Sheqi County

County under Nanyang City, Henan Province
zero Useful+1
Sheqi County, subordinate to Henan Province Nanyang City , located in the southwest of Henan Province and the northeast edge of Nanyang Basin. Located between 112 ° 46 °~113 ° 11 ° E and 32 ° 47 °~33 ° 19 ° N, it is a subtropical continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, sufficient sunlight, long frost free period, and the terrain inclines from northeast to southwest, [14] The total area is 1203 square kilometers. In 2022, the total population of Sheqi County will be 769000. [16] As of June 2023, Sheqi County has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 13 towns and 1 township, [12] The People's Government of the County is located at No. 1, Xishanhuo Street.
Sheqi has a long history. The town of Sheqi County, called "Sheqi Store" in ancient times, was named after Liu Xiuzeng, Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who "paid a visit to generals on credit and fought against barbarism" here. In 1965, when the county was founded, Premier Zhou changed his name from "credit flag" to "community flag", implying "socialist flag". During the Qianjia period of the Qing Dynasty, the ancient town of Creditian was known as the "Grand Town in South Henan", which was "close to the ochre water, north to Bianluo, south to the ship, north to the horse, and general merchandise". It was a transit station for the "ten thousand mile tea ceremony". Seventy two ancient streets in the county seat are well preserved, constituting the largest architectural complex of Qing Dynasty in the Central Plains. Among them, Shanshan Guild Hall It shows the essence of ancient Chinese architectural art and is known as the "No.1 Guild Hall in the World". Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "people should follow the principle of riding on oxen and facing the Han River, looking at the golden basin and holding the nectar, and looking up to the sky and sometimes living in the right place, rich in resources and smooth people's harmony". The community flag has outstanding people and places. In ancient times, there was a famous materialist thinker in the Southern and Northern Dynasties Fan Zhen Now there are famous people like Zhang Bingxi and Zhou Chunxiu. On February 26, 2020, Sheqi County withdrew from poverty counties. [1] On July 29, 2020, it was selected into the list of reconfirmed national health towns (counties) in 2019. [2]
In 2022, Sheqi County will achieve a gross regional product (GDP) of 20.908 billion yuan, up 5% year on year. [19]
Chinese name
Sheqi County
Foreign name
SheQi County
Credit store Credit flag
area number
four hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and twenty-seven
Administrative Region Category
Nanyang City, Henan Province
geographical position
Henan Province southwest
1203 km²
Area under jurisdiction
2 streets, 13 towns and 1 township
Government residence
No. 1, Xishanhuo Street
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and seventy-three thousand and three hundred
climatic conditions
Subtropical continental monsoon climate
population size
769000 (Total population in 2022)
Famous scenic spot
Sheqi Shanshan Guild Hall
License plate code
Yu R
20.908 billion yuan (2022)

