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Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Comprehensive academic and theoretical journals
This journal is a comprehensive academic and theoretical journal Marxism Leninism Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" Guided by important theories, we should implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the Party's educational policy and the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", mainly reflecting the two civilization construction of the university, publishing academic articles, reflecting scientific research achievements, guiding teaching practice, exchanging scientific and educational academic information, and promoting the prosperity and development of science and education.
Chinese name
Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Publication cycle

Natural Science Edition


Introduction to Journal

Title: Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University( Philosophy and Social Sciences Version) [1]
Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
Published at: Fuzhou, Fujian Province
Format: Large 16 on
ISSN: 1671-6922
CN: 35-1258/C
Sending code: 34-30
Current title: Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Journal of Fujian Agricultural University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition); Journal of Fujian Agricultural University (Social Science Edition)
Published in 1998

Main columns

Crop science, horticulture science, plant protection, forestry science life sciences Animal Science, Resources and Environment, Computer and Information Science


Core journals of Chinese natural science
The Second National Excellent Sci tech Journals
National Outstanding Natural Science Journal of Universities

matters needing attention

1.1 According to《 Copyright Law 》In combination with the specific situation of the journal, those who have not received the notice of manuscript handling within 3 months after receiving the receipt of the journal are still under review. If the author wants to contribute to other publications, please contact our magazine first, and do not submit two articles at a time. Please keep your own copy of the manuscript. Manuscripts not used are generally not returned.
1.2 All contributions shall be responsible for their own writing. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, this journal can make textual changes and abridgements to the contributions. Any changes that go against the original intention should be submitted to the author for consideration. If the revised manuscript is not returned after 3 months, it shall be deemed as automatic withdrawal. This magazine deals with all matters concerning manuscripts and only contacts the corresponding author or the first author.
1.3 The journal will use "fast track" to publish major research achievements in the shortest time. For the papers required to be published as "fast track", the author shall provide a written description of the innovation of the paper, a novelty search report and a recommendation letter from two experts to explain the academic value of the achievement. It is generally published within 3 months after receiving the manuscript after review and approval. Those who require to print color pictures shall pay additional cost for printing color pictures. After the publication of the manuscript, the author will be given a reward (including other forms of remuneration), and a magazine of the current period will be given as a gift.

Social Science Edition


Magazine Introduction

Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
Although the Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Social Science Edition) is an academic journal located in the southeast corner of the motherland, it has the advantages of coastal openness and the special human geographical environment adjacent to Taiwan Province, and occupies a leading position in theoretical economics, Chinese literature, art, special history and other academic fields in the country Chinese literature research, history research, art research and other key columns are quite eye-catching. Based in Fujian, radiating the whole country and going global. It has been the editorial policy of the journal for many years to pay attention to publishing articles with original ideas and new ideas on major theoretical issues in reality. Benefited from the consistent and correct direction of running journals, higher academic quality and editing and publishing quality.

Main columns

Research on the construction of new socialist countryside, the construction of cross-strait economic zones, agriculture and forestry economy and management, philosophy and law, and higher education research


Excellent Editorial Quality of Chinese Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2002
In 2003, won the Third National Science, Industry and Agriculture Hospital School Excellent Journal Award

Magazine Introduction

Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (Natural Science Edition) 》It is a comprehensive agricultural academic journal. Based on the university and facing the society, it mainly publishes crop science, plant protection, horticulture science, forestry science life sciences , animal science, bee science, resource and environment science, food science, material engineering, computer and information science, mechanical and electrical engineering, transportation and other related disciplines of basic research, application research and development research. Readers are domestic and foreign scientific and technological workers, teachers in institutions of higher learning and graduate students. [2]

Instructions for submission

1. Contributions should be scientific, advanced and logical, requiring clear arguments, reliable data and concise words; The content does not involve state secrets or scientific and technological secrets.
2. Each paper (including charts) generally does not exceed 5 yards; The manuscript shall comply with GB 7713-87《 Compilation format of scientific and technical reports, dissertations and academic papers 》Writing, including (in order): title, author's name, author's unit (including city name and zip code), Chinese abstract, keywords CLC No , English title, author's name (in Chinese pinyin), English name of the author's unit, English abstract, English keywords, text, and references.
3. The fund projects funded by the thesis and the introduction of the author shall be indicated at the foot of the first page of the paper. Fund projects include project source, name and fund code (and provide a copy of the fund project contract); The author's profile includes name, birth year, gender, native place
Ethnic group (Han nationality can be omitted), professional title, degree and professional direction.
4. The title should be concise and to the point, expressing the theme of the thesis, generally not more than 20 words. The English title shall be consistent with the Chinese title.
5. The number and order of authorship shall be determined by the author, but it is required that there is no intellectual property dispute in the manuscript, and all authorship agree with the authorship of the manuscript; Off campus manuscripts must be attached with the recommendation of the unit.
6. The content of the abstract should include the research purpose, method, results and conclusions, without segmentation, and the number of words should be about 250. The English abstract corresponds to the Chinese abstract.
7. There are 3-8 keywords, and the Chinese and English keywords correspond to each other.
8. The CLC number should be marked according to the content of the paper and with reference to the Chinese Library Classification.
9. The introduction should not be too long. It only briefly describes the background, purpose and significance of the study, and should not be the same as the abstract. Other contents are generally written in the following format: 1. Materials and methods; Results and analysis; 3 Discussion.
10. If you quote other people's works in the manuscript, please specify the name of the original author, the name of the work and its source in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, and list them in the reference list. Otherwise, the responsibility shall be borne by the author.
11. The unit of measurement shall be strictly implemented State Bureau of Technical Supervision Quantities and Units (GB3100 ~ 3102-93) issued on December 27, 1993. Special attention shall be paid to: "mu", "ppm", etc. belong to abandoned units and shall not be used. They shall be changed to "hm2 (hectare)", "× 10-6? (indicating volume fraction or mass fraction)", etc.
12. The chart should be concise and to the point, avoiding repetition. For problems that can be explained in words, try not to use charts. Place for illustrations shall be reserved in the manuscript. Please insert the text in the form of "three lines". Columns with the same content can be omitted for explanation. The chart title shall be attached in English. It is better to use Excel software to draw pictures, and the illustrations should not be too large. The diagram and legend do not need borders and grid lines, and the thickness ratio of the main line and auxiliary line is 2:1. The characters and symbols in the figure are in 8 characters, and the size of data marks is 3 pounds. The photos shall be printed with glossy photo paper, which shall be clear in black and white and well arranged.
13. Letters and formula symbols in foreign languages must be distinguished between capital and small cases, and in regular and italic type; The position of letters, numbers and symbols in the upper and lower corners should be clearly distinguished; For foreign letters and symbols that are easily confused, please indicate them with pencil when they appear for the first time.
14. Please print the manuscript in duplicate by computer. Please save the document to a floppy disk and save it properly for further modification.
15. If the incoming manuscript does not meet the above requirements, the editorial department shall first return it to the author for revision and then submit it for approval. The editorial department shall reply to the author whether to adopt or not within 3 months from the date of receiving the manuscript. Please do not submit more than one manuscript within this period. The author is requested to keep his own copy, which will not be rejected whether it is published or not. Manuscripts notified by this magazine to be used by the author shall be published according to the layout plan of this magazine, and the author shall pay the layout fee according to the provisions of this magazine.