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Zu Hao

Jiangdu Order
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Zu Hao (? - 550 years) was born by Fan Yangqiu (now Laishui, Hebei). The grandson of Zuchong and the son of Zugui. Liang officials and scientists in the Southern Dynasty of China. [2 ]
Zu Haoshao passed on his family business. He was good at calendar calculation, ambitious and generous, and had both civil and military talents. He was appointed as Jiangdu Order for the first time, and later paid homage to Guangling Prefecture Chief. In the third year of Taiqing Dynasty (549), Hou Jing's rebels captured Taicheng, and Zu Hao escaped. The people thought of his kindness and took the initiative to accept him. Later, under the persuasion of others, more than 100 warriors were recruited to attack and kill Hou Jing's confidant general Dong Shaoxian, the governor of Yanzhou, and occupy Guangling City (now northwest of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province). [2 ]
Zu Hao also elected Xiao, the former prince's official, as the governor, and contacted the Eastern Wei Dynasty to issue a proclamation to the four sides in preparation for the crusade against Hou Jing. Hou Jing was very frightened and immediately led troops to suppress. In the fourth year of the Qing Dynasty (550), Guangling City fell and Zu Hao was killed by rebels. [2 ]
Southern Dynasties
Ethnic groups
Date of death
550 years
Key achievements
True name
Zu Hao
Native place
Fan Yangqiu (now Laishui County, Hebei Province)
Character experience
Bye Guangling Prefecture Chief Hou Jing fell into Taicheng and walked around Jiangxi in Haojian. The people felt that they had lost benefits and hid. When the people of Guangling came to Yi, they told Hao, "The royal family is like destruction. In the autumn when the righteous man was angry, the king thought about his country and fled from the rat grass, and the danger was like tiring qi. Although Dong Shao had a heart of view, he was light and unprepared. Kuang Xin conquered the state, and the people were not attached to him. He attacked it and broke it. A brave man, as powerful as he was, was still a loyal minister of Liangshi for hundreds of generations." Hao said, "The servants wanted to do what they wanted." It was to fight Guangling, Geng Guang, a warrior, and so on. Dabao In the first year of the reign, Wei Wei's assistance was ended first, and the scene was discussed. The scene is afraid and will die soon. Hou Jian and others attacked. When the city was broken, he saw that his hands were bound, arrows were shot all over the body, and his chariots were cracked to die. Sixteen brothers, disciples and nephews were killed. [1]