Historical evolution

As early as seven or eight thousand years ago, human beings have multiplied in Sheqi County.
merchant In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it belonged to the Kingdom of Shen, Tang, etc.
Overlooking the community flag
spring and autumn When, it belongs to South Korea. [13]
In the Western Han Dynasty Nanyang County is located in the adjacent area of Wan, Biyang (now Biyang), Geyang (now Fangcheng), Biyang (now Tanghe) and Wuyang County.
three countries When, still; Western Jin Dynasty In the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty, it first belonged to Nanyang County of Jingzhou, then to Nanyang County of Yongzhou and Yuzhou;
Northern Dynasties In the Western Wei Dynasty, it belonged to Nanyang Prefecture and Xiying Prefecture. In the Northern Dynasties, it belonged to Nanyang Prefecture and Huaizhou Prefecture in the Zhou Dynasty.
Sui Dynasty At that time, most of the area belonged to Huai'an County. Raoliang County was established in the seventh year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign (587) and abolished in the second year of Daye's reign (606); There are Biyang, Zhenchang, Xiangang and other counties in the east, a few areas in the northwest cross Nanyang County and Fangcheng County of Yuyang County respectively, and a few areas in the southwest are Shangma County of Jinlian Chunling County (today's Tanghe County).
Tang Dynasty At that time, it belonged to Tangzhou and was located in the adjacent areas of Fangcheng, Shangma, Biyang, Ciqiu and other counties; In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period, it belonged to Tang and Bizhou successively;
Northern Song Dynasty At that time, it belonged to Tangzhou on the southwest road of Beijing (now Tanghe County), located in the adjacent areas of Fangcheng, Biyang, Biyang and other counties, with Qingtai, Xufeng and other towns;
gold At that time, it belonged to Nanjing Lutang Prefecture, and its northeast was adjacent to Wuyang County of Xuzhou; In the Yuan Dynasty, it belonged to Nanyang Prefecture, Henan Province, and was located at the edge of Nanyang, Yuzhou (today's Fangcheng County), and Biyang (today's Tanghe); [13]
bright At that time, it still belonged to Nanyang Prefecture, located at the junction of 5 counties of Nanyang, Yuzhou, Biyang, Tangxian and Wuyang.
It belonged to the Qing Dynasty.
From the 36th year of the Republic of China to the 38th year of the Republic of China (October 1947 to April 1949), there were Nanyang County in the liberated area (the county people's government was stationed in Creditian Town), Tangbei County (the county people's government was stationed in Taihezhai), and Bibei County (the county people's government was stationed in Fangcheng Hotel Village), which belonged to Nanyang County, Tanghe County, Fangcheng County, and Biyang County respectively;
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, from 1949 to October 1965, it belonged to Nanyang District, which was under the jurisdiction of Nanyang, Tanghe, Fangcheng and Biyang counties.
The rapidly developing community flag!
On November 13, 1965, the State Council approved the establishment of Sheqi County. The county people's government stationed in the town of Qiqi, changed the name of the original town from "Qiai" to "She", with the sound of the original Qiqi, meaning "the banner of socialism". [13]

administrative division


Division evolution

In November 1965, after the county was established, its administrative region was divided into 5 districts, 1 town and 24 communes according to the approval of the State Council [1965] No. 32 document. Sheqi Town is divided from Nanyang County, and there are four communes in Qiaotou District (Liusi and Longquan brigades still belong to Nanyang County), Qiaotou, Tanying, Henan Street and Liangduzhuang; Qingtai District (Nanyang County): Qingtai, Jinzhuang, Dafengying and Hemiao communes; Four communes of Wangluzhuang, Xinglong, Lidian and Miaodian in Taihe District (Tanghe County); Five communes in Raoliang District (designated by Biyang County), namely Zhuji, Dingzhuang, Haogang, Niuzhuang and Xuewa; Mopi District (divided by Fangcheng County): Mopi, Wangying, Xiawa, Heying, Hotel, Haozhai, Laohaozhuang 7 communes; There are 225 production teams and 2627 production teams in the county. [15]
On October 31, 1966, it was removed from the district and merged into 10 communes, including Chengguan Town (i.e. Sheqi Town), Chengjiao, Qiaotou, Qingtai, Yonghong (formerly Taihe District), Haozhai, Raoliang, Zhuji, Mopi, Dongsheng (formerly Xiawa commune), with a total of 219 brigades (including 6 street communes).
In 1968, the County People's Committee was changed into the County Revolutionary Committee. [15]
On June 23, 1975, another 8 communes were set up: Tianzhuang, Lidian, Tangzhuang, Lvlou (former Xinglong commune), Miaodian, Dingzhuang, Dafengying and Jinzhuang. So far, there are 18 communes and 179 brigades in the county.
In 1980, the whole county was adjusted to 188 brigades. [15]
In 1981, the county revolutionary committee was changed into the county people's government, and the whole county was adjusted to 225 brigades.
In 1982, Lvlou Commune was renamed Xinglong Town Commune, Yonghong Commune was renamed Taihe Commune, Dongsheng Commune was renamed Xiawa Commune, and Chengguan Commune was renamed Sheqi Town.
In April 1983, the rural system reform was carried out. The people's commune was transformed into a township, the commune flag town remained unchanged, the production brigade into a village committee, the street office into a neighborhood committee, and the production team into a village group. [15]
In October 1985, with the approval of the People's Government of Henan Province, Raoliang Township was changed into Raoliang Town; In November, Qiaotou Township and Qingtai Township were also transformed into towns under the system of town governing village, with the jurisdiction unchanged.
In 1986, Sheqi County had jurisdiction over 4 towns and 14 townships. The four towns are Sheqi Town, Raoliang Town, Qingtai Town and Qiaoguan Town; The 14 townships are suburban, Tangzhuang, Dafengying, Jinzhuang, Lidian, Taihe, Haozhai, Miaodian, Xinglong Town, Dingzhuang, Zhuji, Tianzhuang, Mopi, Xiawa. There are 246 village (residents) committees, 1213 natural villages and 2589 village (residents) groups.
In 2000, Sheqi County governed 9 towns and 9 townships. The 9 towns are Sheqi Town, Raoliang Town, Qingtai Town, Qiaotou Town, Xinglong Town, Haozhai Town, Jinzhuang Town, Lidian Town and Miaodian Town; The nine townships are Chengjiao Township, Tangzhuang Township, Mopi Township, Zhuji Township, Xiawa Township, Taihe Township, Dingzhuang Township, Dafengying Township and Tianzhuang Township. [15]
In 2015, Sheqi County had jurisdiction over 16 townships (streets). [15]

