used as a reference for health practitioners to rest in autumn.

matters needing attention

1. Reasonable diet, based on the principle of preventing dryness and protecting yin, nourishing yang and moistening lung
In autumn, the sky is clear and the climate is dry. The dry air in autumn can easily damage the lungs. Therefore, the diet in autumn should be light, with less fried food and more fresh vegetables and fruits. The vegetables should be Chinese cabbage, spinach, winter melon, cucumber and white fungus; Meat can eat rabbit, duck, herring, etc; Eat more sour foods, such as citrus and hawthorn. Drink more water properly, and eat more turnips, lotus roots, bananas, pears, honey and other foods that moisten the lungs and stimulate fluid, nourish yin and dry; Try to eat less or no scallions, ginger, garlic, chili, strong liquor and other dry and hot products, as well as fried and greasy things. The elderly and patients with chronic diseases with weak physique, spleen and stomach can mainly eat porridge in the morning, such as lily lotus seed porridge, white fungus borneol porridge, black sesame porridge, etc. They can eat more red dates, lotus seeds, lily, wolfberry seeds and other tonic products, so as to keep fit and cure diseases and prolong life, but they should not eat too much fish and meat, nor eat too much fruit to avoid hurting the intestines and stomach. In addition, special attention should be paid to food hygiene and protection Spleen and stomach To avoid enteritis, dysentery and other diseases, eat more warm food and control cold food and drinks.
2. Take an active part in physical exercise to strengthen the body
Autumn is a golden season for outdoor activities. In this season, the elderly must strengthen physical exercise, which is the most active method in autumn health care. In autumn, you should go to bed early and get up early. After getting up in the morning, you should actively participate in activities and fitness exercises. You can choose climbing, jogging, fast walking, cold water bath and other exercises.
The dry climate in autumn and the large temperature difference between morning and evening are favorable conditions for the propagation and spread of some bacteria and viruses. With the dry dust, some bacteria and viruses fly in the air, often causing the spread of respiratory diseases, which is a high incidence season of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Therefore, the elderly should strengthen warmth preservation and do a good job in prevention while participating in physical exercise.
3. Keep optimistic and calm down
Autumn is a good time to harvest when everything is mature; But autumn is also the season when all things wither and show signs of decline. In this season, the elderly are most likely to suffer from depression, decadence and other sad emotions. Therefore, we should pay attention to emotional and intellectual recuperation, learn to adjust ourselves, maintain optimistic mood, maintain inner peace, and appropriately extend the night sleep time; You can often talk with others and family members, or go for a walk in the park, watch movies and TV properly, or grow flowers and fish. These are beneficial to self-cultivation and cultivate your temperament.
4. Suitably dressed, be careful of catching cold
The temperature in autumn gradually drops, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large; In this season, the elderly should not only pay attention to cold protection and warmth, but also not add too much clothing too early; In this season, as long as it is not too cold, we should try to keep the body cool, so that the body can exercise and have the ability to resist wind and cold. However, in the golden autumn season, the climate is changeable. The elderly should adapt to the climate change and pay proper attention to keeping warm in order to prevent colds and respiratory diseases. According to the weather conditions, they should increase or decrease clothing in time to keep warm and prevent diseases and health care.
Autumn dryness hurts the lungs and eats less pungent: In autumn, the sky is high and the air is dry, and the humidity is low. People are prone to dry throat, dry cough and other symptoms, which are caused by the dryness pathogen hurting the lungs. At this time, you should eat less spicy and hot food, such as onions, ginger, peppers and peppers, to prevent the pungent temperature and heat, aggravating the symptoms of lung dryness.
