
[shén shè]
Types of Shinto Architecture in Japan
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Shrines are worshipped and offered sacrifices Shintoism The house of the Chinese gods is Japan Religious architecture The oldest type in. Because Shintoism is closely related to the life of Japanese people, Shinto shrines are very common. Since the 7th century, the shrine has been under the system of "replacement", that is, it is rebuilt every few decades. Currently, shrines generally do not have incense sticks. I don't know whether it is the traditional rules or the evolution of modernization. When people go to the shrine, they usually use a long handle near the pool in front of the shrine Wooden spoon Clean your hands, then go to the shrine on both sides of the ridge to worship, throw some change into the donation box with wooden bars, clap your hands and pray together. yes , we have Worship the temple There was also a thick hemp rope hanging in front. The prayer swayed twice, and the wind bell on the hemp rope sounded.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Shrine (じ ん じ ゃ)
Worship God and pray for happiness
Naming composition
Place name, type, community name

brief introduction

Daqian Huibishou Shrine
The shrine is a place for worshiping the gods, and is also considered as the place where the gods live. Deity musical instruments and equipment for ancestral temple It is also stored in an unknown secret room in the deep of the shrine.
Shinto Shrine is the belief center of Shinto and the spiritual totem of Japanese. The origin of the shrine is very early, but Religious architecture In the 19th century Meiji Restoration After. The main objects of the shrine are the main gods God of Heavenly Illumination (also known as the sun goddess), on the one hand, also worships all things in nature and all kinds of gods. The most representative is the Daohe Shrine, which was in charge of wealth and crops in Japan today. The most important shrines in Japan include Ise Temple , the oldest shrine Izumo Shrine World Cultural Heritage Of Yandao Shrine , offering Meiji Emperor Of Meiji Temple , offering Tokugawa Jiakang Of Yangguang Dongzhao Palace And the controversial Yasukuni Shrine
Usually, people visit shrines to show their respect for God and pray for blessings. On special days, many people will visit shrines, such as New Year's Day, Festivals, Japanese Children's Day and other festivals. According to Japanese tradition, newlyweds will hold weddings in shrines; The newborn will also be taken to the shrine to pray after a few days of birth.
There are almost no cemeteries found in the shrine, because Shintoism In Japan, death is mainly handled by Buddhism.
according to Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan According to the survey, as of March 2016, there were more than 81000 registered shrines in Japan, with more than 92 million believers [1] Calculated according to the total population of 126 million [2] 73% of the population are Shinto believers, and there is one shrine for every 1550 people.


The name of the shrine is usually place name , type and social ID, for example: Fushimi Inari Shrine [3]

place name

It indicates the location of the shrine. For example, Fujian Daohe Community is located in Kyoto Prefecture kyoto city Invisibility zone , Rima Daohe Shrine is located in Ibaraki Prefecture Kasama


For the same type of shrine, the earliest independent shrine is called the headquarters, for example: Nikita News Agency It is the head office of the Riji Shrine.
The shrines other than the headquarters are called branch offices Exhort From the head office or other branches. For example: Qiyu County Chuanyue Municipal Hie Shrine It is the branch of the Jida Society of Japan, and its god worship exhorts the Jida Society of Japan; Tokyo Metropolitan Chiyoda District The Shanwang Rizhi Shrine is a branch of the Chuanyue Rizhi Shrine, and its god worship exhorts people to come from the Chuanyue Rizhi Shrine.

Social ID

The agency number is the title of the shrine. The common names are shrines, shrines and big clubs: [3]
  1. one
  2. two
    Shrine: the most common name. For example, Baba Shrine and Aidang Shrine.
  3. three
    Shrines and palaces: most of them are shrines dedicated to royal ancestors, such as Ise Shrine dedicated to the ancestor god Tianzhao, and Yuzuo Bafan Palace dedicated to the Emperor Yingshen, Bimai God, and the Empress Shengong. There are also occasions when offering sacrifices to gods other than the royal family, for example, offering sacrifices to Kanhara Daozhen's Taizai Palace.
  4. four
    Dashe: Chuyun Dashe, which was only used to worship the main gods of big countries in the early days. After the war, it was used by other shrines, such as Suwa Visiting Agency and Chunri Agency.

