Gerald Rudolph Ford

38th President of the United States
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synonym Ford (The 38th President of the United States) Generally refers to Gerald Rudolph Ford
Gerald Rudolph Ford (English: Gerald Rudolph Ford July 14, 1913 - December 26, 2006), born in the United States Nebraska Omaha, American politician, the 40th American [23] Vice President and 38th President, [23] the Second World War Served in America Navy [1]
In 1941, Ford went from Yale University Graduated from law school; In April 1942, he joined the US Naval Reserve and was awarded the rank of Second Lieutenant; In 1963, he was elected House of Representatives Minority leader, he served as a member of the House of Representatives until 1973; August 9, 1974 Richard Nixon Ford succeeds after resigning USA president On December 27, 2006, former US President Gerald Ford died of illness at the age of 93. [2]
During the Ford administration, the United States withdrew its troops from Vietnam and the Helsinki Agreement came into force, but it also faced many problems such as domestic inflation, economic depression, energy shortage and so on. [3]
Chinese name
Gerald Rudolph Ford
Foreign name
Gerald Rudolph Ford.
Leslie Richie King, Jr. (former name)
date of birth
July 14, 1913
Date of death
December 26, 2006
University one is graduated from
Yale University
Key achievements
Won the Congressional Gold Medal
The 40th Vice President and 38th President of the United States [23]
one's native heath
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Episcopal Church of America
Representative works
The Day of Reconciliation (1979)
Political parties
American Republican Party
America Navy
Military rank

Character experience


Early career

Ford in 1916
Gerald Ford was born on July 14, 1913 Nebraska Omaha was born Leslie Lynch King Jr. His parents divorced two years after he was born, and his mother remarried two years later. Although Ford was not officially accepted as an adopted son by his stepfather, he changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford. Ford Michigan He grew up in Grand Rapids until he was 15 years old. He didn't know that his father was actually his stepfather. Ford's participation in the United States boy scouts And get the highest level. [4]
In 1931, Ford entered University of Michigan , became the center of the college football team and helped the team to remain unbeaten in the 1932-1933 season. [5]
In 1935, graduated from the University of Michigan; In the same year, while studying at Yale Law School, Ford signed a request to pass American Central Legislation Request for. This petition has been widely circulated in the United States, and has led to opposition to U.S. accession the Second World War The establishment of the First Committee of the United States. But soon Ford changed his view against the United States joining the war. [5-6]
In 1941, he received a bachelor's degree in law from Yale University and a lawyer's qualification in the same year. Later, he received a doctor's degree in law from Michigan State University, Yale University and other universities, and joined Ford Buchan Law Firm in Great Falls as a lawyer. [7]

Joining the Army in World War II

On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor Incident Later, Ford formally joined the army.
In April 1942, Ford joined the US Naval Reserve and was awarded the rank of Second Lieutenant; Attended on US Naval Academy After his introductory training, he became a pilot preparatory sports coach in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
In the spring of 1943, Ford began to work as a sports coach and gun officer on the light aircraft carrier "Manteri". Ford later rose to assistant navigation officer. He participated in most important South Pacific Naval Battle Including the air raid on Chuuk Battle of Saipan And the occupation of the Philippines. After that, Ford spent the rest of the war on land.
In February 1946, Ford retired as a major. [6]

New to politics

In 1949, Ford became a member of the House of Representatives, and served on the Public Works Committee, the Appropriations Committee, and the Special Committee on Aviation and Space of the House of Representatives. [7]
In 1959, as a member of the United States delegation, he attended the meeting of the Inter Parliamentary Union held in Poland.
In 1963, the Republican Party elected Ford as the minority leader of the House of Representatives.
In 1965, he was elected the leader of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives.
In 1968, he served as the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention.
In 1972, he served as the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention. [7]
In 1970, Ford impeached Justice William Douglas of the United States Supreme Court.
In 1973, after the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew, President Richard Nixon appointed Ford as Vice President on October 10; On November 27, the Senate confirmed Ford as Vice President with 92:3 votes; On December 6, the House of Representatives confirmed Ford as Vice President with 387:35 votes. [1]