Zoning Details

As of June 2023, Sheqi County has jurisdiction over 2 streets, 13 towns and 1 township, [12] yes Zhaohe Street Panhe Street Credit shop town Jinzhuang Town Xinglong Town Qiaotou Town Haozhai Town Miaodian Town Lidian Town Raoliang Town Zhuji Town Xiawa Town Taihe Town Dafengying Town Mopi Town Tangzhuang Township [6] There are 275 administrative villages (communities), [16] The People's Government of the County is located at No. 1, Xishanhuo Street.

geographical environment


Location context

Sheqi County is located in the southwest of Henan Province, at the northeast edge of Nanyang Basin. It is located between 112 ° 46 °~113 ° 11 ° E and 32 ° 47 °~33 ° 19 ° N. It borders Biyang County in the east, Wancheng District in the west, Fangcheng County in the north and Tanghe County in the south. It is about 38 kilometers long from north to south, 32 kilometers wide from east to west, with a total area of 1203 square kilometers and a boundary length of about 202.5 kilometers. [14]
Sheqi County People's Government

topographic features

Sheqi County
Sheqi County is a transitional area from Longgang Plain to gentle plain. The hills and plains are diffuse and colorful. The mountain ports stand in a corner, and the four fields are slowly leveled, which is roughly six hills and four plains with a few mountains. The terrain inclines from northeast to southwest, with a gradient of 1:900~1:1500. The highest elevation is 711 meters, the lowest elevation is 103 meters, and the general elevation is 130~170 meters. There are 14 hillock (mostly nameless hillock), mainly distributed in the community flag and the south. The trend is mostly from north to south, which is intertwined with earth hillock and plain, and the more it goes to the east hillock, the more steep it is. The whole hillock area accounts for 55.42% of the total area of the county; Along the Tanghe River, the north and west of the county seat are plains, accounting for 39.35% of the county area; In the north of Xiawa Township, which borders Fangcheng County and Biyang County in the northeast, there are shallow mountains and rolling hills, accounting for 5.19% of the total area of the county [14]


Zhaohe Park
Sheqi County has a subtropical continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine and long frost free period. The annual average temperature is about 14.9 ℃, the extreme minimum temperature is - 19.3 ℃, and the extreme maximum temperature is 40.5 ℃. The annual average frost free period is 226 days, with 2031.3 hours of sunshine. The average annual precipitation is 804.2 mm, and the average snow depth over the years is 60 mm. Therefore, it is characterized by high accumulated temperature, rainy and hot seasons, and moderate precipitation. [14]


There are 13 rivers in Sheqi County, such as Zhaohe River, Panhe River, Tonghe River, Liaogun River, Pearl River, Pihe River, Raoliang River, Yan River, Mahe River and Shahe River, which flow southward into the Han River in a fan-shaped and semi radial form. Zhaohe River and Panhe River surround the county from north to south, and converge in the south of the city. The territory is 45 kilometers long, with clear streams and blue waves. The drainage area is 1103 square kilometers. [14]