Main buildings


Bird House

Bird House of Xigong Shrine, Hyogo County
Bird House is a Japanese shrine similar to a memorial archway Ancillary building , representing the entrance of the divine realm, which is used to distinguish the divine realm inhabited by gods from the secular realm inhabited by human beings. The existence of the Bird House reminds visitors that entering the Bird House means entering the divine realm behaviour Special attention should be paid. [3] See Bird House

Note lanyard

Chuyun Da She's Da Zhu Lian Rope, Shimane County
Note lanyard It is a thick straw rope tied with white zigzag paper tape, representing the sacred boundary. Note: The rope is usually set on the bird house, community hall, sacred tree, stone and other objects with spiritual power.
At the ceremony, the highest level sumo wrestler wears a rope shaped like a note rope.


The jade wall, like a fence, is a collection of columns arranged at equal intervals around the temple or the divine realm, which is used to distinguish the divine realm from the secular realm. [3]

think about truth

think about truth
Refer to the road to the shrine near the shrine. When there are multiple Daoists near the same shrine, the most influential Daoists are usually called Surface reference , for example: Meiji Temple Nearby meter reference.

Divine emissary

Guardian beast
Shenshi is a pair of sculptures set on both sides of the temple in front of the shrine for Taoism or worship, used to protect the shrine and dispel evil. The most common messenger is 狛 Dog The envoys of some shrines are related to offering sacrifices to gods. For example, the envoys of Inawa Shrine are usually a pair of foxes. [3]

Stone lantern

Stone lantern It is a stone lantern set in the shrine for lighting and exorcism. The stone lanterns are usually accepted by believers, and the names of the worshippers are engraved on the columns or bases. [3]

Handwatering shed

Handwatering shed
The hand water shed is located at the entrance of the shrine and is used to clean the hands and mouth. The hand water shed is usually a roofed and wall free building supported by four columns. There is a pool in the center of the building. The wall of the pool is usually engraved with the words "heart washing" or "heart purification". [3]


The worship hall of the Shimahiko Shrine, Sanchong County
The hall of the shrine is the most important building in the shrine, which can be divided into three types: the hall of its own, the hall of coins, and the hall of worship: [3]
  1. one
  2. two
    This hall, also known as the main hall, is usually equipped with divine bodies, food offerings and imperial coins, and is the place where the gods live. This temple is the most sacred part of the shrine, and it is forbidden for human beings to enter.
  3. three
    The temple is a place to worship and pray. Generally, the worship is conducted outside the worship hall, and the formal worship is conducted inside the worship hall.
  4. four
    The coin hall, also known as the middle hall, is a place set between the hall and the worship hall for offering coins and silk.
There are different settings in the shrines: most shrines have their own shrines and worship halls; Some large shrines have their own halls, coin halls and worship halls at the same time; Some small shrines only have their own halls. [3]
There are many architectural styles in the hall, some of which are based on Representativeness The name of the shrine. Common styles are: big club, spring day, god, eight flags, right now, etc. [3]

Shenyue Temple, Dancing Temple

The dance hall of Mishima, Shizuoka
The Shenyue Temple is a place where gods are worshipped. The dance hall is dedicated to gods dance music The location of. [3]

Treasure Hall, God Sedan Hall

The Treasure Hall is a place to collect treasures. The god sedan chair hall is a place for collecting god sedan chairs.

Grant Office, Social Affairs Office

Social Affairs Office
The awarding office is the place where the worshippers are granted with divinities such as autographs, horse paintings, amulets, etc., and sometimes the social affairs office is also responsible for it. [3]
The social affairs office is the place where the clergy handle the affairs of the shrine, [3] Common shrine affairs include: handling official worship requests, handling donation requests, preparing sacrifices, etc.

Methods of worship


Domestic etiquette

Photographing: Photos are usually allowed in the shrine, but Treasure Hall It is generally forbidden to take photos in facilities such as, etc. Pay attention to the slogan prompt before taking photos.