In the Presidency

On August 9, 1974, Nixon watergate event After his resignation, Ford became president according to the 25th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
On September 8, 1974, Ford granted Nixon an unconditional and complete pardon for any crime committed by Nixon during his presidency. Historians believe that this was one of the main reasons for Ford's defeat in the 1976 election.
In 1974, the mid-term election of the House of Representatives was held within three months after Ford took office. Under the influence of the Watergate incident, the Democratic Party won 49 seats from the Republican Party, improving its majority to 291 of 435 seats. Ford's own seat was also taken by the Democrats. In the Senate election of the same year, the Democratic Party won 70 of the 100 seats. The majority of the Democratic Party in both houses is enough to overwhelm the two-thirds majority required for the presidential veto power. And this Congress of the United States has been established since the 1850s Franklin Pierce The term that has overwhelmed the veto power of the president the most times since his term of office. [8]
In March 1975, Ford signed the 1975 Tax Reduction Act, including the reduction of income tax, to stimulate economic development. Since the Democratic Party is the majority in the US Congress, many important laws of the government cannot be passed. Ford was forced to exhaust his veto power. Many people were also very dissatisfied with Ford's amnesty to Nixon. [9]

General election defeat

The TV Campaign Debate between Ford and Carter
In 1976, at the Republican National Convention, Ford was nominated as the presidential candidate. His opponent was Jimmy Carter, a Democrat. As a result, Ford lost to Carter by a small number of votes, becoming the first president who failed in re-election since 1932. [10]

After retirement

In 2003, Ford celebrated its 90th birthday
Ford remained active after leaving office. After he left office, he still attended important historic and ceremonial events for the United States, such as the inauguration of the President, the commemoration of God, and so on.
In 2000, he was twice affected by slight myocardial infarction in the Republican convention.
In January 2006, he was hospitalized for 11 days due to pneumonia.
On December 27, 2006, former US President Gerald Ford died of illness at the age of 93. [2]

Measures for politics


political phase

In 1974, President Ford signed the Electoral Campaign Reform Act, which requires public disclosure of the funds raised for the campaign and limits the use of these funds by individuals. The birth of this bill was obviously influenced by Nixon's "Nixon's Secret Fund" and "Watergate Event". [11]

Economic aspects

When Ford took office, the American economy had deteriorated to the worst level since the 1930s. It is experiencing the sixth economic crisis after the Second World War. Industrial production has continued to decline, unemployment has soared, inflation is serious, and people's living standards have declined. Ford attributed all this to three of the most serious problems, namely, "economic recession, inflation and energy dependence". Each of these aspects has a serious impact on the other two aspects in its intricate way. Ford first put the problem of inflation in the first place, and took measures such as cutting government expenses, balancing budget, maintaining high interest rates, tightening money and credit, but the results were not good, and the economic situation was even worse.
At the beginning of 1975, the working efficiency of the construction industry in the United States was at the lowest point in recent years, and the sales volume of automobiles also declined significantly. The national unemployment rate was over 9%. To this end, the Ford government had to change its original intention and change its main goal to deal with the economic recession, implement measures such as reducing individual and corporate income taxes, and use tax subsidies to stimulate investment and production. Ford hoped to eliminate this retreat by proposing tax cuts and accepting unprecedented peacetime deficits in the federal budget. At the same time, he implemented the right to postpone the implementation of the new spending plan to try to control inflation. His plan is an effort to maintain a balance between control and stimulation. In addition, oil exporting countries have raised oil prices significantly, causing an energy crisis. To this end, Ford wants to promote the oil supply of the United States by raising foreign oil tariffs. He officially announced that he had done so and received the support of Congress. Through Ford's active efforts, the US economy has recovered its balance to a certain extent. [10]