The soil in Sheqi County belongs to the hilly yellow clay area in southern Henan Province and the Shajiang black soil area in the basin. There are three major categories, four subcategories, nine soil genera and 36 soil species of yellow brown soil, Shajiang black soil and Chao soil. The soil is deep, fertile and flat, suitable for farming. [14]

natural resources


land resource

As of December 31, 2019, the land use status of Sheqi County. Now, the data of main land types in the county are published as follows:
1、 Cultivated land
Cultivated land is 82227.78 hectares (1233416.70 mu). Among them, paddy field is 1.37 hectares (20.55 mu), accounting for 0.01%; 13016.57 hectares (195248.55 mu) of irrigated land, accounting for 15.82%; Dry land is 69209.84 hectares (1038147.60 mu), accounting for 84.17%. [20]
2、 Garden
The garden area is 863.34 hectares (12950.10 mu). Among them, orchard is 821.13 hectares (12316.95 mu), accounting for 95.11%; Other gardens are 42.21 hectares (633.15 mu), accounting for 4.89%.
3、 Woodland
Forest land is 6637.62 hectares (99564.30 mu). Among them, 3134.25 hectares (47013.75 mu) of arbor forest land, accounting for 47.22%; 5.82 hectares (87.30 mu) of bamboo forest land, accounting for 0.09%; Shrub land is 1465.78 hectares (21986.70 mu), accounting for 22.08%; Other forest land covers 2031.77 hectares (30476.55 mu), accounting for 30.61%.
4、 Grassland
The grassland is 466.20 hectares (6993.00 mu), all of which are other grasslands, without natural grassland and artificial grassland.
5、 Wetland
The wetland is 42.61 hectares (639.15 mu). Of which, 42.61 hectares (639.15 mu) are inland tidal flats, accounting for 100%. [20]
6、 Land for towns, villages, industries and mines
15153.69 hectares (227305.35 mu) of land for towns, villages, industries and mines. Of which, 2509.91 hectares (37648.65 mu) are occupied by organic towns, accounting for 16.56%; The village land is 12409.93 hectares (186148.95 mu), accounting for 81.89%; 90.15 hectares (1352.25 mu) of mining land, accounting for 0.6%; 143.7 hectares (2155.50 mu) of scenic spots and special land, accounting for 0.95%.
7、 Land for transportation
The land for transportation is 2943.56 hectares (44153.40 mu). Among them, railway land is 17.41 hectares (261.15 mu), accounting for 0.59%; 844.13 hectares (12661.95 mu) of highway land, accounting for 28.68%; 2082.02 hectares (31230.30 mu) of rural roads, accounting for 70.73%.
8、 Land for water area and water conservancy facilities
The land for water area and water conservancy facilities is 5897.08 hectares (88456.20 mu). Among them, the river surface is 1728.89 hectares (25933.35 mu), accounting for 29.32%; The water surface of the reservoir is 124.76 hectares (1871.40 mu), accounting for 2.11%; The pond surface is 611.91 hectares (9178.65 mu), accounting for 10.38%; 3404.75 hectares (51071.25 mu) of ditches, accounting for 57.75%; The land for hydraulic construction is 26.77 hectares (401.55 mu), accounting for 0.45%. [20]

water resource

The total amount of water resources in Sheqi County is more than 800 million cubic meters, the annual use of drinking water is 103 million cubic meters, and the average surface runoff is 298 million cubic meters. 100 million cubic meters of shallow groundwater. [14]

mineral resources

Sheqi County belongs to the Chang structural depression area, which is rich in agricultural products and rich in mineral resources. According to the exploration of the geological department, there are more than 20 kinds of metal and non-metallic mineral deposits, mainly including fluorite, limestone, kaolin, granite, tremolite, marble, gold, silver, copper, zinc, magnetic, iron, rutile, cement rock, silicon carbonate, atomic axis, oil, niobium and tantalum. Among them, the reserve of opaline is 320000 tons, and the reserve of 7 varieties of marble is more than 2 million cubic meters. [14]


