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Hecuo Town

Town under the jurisdiction of Min County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province
Hetuo Town, under the jurisdiction of Dingxi City, Gansu Province Minxian County , adjacent to the east Shendu Township Puma Town , south Dangchang County , west Chabu Town Meichuan , north Zhangxian County [1] With an administrative area of 256.15 square kilometers [2]
By the end of 2018, there were 20824 registered residents in Hecuo Town [2] As of June 2020, Hetuo Town has 18 administrative villages under its jurisdiction [3] Town Government in Hetuo Village [1]
In 2011, the total financial revenue of Hetuo Town was 1.1679 million yuan, an increase of 59.5% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there was one rural credit union and financial institutions set up offices; The balance of various deposits was 1.657 million yuan, up 10.3% over the previous year; The balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents is 1.129 million yuan, and the per capita savings is 59 yuan [4] In 2018, Hetuo Town has one comprehensive store or supermarket with a business area of more than 50 square meters [2]
Chinese name
Hecuo Town
Administrative Region Category
Dingxi City, Gansu Province Minxian County
geographical position
East Neighbor Shendu Township
256.15 km²
Area under jurisdiction
18 administrative villages
Government residence
Hecuo Village
Area Code
Postal Code
seven hundred and forty-eight thousand four hundred and twelve
License plate code
Gan J
20824 persons (By the end of 2018)

Construction history

In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), it belonged to Eryang Township.
In 1949, it belonged to Meichuan District.
In 1958, Suigu and Hetuo communes were established respectively.
In 1965, the two communes were merged into Hechu commune.
In 1983, it was changed to Hetuo Township [1]
In 2017, the township was changed into a town. [5]

administrative division

By the end of 2011, Hetuo Town had jurisdiction over 14 administrative villages: Shijiatai Village, Yirengou Village, Hetuo Village, Hadiha Village, Shangou Village, Niugou Village, Qiaojiagou Village, Shimen Village, Liha Village, Anjiashan Village, Suigu Village, Lalu Village, Zhuoluo Village, Shuguang Village [1]
As of June 2020, Hetuo Town has jurisdiction over 18 administrative villages: Zhuoluo Village, Shuguang Village, Suigu Village, Anjiashan Village, Lalu Village, Liha Village, Shimen Village, Hadiha Village, Shangou Village, Qiaojiagou Village, Hetuo Village, Yirengou Village, Shijiatai Village, Niugou Village, Houjiashan Village, Gantan Village, Zhaishang Village, Suancipo Village [3]

geographical environment


Location context

East of Hecuo Town Shendu Township Puma Town , south Dangchang County , west Chabu Town Meichuan , north Zhangxian County 25 kilometers away from the county seat [1] With an administrative area of 256.15 square kilometers [2]
Hecuo Town

topographic features

The terrain in Hecuo Town inclines from east to west, with high mountains and deep ditches, with an average altitude of 2580 meters [1]


The annual average temperature in Hecuo Town is 4.6 ℃, the annual average frost free period is 102 days, and the annual average precipitation is 636 mm [1]


The river in Hecuo Town belongs to Tao River Basin, with a drainage area of 223 square kilometers. The Nana River runs through the town, with a length of 18 kilometers and a drainage area of 108 square kilometers; Zhuoluogou River runs through the territory, with a length of 11 kilometers and a drainage area of 55 square kilometers; The valley and river pass through the territory, with a length of 15 kilometers and a drainage area of 60 square kilometers [1]

land resource

Hecuo Town has 40000 mu of arable land, 10000 mu of usable grassland and 41000 mu of forest land [4]