The lung dryness hurts the liver by eating acid: from the perspective of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, the lung belongs to gold, the liver belongs to wood, and gold can block wood, which can damage the liver. Therefore, you should eat some sour food properly, because "acid enters the liver" can strengthen the liver wood and prevent the lung qi from damaging the liver. Sour food can astringe liver qi and protect liver, but it should not be excessive. Because many acidic foods, such as vinegar and dark plum, can stimulate the stomach and easily occur gastric ulcer gastritis Waiting for illness is bad for your health.
Many people have the feeling that eating fruit in autumn will lead to bad belly if they are not careful, which is related to the climate in autumn. The weather is cool in autumn, the temperature drops, and the spleen and stomach Yang deficiency Eating more fruits and vegetables with cold yin nature will naturally make things worse, resulting in diarrhea and abdominal pain due to Yang deficiency. Therefore, don't eat too cold food in autumn to protect the gastrointestinal tract and lungs.
Moderate drinking is the most important: drink more water in the sweaty season in summer, and more in the dry season in autumn. Moderate drinking water is an indispensable maintenance measure to moisten and prevent dryness in autumn. It is better to drink a small amount of water frequently than to drink too much. Drinking a large amount of water at a time will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort. Only a small amount of slow drinking can "moisten things silently" produce greater moisturizing effect on the mouth, nose, pharynx, throat, esophagus, and even the trachea.
The key is to nourish yin and qi: for middle-aged and elderly people, the most important thing in autumn is to nourish yin and qi. Nourishing yin can prevent lung dryness, invigorating qi can warm and nourish lung qi and encourage yang qi, so you should eat more in autumn Yam Lily Tremella fuciformis , pig hoof, lotus seed, lotus root, pear, wolfberry and other foods to spend autumn in peace.
5. Pay more attention to scientific nap in autumn
As the saying goes, "sleepy in spring, tired in autumn, and napping in summer." In autumn, people are prone to drowsiness. Although they sleep a lot, they still yawn and feel sleepy during the day. Experts suggest that you should also take a nap in autumn, which can relax the cardiovascular system and reduce the tension of the human body.
6. Pay attention to detoxification. In autumn, we should pay attention to detoxification. There are two ways to detoxify.
Diet detoxification: eliminate toxic substances in the body through reasonable diet. First, liver detoxification: the liver is an important detoxification organ. Chen Jinzhu reminds us that we can eat more carrots, garlic, grapes, figs, etc. in our daily diet to help the liver detoxification. The second is to help the kidney detoxify: the kidney is an important organ for detoxification, which filters toxins in the blood and waste materials generated after protein decomposition, and expels them from the body through urine. Vegetables and fruits such as cucumbers and cherries can help kidney detoxification. The third is to moisten the intestines and expel toxins: the intestines can quickly expel toxins, but if indigestion occurs, the toxins will stay in the intestines and be reabsorbed, causing great harm to health. Konjac, black fungus, kelp, pig blood, apples, strawberries, honey, brown rice and many others can help the digestive system expel toxins.
Exercise detoxification: reasonable exercise can speed up human metabolism, help skin and lungs detoxification. First, fast walking: we have to walk every day. Just speed up when walking, swing and stretch our arms as much as possible, which is the most simple and convenient detoxification exercise. It can stimulate lymph, reduce cholesterol and cholesterol. Second, practice: yoga is a top detoxification exercise, which can help blood circulation, lubricate joints, and regulate the body inside and outside by applying pressure to various organs and muscles of the body to carry out detoxification actions. The third is to jump up: bouncing can stimulate the lymphatic system to detoxify, relax tension, lower cholesterol, improve circulation and breathing, and even eliminate the deadly cellulitis of the human body.