According to the data of the seventh census, as of 0:00 on November 1, 2020, the permanent population of Sheqi County was 561573. [18]
In 2022, the total population of Sheqi County will be 769000. [16]


full name
secretary of the county Party committee
Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Chief
Guan Wenbo
Chairman of the CPPCC
Only the main leaders of the party and government, not the deputy leaders, as of 202 four year March [8-11]




In 2022, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Sheqi County will reach 20.908 billion yuan, up 5% year on year. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 5.19 billion yuan, up 4.9% year on year; The added value of the secondary industry was 5.34 billion yuan, up 7.6% year on year; The added value of the tertiary industry was 10.38 billion yuan, up 3.9% year on year. [19]
Investment in fixed assets
Zhaohe Park
In 2022, the fixed asset investment in Sheqi County will be 9669020000 yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 15.6%, ranking fifth in the city, 2.4 percentage points higher than the city. In terms of fixed asset investment, by industry, the investment in the primary industry was 1939.21 million yuan, up 13.7% year on year; The investment in the secondary industry was 4328.96 million yuan, up 12.6%; The investment in the tertiary industry was 3400850000 yuan, up 24.8% year on year. [19]
In 2022, the real estate development investment in Sheqi County will be 973.25 million yuan, an increase of 13.2% over the previous year, including 92258 yuan of residential investment, a year-on-year increase of 16.7%. The completed building area was 125600 square meters, down 27.3% year on year. The sales area of commercial housing is 428372 square meters, up 5.7% year on year. Among them, the residential sales area was 423719 square meters, up 4.8% year on year. The sales volume of commercial housing was 1724.08 million yuan, up 9.0% year on year. Among them, the residential sales volume was 1694.82 million yuan, up 7.5% year on year. [19]
In 2022, the local general public budget revenue of Sheqi County will be 1.002 billion yuan, an increase of 25.1%. Among them, the tax revenue was 697 million yuan, up 19.6%. General public budget expenditure was 3.949 billion yuan, up 20.1%. [19]
People's life
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in Sheqi County will be 21634.9 yuan, up 4.97% year on year. The per capita disposable income of urban residents was 31570.3 yuan, up 4% year on year. The per capita consumption expenditure of urban residents was 20656.6 yuan, up 3.6% year on year; The per capita disposable income of farmers was 16021.7 yuan, up 6.89% year on year. The per capita living consumption expenditure of rural residents was 11161.5 yuan, up 5.5% year on year. [19]

primary industry

"The First Ancient Town in Central Plains" - Credit Ancient Town
In 2022, the total agricultural output value of Sheqi County will be 9450.51 million yuan, a comparable increase of 5.4%; The agricultural added value is 5269740000 yuan; The annual grain planting area was 1.9036 million mu, up 0.16% year on year, of which, the wheat planting area was 967000 mu, up 0.22% year on year; The corn planting area is 819000 mu, with a year-on-year decrease of 0.58%; The oil planting area is 401000 mu, up 0.6% year on year; The vegetable planting area was 233500 mu, up 3.2% year on year. [19]
In 2022, the grain output of Sheqi County will be 727600 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 1.18%. The output of summer grain was 314187.93 tons, down 3.23% year on year; The output of autumn grain was 413415.67 tons, up 0.45% year on year. The oil production was 137893.66 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 5.4%; The vegetable output was 745459.55 tons, up 4.3% year on year.
In 2022, the total output value of animal husbandry in Sheqi County will reach 2433.21 million yuan, up 5.5% year on year; The pork output of the county reached 61797 tons, up 13.6% year on year; The beef output reached 8259 tons, up 5.88% year on year; The mutton output reached 2180 tons, down 0.93% year on year; Poultry meat output was 2865 tons, up 19.38% year on year; The output of eggs was 20504 tons, up 1.5% year on year. The milk output was 15631 tons, up 0.85% year on year. [19]