By the end of 2011, the total population of Hecuo Town was 21889, including 147 permanent urban residents, with an urbanization rate of 0.7%, and 986 floating population. Of the total population, 12783 were men, accounting for 58.4%; 9106 women, accounting for 41.6%; 3283 people under 14 years old, accounting for 15%; 17511 people aged 15-64, accounting for 80%; 1095 people are over 65 years old, accounting for 5%. Among the total population, 21842 people are mainly Han people, accounting for 9%; There are two ethnic minorities, Hui and Tibetan, 47 in total, accounting for 1%. Among the ethnic minorities, there are 45 Hui and 2 Tibetan. The birth rate is 11.3 ‰, the mortality rate is 5.7 ‰, and the natural growth rate is 5.6 ‰ [1]
By the end of 2018, there were 20824 registered residents in Hecuo Town [2]
Picture of Hetuo Town


In 2011, the total financial revenue of Hetuo Town was 1.1679 million yuan, an increase of 59.5% over the previous year. At the end of the year, there was one rural credit union and financial institutions set up offices; The balance of various deposits was 1.657 million yuan, up 10.3% over the previous year; The balance of savings deposits of urban and rural residents is 1.129 million yuan, and the per capita savings is 59 yuan [4]
In 2011, the agriculture of Hecuo Town was dominated by planting, with a total agricultural output value of 51.195 million yuan. Grain crops were dominated by grains, beans and potatoes. The sown area of grain crops reached 40000 mu, including 2707 mu of grain planting area, with a yield of 270.7 tons; The planting area of beans is 900 mu, and the output is 134 tons; The planting area of potato is 26000 mu, and the output is 4721 tons. The main economic crops are rape, feed Chinese medicinal materials, and the planting area of rape is 750 mu, with the output of 91.2 tons; Feed planting area is 430 mu; The planting area of Chinese medicinal materials is 9000 mu, with an output of 1750 tons, including 3400 mu of Chinese angelica, with an output of 600 tons; Codonopsis pilosula, 3000 mu, with an output of 400 tons; Astragalus membranaceus 2600 mu, output 750 tons [4]
In 2018, Hetuo Town has one comprehensive store or supermarket with a business area of more than 50 square meters [2]
Picture of rape in Hetuo Town

social undertakings



At the end of 2011, Hetuo Town had 6 primary schools, 9 teaching sites, 1747 students, 69 full-time teachers, 99% of primary school school-age children, 1 nine-year school, 844 students, 76 full-time teachers, 98% of junior high school school-age population, and 789000 yuan of education funds [4]

Cultural undertakings

At the end of 2011, there was a cultural station in Hecuo Town, with a building area of 150 square meters; 14 public libraries, with a building area of 310 square meters and a collection of 32000 books [4]

medical and health work

At the end of 2011, Hetuo Town had 15 medical and health institutions at all levels, including 1 township hospital and 14 clinics; 21 beds, 8 doctors, 2 nurses, 34.3% of the rural sanitary toilets, more than 20000 people participated in the new rural cooperative medical care, with a participation rate of 91% [4]

social security

In 2011, there were 5 urban minimum living security households in Hecuo Town, 7 people, and the expenditure was 10000 yuan, an increase of 10.7% over the previous year; The number of rural minimum living security households was 1300, with 4832 people, and the expenditure was 4.152 million yuan, an increase of 51.6% over the previous year; Eight people were provided with five guarantees in rural areas, and the expenditure was 16000 yuan, an increase of 49.9% over the previous year; The five guarantees in rural areas provided for 113 people in a decentralized manner, with an expenditure of 180000 yuan, an increase of 51.1% over the previous year; The civil affairs department subsidized 204 people to participate in cooperative medical care, with an expenditure of 476000 yuan, an increase of 18.8% over the previous year. The state pension and subsidies for 17 people with various kinds of preferential benefits, and pension costs of 87000 yuan, an increase of 5.6% over the previous year [4]
Picture of Homes for the Elderly in Hecuo Town


Hetuo Town has 306 provincial roads passing through, with a total length of 19 kilometers, connecting Chabu and leading to Lixian County. There are 4 county (town) roads, with a total length of 29 kilometers [4]
Topographic picture of Hetuo Town