penalty zone

[jìn qū]
Chinese words
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Prohibited area, Chinese word, Pinyin: j 山 n q 山 refers to a special area or region that is "not allowed to enter without permission". It can also be said that only invited and designated persons can enter the area. There are many types of restricted areas, such as airport restricted areas, border restricted areas, truce areas Prohibited fishing area Etc.
Chinese name
penalty zone
Foreign name
Restricted Area
jìn qū
words whose meaning is similar
Forbidden Area Thunderpool [2]


(Name) Areas where ordinary people are forbidden to enter or are under special protection. In medicine, it refers to the parts that are prone to danger and are prohibited from surgery or acupuncture. [1]

Border restricted area

It is a part of the restricted area at the border (border) between country A and country B. Due to the frequent prohibited activities at the border Illegal entry Crime is getting worse, smuggling and others transnational crime Activities that undermine the territorial integrity of other countries and violate the law. The purpose is to provide a Buffer zone So that the security forces can maintain the integrity of the border between country A and country B, and promote the fight against illegal entry and other cross-border crimes. When necessary, the government can expand the scope of the border restricted area, and can use fences, barbed wire fences and other tools to prevent illegal entry. There is no restricted area paper issued by the government in the whole border restricted area( pass check )The period of validity of the restricted area paper (pass) is 1 day to 2 years, etc., depending on the purpose of the person entering the restricted area. Persons holding passports of other countries can enter border control stations to go through exit and entry procedures, but they are not allowed to stay in border restricted areas.

Military restricted zone

Some restricted areas are set up for military needs, such as Military restricted zone military exercise Field, frontier restricted area, etc. But the forbidden area can also be used for environmental protection and Species protection Measures. During the outbreak of infectious diseases or other disasters (such as floods, volcanoes, earthquakes nuclear accident The government can also set up forbidden areas to prevent the expansion of disasters, prevent someone from taking the opportunity to rob, or prevent someone from inadvertently or deliberately entering Hazardous area , harming oneself or others Personal safety
There are facilities and warning signs around the general restricted area to remind you that you will enter the restricted area further. In the restricted area set up in a relatively short period of time (such as the restricted area set up due to disasters), at least there are guards or warnings on all roads entering the restricted area. In the long-term restricted areas (such as military restricted areas or environmental protection areas) wire mesh , alarm device, lookout post and other facilities will Regional protection Get up. Outside the military restricted area, there is often an area where photographing is prohibited. There may be mines, automatic shooting devices and other protective facilities inside. Some forbidden areas are only forbidden for a certain period of time, for example, to protect certain Rare animals The restricted area may only be unevenly entered when the animal breeds.
During the war, one or both sides may designate an area or sea area as a restricted area and announce that they will destroy any vehicles or ships entering the restricted area. This means is generally used to cut off the assistance provided to the other party by the third party who does not participate in the war. For example, in the Israeli Lebanese conflict in 2006 Israel The whole of southern Lebanon was declared a no go zone.

Definition of words

(1) . It is forbidden to enter or touch the area at will. For example, entering the restricted area by mistake.
(2) . It is used to describe areas that are difficult to enter or areas that are not allowed to be touched. Ma Guochang and others wrote a poem "Flying over the Kangzang Plateau": "Breaking through the restricted area and conquering natural dangers." Ba Jin wrote a poem "Closing Speech of the Third Congress of the Chinese Writers Association": "Brave Adventurer It will break any mental shackles and break through all forbidden areas. " For example, there is no forbidden zone for science.
(3) Areas that are specially protected because their animals, plants or ground conditions are of special scientific or economic value, especially nature reserves.
(4) In medicine, it refers to the part where surgery or acupuncture is prohibited due to danger.