the secondary industry

A famous historical and cultural town in China - Credit Ancient Town
In 2022, the added value of industries above designated size in Sheqi County will be 1.25 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 7.0%, ranking eighth in the city, 0.2 percentage points higher than the city; The added value of industries below designated size increased by 5.0% year on year. [19]
Main classification of industrial added value above designated size in 2022
Value added (100 million yuan)
Increase over the previous year (%)
Added value of industries above designated size
twelve point five
#Light industry
six point seven
twenty-seven point nine
heavy industry
five point eight
#State owned and state-owned holding enterprises
zero point three
one hundred and eleven point seven
#State owned enterprises
Joint stock enterprise
ten point four
Foreign invested enterprises and enterprises invested by Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
zero point four
#Large and medium-sized enterprises
three point eight
twenty-one point three
small business
seven point nine
six point seven
In 2022, among the industries above designated size in Sheqi County, the added value by industry category will be: agricultural and sideline food processing industry will be 330 million yuan, an increase of 49%; General equipment manufacturing industry was 220 million yuan, up 10.9%; Computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry reached 100 million yuan, up - 41.5%; Wine and beverage manufacturing industry was 80 million yuan, up 9.5%; The manufacturing industry of cultural and educational products, arts and crafts products, sports and entertainment products reached 70 million yuan, an increase of - 14%. [19]
Output of major industrial products above designated size in 2022
Product name
Increase over the previous year (%)
Refined edible vegetable oil
two thousand seven hundred and twenty-three
four hundred and fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty
one hundred and sixty-four
Beverage wine
seven thousand three hundred and thirty-five
nineteen point four eight
manmade board
cubic metre
nineteen thousand three hundred and twenty-eight
10000 pieces
Paper Products
eighteen thousand six hundred and thirty-five
two point one three
Chinese patent medicine
one hundred and eleven
five point seven one
eight thousand five hundred and thirty-six
two point six six
one hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and sixty
forty-eight point nine eight
Cotton yarn
Optoelectronic original
two thousand five hundred and seventy-three
twenty-nine point six nine
one hundred and twenty-one thousand and two hundred
thirty point six four
Cotton yarn
Optoelectronic original
two thousand two hundred and eighteen
construction business
In 2022, the added value of the whole social construction industry in Sheqi County will be 2.49 billion yuan, up 9.9% year on year. [19]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

Domestic trade
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Sheqi County will be 8.5 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 1.6%, ranking 12th in the city, 0.7 percentage points lower than the city; The total retail sales of consumer goods above designated size reached 630 million yuan, up 16.1% year on year. In terms of urban and rural areas, the total retail sales of urban consumer goods reached 6.9 billion yuan, up 1.9%; Retail sales of rural consumer goods totaled 1.6 billion yuan, up 0.7%. By industry, the retail sales of the wholesale industry reached 2.11 billion yuan, up 0.4% year on year; The total retail sales of the retail industry were 5.78 billion yuan, up 2.7%; The retail sales of accommodation industry was 15.78 million yuan, up - 5.4% year on year, and that of catering industry was 630 million yuan, up - 3.5% year on year. [19]
In 2022, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Sheqi County will be 26.625 billion yuan, up 15.8%. The loan balance of financial institutions was 13.596 billion yuan, up 11.5%. [19]


Sheqi County is 25 kilometers away from the central urban area of Nanyang, and Shangnan Expressway Zhengzhou Wanzhou High speed Railway Passing through the border, there are two high-speed entrances; The county seat is within 30 minutes from Nanyang Jiangying Airport, Nanyang Station and Fangcheng Station of Zhengzhou Wanzhou High speed Railway, and about 3 hours from Zhengzhou and Wuhan. The road network in the county is perfect, with national and provincial roads such as G234, S330, S233 running through the whole territory, and the traffic extends in all directions. A number of major transportation projects are being implemented, such as Sheqi Nanyang Expressway, Fangzao Expressway, and Tanghe Resumption of Navigation. [16]