Hand water shed cleans the heart

After entering the shrine Waterhouse Clean your hands and mouth to remove dirt and purify your body and mind. [3]
There are many slightly different understandings about the steps of using the hand watering shed. Shrine Hall A formal step recorded is as follows: [3]
  1. one
  2. two
    Hold the ladle with the right hand, take water and pour it to the left hand.
  3. three
    Use the left hand to hold the ladle, take water and pour it to the right hand.
  4. four
    Use the right hand to hold the dipper, take water, take water with the left hand, and send it to the inlet. Never directly use a handle ladle to deliver water into the inlet.
  5. five
    Lower your head and cover your mouth with your left hand, catch the water in your mouth, and then send it to the drain.
  6. six
    Replace the handle ladle.
  7. seven
    Dry your hands with your handkerchief.

Usually visit

After cleaning your mind in the hand water shed, go to Worship the temple Make a visit. Usually, the worship is carried out before the temple, and the steps are as follows: [3]
  1. one
  2. two
    Queue up: When there are many visitors, they must queue up to visit.
  3. three
    Standing: standing in the middle of the front of the worship hall, facing the coin box and bell set in front of the worship hall.
  4. four
    Coin racing: put coins into the coin racing box in any amount, usually 1-500 yen coins. The purpose is to show sincerity to God.
  5. five
    Ringing bell: Pull the rope of the bell above the money box to make the bell ring. The purpose is to arouse God's attention.
  6. six
    Worship: There are many kinds of worship. The most common is two worships, two pats and one worships. Some shrines have unique worships.
The steps of two salutations, two pats and one salutation are as follows: [3]
  1. one
  2. two
    2 Bowing: bow down at 90 degrees and bow twice.
  3. three
    2 beats: clap your hands twice, with your right hand slightly lower than your left.
  4. four
    1 Bow down: bow at 90 degrees and bow once.

Official visit

The formal worship is also called ascending hall worship, which is more formal than the usual worship. [3]
The process of formal visit is complicated. The visitors first apply to the Social Affairs Office and receive jade skewers (that is Incense money )Later, wearing formal clothes, he entered the worship hall, and clergy The ceremony will be held according to the formal worship process. [3]