Ten Taboos



As the saying goes, "There is no sickness in a summer." When the beginning of autumn comes, although the weather is cool in the morning and evening, there are still tigers raging in the autumn, so old people are prone to burnout, fatigue, and stupidity. There is a custom of "autumn compensation" among the people. Everything can be described as "spring birth, summer growth, autumn harvest, winter storage". According to the principle of "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter" in traditional Chinese medicine, it is necessary to nourish at this time. However, we should pay attention to the following ten taboos:

main points

Disease free tonic
It not only increases expenses, but also harms itself. If you take excessive cod liver oil, you will be poisoned. If you take glucose for a long time, you will become fat, increase cholesterol in your blood, and easily induce cardiovascular disease.
Admire the reputation and make progress
It is believed that the higher the price is, the better the health will be. Ginseng is expensive, and it is also the holy medicine in tonics. So many people take it. However, it should be noted that excessive use of ginseng will lead to overexcitement, irritability, elevated blood pressure, nostril bleeding and other symptoms.
Regardless of reality
The treatment principle of traditional Chinese medicine is that the weak should be supplemented. It is not suitable for the weak patients to use tonic drugs. Deficiency diseases can be divided into yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency, and blood deficiency. Only taking medicine for the disease can help the body, otherwise it will backfire.
Traditional Chinese medicine says that "deficiency cannot be compensated". When the body is very weak, it is too much to directly make a big and special supplement. It needs to be supplemented step by step.
the more , the better
Any tonic taken in excess will be harmful. Therefore, take adequate tonic.
Substitute medicine for food
It is unscientific to pay more attention to medicine than food, and medicine is not as effective as food.
All tonic meat
Animal food is undoubtedly one of the supplements Good agent It not only has high nutrition, but also tastes delicious. However, meat is not easy to digest and absorb. If you eat more for a long time, the elderly with impaired gastrointestinal function will often be overwhelmed“ by-product ”For example, excessive lipids, sugars and other substances are often the cause of common and frequently occurring diseases of the elderly, such as cardio cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. The diet is light, especially vegetables. Modern nutriology believes that fresh fruits and vegetables contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements, which are essential nutrients for the human body.
Substitute medicine for food
Food is better than medicine. It is unscientific to emphasize medicine over food. However, many foods are also therapeutic drugs. If you eat more shepherd's purse, you can treat hypertension; Eating more turnips can strengthen the stomach and digestion, smooth the qi, broaden the chest, reduce phlegm and stop coughing; Eating more yams can nourish the spleen and stomach. Walnuts, peanuts, red dates, lentils, lotus roots, etc., which are eaten daily, are also good for tonifying.
Heavy in and light out
With the improvement of people's living standards, many families have Meaty The food is very greasy, and the acid toxic substances generated after the metabolism of these foods need to be discharged in time. The accelerated pace of life has made many people have irregular bowel movements and even constipation. Therefore, health experts put forward a new concept of health care that focuses on "negative nutrition", that is, to attach importance to the discharge of human waste, reduce the retention and absorption of "intestinal toxins", and advocate that the timely and unobstructed defecation should also be emphasized while tonifying.
Constant complement
Some people like to take a certain tonic according to their own taste, and then develop from the same for many years to "partial food" and "addicted to food", which is bad for health. Because drugs and food have both health care and treatment effects and some side effects, taking them for a long time will affect the nutritional balance in the body. In particular, the elderly not only have different degrees of decline in the functions of various organs, which need comprehensive and systematic conditioning, but also have different needs for health care drugs and food in different seasons. Therefore, it is very necessary to make adjustments according to different situations. You can't always make up the same.
Distinguish between high and low
Thinness is the most valuable thing. Those noble traditional foods such as Bird's nest shark 's fin In fact, there is no unique therapeutic effect, while ordinary foods such as sweet potatoes and onions are of great therapeutic value. In addition, all dietotherapy have certain targets and indications, so we should determine what medicine diet is needed, what is missing, and what is to be supplemented according to needs. We should not distinguish high from low. Especially for the elderly, we should take practicality and low price as the nourishing principle.

Health preservation for the elderly

Beginning of Autumn After that, everything changed color when the air was clear and cold. When the cool wind came in the morning and evening, the autumn wind and rain became more and more, and the climate was changeable. At this time, we should comply with the season and pay attention to health care, especially the elderly should do three "insistences", namely, autumn freezing, autumn prevention, and autumn exercise, to improve the health level and enhance the disease resistance, that is, the body's own immunity.
1. Adhere to the autumn freeze
As the saying goes, "Cover the cold in spring and cover the cold in autumn", we should follow the rule of "cold endurance exercise starts in early autumn". When the temperature drops, we should not rush to add too many clothes, so that the body can resist the wind and cold and enhance its resistance. However, the autumn freeze should not be excessive. People with a history of bronchitis, gastritis and other diseases should pay attention to keeping warm properly to prevent the recurrence of old diseases.
2. Insist on autumn practice
In autumn, the nature's yang qi tends to converge and close from relief, and the daily life and rest should be adjusted accordingly. "Su Wen? The Great Theory of Four Qi Regulating Spirit" said that "in autumn and March, lie early and get up early, and prosper with the chickens." Lie early to comply with the collection of yin essence, and to raise "recovery" qi. Get up early in order to conform to the stretching of yang qi and stretch lung qi. As the saying goes, "If you move, you will not decline; if you use it, you will not retreat." The elderly should often engage in some labor or sports within their power, such as sweeping the floor, watering flowers, climbing stairs, doing exercises, playing Taijiquan for outdoor walks, jogging, dancing social dances, short trips, etc., to achieve the purpose of connecting blood vessels, benefiting joints, enriching muscles, and delaying the aging of various organs and tissues.
3. Adhere to autumn cultivation
Autumn care refers to diet and proper rest. Autumn is the harvest season, and a large number of grains, vegetables and fruits are ripe. In the Chinese medical book Plain Questions, it is pointed out that "the five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for help, the five vegetables are for filling, and the smell is just for the purpose of supplementing the essence". In autumn, the climate is dry, so you should drink more boiled water, light tea, soymilk, milk and other drinks, and also eat more sweet potatoes, corn, sesame, vegetables, persimmons, bananas, honey, red dates and other soft products. Proper rest is also a good health regimen for the elderly. Work, work and exercise in the daytime should be moderate, and entertainment in the evening should not be late at night. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.