social undertakings



In 2022, Sheqi Experimental Primary School, Experimental School, Wandong Experimental High School, New Era International School and a large number of rural schools will be put into use one after another. The online rate of one ordinary college entrance exam will increase for seven consecutive years, and the overall school running conditions and education and teaching quality of the whole county will be significantly improved. [16]
Senior high school
The highest in Sheqi County Secondary school The second highest in Sheqi County Grade II middle school, Sheqi vocational high school, Sheqi health school.
compulsory education
Primary schools: Sheqi No. 1 Primary School, Sheqi No. 2 Primary School, Sheqi No. 3 Primary School, Sheqi No. 6 Primary School, and Sheqi No. 7 Primary School.
junior middle school: Sheqi County No.1 Primary Middle School School: Sheqi County No. 2 Junior High School, Suburb No. 1 Middle School, Suburb No. 2 Middle School, Xinglong Town Middle School, Tianzhuang Middle School, Zhuji No. 1 Middle School, Haozhai No. 1 Middle School, Haozhai No. 2 Middle School, etc.

Cultural undertakings

In 2022, the construction of Sheqi County Commercial Port Cultural Demonstration Park will be solidly promoted. The restoration and protection of the core area of the ancient town of Creditian has achieved remarkable results, and the reconstruction of the ancient wharf area has been fully started, which has been included in the list of the ten thousand mile tea ceremony heritage application projects by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage; Credit store wine town has begun to take shape, and is named as the cultural industry demonstration base of Henan Province; The construction of Qidian Water Town was started. [16]

medical and health work

China · Credit Store International Guangong Cultural Tourism Festival
In 2022, Sheqi County People's Hospital and Fuwai Huazhong Hospital jointly built the Southwest Henan Cardiovascular Hospital. The county hospital and the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine were respectively rated as the national second-class A-class general hospital and the national second-class A-class hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. The medical and health service capacity of the whole county continued to improve. [16]

Historical culture


Origin of place names

Sheqi Town, where Sheqi County is located, is known as Credit Store in history. It was named after Liu Xiu, Emperor Shiwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty, who raised a soldier called Credit Banner. [13]

Cultural Relic

Cultural relics protection unit
Name of cultural relics unit
Cultural relic age
Protection class
Shanshan Guild Hall
the Qing dynasty
Credit Town Center
national level
Fire God Temple
Gong'an Street, Qiudian Town, Sheqi County
provincial level [17]
Former site of Weiwen Middle School
Republic of China
North of East Section of Taihe Street, Taihe Town
Tangang Site
Neolithic Age
300 meters southwest of Tanying Village, Zhaohe Sub district Office
Maocaosi Site
200 meters southwest of Dayangzhuang Village, Xinglong Town
Former Site of the Central Plains Field Army Senior Cadre Meeting in Zhangxinzhai
Republic of China
Zhangxinzhai Village Center, Qidian Town
Ancient Buildings in Porcelain Street
the Qing dynasty
Qidian Town Porcelain Street
Chenlangdian Site
Eastern Zhou Dynasty to Ming Dynasty
Tanying Village, Zhaohe Office
Beidashiqiao, Qidian Town
the Qing dynasty
One kilometer north of Qiodian Town
Tangbei Underground Traffic Station
Damiaozhuang Village, Miaodian Town
Maotang Site
Neolithic Age
Panhe Street, Sheqi County