Main types

Main types of shrines
The main god
Head Office
Location of the head office
Number of clubs (1995) [5]
Hachiman Shrine
Yuzuo City, Dafen County
seven thousand eight hundred and seventeen
Bissell God
Shenming Shrine
Inner Palace (Imperial Palace)
Ise City, Sanchong County
four thousand four hundred and twenty-five
Outer Palace (Fengshou Great God Palace)
Ise City, Sanchong County
Tianman Palace
Kitano Tenmangu
Kyoto Fujing Metropolis
three thousand nine hundred and fifty-three
Daohe Shrine
The rice and lotus are great gods
Fujing Metropolitan Fujian District, Kyoto
two thousand nine hundred and seventy
Kumano Shrine
Xiongye Quanxian
Tianbian City, Wakayama County
two thousand six hundred and ninety-three
Xingong City, Wakayama County
Dongmulou County, Hekeshan County
Suwa shrine
Shanghai News Agency: My Palace
Suwa, Nagano County visited the city
two thousand six hundred and sixteen
Shanghai News Agency: Qiangong
Maoye City, Changye County
Lower News Agency: Autumn Palace
Suwa visited Nagano County
Xiashe: Spring Palace
Suwa visited Nagano County
Baban Shrine (Ziyuan Shrine)
Dongshan District, Fujing City, Kyoto
two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine
Baishan Shrine
The white mountain is a great god
Baishan City, Shichuan County
one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three
Riji Shrine
Dashan Yesterday
Dajin City, Zihe County
one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four
Matsuo Society
How awesome the mountain is
Xijing District, Fujing City, Kyoto
Nakajima Jiming
Mountain God Shrine
Mountain God
Jinzhi City, Ehime County
one thousand five hundred and seventy-one
Chunri Shrine
Great Bright God in Spring
Nara County Nara City
one thousand and seventy-two
Aidang Shrine
Fire of Jiaju Earth
Youjing District, Fujing City, Kyoto
eight hundred and seventy-two
Mitsushima Shrine
Mitsushima Daming God
Mitsushima City, Shizuoka County
seven hundred and four
Kajima Shrine
Kajima Daming God( Jianyu Thunder God
Kajima City, Ibaraki Prefecture
six hundred and four
Golden Sabre Biro Shrine
Zhongduodu County, Xiangchuan County
six hundred and one
Zhuji Shrine
Osaka Prefecture, Zhuji District, Osaka City
five hundred and ninety-one
Dasui Shrine
Nian Shen
Gemu Yusui Shrine
Yusuo City, Nara County
five hundred and forty-eight
Yandao Shrine
Shicun Island
Niri City, Hiroshima Prefecture
five hundred and thirty
Zongxiang Shrine
Zongxiang City, Fukuoka County
Kibune Shrine
Yujiamei God (Gaobaoshen)
Zuojing District, Fujing City, Kyoto
four hundred and sixty-three
Xiangtu Shrine
Incense from the Great Bright God( Jingjin Master God
Xiangzuo City, Chiba County
four hundred and twenty
Huibishou Shrine
Xigong City, Hyogo County
four hundred and eight
Asama Shrine
Superficial divinity
Shizuoka Fujimiya City
three hundred and ninety-seven
Autumn Leaf Shrine
Binsong City, Shizuoka County
three hundred and sixty-two
Wilderness God Shrine
three hundred and seventeen
He Mao Shrine
He Mao Bielei
Yuyiji's life; He Maojian's divine life
He Maoshe
Shanghe Mao Shrine (He Mao Bie Lei Shen Society)
North District of Kyoto Fujing Metropolis
two hundred and seventy-seven
kamomioya jinja (He Mao Yuzu Shrine)
Zuojing District, Fujing City, Kyoto
White Beard Shrine
Ape Field Pilgrim God
White Beard Shrine
Takashima City, Shiga County
two hundred and sixty-seven
Hikawa Shrine
Qiyu City, Qiyu County
two hundred and twenty-eight
Shidong Shrine
Shi Mobile Right
Tianping Temple in Shidong Mountain (abandoned in 1870)
Kajima County, Shichuan County
two hundred and seven
Yuyue Shrine
Right of Tibetan King
Jiye Jinfengshan Temple
Yoshino, Nara
two hundred and five
Hanoi Shrine
Different from shrine
two hundred and two
Star Palace Shrine
one hundred and ninety
Hotan Shrine
Hotan God
Nagoya Aichi
Izumo Shrine
Chuyun City, Daogen County
Toyokuni Shrine
Fengguo Daming God( Fengchen Xiuji
Dongshan District, Fujing City, Kyoto
Dongzhao Palace
Dongzhao Daquanxian( Tokugawa Jiakang
Sunlight City, Tochigi County
Shuitian Palace
Different from shrine
Jiuliu Rice Water Palace
Jiuliu Rice Market, Fukuoka County

Shrine distribution



Baban Shrine, Jingdu
Yasaka Shrine
Bazaka Shrine, also known as the Kyoyuan Shrine, is one of the largest ceremonies in Japan A garden offering And famous.
Bird House The ultimate experience of Qianben Bird House The most famous of the tens of thousands of Daohe Shrine in Japan.
A shrine built in the style of the imperial palace in the past. It is dedicated to the first emperor who reigned in Kyoto Emperor Kammu And the last emperor emperor komei


One of the oldest shrines in Japan is a minority that retains Japanese traditions Shrine building One of the original shrines.


The middle gate of Nara Chunri Society
Nara Chunri Society Nara's most famous shrine. At the same time, it was also the most powerful family in Nara period and Heian period - Fujiwara Family The Blessing Shrine.


Standing in the sea chinese red large Bird House famous. Yamashima Shrine is one of the few shrines in Japan with low ticket prices. It is closed at night.