Diplomatic aspects

  • Withdrawal in Vietnam War
On April 29, 1975, Ford held an emergency national security meeting and formally ordered the implementation of the fourth evacuation plan, with the action code "Changfeng". During the operation, the 76th Task Force of the United States dispatched 682 helicopters, evacuating a total of 1373 Americans, 5595 Vietnamese and 85 people of other nationalities. The 18 hour "Operation Changfeng" has also become the largest helicopter evacuation operation in American history. [12]
  • Detente policy
In 1974, Ford succeeded the President of the United States and also continued Nixon's detente policy.
In 1975, the meeting between Ford and Brezhnev in Helsinki, Finland, pushed the easing policy during the Cold War to the peak; In July of the same year, both the United States and the Soviet Union participated in the Conference on European Security and Cooperation held in Helsinki. At the Conference, Ford signed the Helsinki Agreement with Brezhnev and 35 European countries (including allies of the United States and the Soviet Union) to improve the relations between East and West countries.
Although Helsinki Watch, a non-governmental organization established as a result of the Helsinki Agreement, later evolved into Human Rights Watch, it cannot be denied that this agreement did play a role in easing the confrontation between the two camps of the United States and the Soviet Union at that time, and the US Soviet relations moved from confrontation to relaxation. [13]
  • Relations with China
From December 1 to 5, 1975, Ford visited China as president, Mao Zedong Chairman and Deng Xiaoping The Vice Premier met with him and both sides reaffirmed their compliance《 Shanghai Bulletin 》。 [4] [14]

Character honor

In 1999, Bill Clinton Grant Ford the Presidential Medal of Freedom; In October of the same year, Ford and his wife were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for their "commitment to public service and outstanding humanitarian contributions". [15]
In 2001, Ford was awarded the Kennedy Medal of Courage for having the courage to pardon Nixon, thereby liberating the United States from its paralysis. [16]

personal works

Publication time
The Day of Reconciliation
Source: [17]

Anecdotes of characters

  • Olive star
Ford was the school football star in high school. He also relied on the sports scholarship to enter the University of Michigan. After entering college, Ford soon became the main center of the University of Michigan football team. He led the team to remain unbeaten in 1932 and 1933, and won the national championship for a second time. He was also selected as the most valuable player of the year, and was selected into the All American University Star Team. After graduating from college, Ford entered Yale University again on the sports scholarship, and finally obtained a bachelor's degree in law. [5]

Personal life


member of family

Ford and his wife
On October 15, 1948, Ford and Betty Warren (named Betty Ford after marriage) got married in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Ford had been married once before. [18]
The eldest son: Michael (Mike) Gerald Ford, businessman, priest, academic administrator.
Second son: John (Jack) Gardner Ford, businessman, journalist, publisher.
Third son: Steven Meggs Ford, actor.
Only daughter: Susan Elizabeth Ford Vance Bels, photojournalist.

Lack of health

In August 2000, Ford had a stroke while attending the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, and was hospitalized for 5 days; In May 2003, he felt dizzy playing golf in hot weather and was forced to be hospitalized; Moreover, since December 2005, he has been hospitalized for many times due to pneumonia, dyspnea, heart and other problems. In January 2006, Ford spent 11 days in a hospital in California to treat pneumonia; In August, he also installed a pacemaker to help strengthen the heart function. [19]

Character evaluation

President Ford is a great American who has worked hard for our country for many years. On August 9, 1974, after a long career as a member of the House of Representatives and Vice President, he took up the responsibility of President in an hour of national chaos and division. Ford is a man of integrity, good judgment and kindness. During his tenure, he made our country more complete and restored public confidence. (Comments by former US President George Walker Bush) [20]
Ford is famous for being friendly, cheerful, frank and considerate. Although he has been engaged in politics for more than 30 years, he has made few enemies. (Review of Biographies of World Leaders in the 20th Century) [21]
After the war, Ford became a firm "internationalist". He defeated the incumbent party leader in the Republican Party and was elected as the representative of Michigan Grand Rapids. He is the only person in the history of the United States who has not been elected to take over as Vice President and President. He and his vice president Nelson Rockefeller They are the only two designated presidents and vice presidents in American history who have not been elected. (Review of American Presidents) [4]

People Memorial


Presidential coins

In 1974, the United States issued a bronze commemorative medal for Vice President Ford. The diameter is 70mm and the weight is 170g. The front is the White House and a miniature commemorative coin, and the back is the head of Vice President Ford.
In 2009, Liberia issued a commemorative coin for President Ford. The coin has a face value of 5 Liberian dollars, a diameter of 38 mm and a weight of 28 grams, and is made of 99 silver. The front design is the national emblem of Liberia and the year, and the back is the colorful head of President Ford. [17]

Aircraft carrier naming

Aircraft carrier naming [22]
The US Navy named the aircraft carrier CVN-78 as The aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (USS GERALD R. FORD CVN-78), which was officially commissioned on July 22, 2017. [22]