famous scenery

Shanshan Guild Hall
agency [21] Qishan Shaanxi Guild Hall, a national key cultural relics protection unit and a national AAAA level scenic spot, is located in Sheqi County, Nanyang City, a famous historical and cultural city in Henan Province. It was built by raising funds for merchants in Shanxi and Shaanxi in Qiqi stores in the Qing Dynasty. As a place for their fellow countrymen to meet, it was named Shanshan Shaanxi fellow countrymen Guild Hall. In the guild hall, Guan Yu's statue is made of clay, and there are guards, officials, monks and Taoists. The guild hall is also called "Shanshan Temple". In Daoguang's reign, it was renamed as "Dingyuan Society", and in 1923, it was renamed as "Shanshan Guild Hall". It is the only folk chamber of commerce building in China that has been awarded Cixi's treasure. Lv Jimin, the former president of the Palace Museum, and Shan Shiyuan, the vice president of the Palace Museum, once praised its "unparalleled artistic brilliance" and "splendid and magnificent, the first in the world". Later, the Shanshan Guild Hall of the flag of the society was honored as "the first guild hall in China". [21-22]
Sheqi Shanshan Guild Hall
Ancient town of credit store
Ancient town of credit store Located in the southwest of Henan Province, Sheqi County, Nanyang City, Shedian Town is an ancient county and town built on the basis of water, thriving on the basis of business, and prospering on the basis of faith. Ancient roads, trees, monuments, temples, and wells "lie in the water of the Han Dynasty, look at the golden basin, and hold the nectar. When looking up to the sky, you can live in the right place, and be rich in resources, and make people peaceful". [23]
In 1989, the ancient town of Creditian was designated as a famous historical and cultural town by the Henan Provincial Government; In 2004, it was renamed Qidian Town with the approval of the People's Government of Henan Province. In 2007, it was elected as a famous historical and cultural town of China by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. In 2013, Qidian Ancient Town was awarded the title of "Chinese Traditional Architectural Culture Tourism Destination". [23]
Ancient town of credit store
Credit Store Wine Town
Located in the west of Qiudian Town, Qiudian Wine Town was started in 2010 with a planned construction area of 3.69 square kilometers and a total investment of 6 billion yuan. Starting from the traditional Chinese wine culture, the town, with the old wine culture of credit store as the soul, integrates functional blocks with thick wine culture characteristics, Jiangnan garden style scenic spots, liquor brewing and cave storage technology experience areas, and becomes a livable, nourishing and tourist attraction with historical and cultural charm, ecological environment beauty, and industrial characteristics. In December 2023, it will be determined that the town of Qiodian Wine Town is a national 4A tourist attraction. [24]
Credit Store Wine Town

Famous people

Zhou Tongbin (1941—2021 [26] ), from Zhouzhuang Village, Dafengying Township. National first-class prose writer, member of the Chinese Writers Association, member of the Chinese Prose Association, director of the Henan Writers Association, deputy to the ninth National People's Congress of Henan Province, outstanding expert of Henan Province, vice chairman of the Nanyang Writers Association, and vice chairman of the Wancheng District Federation of Literary and Art Circles. [25]
Li Gengchen , Han nationality, born in Shenmiao Street in 1941, is a senior editor of the PLA Daily, a senior colonel, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a standing director of the China News Culture Promotion Association, a standing vice president of the Beijing Essay Society, and a famous Chinese essayist and critic. [25]
Dou Dexian , Doctor, born on September 5, 1962, from Xiaodouzhuang Village, Dingzhuang Township. The discoverer of human brain development gene NEURONATIN, a world famous molecular biology and genetic engineering scientist. [25]
Zhou Chunxiu, female, born in Zhouzhuang Village, Chengguan Town in October 1978, won the women's marathon at the 15th Doha Asian Games in 2 hours, 27 minutes and 03 seconds. She won the gold medal in the women's marathon and the bronze medal at the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Gold medal in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games Marathon. [25]

Honorary title

Honorary title of Sheqi County
National Health County (2014-2016)
National Garden City (2016)
The most charming cultural leisure tourism county in China
Chinese Couplet Culture County
National Food Industry Powerful County
National Food Industry Base County
National Advanced County for Science and Technology Progress
Hometown of National Wushu
National Legal County to Create Advanced Units
National high-quality commodity grain base county
Major grain producing counties in China
Advanced County for Safe Construction in Henan Province
Provincial Civilized County in Henan Province
Provincial Garden County in Henan Province
Provincial Health County in Henan Province
2017 Henan Province Civilized City
The Second Batch of Revolutionary Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization Areas and Counties [3]
2019 National Health Township (County) [2]
List of counties (cities, districts) with basically balanced development of compulsory education in 2020. [7]
The Most Charming Cultural Leisure Tourism County in China in 2013
2019 County level National Advanced Unit of Traditional Chinese Medicine [4]
List of the fifth batch of demonstration counties (cities and districts) that will take the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of main crop production in the whole process in 2020 [5]