Asama Shrine in Fujiyoshida
Asama Shrine, Japan
Fuji The main Shinto shrine in the north. The Asama Shrine in Fujiyoshida is located in a tall and dense cedar forest. It is now regarded as an important cultural property.


Erhuangshan Shrine in Japan
It was established by Shengdao people in 782 to worship the three most sacred gods of the sun.
Tojo Palace, Japan
First generation general Tokugawa Jiakang The general's tomb. It is dedicated to Jia Kang and the other two most influential historical figures in Japan, Fengchen Xiuji and Yuan Lai Chao


Meiji Temple
One is dedicated to Meiji Emperor And her spouse, Empress Akihan.


All sacrifices in Japan The era of peace The first and most important of the hundreds of shrines built by the famous scholar and politician Kan Yuandaozhen.

Box stub

be located Ashinoko Bank. Its striking red standing in the lake of reeds Bird House And main street yuan Box stub by Hakone Shrine Add a lot of luster.

Sickle barn

Bafan Palace
Sickle barn The most important shrine, dedicated to Yuanlaijia Families and Japanese Samurai Eight flags, the guardian god of.
The shrine where tourists wash coins. It is said that the coins washed here can make money. Buddhism and Shintoism A well integrated existing shrine.

Yasukuni Shrine

Yasukuni Shrine
Yasukuni Shrine Is located in Japan Tokyo Metropolitan Chiyoda District A shrine in Jiuduansaka. The shrine was consecrated from Meiji Restoration The soldiers who died in the war for the aggression of the Japanese military and Military , most of which are in Sino-Japanese hostilities and Pacific War Japanese officers and soldiers who were killed in the war and recruited soldiers in the colony. Yasukuni Shrine the Second World War Before the end, it has been under the special management of the Japanese military, which is the symbol of the national Shinto; stay World War II Later, following the principle of separation of church and state, it was reorganized into a religious legal person. As Yasukuni's sacrificial objects include 14 Class A war criminals , making the shrine be East Asia Countries consider Japanese Militarism It is a symbol of and controversial.
The "Yasukuni Shrine" has a history of only a hundred years. The original doctrine is: through sacrifice Laian To appease the enemy so as not to bring disaster to people. However, due to historical reasons, this place of worship has become a place to worship the martyrs of World War II, and because of the post-war visits of Japanese government prime ministers, parliamentarians and other political figures, it has always been haunted and stirred up trouble Japanese right-wing forces At the same time, it also greatly hurt the feelings of the vast number of countries and people who had suffered from Japanese militarism aggression, and aroused the strong indignation of countless people.

City Shrine

The city shrine includes Tokyo Meiji Temple in the center and Peace Temple in Kyoto.

Ise Temple

Ise Temple
Ise Temple , Japan Shrine building Of living fossil It is located in the primeval forest. It must be rebuilt every twenty years to ensure its purity.
Ise The temple is dedicated to the gods of the ancestors of the Emperor's family, that is, legend Central Japan The founding god of God of Heavenly Illumination therefore Ise Temple It is the highest level among all the shrines, and some people jokingly call it the "state-owned shrine". It is said that more than 2000 years ago, God Tianzhao was enshrined in the imperial palace. It was not until the tenth generation of the emperor that he decided to build another shrine for sacrifice. In order to find a place suitable for the gods to live, the daughter of the 11th generation emperor traveled all over Japan and finally chose Ise, which is near the mountain and near the sea.
There are towering ancient trees in the Holy Palace. The buildings are all made of logs and covered with straw. Even in the midsummer, there is no dryness. Interestingly, many roads in the shrine are built around trees. Because the Japanese believe that every plant in the shrine territory is owned by the gods and cannot move, they have to make way for trees when building roads.
Since it is the most advanced temple and houses the most powerful god, its business is naturally the busiest. Ise Temple Throughout the year, there are more than 1600 sacrificial activities, large and small. These sacrificial activities are simple in form and follow the practices of thousands of years ago time-honored methods The theme of the sacrificial activity is mainly to thank nature for giving people all kinds of resources, and to pray that Japan can always maintain a peaceful environment and that people can be happy. The "Annual Sacrifice" in June and December and the "Divine Taste Sacrifice" in October are three large-scale sacrificial activities, of which the "Divine Taste Sacrifice" is the most important. The sacrificial time is 10:00 am and 2:00 am. At that time, the special envoy of the emperor will also participate in the sacrificial ceremony and offer the offerings of the emperor to the ancestors of the gods Money and silk
State run shrine, built around trees
In Japan Sanzhong County Of Ise , a river named Isuzukawa flows quietly. This river is Ise Temple As a part of this, all visitors to the temple should wash their hands and gargle here to purify their body and mind. At both ends of Yuzhi Bridge across Isuzukawa, there is a 7.44m high Bird House (Outside the Shrine Mupaifang ), pure Japanese Style The wooden bridge is surrounded by green trees on Cangshan Mountain and has not entered yet Main building , I have already felt the breath away from the secular world.
The shrine has a large territory, and most of it is the production base of special items. Everything that the gods enjoy is made according to the ancient law. Although the process is complicated, they never dare to cut corners and cook with water. The clear water used for cooking and worship in the temple is all taken from the imperial well of the Shangyujing Shrine, which is absorbed by special personnel and sent to the temple. The rice in the temple comes from planting area 30000 square meters of Kanda, clergy Cultivate Kanda personally and be responsible for harvest. Salt has the function of exorcism and purification in Japan. Of course, it is indispensable for sacrifices and gods. All the salt used in the temple comes from the Imperial Salt Palace, which is boiled with sea water. In the temple, all food is made according to the ancient method. Until now, the temple still keeps the practice of drilling wood to make fire. Twice a day in the morning and evening shinsen And cooking the cleanest food with the cleanest fire
Ise Temple Every 20 years since 690 Move the palace once. During this period, people will spend at least 10 years busy cutting down sacred trees and building new palaces. The place where the gods live always keeps a new look, but when they move from place to place, the ancient traditions are almost the same.

Daohe Shrine

The Shinto belief in Japan is based on Animism Based on the worship of deified things. From mountains, trees, strange rocks, waterfalls, oceans, fields, the sun, fire, thunder, all kinds of animals to ancestors' gods, they can become objects of worship Shintoism There is a saying of "eight million gods". There is a very famous shrine called "Treasure Boat Shifan Daohe Shrine" in the Shifan area of Tokyo where I live Tokyo Metro North-south Azabu-Juban Station Next to the exit. There are two stones at the entrance of the shrine Toad , staring and gaping. It is said that one year in the past, there was a fire nearby, which spread all the way and burned all the surrounding areas. Only the house of tax collector Yamazaki near the Toad Pool escaped the disaster of the fire because Big Toad The fire around the house was extinguished by spraying water from the mouth. So the Yamazaki family built this shrine here. Later, if people wanted to pray to avoid fire, they came here specially. Toad became the god frog of this shrine.
Jishui Shrine

Related items


Draw a horse

Draw a horse
Draw a horse It is a board for writing wishes. Hanging the painted horses with wishes in the concentrated place of painted horses in the shrine means praying to God. [3] The black color used to draw horses for praying for rain and sunshine horse Or white horses, which was later simplified into paintings of horses. Since its evolution, it has been simplified to a small size with pictures and patterns related to the shrine and blank space for people to write wishes Board

Royal Seal

The Royal Seal of Chuyun Society
Royal Seal It is a kind of worship certificate, which is written by the clergy of the shrine on the imperial seal account carried by the visitors, or provided with separate imperial seal paper. The content of the royal seal is usually the handwritten "worship" or "worship", the handwritten date of worship, and the red shrine seal. (The seal is red inkpad It is also the origin of the word "Zhu Yin".) [4]

Divine swab

The divine sign is a small fortune telling paper. Different paper signs record the predictions from good luck to bad luck. After reading the prophecy, the god sign is usually attached to the branch designated by the shrine, which means that the wish is expected to be realized, because in Japanese, "tie" and "realization" are Homonym [3]


amulet It is a small prop with the name and power of the gods. Shintoism It is believed that there is divine power on the amulet, which can bless holder [3]